A Unique Hunter

Chapter 231: Big trouble

"In fact, it's very easy to kill these thorn dragons, and it's very convenient to get the dragon's blood, as much as you want." Lina heard Cook's mutter and whispered.

But Bla disagreed and said: "Lina, I don't agree with you. The thorn dragon is a kind of social dragon. The few thorn dragons in front of me may be the guys of a certain ethnic group, or we Look around again?"

Cook smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "You don't need to look at it, it's a group of thorn dragons, located in a small basin more than two hundred kilometers away." Some of the beasts Cook knows very well, and Cook knew I thought there was a thorny dragon here, so I came here.

"I said, how on earth did you know that kid so clearly? Just like the bear of the earth yesterday, if you didn’t say we would just hit it, it’s a holy beast, the ninth-level peak guy, if we weren’t The long detour, I'm afraid it would have been killed by the bear of the earth long ago." Lina asked suspiciously again.

"It's Ka Ka!" Cook touched Ka Ka out, Ka Ka glanced at Lina and Bra, then jumped into Cook's sleeve.

Lina immediately widened her eyes, and asked in disbelief: "Only this little thing?"

"Ahem, Ka Ka is very intelligent, and has grown a lot under my constant *." Cook said shamelessly, and the Sky Eye must never leak.

Cook looked at Bula and Lina and couldn’t help it. Cook knew from the side that these two people were also the pinnacles of the ninth level. They only stepped into the legendary realm of legend, and the ninth level was also called a saint by people on the mainland. Level 9 monsters are also called sacred beasts. Cook suggested in a low voice: "Would you like to find Phyllis Deman?"

"This is a good way, but you are sure you can command him." Lina asked angrily.

Cook can only curse **** secretly, because Phyllis Deman has learned more and more rascals. He has no choice but to **** and slip. After all, it is not a real master-servant contract. Cook gritted his teeth secretly: " When I go back this time, I must make Phyllis Deman look good!"

Bula watched for a while, and then said, "Actually, there is a very simple way, which is to first draw the two big guys away. The remaining two sixth-level ones and one guy who can hardly climb will not cost much. Excited?"

The three of you, look at me and I look at you. In the end, Cook and Bra’s eyes fell on Lina. Lina reluctantly said: "Damn, this tempting trick is actually given to me by a little girl. , Don’t you know that this is the heart of the Natal Mountains, there are powerful monsters everywhere? And I am a magician, a magician!"

"Ahem, or Cook, you go, after all, Lina needs to chant a spell, which takes time." It's not right to think about it. Lina is a space magician, yes, and the ability to escape is also first-class, but the magician always has One disadvantage is that it takes time to chant a spell. This is one of the biggest shortcomings.

Cook replied incredulously: "Am I a small second-level hunter?"

"You **** kid don't know the division of Warcraft here, you are the most suitable, and don't you think you are a second-level hunter more suitable to lure Warcraft than to fight head-on?" Lina said confidently.

Blaze spread his hands and said: "If you two can guarantee to subdue these two level six big guys without disturbing other thorn dragons, I can also seduce these two big guys!"

"Okay, okay, how long will it take?" Cook can only admit his fate, Cook has prepared enough medicine, and then asked.

"Fifteen minutes, let's meet on the top of the mountain." Bula pointed to a mountain top in the distance, and it looked only more than two kilometers away, but if you want to get there, ordinary people will not be able to get there in a day. Go down the mountain. Going up the mountain is not generally time-consuming.

"Well, you must remember to seal it up with a magic seal immediately." Cook warned, because only in this way can the greatest dragon blood activity be guaranteed.

After Cook finished his explanation, he did not recklessly, but took out the ghost bow, and then drew out two few fine iron arrows, and began to draw the bow and shoot arrows at a distance of nearly 1,500 meters from the Thorn Dragon.

"Shoo!" The Jingtie Arrow directly hit the eighth-level thorn dragon with a strong sound.

"Puff!" What Lina and Bra did not expect was that Cook actually broke the defense of this eighth-level thorn dragon. The thorn dragon also has large scales on its skin, and it is extremely thick. So it is called the thorn dragon, mainly because it has a band-shaped bone spur on its back, extending from the top of the head to the tail, and the end of the tail is more like a thorn ball. The thorn dragon is an omnivorous beast, and it eats everything. A lucky arrow hit the soft part behind the ear directly.

"Ang! Ang!!!" Under the sting of the thorn dragon, it roared loudly, and the voice spread out even further.

"Damn! Cook, run, this guy is warning, **** it, I said how can there be a family here, it turned out to be a guy sent to guard from the group." Blah immediately shouted loudly when he heard it. Then quickly moved closer to Lina, because Bra and Lina were two kilometers away, and there was no way. Just now Cook was in charge of seducing Beasts. The two were preparing to fight, and the wizard generally had a safe distance.

"Boom!" But not far behind Bula, another level 8 thorn dragon ran out of the jungle, and its huge body rushed towards Bula like a large truck.

"I am the sun!" Cook was dumbfounded. Nima actually hid another one thousands of meters away. In fact, this is no wonder Tianyan, because Yalong also inherited the virtue of dragons that like to sleep, so Not finding it is normal.

But then it was Bra's turn to shout: "Damn it, why are you chasing me?"

Cook was dumbfounded at the sight, because the two eighth-level thorn dragons and one seventh-level thorn dragon were all directed at Bula, while Cook did not care about the thorn dragons, and Lina was also stared at by the two sixth-level thorn dragons. , Cook touched his head: "What does this mean?"



"Aung Ang!" And the roar of the thorn dragon soon sounded around. Obviously this is the territory of the thorn dragon. Cook saw an eighth level thorn dragon running directly from a place less than ten meters away from him. , Actually nodded to Cook, Cook almost jumped up in shock and took out the magic giant crossbow to attack this big guy.

"Damn it, why is this **** kid okay?" Bula yelled as he ran, Lina was pulled by Bula.

And Lina slapped her forehead fiercely: "Damn, Phyllis Deman is a master of the Natal Mountains. Signing a contract with this **** boy must have something we humans don't know about, but these big guys must I know, otherwise you see that **** kid is okay, **** it, I will never help this kid again."

"Uh! It's very possible, but it's much easier for us to escape." Bra relaxed a lot, his whole body broke out, and then he slammed his feet and shot hundreds of people directly like a cannonball. The meter-high sky, and then the whole body's grudge exploded like the tail flame of a rocket, and it flew several kilometers in a blink of an eye.

"Humans, **** humans, this is a forbidden place for humans, and the sky belongs to our dragon family!" At this moment, a huge voice roared, and then three huge heads appeared in the distant sky. Silhouette.

"Three-headed dragon!" Cook's chin was about to fall. Although the Natal Mountains are mysterious, there have always been legends that there is a dragon city built by dragons in the Natal Mountains, but Cook did not expect to be able to do it once. Saw three dragons.

"Humans, put down your weapons, or we don't mind letting you taste the dragon's anger." Three-headed dragon, one is actually a green wood dragon, one is a yellow earth dragon, and the other is red. Dragon.

"Damn it!" Bula looked at the three dragons of at least level eight, and was dumbfounded, but the warrior never surrendered without a fight. As soon as Bula turned around, a thick layer of condensed vindictive armor enveloped him. Bra, and Lina released a magic shield, standing on a large rock with a staff and staring at the three-headed dragon.

"Quack, quack, I like to grill humans, puff!!!" The huge red dragon froze first, and a magma-like dragon breath spit out towards Bula.

"Roar!" Bula yelled ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and fell to the ground all of a sudden, jumped tens of meters away from the spot, just avoided these magma-like breaths, these dragon breaths instantly touched All the material arrived was turned into a pool of flaming magma.

"Huh, **** human!" Another earth dragon snorted coldly, followed by a long groan.

"That's bad. Dragon Whisper Magic!" Bula sank in his heart. These three giant dragons are obviously very powerful, and they know how to cooperate, and they are all suspended in the sky, condescendingly attacking himself with powerful magic, and that The wood dragon has not moved. You must know that in this forest area, the wood dragon has the best combat effectiveness. Since the wood dragon does not move, it means the reserve team. Everything shows these three dragons. The origin is not so simple.

"Boom!" The magic of the earth-type dragon was finally completed, and huge earth-type puppets emerged from the flaming lava. Each puppet was more than ten meters high and summoned a total of five earth-type puppets. These puppets waved their huge fists and rushed directly towards Lina and Bra.

"Damn it!" Lina gritted her teeth. Apparently Lina also realized that something was wrong. How much magic power is a dragon? How many times can you use this dragon language magic? And it wasn't a giant dragon, but three, and Lina looked around, there were thorn dragons that were constantly approaching, and Lina had the idea of ​​running away for the first time.

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