A Unique Hunter

Chapter 233: Exercise transaction

Lina and Bula looked at each other. There are at least thousands of magic cores, elementary, intermediate, and advanced magic cores. Light, dark, thunder and other rare types have everything. Two People are extremely jealous of Cook, and there are such good things to take a risk?

"Master Patriarch, let's talk here!" Cook said quickly in the language of the Thorns Dragon clan.

The patriarch of the thorn dragon was taken aback, then looked at Lina and Bra, and walked aside with Cook, and then the patriarch said: "Cook, you can call me Shan Ang, I did not expect you to be of our clan Language, this kind of talent is relatively common among orcs, but it has never been heard of among humans."

"I have a part of the bunny blood, what I need to know is what Shan Ang do you need?" What Cook wants to know most is what Shan Ang needs in exchange.

"I also saw Cook, you are a wood type, and I traded with you. I need a set of wood type techniques. You also know that our thorn dragon belongs to a beast. Originally at my stage, there should be inherited techniques. Yes, but I don’t know what’s going on. My inheritance memory is not complete, so I need a set of wood system exercises. I even want to go to the human world to find it, but at this time, Cook, you are here." Shan Ang What he said made Cook very surprised.

Cook thought for a while, and then said: "The origins of my fighting qigong method are very mysterious. It is said that it was passed down by a certain big man. I don't know what kind of realm I will reach when I practice such a method. Maybe you don’t know that the Wood Element among humans is also a very rare species, so there is no precedent for cultivating Wood Element Fighting Qi at all, what if something happens?"

"As long as you swear by Cook that you didn't intentionally harm me, I can accept it." Shan Ang thought about it and said.

"Sing Ang, you can find elves, they are wood!" Cook suggested.

Shan Ang said with a wry smile: "The elves inherited both magic and martial arts. Our Thorn Dragon's magic is not very powerful, so I want to learn fighting spirit!"

"Well, I swear, but I still have a small request!" Cook heard Shan Ang's words and agreed.

Shan Ang looked at Cook with a solemn expression, and then said, "What's the requirement?"

"Some blood, from your sixth-level clansmen to the ninth-level clansmen. I need to refine some potions to strengthen the body. I need the blood of Muxiyalong." Cook said with a wry smile when he saw Shan Ang's guarded look.

Shan Ang's heart relaxed a lot when he heard this, but he cautiously asked, "How much?"

"One bottle for each level is enough." Cook took out a crystal bottle the size of a kettle.

"That's it, I agree." Shan Ang saw such a small bottle, and his whole body relaxed. For Shan Ang, it might not be a drop of blood. It's nothing, after all, when the Thorns Dragon was at level 7 There is a big guy 20 meters long and nearly ten meters high.

After a few minutes, Shan Ang came with four bottles full of blood. Cook knew the level was right at a glance with his magic eyes. Because the brightness was different, Cook put a label on it and used it. The magic seal was directly thrown into the space ring, and Cook let out a big sigh of relief. There is no need to worry about the dragon power potion.

"What does this mean?" Shan Ang asked in a puzzled manner after Cook explained the exercises of fighting qi operation.

Cook slapped himself fiercely: "Gosh, I forgot that this big guy doesn't understand the meaning of those advanced words."

"Then Cook, are you planning not to keep your promise?" Shan Ang showed signs of madness. In Shan Ang's eyes, the more things he didn't understand, the more advanced things.

"No, there is a way. It needs your cooperation. I can use my mental energy to guide your vindictive energy to run in your body. Then you just need to remember the route, but you have to relax yourself completely, otherwise... "Cook thought of this way of vindictive guidance.

Shan Ang immediately jumped up: "Impossible, you humans are too treacherous!"

"Well, I can only explain it to you slowly, but it takes time, and I still have a lot of things." Cook also knows that it is impossible, because it needs to open the soul to Cook, in case Ku After Ke's contract passed, Shan Ang was no longer a tragedy, and Cook had no choice but to explain.

"What's the matter?" Shan Ang said displeasedly.

"I need to find a few magic herbs..." Cook said helplessly.

Shan Ang interrupted Cook's words: "We can definitely help, as long as you show the appearance of magic and herbs!"

"Okay!" Cook was actually waiting for this sentence. In comparison, if you search by yourself, there are hundreds of thorn dragons you can find quickly.

"Here is the veins I just mentioned. You can feel it carefully and see if you don't? The main purpose of this vein is to increase the strength of the legs, and the strength of the legs is also the source of speed."

"And here, remember to run slowly here, because if the explosive force is too strong at the first impact, then it may become deaf in the future."

"Also, the running vindictiveness must be stopped in moderation, that is, you don't need to run again when you feel that your muscles are a little full."

"When using fighting qi, you need to accumulate fighting qi as quickly as possible when your tendons adapt, so that the speed of the outbreak will be fast and the attack speed will not slow down, but remember that the explosive power of fighting qi is only temporary. It’s not that you must not release big moves with a certain degree of confidence, because that will consume vindictiveness."

In the following days, Cook was very comfortable, the magic core was also taken into the space ring by Cook, and Lina and Bula were slowly recovering. Bula looked at Cook who kept teaching Shan Ang, no Without jealousy, he said, "This big guy should be looking for me. I have taught a lot of people. Listen to what this kid is teaching, what do you think of?"

"Huh, I think you are thinking about those magic herbs, this **** bastard, I didn't even give me a single magic herb. Look, it's a three-hundred-year-old sheep's head grass, it was uprooted, prodigal son. Ah!" Lina said distressedly.

"Lina, do you still expect those guys with four big claws to pick medicinal herbs like humans?" Blaze said flatly.

Lina was even more angry when Bula said this: "Damn bastard, at least hundreds of herbs have been put into his pocket these days, among which there are no less than ten gems, damned bastard!"

"Oh!" Blaze sighed, but he had spent a lot of effort on all his equipment, and it disappeared all at once. You must know that it is the best weapon that Bla has built up for so many years.

"The staff of my space system! That's a material worth tens of thousands of magic crystal coins!" Lina was even more indignant.

And Bra then said: "No way, who knows that the wood dragon actually comprehends the laws of life and destruction. Although it is only the most basic use, it is no longer something we can compete. The inheritance of Dragon City is really not We humans can be compared."

"Yes, life and destruction, I also have some insights. After this time, I will practice for a period of time, and maybe there will be a bigger breakthrough." Lina recalled the scene of the day, except for a fear, There is still an unpredictable understanding.

"We are not wood type. If a wood type high-level magician is here, even observing such a battle will benefit a lot. Unfortunately, this kid is too low-level." Bula said with regret.

Lina disagreed: "These still depend on talent. There are many rules. No one knows if this kid will understand the deeper rules or the profound meaning!"

"Don't be funny, the law hasn't been comprehended, how can it be possible to comprehend the extended meaning of the law." Blaze said with disdain.

"Boom!" At this moment, Shan Ang finally got into a grudge under Cook's guidance. The three of them all felt a shock in their mental power, and the surrounding elements fluctuated and even produced a roar perceptible by mental power.

Cook backed away with a smile, watching the touch of green being absorbed into Shan Ang's body directly, Shan Ang only circulated, Shan Ang nodded with satisfaction, while Cook smiled on his face, he was really puzzled. , Because Shan Ang's speed of running a circle of vindictiveness is not as fast as his own, for half an hour: "Where is the problem?" But then Cook threw this idea behind his mind.

In fact, what Cook doesn’t know is that although Shan Ang is at level 9, his mental power is always the shortcoming of Warcraft. Shan Ang’s mental power is only equivalent to the level of a human level 6 magician, but Shan Ang’s body surpasses humans. The ninth-level body of the vindictive spirit is guided and propelled by mental power. This is like a heavy truck equipped with a light truck engine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The speed can't be raised naturally, no one thought of this. , Including Bra.

"Cook, thank you, I feel great!" Shan Ang said very sincerely.

"No, I also got a lot of magic medicinal materials, but this time my harvest is really too much. I have a batch of food for you, but this requires you to go to my territory." Cook made a small calculation in his heart. , Said very generously.

Bra and Lina glanced at each other, and then curled their lips at the same time. Obviously, the two knew that this kid Cook was ruining the water again, but neither objected. After all, they are still wounded. Really rely on these big guys.

"No need, your food is not enough!" Shan Ang said disdainfully.

"Hehe, what I gave away can fill that cave!" Cook pointed to a big cave. Cook planned to give away corn, and he had used the ID card to inform Manli that he must get one hundred thousand corn, Cook. Ask Manli to find Lara from the Thieves Guild.

"What?" Shan Ang's eyes widened. The cave is not small, and what makes Shan Ang's heart touch more is that the nutrition of food is much better than that of plants.

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