A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 981: Make suggestions

"This, what is this?" A dozen new disciples from the super sect were dumbfounded after getting the reply. These people came to this position and did not say how much effort they used and how many people were offended. Those who drove out actually wanted the salted fish to turn over.

"What does Cook mean, is it that our big world school is so easy to bully?" Someone said very dissatisfied.

When the Dan Ding Sect disciple heard this, he said, "Everyone, I'm leaving. I didn't hear what you said."

Others saw that the disciple of Dan Ding Sect left quickly, for fear that they would be involved. A dozen people looked at each other and there was no way that they could not even see Cook's face.

These people came to the small world happily, and went back in disgrace in an instant. After more than a dozen sects in the big world got such news, they also had a lot of opinions on Cook.

"This...what's the matter?" The head of Yi Jianmen was also very annoyed when he heard this situation.

It was mainly for the sake of face. I just decided to expel people from the martial arts. Within a day, they immediately joined the martial arts. What kind of thing is this?

"Tell me more specifically." The head asked, looking at the new disciple entering the small world, feeling inexplicably irritable.

"We just entered, and we didn't say anything, we were kicked out. We were looking for a senior fellow from Dandingmen to ask. This is what Taoist Fellow Cook said..." The disciple was empty in his heart and spoke. The details are said again.

"Head, I guess someone is speaking badly about us on Cooke's side. Cook means we make excuses for those disciples. Cook doesn't want us to make such excuses." An elder said.

"This..." The head was completely helpless.

"You said, what's the matter? Also, who had asked Leng Feng to expel Leng Feng from the school?" The head immediately pointed the finger at the person who expelled Leng Feng.

"Brother head..." Leng Feng's master was speechless.

"Go, get people back, and don't announce to others." The head said grimly.

"Okay." What can Leng Feng's master do? If you can't beat the head brother, the power is not as big as the head brother. Although it will be a bit shame to get it back, the benefits are the greatest.

However, in this hall, there were a few elders who looked ugly. These people were mocking Leng Feng's master, and they were also ridiculed by Leng Feng's matter. It's all right now, and they are all right.

Fortunately, it is not long. Leng Feng and others have not left the school, but even so, Leng Feng and others have also experienced the warmth and warmth of humanity. In the morning, they knew that they were expelled from the school. Someone immediately turned their faces and followed themselves. The little brother behind him actually laughed at himself now. In just over an hour, Leng Feng and others could see the true colors of some people, and it was the dual monks who had these disciples into the embrace of others.

When Leng Feng and others appeared in front of Cook again, Cook sighed: "How is it, what's your experience?"

"Thank you Brother Cook." Leng Feng is indeed grateful to Cook. When Leng Feng was announced to be expelled from the teacher's door, there were a dozen juniors and younger sisters he had taken care of. Only two or three came to comfort him, and the rest were missing. , Or cynicism, the blow to Leng Feng was too great.

"Humans, we have to rely on ourselves, and between us, we have to talk about friendship and friendship, but the friendship is not so great that I can leave the things in my hands and help you. I will not say much about other things. This time, you may know what you need." Cook said with a wave.

"Thank you Brother Cook." For Cook, these dozen people are in awe. Although Leng Feng and others did not seem to have much deal with Cook before, they still looked down on Cook in their hearts. After all, although Cook is powerful, It's just a soil emperor, but now these Daquan disciples who look down on Cook in their hearts know that the soil emperor can't provoke them either.

The core disciples of the martial arts sect are the proud sons of heaven. It is excusable to look down on a native emperor, but when the native emperor has the strength to defeat the proud son of heaven, then these disciples will be in awe.

Watching Leng Feng and others leave, Cook doesn’t really matter anymore. Even if Cook wants to stand firm in the big world, the dozens of core disciples of these dozens of sects have very little influence on Cook. Help, or resistance, are the same, Cook just doesn't want to be inexplicably wronged.

That's all, but Cook left a moody impression on the big world school this time, which made many martial arts and super schools have opinions on Cook. After all, Cook did this, so that these dozens of schools did not face.

After the turmoil, what should everyone do, but the sects that were relatively close to Cook in the past are still the same on the surface, but Cook can perceive the politeness and alienation in the bones of these people.

"Little Junior Brother, if you do this, how do those big sects think about you?" The monkey came back with a treat, and Cook also came to Huaguo Mountain. The Flat Peach Conference came from Cook, and now he needs Cook's assistance.

Cook curled his lips and said: "The same sect brothers may be black hands behind their backs for profit, not to mention the outsider in my small world, what does the Naxi school have to impress or not?"

"Oh, little brother, you can do it, human beings are unreliable, sinister and mean, for a little benefit, the six relatives don't recognize it." The monkey looked at Cook in surprise.

Cook was speechless: "Big brother, although I am low in strength, at any rate I am more than 500 years old."

"Haha, I just care about your strength and ignore your age." The monkey laughed, over five hundred years old, as long as he is not an idiot, he will learn a lot, not to mention that Cook can become the first person in the small world. With the strength?

"Brother, if you have something to say, I'm busy over there." Cook didn't want to waste time in the big world.

"Little Junior Brother, I followed what you said. I have already discussed with the Fat Pig King." The Monkey is not very polite to the Pig Demon King.

Cook nodded and asked, "Is there any more?"

"There is also the Black Bear King. If the Black Bear King does not break through, it will be over. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a flat peach such as a flat peach, and a flat peach for a hundred years." The monkey looked painful.

"It's over, you only gave one in a hundred years?" Cook asked in surprise.

"I'm done. The Demon Bear King can live for at least one hundred thousand years." The Monkey explained to Cook.

Cook was completely speechless, and he would live 100,000 years to die, no wonder the old monster said.

"Didn't you invite King Niu, and King Dog?" Cook continued to ask.

"Of course not. I dared to join in the fun with the bull king. It would be miserable if I was beaten up. As for the dog monster king, this is not a good thing. There used to be a master who bullied us monkey monster." The monkey answered in the affirmative and explained it by the way.

"How many demon kings are there?" Cook asked.

"There are almost a hundred demon kings. Our master treats guests. Generally, the demon king is not worthy." The monkey said.

Cook shook his head and said, "Brother, you are not doing this right."

"No, what's wrong?" The monkey looked at Cook and asked without understanding.

"Big Brother, these demon kings are not strong enough, you look down on one, then two, ten, one hundred?" Cook asked.

"There are still a hundred. These Demon Kings can make up ten of them together without fighting, even if it's rice tofu." The monkey said angrily.

Cook looked at the monkey like this, so he asked, "If we don't win over these people, is it not good for us to be attracted by the bull king?"

"This..." The monkey hesitated when he heard Cook's question. In fact, the monkey understood.

"Where are these demon kings, please go personally, senior brother, these people will definitely be happy to see you go personally, and we will give you some more at that time, are these people loyal to our master?" Cook Continue to say.

"That's true, I personally invite it, it's a big deal for these guys, but if you want to invite all, how much do you need to use this flat peach?" The monkey said distressedly.

"Who said that we will give flat peaches? When the time comes, let’s take a seat. If you don’t agree, you can eat flat peaches. If you don’t accept it, you will be challenged. There are also Xianzao, plantain, these things, you can also, these demon kings see The other veteran demon kings dare to be presumptuous, and they may be happy." Cook continued.

The monkey looked at Cook, sighed and said, "Okay, but this time there will be enough Demon Kings."

Cook didn't comment on this at all, and the monkey continued to ask: "Little Junior Brother, where do you see the flat peach conference blooming, which spot on the Huaguo Mountain is appropriate?"

"How can it be in Huaguo Mountain? There are so many big demon, demon king, you are not afraid of something?" Cook was very surprised.

"It doesn't bloom in Huaguo Mountain, where should it bloom?" The Monkey was puzzled.

Cook asked, "Is there a map?"

"Yes." The monkey took out the map directly.

In comparison, the map of the big world is much more detailed and accurate. Cook looked at the map and asked, "Are there any more dangerous places?"

"Having a flat peach meeting, is there a more dangerous place?" The monkey was even more puzzled.

"The more dangerous the place, the better. Go in if you have the ability, and get out if you don't have the ability." Cook said with a smile.

When the monkey heard this, his eyes lit up: "This is good, this is good, but I'm afraid I can't stop the Demon King."

Cook was a little hard to say about this, and then Cook's eyes rolled: "Go and ask Master, Master decides these things."

"Little Junior Brother, Little Junior Brother, do you say that this flat peach conference will eat fairy fruits?" the monkey asked worriedly.

"Of course not, take out the good wine." Cook said.

"Good wine?" The monkey widened his eyes, knowing that he loves to drink the most.

"I have taken out all the fairy fruits, look at your stingy look." Cook said with contempt.

When the monkey heard Cook say this, he said, "Yes, I took out all the flat peaches. It's cheaper for those bastards."

"Then the specific regulations, eat first, or talk about the matter first?" The monkey asked a bit deeper, but Cook guessed that his cheap master asked him to ask.

Cook thought for a moment and said, "First, serve the wine and peaches. If you don’t accept your food and drink, then you can’t ask the master to come forward and teach these guys who eat and drink, and you must treat them as the face of everyone. These people, but the first thing to ask is to choose those who are not very strong, but not very weak, and have little influence. Don't be the first to choose the Great Demon King, you must lose their face. , Let the demon king behind be embarrassed to refuse, as long as we agree in person, even if it is perfunctory to us, we are not afraid, after all, in front of so many demon kings, if anyone repents, it is shameless."

"High, high." After Cook said so much, the monkey still didn't understand, but the monkey still looked like I understood, and said in admiration, indeed, this is what the Great Sage asked the monkey to ask.

Of course, Cook didn't say anything bad, and said: "I'll go if I'm fine, just call me if I have something?"

"Okay, then." The monkey felt that there was nothing left, so he nodded and let Cook leave.

After Cook left, he returned to the small world and thought about the Flat Peach Conference again. Although Cook has no influence on this matter now, who will tell the future things clearly.

"Just as a game of chess." Cook whispered.

After that, Cook invested in the establishment of mountain gates for the Great World School. It was from all over the country. Then he took time to refine the artifacts and practiced himself, but when he was practicing, Cook went to the Star Realm and traded with the Qingshan tribe by the way.

Crystal nuclei, objects from the Bekalin period, and so on were delivered to Cook's hands. Although there are some weird plants, that is, the rare plants Cook said, they are of no use without exception.

When Cook came to the Qingshan tribe again, there were seven or eight people in Lien's cave. Seeing Cook coming in, these people stood up immediately.

"Master Locke." These are the people from the few tribes that the prophet of the Qingshan tribe looked for. These people gathered together after several months of preparation, and of course they came secretly.

"Ha, you are the patriarch of the Red Mountain Tribe." Cook looked at the giant and remembered.

"Master Rock, you still remember me." The patriarch asked with excitement when he saw that Cook could remember himself.

Cook nodded. After Cook sat down, the giants all sat down. Cook did not mention the transaction. The chiefs of these giant tribes did not mention it. Everyone knew what was going on. Of course, these giant tribes knew. The Qingshan tribe will definitely make a fortune, but there is no way, if Cook does not speak, the people of these tribes dare not speak.

After everyone chatted for a while, the giants of these tribes left, because this time the meeting itself was relatively secretive. The chiefs of several tribes appeared together in a certain place. Isn’t it possible that the chiefs of these giant tribes, Just look at Cook, be sure, and then trade with the Qingshan tribe with confidence.

As for the price at which these tribes exchanged things, Cook and the Qingshan tribe don't care.

"Is this still the shipping model?" Cook muttered to himself after listening to the old prophet's words.

Of course, Cook said that, it is a bit biased. After all, MLM has nothing substantive, even if there is, thirty or fifty things can dare to sell you four or five thousand. The equipment and weapons used by the giants made by Cook, but it is true. Good stuff.

It’s just the benefits of the pyramid structure, and the ultimate beneficiary is Cook. Of course, everything you pass is oily and watery. It is impossible to say that there is no oily water. For some funds, when it reaches the ultimate target, the remaining half is Not bad.

This time Cook came to meet these people. For Cook, as long as he doesn't refine attribute weapons, the casting weapons that giants need are very simple.

Disassemble the items from the Bekalin period, leave the rare magic metal Cooke, and knead the remaining Cooke and cast it into a weapon.

Even if it is an attribute weapon, it is not too difficult for Cook. After all, Cook uses magic lines. According to the number of magic lines, the number of magic lines in the attribute weapons here is basically a magic line array.

Returning to the small world, Cook wanted to refine the artifacts, how many artifacts he would use for tens of billions of high-grade **** crystals, Cook didn't know, and didn't count, the entire **** world was in a period of very vigorous commercial activities.

In addition, Cook should also pay attention to the situation of the Bafang Mountain. What is the formation of the Bafang Mountain is not clear to Cook. On the one hand, Cook cannot check it personally. On the other hand, Cook's understanding of the formation is still insufficient. of.

This is mainly because the formation of the big world is too obscure and difficult to understand, and the formation of the big world is not like magic lines and the like. The formation of the big world is different due to the terrain, mountains, and rivers. It has changed again, and it is necessary to be proficient in earth veins, water veins, wind vents, water vents, yin and yang, a lot of complicated things.

And these things are not independent, but interlocking, so it is difficult to get started. Of course, as long as you get started, it is much easier to calculate according to certain rules.

Formation is the kind of difficult to get started. After getting started, it is easy to master, but difficult to master.

When nothing happened, Cook would draw the talisman, there is samādhi spirit fire, the price of the talisman painted by Cook has always been high, mainly because Cook's output is too small.

Of course, for Cook, there are already a lot. One Cook draws thousands of talismans, but for thousands of schools in the big world, thousands of them are nothing but a drop in the bucket.

The other is alchemy. To Cook, the pill is easier to understand. Although there are main and auxiliary monarchs and the yin and yang reconciliation, after all, there is a pill, just some elixir, even if it fails, After exploring for a period of time, Cook can succeed.

The pill that Cook is currently refining is all innocent pill, because the elixir has restricted Cook's pill refining, and things in the small world are brought to the big world. As long as they are not artificial things, they will not grow naturally. There is a problem, but if the big world is brought to the small world, there will be more restrictions. If the upper limit of the aura contained reaches a certain point, it will be destroyed on the way.

"It's time to find a place to refine the pill." Looking at the many pill prescriptions in his hand, Cook frowned a little. The influential pill, although for Cook, he made a lot of money, but relatively speaking, With the same energy, time, human-level pill, earth-level pill, heaven-level pill, and elixir, there is no way to compare the ratios earned.

The profit made by Cook's refining medicine is about 30 times, which sounds like a lot, but basically just a few high-grade spirit stones, it's sky-high.

And for a human-level pill, the lowest Jijian pill, the 9th grade has two high-grade spirit stones, and the fifth-grade and above, it reaches tens of thousands of high-grade spiritual stones, and the Jijian pill is the lowest among the human-level pill.

But the value is the highest, because building a foundation means officially entering the world of cultivation and not reaching the foundation. Then even if you are a genius, your life span is only that small, that is, you are still a mortal.

But once the foundation is built, mortals will become immortals in the big world, that is, they will be free from mortal dust.

If cultivation is like building a house, then building a foundation is laying the foundation. Although cultivation is related to talent and understanding, the quality of the foundation is also very important.

Therefore, high-quality Zhujidan is more expensive than the prefecture-level medicine, so Cook set his sights on Zhujidan.

The price of Zhuji Pill is also high. What is the reason? Because the success rate of Jiji Pill refining is very low, it is not bad if one pot of pill can be made into one and two pills. If it becomes five, then it is a genius for alchemy.

An alchemist refines a furnace of Jidan for seven days~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is good to have one, just like Quanzhen Sect. How many disciples need the help of Jidan to build a foundation, at least tens of thousands, Quanzhen Sect There are so many alchemists, one hundred people are incredible. Among them, no more than half can refine the foundation alchemy, that is, fifty people, and fifty people can count as one hundred foundation alchemy in seven days. That one alchemist must at least refine One hundred furnaces of elixir, this is still a sect, so many sects, how many alchemists need to refine, then how many elixir are needed to refine?

The success rate is low, the demand is large, and the number of people in the entire world of the Great Perfection during the Qi training period is simply uncountable. In theory, out of a hundred monks in the Qi training period, 99 need to build a foundation.

High demand and low output naturally result in high prices, and the output of elixir is time-limited, and elixir is not produced unlimitedly, so the price of Zhujidan has been strong.

The higher the level of Ji-Zhu Pill, the better the effect of Ji-Ji-building, so Cook aimed his eyes on the Ji-Ji Pill in the human-level medicine.

As for other human-level pill, the price is not high at all, just a few low-grade spirit stones, because these pill are not necessary, just like the vitality pill, there is no vitality pill, and the use of spirit stones is the same. The price of Jidan is the highest, but it happens to be the lowest among the human-level pills. The Jidan, hence the name suggests, is for foundation building. Other human-level pills are used after the foundation is built.

"Seven days, why don't you go to the star realm to try?" Cook originally wanted to go to the big world, but the time axis of the big world is too far away from the small world, so Cook can only aim at the star realm. Of course, if It's okay for Cook to let the Great Sage take action and get a time barrier.

But for the Yaozu, Cook couldn't guarantee the mentality of the increase in the Human Race's Jidan.

"Then give it a try." Cooks thought about it and made up his mind to try to build Jidan in the star realm.

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