A Unique Hunter

Chapter 232: Stranglethorn Vale

"Asshole boy, you must compensate for my loss, my equipment!"

"Damn bastards, those nasty, greedy lizards."

"My equipment!"

Lina was lying next to Cook, and Bula sat barely. Now the three are riding on the back of an eighth-level thorn dragon. The destination of the three is the gorge where the thorn dragon lives, and Cook Behind the three of them were dozens of giant thorn dragons, but on the back of the thorn dragon that Cook was riding in, there were a few young thorn dragons, only the size of a pug, and a few small things were eating. Cook's free cake, the pink belly is bulging.

Cook has finally seen the most secret side of the Warcraft family. If those magicians who study Warcraft can see this scene with their own eyes, they will probably die without regret. These thorn dragons also hatched from eggs, but the little thorn dragons They grew up on milk like mammals.

But there is a very cruel side to it, that is, every time a female thorn dragon will lay several eggs, but only the first two will be left behind, and the rest will not hatch, even these two. After five years, they will also be expelled from the entire ethnic group. Those who come back alive after a year are eligible to rejoin the ethnic group, so every thorn dragon has a very powerful body.

"Hey, Dashan! How far is it to get home?" The thorn dragon that Cook rode is considered smarter and can barely talk to Cook. Most of the other thorn dragons can only communicate through spirit. This is also Cook. The reason for choosing this thorn dragon, of course, is that Cook has a very good relationship with his two children.

"Not far away!" Hearing this answer, Cook rolled his eyes again. This is the eighth time he has responded like this.

As for Lina’s wailing, Cook pretended not to hear it. There was no way, Lina was backlashed by magic. Just now Lina not only had to maintain the magic shield, but also controlled the two space blades, and had to deal with the wood dragon vine attack , So I was accidentally beaten back by magic. It’s a mere distraction. Lina is now not under the control of the brain except for her mouth, because her mental power and magic power have not been calmed down, and Bula is broken. With three ribs, although Cook's healing potions are of perfect level, the healing effect is minimal, and only helplessly lying on the back of Thorn Dragon.

"Dashan, how about I want to make a deal with you?" Cook has many ideas in his mind, which Cook has not discovered before. Cook has always thought that the talent of animal language and animal language is not a good talent, but It now appears that this is almost on par with the magic eye.

Dashan is the name of this thorn dragon. It was obtained by Cook, which means Dashan. Cook pointed to the mountain next to him and explained that this thorn dragon, who was able to communicate with Cook, immediately chose this as his own. The name, Dashan asked in astonishment: "Trading, we don't need anything, what is the transaction?"

"Hehe, there are so many things to trade. For example, you can wear a metal armor, and your offspring can eat more delicious things, like cakes, and you can even trade enough food. "Cook said with a smile.

"But, what kind of transaction do we use, we don't need anything else, but there is a shortage of food in the winter." Dashan said without thinking.

"Magic plant!" Cook said with a smile.

"Magic plants, that stuff can really exchange food?" Dashan said incredulously. From Dashan's point of view, magic plants are just ordinary things, and not all magic plants are edible. After some magic plants are eaten There will be some undesirable consequences, so although the thorn dragon is a monster, it only eats some magic plants, and the rest are not eaten.

"Hehe, it's very simple. As long as it is a magical plant, you can ask for it, and you don't necessarily need anything. In the human world, as long as you pay, you will be rewarded. If you don't say anything else, you can drive us this way. , At least you can get your food for three days.” Cook believes that if you ride such a big guy around, I'm afraid those dudes would be willing to pay hundreds of gold coins, and hundreds of gold coins can buy how much food.

Cook has been studying how to develop territories. It is impossible to rely solely on merchants. After all, merchants travel too far, and there are strict regulations on what is transported to the orc empire, otherwise the rest of the empire will be attacked by groups. The weapons produced by the dwarves are valuable, but after all, the dwarves dominate. Cook now intends to engage in tourism, but the tourism industry needs some gimmicks, and these thorn dragons can be used as gimmicks, and Cook firmly believes that as long as the thorn dragons do After setting an example, then the Natal Mountains are your own pocketbook. Think about how many magic plants, magic herbs, and even magic metals are there in the Natal Mountains? And what WoW needs is food.

Regardless of whether it is meat or vegetarian food, compared to magic herbs, the wife is too cheap. Even a level seven or eight carnivorous beasts can only eat two thousand catties of meat per meal, and the most expensive beef is only a silver coin. Jin, ordinary mutton is more than dozens of copper coins per jin, and two thousand jin of beef is only 20 gold coins, which is only the price of a third-level magic core. This is still one of the agricultural resources and the ban has been issued. , Also the meat is cheaper.

"That's impossible. We Yalong also have our own dignity. It's not a friend who can't get along at all, and you humans are too treacherous." Dashan hummed.

"Hehe, or if you want to trade in the future, come to me, I will definitely count." Cook quickly patted his chest to promise.

"Huh, even Lord Felis Deman was fooled, we..." Dashan said dissatisfied.

Cook slapped his forehead and said, "Dashan, if you don’t believe me, follow me to my territory to see if your **** Lord Felis Deman is at a loss or something, that **** fellow. , It can be said that I was fooled."

"Aye! Who is talking about the great Philistines Deman behind your back, **** boy, told you to keep turning and brushing the sauce, and don’t put so much salt in it. The drinking water in winter freezes to death." Phyllis Deman shouted loudly, and Phyllis Deman was a human in front of him, the follower that Cook received. By comparison, it was one and five meters tall. Phyllis Deman looked a little short in front of this strong warrior.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" But the soldier only dared to keep turning the barbecue rack in front of him, crying without tears.

"Lonnie, you **** kid, haven't you learned it? I tell you, Bagru, I learned it soon." And Bagru wielded a huge shovel for pancakes.

"Yes, yes!" Lonnie was completely suppressed by Bagru. There was no way. He couldn't fight Bagru. Look at the armor on this guy. He didn't take it off all day. It takes a lot of effort to move this armor. Of course, it's all right to have grudge support, but how long can grudge support? Ronnie felt that he was still dreaming, that he would actually be reduced to such a strange place, the Frost Titan, the Frost Dragon, the Troll, the Ogre, the Dwarf actually get along in harmony, and of course the Orcs.

"Boom! Damn Bagru, your saliva spurted out. If you don't wear a mask again in the future, be careful I just throw you into the soup pot." And Bagru was then kicked by Phyllis Deman. Kicked hundreds of meters and rolled directly to the bottom of the city wall, Phyllis Deman opened his mouth and shouted loudly.

Lonnie’s hurried barbecue can't be offended by either of these two, so he can only bear it. Now Lonnie knew exactly why he had to take the cooking test at the beginning, because Lonnie fully agreed with the Philippine Deman’s spread in the domain. Nickname: "Rice bucket!"

"I'd like to see how Lord Felis Deman is now? Now Cook, you and Felis Deman are famous. The whole Yalong and the giant dragon world know about you. It is said that the three dragons The city has listed you as one of the most unwelcome objects." Dashan said, shaking his tail.

"God!" Cook* said.

"Dashan, when the time comes, you will come with me to my territory. It will not be very far, just a day away." Cook said the truth, a group of seven or eight thorn dragons can completely ignore any holy beast. Even the sacred beast has to give three points of courtesy. Who makes Yalong's race too large?

The thorn dragon deserves to be a sub-dragon, it is extremely fast, but for more than an hour, Cook and his team have walked out of the dense forest and appeared in a small basin. To Cook's surprise, there are hot springs in this basin, and the water volume is not small. , And the small basin is only ten kilometers wide, but it is lush and lush. Of course, there are no thorns and vines except for the big trees. If hundreds of giant thorn dragons stepped on it, grass is strange!

"Welcome, human!" As soon as Cook walked into the basin, he heard a huge voice~www.wuxiaspot.com~Of course, Bula and Lina could not hear it. It was a unique decibel voice.

"Thank you, I'm sorry to disturb you!" Cook knew that it was the patriarch who was qualified to say this.

"Haha, you are our first guest in Stranglethorn Vale, please!" Cook grew his mouth wide, because the person in front of Cook was actually a human being, of course it was not a fully human being, at least the skin had some green markings.

"Level Nine?" Lina and Bula also took a breath, because the legendary monsters can transform their bodies when they reach level 9, but if they are to be completely human-like and indistinguishable from humans, they must reach nine. Level pinnacle, one foot stepped into the legendary realm. Obviously, the patriarch of this thorn dragon had reached level nine. Even if he was not at the pinnacle, he was not far from this level.

"Level 9 is also very common in the Natal Mountains. I am very interested in the deal you, Cook, proposed. I have a deal now. I don’t know Cook, you...wow!” The patriarch said with a smile, but he knew that it was not a human being. He didn’t ask the guests to sit in. Instead, he offered a deal to Cook in a straightforward manner. The patriarch of the Thorny Dragon took out a lot, a lot, colorful The magic core.

"Goo!" The three sounds of swallowing saliva at the same time sounded.

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