A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 982: Sneak attack

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Cook is going to go to the star realm for seven days, so he needs to arrange things in the gods properly, first of all, part of the magic pattern association's order for artifacts must be completed.

There is also the mountain gate established for the Great World School. The progress also needs to be paid attention to. Of course, Cook does not need to make special instructions. If special instructions are made, someone may be able to guess.

Then came the Medical Association, Pharmacy Association, and Cook all around. Although Cook's whereabouts were secret, in the eyes of some interested people, it was not very secret.

Because Cook met more than one person in the Mageweave Association, the Pharmacy Association, or the Medical Association.

"The target must be away for a while." In a hotel, a group of people gathered together, and one of them spoke.

"Indeed, according to the information we collected, the target was three days or so. They went to the Pharmacy Association, Medical Association, Pawn Shop, Mageweave Association, and appeared in the established Great World Mountain Gate area. Each time the target had to leave for a period Day, it will walk all the places." Another human said.

What is strange is that the six people here are all humans, but the aura from a few humans is obviously not human.

"Then this is an opportunity?" another person asked.

"The mine where the Mageweave Master is detained is not the property of the Mageweave Association, but the property of the dwarves. However, there are many dwarves guarding around the mine, and the roads in the mine are complicated. The supplies, even if they were hung directly, we also obtained very little information through a dwarf guard." A person said.

The other five people were speechless. A few minutes later, another said: "Is there any more ways to collect information?"

"No, about that mine, it's basically a taboo topic among the dwarves. If you want to get more information, you have to startled." The person who spoke just now started.

"But if you don't grasp this opportunity, when the target comes back, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get it. Don't forget, the target is not in terms of spatial attainments." Another person said.

"I suggest action. The longer we prepare, the more sufficient it is, but the easier it is to be discovered. As for the situation inside, there is no perfect plan, and even if it is planned, facing some unexpected events, It is also possible that planning is useless, so it is better not to plan." Someone said.

"I agree, and if these Mageweave Masters lose, then we will lose."

"Then act."

"But mines have the advantage of mines. The dwarves have been digging for many years. Even if the dwarves enter the mines, they may not be able to find a way out. This is good for our actions."

"You have to prepare some engineering bombs, if it's not right, just bomb the mine."

"Prepare one more transfer scroll to avoid any accidents."

"Bring as little things as possible, otherwise it will be very troublesome when being chased by dwarves."

"There is also the dwarf mine excavated by the dwarf. In some places our height is not easy to move, and the deformed scroll should be prepared."

Several people actually wanted to take action on the imprisoned Senior Mage Weave Master, and the location of the detention was found out.

After discussing these six people, they acted separately. After these six people left the hotel, they disappeared into the crowd. In fact, in the Council of the Gods, most of them are humans, so it is better to pretend to be humans.

The dwarves’ mines are notoriously deep and notoriously large. According to the latest statistics of the dwarves, the deepest mine is more than 20,000 meters deep, and the number of layers of the mine is uncountable.

The mine is extremely dangerous. If the mine is in disrepair for a long time, it means that it has been in a dark environment for a long time. Many dark creatures breed in countless abandoned mines. These dark creatures are silent and silent in the mine. Most dark creatures have powerful and strange abilities,

So the dwarf miners are very strong. Of course, the mines being mined have many guards, and dark creatures dare not come here.

The lower the mine, the higher the temperature, and it is very dangerous. It is full of toxic gases, some mutated creatures, and the underground water above may wash down at any time, causing the entire mine to become underground reservoirs.

"Damn it, is this place right?" More than three hundred kilometers north of the fortress, Morada Mine. This is one of the oldest mines of the dwarf clan. It produces the rarest magic in the entire God Realm. Metal material, magic silver.

The Morada Mine was originally a basin more than 150 kilometers wide, but long-term mining has made the basin almost full of abandoned ore.

The mining of magic silver ore is entirely based on luck, because magic silver ore does not exist in the form of mineral veins at all, but a pile of existence.

According to the dwarf's research, these magic silver were not ore from the gods, but fell from the starry sky. The Morada Basin was also caused by meteorites. After being smashed down, they fell apart, and the reddest formed such veins.

According to the calculations of the dwarves, there may be the largest and highest quality magic silver mine in the 30,000-meter underground, but so far there has not been 20,000-meter mining.

It's too difficult. The technology of the dwarves can't support an upright mine. There is no problem within kilometers, because the more you go down, the greater the pressure on the rock, and the harder the rock.

Many dwarves have experienced such things. In the 20,000 meters underground, even if a large nail falls from the top of the mine, it will still have a lot of strength, because part of the pressure of the entire crust acts on this. Above.

Of course, this is not the worst. The worst is that due to the initial mining, hundreds of layers of mines have been excavated on the entire mine. The drawings of these mines are no longer there, and the mines after being excavated are not repaired and supported. The support pillars of the mine will rot, and then the mine will collapse. These collapsed mines will make the entire Morada underground like a shortbread. There are hundreds of meters of large pits on the ground, but these large pits cannot survive. Any water.

All the water has penetrated. In a mine that is about 20,000 meters underground, no one knows when and where the huge underground water rushes out, which is extremely dangerous.

Morada Mine is also a place where the dwarves hold prisoners. In the dwarves, as long as they are not the most heinous criminals, felons will be sent here. As long as they do not die within ten years, they will be pardoned.

There are at least two hundred floors in the mine. Underground, it is difficult to perceive the position. Today, in the mine of Morada, a team of thirty people is welcome.

The team seemed to be all dwarves, but the weapons used by these dwarves were not hammers, but short swords.

Because dwarves are basically miners or engineers, and the most commonly used tool for these two professions is hammers, dwarves’ weapons, either hammers or axes, rarely have short swords.

"Don't talk, no one is allowed to talk in the mine." Someone just complained, and someone immediately yelled.

Since miners are a very dangerous job, everyone can basically **** their ears in the mine. Because in the mine, the sound will spread far away. On the one hand, the speech is distracted, and on the other hand, it affects the sense of hearing. Talking loudly in the mine will be beaten by others.

And the dwarf miners will pray before entering the mine. Of course, some dwarves are officially under pressure when entering the mine, so they need to drink after they come up, otherwise they can't stand the spirit. As for whether it is real, no one knows.

The heights in the mines are different. The high places are several meters high. The people in the short places can only crawl over. There are not many supporting pillars in the mines of the dwarves, because the rock under the crust is layered, so the dwarves press one of them. It was excavated, so although the rock on the top is not very smooth, there is no trace of excavation. It is a whole piece of rock. However, due to the movement of the earth’s crust, the bottom layer is a little undulating, and of course there are some faults. The place of the fault is the place of support. The dwarf’s mine is not wide, only more than two meters wide. This is also one of the reasons why the mine does not need support pillars. The strength is absorbed by the rock walls on both sides.

A group of people moved quietly in the mine. Thirty people, each wearing a gray cloak, could vaguely see the traces of armor under the cloak.

"Go over there." Soon, a fork arrived. There are too many forks in the mine. If there is no map, no one knows where the mine leads.

One of the female dwarves spoke, and the group proceeded silently.

I don't know how many forks there are along the way, but the female dwarf is very determined to point out a way.

"What to do?" But after walking for a long time, everyone found that the passage in front had collapsed, and someone asked quietly.

One of the dwarves walked out, then went forward to observe carefully, and said: "Looking back, there are traces of water rushing through in front of me, it is estimated that the groundwater has collapsed."

"Damn it," someone cursed in a low voice.

In fact, there is generally no water seepage between the rock layers, but the dwarves use engineering bombs to dig mines. These bombs will directly shake some rock formations and cause the water to penetrate in. Over time, this place will be The seepage water directly washes down, and then the above sand and rocks will be filled with a long section of the mine, and there is almost no way to clean up these siltated sand and rocks, and they will continue to collapse while cleaning up. Who knows how much sand and rocks there are.

On the second, third, and finally on the fourth day, this group of people found traces of human activity.

"Five dwarves are guarded, and they look well equipped." Thirty people hid in the shadows, looking at two torches more than 500 meters in front, and every 20 meters, there is another torch. This is the dwarf in the mine. The defense in the cave is generally 500 meters away. The mine is so big. If you want to get past, you have to extinguish at least a dozen torches. This is basically impossible. As for why it is a torch, because the price of the torch Inexpensive, a hundred torches are not worth a low-grade crystal.

The light of this burning torch is actually not very bright, but it is very bright under the deep underground.

Some people light the fire in the mine, that is to find death, yes, there is this method now, but in the past, the mine was still illuminated by oil lamps, not the same as digging.

Therefore, miners are a very dangerous type of work. These thirty people looked at the torch in the distance, and one of them said: "We have been delayed for four days, and I don't know if the target is back. I suggest rushing over."

"Release a fire attack. In such a channel, the other party can't dodge. We took the opportunity to pass, and these dwarfs definitely don't know if someone released the attack deliberately, maybe they thought it was a mine explosion." The voice of the person was very firm, no A little bit of discussion seems to be the leader.

But these dwarves are wrapped in a cloak, with only two eyes outside.


One of them held a fire crystal in his hand and sang in a low voice for dozens of seconds, and then a flame of tens of meters rushed toward the mine with a loud rumbling noise.

Thirty people made no sound, following the flames.

"The explosion is coming." Thirty people heard a huge roar, and there was obviously an early warning.

"Let's go, these guys went into the escape hole." The leader heard this and said.

Thirty people rushed over immediately. Sure enough, hundreds of meters away, there were some doors made of iron and wood on both sides of the cave. These doors had been deformed by the power of the flame explosion.

Avoidance holes are tunnels dug on both sides of the mine that basically only accommodate one person to walk. Generally, when encountering sudden incidents, they hide here. According to different escape holes, some things are upward, some things are horizontal, even the entire mine. When the cave collapses, there will be basically nothing in the shelter, especially when it penetrates the underground reservoir, the water flow basically goes through the big hole, even if the lateral shelter is flooded, there is at least not that big impact.

Of course there are Liaison Lane and the like.

Thirty people flashed past, and the flames hit a distance of several kilometers, mainly because the flames could not spread in the mine.

"Kill." Thirty people saw a lot of tools scattered on the ground, a wooden door of an escape hole was opened, and a dwarf hadn't reacted yet, the leader of the thirty people directly shouted.


With two breaking through the air, two crossbow arrows shot at the dwarf who was hiding from the cave entrance. Before the dwarf could say a word, two crossbow arrows were inserted into both eyes.

"Enemy attack." Another dwarf behind the dwarf shouted loudly, and then quickly stepped back.


An engineering bomb was thrown into the shelter, making a loud noise.


The space in the escape cave is narrow, and the power of the explosion is invisibly increased. Even if it is not directly killed, the powerful shock wave is enough to cause serious injury.

"Toot toot." The other dwarf guards in the shelter blew their sirens.

"Team 3 is looking for someone, other attacks." The leader whispered.

"Yes." Ten more people rushed forward, and there was no access not far in front. Obviously this is where the miners work.



The attack of this group of people shocked the dwarf guards. The engineering bomb was thrown out without money. The few dwarf guards who rushed out of the escape hole should not be killed directly, and the other dwarf guards would never come out again.

"Found it." Within ten seconds, more than a dozen humans were found, and there were also shelters in the workplace.

"Go." The leader looked at the dozen people one by one, then waved his hand.

These thirty people came and went fast, and when they left, these people blew up the mine, and the dwarven guards behind could not pursue them.

Soon, what happened in the mine was known by the fortress.

The reinforcement rock lizard knights rushed over two hours after the incident. When they came under the mine, the knights of the rock lizard knights were also very angry when they saw the scene in front of them.

Fifty dwarven guards, at least ten people died, and those prisoners and miners were all killed, and these god-level prisoners were deprived of their godhood.

"Any clue?" the squadron leader of the Rock Lizard Knights asked.

"A group of dwarves, about thirty people, sprayed out a flame in the mine. We had an explosion for our lives, and we all hid in the shelter. Who knows it was man-made..." The captain of the guard began to narrate what happened.

"Where's the secret whistle? Is there a secret whistle?" the squadron leader asked.

"No..." Hearing this question, the captain of the guard stuttered a bit. It was very easy to be a guard under here. He thought that the security on the mine site was very strict, so the guards relaxed their vigilance below. The power is actually on the prisoner.

"Huh, who is missing?" the squadron leader asked.

"The group of people in the Mageweave Association, several died, were also killed, and the remaining dozen people were gone." The captain of the guard quickly said.

"We are pursuing, but those people directly bombed several mines, we can't catch up." The captain of the guard continued.

"Hmph, you are waiting here, the Supervision Department of the Council of Gods will come immediately, brothers, go, let's kick those choppy butts." The squadron leader snorted coldly and said.

More than one hundred rock lizard knights drove the rock lizard mount and quickly disappeared into the cave. The rock lizard, the beast of the earth system, is very suitable for walking in the mine. Even if the mine is too short in some places, the rock lizard can release The magic softens the soil and rocks, and the sharp claws are like a large excavator.

And rock lizards have a very sensitive sense of smell, but when this team of rock lizard riders tracked a certain mine, the mount rock lizard lost track of the enemy.

"Impossible." The leader of the squadron was puzzled.

"Captain, I don't think this is done by ordinary people, who can support the Mageweave Master?" a dwarf rock lizard knight whispered.

"Damn it, there must be a teleportation scroll." The squadron leader was annoyed.

People from the Council of the Gods came soon, and all races are now fighting crimes heavily, and with the Council of the Gods Supervision Department, a new crime crackdown department has been formed. These are the elites of all races, because the supervision The department’s benefits are too high.

"It's not a dwarf." Three people from the Supervision Department of the Council of Gods came. This was because of the prisoners of the Mageweave Association. One of the dwarves sniffed twice and concluded.

"Then it must have used advanced polymorphism," a wizard next to him said.

"Advanced Transfiguration, tut, it seems that the people who came here are unusual." Another human sighed.

The three of them checked and communicated with each other. At this time, the squadron leader of the Rock Lizard Knights came back.

"People ran away, probably using the teleporting scroll." The squadron leader said in an angry tone.

"Don't worry, you can't run. As long as these people appear on the dwarf territory, they can't run, let alone use teleportation." The dwarf said very confidently.

"Why?" the captain of the Rock Lizard Knights asked.

"Haha, do you think that the city of the sky is as simple as living? The city of the sky, but powerful weapons, defense and attack are all like this. A city of the sky can monitor spatial fluctuations within a million kilometers, otherwise the enemy will kill from a different space. , Isn’t it because there are not many people who know the news, the sky city will naturally lock the target if there are abnormal spatial fluctuations, and it will be released if there is no abnormal situation after the investigation, otherwise even for ten thousand years, These targets will also be locked." The human from the Supervision Department said.

"Oh, that's good, let me just, why is your Supervision Department so efficient? Our dwarves have often received criminals from the Supervision Department in recent years. That's how it turned out." The squadron leader suddenly realized.

"That's different." The elf shook his head.

"In that case, why don't you come earlier?" the captain of the guard asked depressedly.

"There are few people in our Supervision Department. This time it involves the Mageweave Association. Otherwise, our Supervision Department will not be in charge of you, and these people are not teleported into the mine, and sneak in. In this way, your dwarves clan There are also insiders." The dwarf of the Ministry of Supervision said.

"Yes, there are hundreds of mines here. It is impossible to enter smoothly without a map. Even our dwarf miners dare not go deep into those unmanned mines." Hearing this, the guard captain nodded immediately.

The human from the Ministry of Supervision said, "These people are very cautious. Except for once used magical magic, and they are still excited fire crystals, the others are all engineering bombs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even the crossbow arrows. It's just the most common energy crossbow. Obviously, it has been planned for a long time. After your guards return, which tavern do you usually drink?"

"Cherry Tavern." The captain of the guard heard this and said.

"Go, Cherry Tavern." The three looked at each other, and the dwarf said.

Soon the cherry tavern at the Morada mine was surrounded by a large group of people. The three looked at the inside of the tavern and then asked: "Have anyone invited you to drink recently? A stranger."

"Strangers, it seems there are none." The captain of the guard shook his head.

"What about the others, and do you sit together or separately for drinking? Do you like to sit alone?" the elf asked.

"A month ago, a stranger invited me to drink." A guard replied weakly.

These guards are all god-level, so the memory is very strong.

Humans opened the mouth and said: "Don't be afraid, look at it in detail." Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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