A Unique Hunter

Chapter 231: Reputation tiring

"Hey, thanks to these gadgets, we can't be troubled!" Blaha said with a smile, and then raised the weapon in his hand, fighting with all his strength, and the three-meter-long two-handed giant sword was seven or eight meters long. The huge vindictive blade.

"Split the ground!" Bla yelled, jumped up, and then slashed at a soil puppet with a two-handed sword. The two-handed sword relies on tremendous power to win, so there is no extra fancy moves. , That is, chopping, chopping, and sweeping.

"Boom!" Even though it is the same earth element, the earth puppet has certain resistance to the earth element fighting spirit, but the earth puppet is still directly smashed to pieces by Bla's huge fighting spirit blade.

"Sweep!" And Bla didn't stop at all, the big sword swept again, and another earth puppet was crushed.

In the end, Bula twisted his body even more, and the huge sword swept an earthen puppet into pieces again. It took only two seconds before and after. There were two more earthen puppets, and Lina sang in a low voice. Said: "Dimensional space blade!" Under the control of Lina, two black space blades of ten centimeters long directly revolved around the two soil puppets at an incredible speed.

"Wow!" The two earthen puppets were directly cut into countless pieces by the space blade. Lina recalled the space blade to her side and revolved around herself. If it were the original case, Lina would not waste it. It's magical, but now Lina has an egg-sized space magic crystal in her hand, and Lina is not afraid to consume magic.

"Haha, haha, I said that the earth element is the most useless. Look at my magic, I just learned it from the elder yesterday." The red dragon laughed loudly, and then chanted a spell.

But Lina and Bra's faces became more gloomy, because the dragon said that the elder, obviously there is a big guy here, Lina and Bra looked at each other, and then they communicated with ID cards, Bra said: "Li Na, get ready, let's go for a while, I guess this must be the patrol of the legendary Dragon City."

"I think so too, if a few big guys come, we won't be able to run." Lina agreed.

"Then I will attack first, you prepare for space teleportation!" Brae said afterwards, Lina acquiesced.

The sound of the red dragon chanting the spell ceased, and Bula had also accumulated vindictive energy, and Cook smiled bitterly from a few kilometers away. A little fleshy guy beside him was obviously curious about himself, smelling and licking. This is a thorn dragon, but it is the size of a pug, and its teeth have not yet grown, and there are several adult thorn dragons beside Cook. These thorn dragons only glanced at Cook at the beginning, and then ignored them at all. , Cook was really depressed and wanted to shout: "Hey! I'm a human being!"

"Hammer, harp!" Cook reluctantly picked up the little guy at his feet. The thorn dragon looked like a thorn dragon. The flesh was all over, the skin was still pink, and the teeth were not there. Cook just hugged When he got up, the little thing licked Cook's finger and then sucked.

"Don't lick it, eat this!" Cook took out a large piece of cake, which is something Xiao Lei loves to eat, and the little thing seems to be alert and smell it.

"Ah!" A thorn dragon next to it shook its nose twice, and then let out a low growl. The little thing opened its mouth and started to swallow the cake. Cook smiled bitterly. What is Nima? So popular!

"Fire Spear Technique!" The Red Dragon finally finished singing, and dozens of flaming spears with thick wrists hovered beside him.

"Haha, haha, I'm so ridiculous, let's release fire magic in such an environment, my God!" And Cook was sitting on a big rock, surrounded by at least seven or eight small thorn dragons, a bunch of guys eating Haha, Cook laughed as he ate.

Sure enough, Cook had just said that the musket suspended by the red dragon was blown by a blast of cold wind, and it became smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye. The red dragon immediately widened his eyes, and then screamed: "Fall! "

"Puff puff puff!" Under the gaze of all the eyes, the original thick musketeer was only the thickness of the chopsticks when it landed on Bula. It was just a sound of puff and puff, and Bula did not even move.

"Haha, haha!" The earth dragon laughed loudly.

"Go, Bla!" Lina was finally ready and said through the ID card, and Bla also yelled at the right time: "Look at my Slash!"

A ten-meter-long vindictive blade rushed directly toward the sky. This was Bra's strongest blow. The distance of hundreds of meters was there in the blink of an eye, and the earth dragon snorted coldly: "Humph! Elemental Shield !" An earth-yellow shield measuring tens of square meters stood in front of the Blade of Dou Qi.

"Boom!" The loud roar almost deafened Cook's ears.

"Hehe, want to run?" The wood dragon, who hadn't spoken all the time, smiled and said disdainfully.

"Boom! Boom!" Bula and Lina suddenly noticed that thousands of huge canes with thick wrists were constantly popping up around them, constantly flapping their shields.

"Oh!" Lina's space blade is powerful and can cut anything, but after all, the space blade group needs to be controlled by mental power, and hundreds of thick canes attack at the same time, Lina has no alternative, unfortunately Lina was After hitting the teleportation magic that had been maintained, it finally could not be maintained. Lina was swallowed by the magic and the shield disappeared. Lina was dragged into the deep forest by the thick cane.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" And Bula was also embarrassed. Although Bula saw that these canes were almost vulnerable, the cutting speed of Bula was not as fast as the growth rate of the canes. Cut off a section, and a section will grow out immediately. Although the armor of Bra’s vindictive condensed strength is very strong, it is impacted like a drum by thousands of thick rattans, even Bra’s strong body can’t stand it. Up.

"Sky Splitting!" Almost all the eyeballs in Bula's eyes came out, and he roared, his body suddenly broke out again, and his body was spinning at an incredible speed, and the rattan within tens of meters around was powerful. The vindictiveness was directly stirred and crushed.

"Destruction is regeneration, regeneration is destruction, thorn art!" The wood dragon chuckled, looking at the thick layer of vine fragments on the ground, and sang with a smile.

"Brush!" Under Bla's surprised eyes, countless small vines grew out of the thick crushed vine fragments on the ground, and countless vines once again surrounded Bla.

"No, no, this is the rule of destruction, how can you understand it as an eighth-level dragon. Slash!" Bula roared, and then the grudge broke out again, and countless vines were crushed again.

"Life is death, death is life, there is no result of death, where are the new seeds, birth!" The wood dragon whispered, and then spit out a word, which was crushed into countless vine fragments again. The green rattans bloomed out, and the number was tens of thousands of times.

"Damn it, this pervert!" Blah roared, and then angrily dropped the weapon in his hand. Faced with more and more rattans like this, Bla knew that he could not escape even if he was exhausted. The power of the law was extremely powerful. Strong, although Bra also comprehended some of the rules of the skin, but compared to this perverted destruction and the law of life, even Bra is the pinnacle of the ninth level powerhouse can not beat.

And the red dragon spit out fiercely: "Damn, you are leading the pervert again!"

Then the red dragon said loudly: "Humans, now you are the prisoners of the White Jade Dragon City. We belong to the third team of the Dragon City Patrol. I am the captain!"

"Damn!" Cook threw away the cake in his hand as soon as he heard it, but before it landed, he was caught by a slightly larger thorn dragon young dragon with his mouth wide open.

Then Cook hurriedly shouted: "Wait, I have something to say!"

"You? Just say there if you have something, let me tell you, we three have no money!" To Cook's surprise, the three-headed dragon heard what Cook said and flew up all at once. A large section, and then said very vigilantly.

Cook was puzzled, and the earth dragon said loudly: "Human kid, don't think that you can fool the bad guy Phyllis Deman, just want to lie to us, I tell you, we will not be fooled. !"

Cook’s violent sweat, his reputation is so famous, even the dragon knows it, but what the wood dragon said next left Cook completely speechless: "Our Dragon City has listed you as unpopular. One of the targets of this, and your contract with Phyllis Deman has been listed as a negative textbook by our Dragon City. I would advise you kid, it is best not to fight our other dragon’s ideas. In exchange, our Dragon City has already Give orders, you can enter and exit all the Yalong territory at will, but the dragon territory refuses you to approach."

"I said, I just want to ask them how much the ransom is worth, are these enough?" Cook waved his hand, and the small hill-like gold coins flowed out.

"Goo!" Cook clearly heard the sound of the three-headed dragon swallowing saliva.

And Bla secretly cursed: "Damn boy, I'm worth this money?" You know that there are many gold coins, but there are not many.

"If you don't want to double it again, you think, you are a patrol team. If you go back to the three of you, who knows, look at what a lovely gold coin, wow!" Cook once again paid a million Gold coins, a million coin-sized gold coins, how big a pile should be.

"Finally, I added it again. If you don't want to, forget it." Cook added one million gold coins again for a total of three million gold coins.

"Okay, deal!" The three-headed dragon looked at each other, and then they got together to discuss it, but the allure of gold coins was too great. The three-headed dragon had never seen so many gold coins.

"Hehe, I also gave three space bags, so..." Cook said with a smile.

"No, treacherous humans, now you step back five hundred, no, one thousand meters, we will let go when we put away the gold coins." Cook was interrupted before he finished speaking, and the three dragons were wary Looking at Cook, his muscles were tight ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After Cook resigned a thousand meters with a bitter smile, the three giant dragons suddenly rushed to the ground and began to collect the gold coins. In Ke's unbelievable eyes, the three dragons swallowed the gold coins into their stomachs.

"Hiccup! Human kid, we have completed the transaction, and the person is yours. And you! You are not allowed to say what happened today!" Red Dragon said to Cook with a full burp, and then ordered the thorn dragons not to leak secrets. .

Cook looked at the tightly bound Lina, and Bra was dragged out by the wood dragon manipulating the vines. The wood dragon still said dissatisfiedly: "Damn barbarian, this time You have a little lesson! Boom! Boom!"

Cook covered his eyes, because several thick canes directly entangled Bula, and then one after another directly hit a block of boulders, the boulders were smashed to pieces, but within a few minutes, Bula fainted with blood. , The wood dragon just stopped.

"But human kid, the equipment on these two captives is the spoils of the three of us, you take it!" In Cook's dumbfounded eyes, Bra and Lina were stripped of their equipment directly by the vine, and then the two The guy with only his underwear was thrown directly at Cook's feet, while the three dragons flew away quickly, and they didn't forget to warn Cook with their eyes.

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