A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 978: Prehistoric World (14)

woo woo woo woo.

Lao Niu looked at a big five-meter-long machine in astonishment. What is this machine? If anyone has seen a chainsaw, it is almost the same.

"Old Niu, see if you can see that a six-meter thick tree can be cut off when you eat a meal. This is a wood-cutting artifact jointly developed by the Mageweave Association and our Dwarf Forging Association. "Aize commanded a Beamon to swing a saw, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, a two-meter-diameter piece of wood was cut open.

"This, this, there is such a good thing?" Old Niu's eyes widened. Old Niu was already calculating how many people would cut a tree in his heart. You must know that if you use an axe, a tauren can get a five meter in ten days. Thick iron wood, iron wood is very hard.

Because you cut the wood, you need to cut a big gap. After all, the diameter of five meters is a lot larger than that of an ordinary living room. The axe cuts at a certain angle. When the cut goes to the center, the angle of radiation outside is The bigger it is, it is initially estimated that there is a gap as high as one person at the periphery. Such a big gap can be done by a tauren in ten days. It is already very powerful, because this is iron wood, and the tauren family used to give children. The bowl is made of iron wood, which is not afraid of falling, and the toughness of iron wood is higher than that of gray iron. Gray iron is pig iron.

"Of course, Lao Niu, let’s not say anything else, just cut trees on this thing, at least it won’t be wasted, isn’t it, cutting one down may require a bit more, right? These are all **** crystals, and this is the first time. , Do you know how many sects there are in the Great World, there are thousands of sects, when everyone will come to the Council of the Gods, how much iron wood is needed? You waste iron wood this time, next time, next time?" Aiz explained painfully.

The old man was indeed moved, and asked, "How can I sell this thing?"

"Five thousand top grade **** crystals, but I tell you, your purchase is not worthwhile." Aiz said.

"Why, don't you want to sell it?" Old Niu widened his eyes and asked angrily.

"Look at you, Lao Niu, this is something made of magic lines after all. After you buy it, if something goes wrong, what should you do? Take it for repair, how many **** crystals are needed, and how about this thing? Operation, in fact, my suggestion is to rent, how much a day, or how much a tree, so you don’t care at all, it’s someone else’s if it’s broken, you don’t need to do it, you just need to organize the manpower to transport the wood outside. , It's so easy." Aize said.

"Rent, the price must be very expensive, a tree with a hundred top grade **** crystals, the package is cut, and cut according to your requirements, you just need to provide these people with accommodation, food, and safety issues." Aiz said.

"Five meters is also the price?" Lao Niu asked somewhat dissatisfied.

"Old cow, this thing is driven by the **** crystal or crystal core. Think about it, an iron tree is not at least a hundred meters high. This is at least a few pieces of material." Aiz said.

"It's too expensive, can it be cheaper?" Lao Niu asked.

"Ninety, this is the least." Aizi made a big loss.

"Eighty, one price." The old cow is also calculating in his heart. Eighty is enough. When the time comes, he will choose the largest tree to cut down and leave the small ones. When the time comes, a tree has seven or eight seasons. Loss.

"You, old cow, if you want to find us next time, we will do it for you at 80, so we can help." Aizi said.

"Okay, then it's a deal." The old cow figured it out and was still capable.

Aiz continued: "Old Niu, what about my suggestion just now? Let's build a section for you first. You can see it first?"

"That's good." Old Niu nodded and said.

"Okay, let's go, I'll take you to the Mageweave Association." Aiz immediately jumped up.

"What do you go to the Mageweave Association?" Old Niu asked.

"Transportation, when the time comes, you will directly use boats to tow the wood. These boats belong to the Mageweave Association and the Pharmacy Association. At that time, these ships will directly enter the port of the Mageweave Association. You will directly save the warehouse and the operation cost. In those dwarf ports, if you want to rent a house as a warehouse, you also need to hire a ship for consignment, and when you enter the port of the Mageweave Association, you need to check them. Don’t underestimate these miscellaneous things. Yes, if you want to hire people, don’t you? Such a good piece of wood has been stolen, destroyed, or scrapped. Does it mean that everything is delayed? You find the ship of the Mageweave Association and the Pharmacy Association, and you can directly enter the Mageweave Association. Port, you just need to send someone to hand over it there." Aize said.

"Yes, yes." Lao Niu agreed with Aiz's words.

Aiz also said: "Remember, you have to buy insurance. You hire so many people. If something happens, the union will ask you for compensation. It will be enough for you. Fortunately, you have to buy insurance if you have wood. When they come out, they are all **** crystals. If it breaks in the middle of transportation, is it a loss?"

"The insurance is good. The insurance is good. When we took the risk last time, we bought injury insurance. One of our companions had a broken arm. Fortunately, with insurance, he went directly to the Temple of Light. Now the broken arm has grown again. "Lao Niu likes insurance very much. In fact, adventurers like insurance.

Of course, there are many names for insurance, and most people don't know it.

Aizi took the old cow around for a while and finished the matter. The ships of the Mageweave Association can bring wood along with them when they return. Of course, freight is also required.

As for the port, they have also communicated. There are people from the Mageweave Association’s transportation side who have come forward to communicate, otherwise the port will not be easy to enter.

After three days, Lao Niu took the boat directly and was ready to return to the tribe, but this time a boat was provided by the Chamber of Commerce where Aiz was located. There were not only twenty Mageweave apprentices, but also the unnamed Bimon and Bimon. It was the man who controlled the energy saw, and the old Niu's partner came back together. There were also more than a dozen dwarf engineers, as well as some tools for logging, orbiting, and so on. They were equipped with two large ships and of course food.

Lao Niu carefully calculated various expenses, and found that after this mission was over, he still had more than 20 million high-grade Shenjing left, which was the funds on the books.

In addition, there are various tools, roads built, and mission points of the Mageweave Association, as well as the tracks built. If the tracks are not built, this is an unknown number.

Of course, the remaining funds may not be so much.

Seeing the old cow coming out, Aiz said, "Old cow, you will be a multi-millionaire from now on."

"Aiz, thank you." Old Niu said sincerely.

"Haha, don't thank me. If you want to, thank Speaker Cook. The business I made this time has also brought a lot of wealth to the dwarves. These tools were built and the ore was mined, so I don't worry about selling them. "Ezze said.

"That is to say, it was Speaker Cook who fed us the orcs. Before, we orcs came out to work for your dwarves. For many times, we didn’t get any wages and were kicked out of the dwarf territory. Even so, we orcs It's still a servant, there is no way, in order to eat." The old cow looked at Aiz and said.

"That's a very small minority. Besides, at that time, our dwarves dwarves' own miners were not full of food. You guys are here, your strength is greater than ours, and the wages are lower than ours. Of course we are not satisfied. You see now , We are still looking for miners everywhere, and some mine owners have been imprisoned in violation of the regulations." Aizi said.

"Haha, that's true." Lao Niu is just saying, Lao Niu has been working outside for a long time, and he is not the second fool who just left.

After the tens of billions of task orders were released, the entire Council of Gods fell into a frenzy, busy, not only cutting down large timber. Some rare plants are also needed, which determine the grade of the Great World Martial School.

Of course, Cook knows the urinary nature of the Great World School, and each one is polite on the surface, but in private, it is more important to look at face than anyone else.

The four groups returned soon. Not only did these people come back, but hundreds of people from sects also sent representatives.

"Why are you here?" Cook asked hundreds of representatives in the meeting room of the Mageweave Association.

"Friend Cook, are you really messing around? Look at the building designed for us. What is it like, square, like a casket, and this mountain gate, this is called the mountain gate, this is called Yuanmen." The representative of Shushanmen first said.

"Well, there's no way. We don't know the style of your martial arts. Why don't you talk about it and I will redesign it for you?" Cook looked like I was innocent.

"That's a must." People familiar with Cook from the Shushan Gate have already gone to the prehistoric world. This is Qingzhu's little junior sister, who is clever.

"Our Shushan Gate needs a beautiful environment, with gardens, small animals, rockery, running water, ponds, and it’s better to have beautiful small fishes or small turtles in the ponds, and there must also be in the water. Plants, as well as pavilions, are also indispensable, it's best to look like a fairyland." The little sister said.

Cook nodded and said, "Look at it."

So Cook began to wave his hand to paint, directly using magic to form a magical image.

"How about this mountain gate?" Cook drew a mountain gate directly. The gate is very tall and simple, with the words Shushan on the gate, and the various lines carved on the gate are very exquisite.

"I plan to use the best jade for construction, what do you think?" Cook continued to ask.

"It's okay to be surprised." The little sister nodded.

"Next is the road up the mountain. Various plants can be planted on both sides of the road. What kind of plants do you need, high-grade, low-grade, common, and rare?" Cook asked.

Little Junior Sister felt something was wrong, but after looking at so many schools around her, she immediately said, "Of course it is the best and the rarest."

"Next is the pavilions and pavilions, see how." Cook waved his hand, and there was a rockery, winding pavilions and pavilions, which were very beautiful.

"That's it, that's it." Little Junior Sister immediately said when she saw such a beautiful thing.

"So how many roofs and courtyards do you need inside the mountain gate?" Cook asked.

"Ninefold." The little junior sister didn't even think about it.

"Well, this nine-layer courtyard is ninety-nine-eighty-one courtyards. The outermost one is the first layer, then the second layer, and finally the nine layer, covered with golden glazed tiles. From a distance, it looks like a fairy palace. How?" Cook waved his hand and a house appeared.

"It's a bit too much, we don't have many people." The little junior girl hesitated, which looked very shocking, but as you can imagine, the price is not cheap.

"Our seven Buddhist monks are willing to have such a hall." A Buddhist disciple said immediately.

"That's good." Cook complied with kindness.

"Why, Buddhism is great, or your bald heads are great, we want it in Shushan." The little junior sister blew up immediately, said loudly, and then looked at Cook.

"Master, I'm sorry, now it is designed for Shushan Gate." Cook said to the seven Buddhist disciples, shaking his head.

"Humph." Little Junior Sister snorted when she heard Cook say this.

Cook went on to design: "Because it is in the air, it is directly in the clouds, and the whole place will be like this then."

"It's so beautiful. I want this, I want this." A cloud of mist enveloped the things Cooke designed just now, leaving only a golden roof.

"That's probably the case, but specifically you have to communicate with the person responsible for the construction, what plants and animals are needed, we can help you publish tasks, but only charge a small fee." Cook did. A pleased gesture.

"Cook... Fellow Daoist Cook, does it cost a lot of spirit stones?" the little junior sister asked.

"It's up to you. If you want to have spirit stones, you should spend more. After all, it is a mountain gate. If you don't care about money, it is not necessary to build a wooden house. Of course, if you are willing, you can, like the city in the sky on our side, a residence of a martial art is also possible." Cook said.

"Then..." Little Junior Sister hesitated.

"Ahem, Fellow Daoist Cook, shouldn’t it be our Qingcheng Sword Sect? Our Qingcheng Sword Sect does not have high requirements. First, we need a mountain. The mountain must have rare plants. The older the tree, the better. If you want to hide in these trees, there are a few outcrops and it will look good. There is no need for pavilions and pavilions. The house is the highest triple, but we need 72 courtyards. In addition, we require our Qingcheng Sword Sect to occupy a larger portion. The area, we can pay for the extra cost." The disciple of the Qingcheng Sword Sect was behind this Shushanmen Junior Sister, and before the younger Junior Sister left, he spoke, and at the same time glanced at the younger Junior Sister.

"You guy, what do you mean, I haven't finished it yet." The little junior girl was very angry by this person and asked loudly.

"Tsk tusk, Shushan, you still regard you as the number one in the world before. It's out of date. If you don't have spirit stones, don't swell your face and fill you up." The relationship between Qingcheng Sword Sect and Shushan is not very good. From the Qingcheng Sword Sect’s point of view, isn’t it a matter of tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones? Give it to Cook, so that Cook has a good impression of the Qingcheng Sword Sect. This is the most important thing, and who knows these rare plants Inside, is your own martial art useful?

"You...I want to see if your gate is good, or if we built it, I'll go to choose plants first." The little junior sister was furious, but then she woke up and ranked first. What's so good? Scared.

"Come, come, quickly take out the rarest plants in your small world." Qingzhu's junior sister immediately came to the group responsible for building her own gate.

"Yes, yes, this lady, please here. We have a lot of rare plants here. These plants may have some other functions. You have to try them yourself." The senior mageweaver flew Speak.

Hearing this, some of the people who lined up stopped lining up. Yeah, rare plants, in case there are good things, don't let people grab them.

None of the mountain gate drawings designed by Cook is not good. Take the martial arts of the big world. Although the place where you live is beautiful, there is nothing beautiful in the building. It is basically a shape, but in Cook In hands, spherical buildings, triangular buildings, octagonal buildings, tall towers, sky gardens, etc.

Let the disciples of the Great World School only nod their heads. Rockery, fountains, running water, waterfalls, ponds, and lakes can all be made for you.

There are also buildings on water, buildings in the sky, underground buildings, etc. The decorations are gold, silver, and gems. The furniture is tens of thousands of years old. Various styles, Mediterranean blue, Chinese red, and white , Purple, etc., the styles of furniture are also different, except for some small and medium schools, the martial arts, the super martial arts are all facing each other.

"Friend Cook, we need something unique. Although the ones in front of you are good, we want something different from Taijimen." The Taijimen disciple asked first.

"It's simple, a big tree with a diameter of more than eighty miles, how about your mountain gate is built on the tree, and then add vines, it is a natural road, how about it." For this, Cook does not exist at all. Any pressure, with a wave of your hand, a huge towering tree, there are rooms with tree holes on it.

"Okay, this is good." The Tai Chi Sect disciple said immediately when he looked at the very simple tree hole room.

"Well, I'll give it to you." Cook said with a big wave.

"Friend Cook, we Bagua Sect, we also want a special mountain gate." The Bagua Sect person said.

"Well, how about building a building two hundred meters high for you in the shape of the gossip?" With a wave of Cook's hand, a huge image of the gossip erected was formed.

"This, okay." The Daoists of the Bagua Gate saw the gossip graphics, which were shiny with metallic luster. It was not cheap at first glance, but what can be said, no, my God, don't gossip at the Bagua Gate?

Fortunately, there are only dozens of super martial arts here. The requirements of other martial arts are lower. Small and medium martial arts require not only good-looking, but also cheap. Cook reduced the materials used and the pond became smaller. The rockery becomes shorter and smaller, the wood used is smaller, the wood is not required to be whole, and the wood is lower.

For a full day, Cook was fast enough, and all the schools were dismissed. Of course, four groups were the busiest. However, Mageweave apprentices and low-level Mageweave masters were constantly being recruited as helpers. The requirements of the school must be remembered, how many trees and how to shape them.

Once all are completed, the contract will be signed, and then one task after another will be issued.

As a result, the Mageweave Association, the Trade Union, the Pharmacy Association, and the Adventurer Association were issued a series of tasks. The dwarves received 120,000 tons of various metals on the same day, and the next day was as high as 200,000 tons. , 500,000 tons on the third day, and finally reached a total of more than six million tons of various metal tasks.

The dwarf clan has accepted various metal processing tasks, doors and windows, and even some weird shapes. All the dwarf clan is dispatched, and of course it is to get metal from the dwarf clan.

The elves also accepted the task, that is, modeling the trees, the task of modeling tens of millions of trees in total, and the reward for the task is as high as billions of high-grade crystals.

The orcs are basically all dispatched to do what they do, looking for rare plants, and nice and docile animals~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a long-haired rabbit that is not worth any money from the orcs, the task amount is ten top grades God crystals, there are purple grasses that are of no use, no one wants to burn them, and one requires a high-grade God crystal. This is a natural principle, and it needs as many as six million in total.

The various races of the Council of the Gods are crazy, massive tasks are constantly being refreshed, and the Mageweave Association has begun to accept orders for artifacts.

Even the tiger tribe, the bear tribe, and the two divine beast races wandered around, looking for all kinds of strange natural stones. From the perspective of these divine beasts, this person is completely mentally ill. The stones are just stones, and they are natural. , Natural, all kinds of weird, put it there to see, of course, mythical beasts don’t understand art, and many don’t understand.

On the other hand, a large number of Shenjing Scrolls have been issued. From this time on, Shenjing Scrolls can be said to have truly replaced Shenjing. This is also Cook's biggest trump card in the control of the God Realm, whether it is the Mageweave Association or the Pharmacy Association. It’s all on the bright side, and no one can see that something like the Shenjing Scroll is the most deadly to the entire God Realm, and even the small world, and it has an impact on the big world. But now the Shen Jing Scroll, It is still issued under the name of a **** shop. In the eyes of others, this **** shop is a loss-making business, and the deposit is paid back to the interest. How much money will be used to subsidize it. Yes, the **** shop is losing money and losing money. There are still a lot of people, but people in this small world have never seen the money burning model. Once they have seen it, they won't think so.

Influence, this is an important factor that any commercial organization attaches great importance to. There is no one, even if it does not make money, as long as its influence grows, then in the long run, it will not lose money, unless of course the brains of the controllers of these commercial organizations If you are sick, it will never collapse, but in fact, influential institutions will collapse many times for many reasons, but Cook will definitely not.

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