A Unique Hunter

Chapter 234: A deal worth 150,000 sheep

Cook waited quietly. Cook found that it was very easy to get along with these monsters. You don't have to bother to guess what is behind each sentence. Just like yourself and Shan Ang, two people can directly say what they want. , Unhappy is unhappy, vigilance is vigilance, not used as a fake at all, of course, there is no cumbersome etiquette that humans have.

"Okay, but I have to take a few more people." Shan Ang finally made up his mind. His heart still wanted to see the human world. The human world has always been the most dangerous place in the eyes of all Warcraft. That's why Shan Ang wants to bring more people.

Shan Ang agreed and set off soon, but when he set off, Cook realized that things were not that simple. Cook pointed to the dozen heads in the sky, which are more than ten meters tall, and the fleshy wings are thirty meters tall. The long two-legged flying dragon, the 20-meter earth dragon, the mantasaurus like big bats, and the iron-clad tyrannosaurus walking on two legs, nearly a hundred dragons and monsters, were surprised and speechless. .

"Hey, they are all friends of our Stranglethorn Vale, and we are also a tribe of Silver Dragon City. They heard that I want to go to the human world, so they also want to see it." Shan Ang said somewhat proudly, almost wagging his tail. Ah shake it.

"Then what's on them?" Cook then pointed to the adult-sized baggage on the backs of several Yalong in confusion.

"I told them that I exchanged some magical plants for food, and they also brought magical plants, some of which are magical ores, and they want to trade with you." Shan Ang said this with embarrassment, for fear that Cook would disagree.

And Lina and Bra watched vigilantly at several uncommon sub-saurus around, just like the mantasaurus, which is nocturnal at all, and the iron armored tyrannosaurus is extremely violent. No one has tamed such a dragon. Big guy, and different from other sub-dragons, Tyrannosaurus armored lives alone at all. The two thick and large behind the Tyrannosaurus armored are covered with dark black scale armor and sharp claws, and the two front claws Standing upright just like a human being, the metal-like nails are about the size of a one-handed sword, and the sturdy tail with a length of twelve or three meters is also a powerful weapon.

"What's this big guy here for?" Bula asked Cook in a low voice, and Lina asked in the same eyes.

Cook spread his hand and said: "This big guy used the magic ore he brought to my territory in exchange for meat. Well, he probably wants to exchange three cows or twenty sheep!" Cook and the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus Have a conversation.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Bla immediately hit the tree next to him with his head, and Lina was also holding the uncle in her hand, feeling dizzy.

Bula almost yelled in his heart: "Damn, magic ore, even the lowest level magic ore, an adult-sized package can be exchanged for 100,000 cows, and this big guy actually only needs three cows. , Damn, **** talent!"

"Earned, earned, earned!" Lina only had these two words in her heart.

In the dizzy and jealous eyes of Bra and Lina, nearly a hundred Yalong set off in a mighty manner, while Cook nervously contacted Manli with his ID card. Manli was asked to prepare as many livestock and food as possible, and to let the Frost Giant open up a huge market overnight, which was just to enclose it with stones.

And on a mage tower in the magic city, an old man looked at the brilliant starry sky suspiciously, and the old man looked at a star map on the desktop from time to time. After a while, the old man exclaimed like crazy: "The star has changed. The horoscope has changed!"


"Damn it, Ken Ben, are you dazzled?"

"Really, look! It's over there!" Ken Ben shouted immediately, pointing in one direction.

"Damn it, it's troublesome now. What's the matter with the newly added celestial bodies, and it's time to calculate the speed of the various stars. Where did the other stars emerge from?" Someone cursed immediately.

"It is the dark world that is coming. In many fragmented records in ancient times, the dark era came because of the changes in the astrology. This may be that the dark era is about to re-shroud this plane." This is a group of astrology masters, astrology masters. The influence on magic is extremely huge, because it is said that the magic circle evolved from the astrology, and most of the prophets use the astrology to predict some things. With the addition of a star, the prediction will naturally change, including the weather. High tide, low tide and so on.

Cook did not know that the Sky Eye had been discovered. Although it was far away, it was discovered after all. Cook also knew the general situation of World of Warcraft from the chat with Shan Ang. The dragon of World of Warcraft was the top. The race is the same as the royal family, and Yalong is second, just like the nobility. The rest are large groups such as the devil tiger, devil wolf, devil bear, etc., the higher-level types, the lower one is the devil cow and the devil sheep. Demon pigs and other groups, these are almost all intermediate monster groups, and then there are a large number of scattered monsters and other types.

"Hey, Shan Ang, if you can do me a favor, I can pay 20,000 sheep as a reward." Cook said loudly on purpose.

"Twenty thousand?" The iron-clad tyrannosaurus next to it repeated 20,000 figures in confusion.

"Well, if you eat 20 sheep a day, it will be enough for you to eat for three years." Cook had to say another way.

"For three years, there are 20 heads a day, so our group, eating 20 heads a day, how many days is enough to eat?" Tyrannosaurus iron armor is very insensitive to numbers, so I looked at the dozens of people walking together. Head Yalong.

"Let's eat for half a month!" Cook said roughly.

"Keng, Keng, Keng, do it, do it, Shan Ang, let's do it together!" The nails on the two claws of Tyrannosaurus ironclad scraped each other, scraping out a series of sparks.

"What is it?" Shan Ang was smarter and asked what was it.

"Hey, it's an earth bear not far from there." Cook said embarrassedly.

"Cook, this is impossible. Every ninth-level beast has a certain status in the Natal Mountains." Shan Ang shook his head and said, in fact, Shan Ang is more helpless to the Earth Bear. The way, that big guy is invincible as long as he is on the ground.

Cook said kindly: "Shan Ang, your idea is right, but think about it, if one day you cultivate to a level where you can leave this plane, leaving behind a group of young children, think about it, this Will the big guy let you off Stranglethorn Vale? Think about it. A group of Level 7 and Level 8 thorn dragons faces a Level 9 Earth Bear and has no ability to fight back."

"It dare not! We are a subordinate tribe of Silver Dragon City!" Shan Ang shook his head in disbelief.

"Cut, you said that the big guy is going to sneak attack on any tribe member of your tribe, and you can let people know, I count it, you have more than two hundred tribe members, it can eat one in a few days, and no one can know it." Cook said with disdain, Cook doesn't need too much strategy at all, the World of Warcraft is more cruel than human beings, and the weak and strong food is here to the fullest, without the slightest cover.

"Shan Ang, take advantage of our crowds and **** it. You see he is outside the territory of Silver Dragon City. Even the patrolling dragons have been driven out several times, just don’t leave, **** guy, I think it’s Some ideas." And the iron armor tyrannosaurus said even more.

Cook looked at the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus dumbly. This big guy still has some brains, and Cook continued: "Hey, I have some potions here. As long as it is eaten, it will not have much combat effectiveness in storage, and you want to Ah, if there is a long-term transaction between me and you, is it not allowed to be too dangerous on this road. Okay, okay, since you don't want to do it, let the big guy leave, OK?"

Cook’s retreat for advancement has clearly worked. Shan Ang also wants to exchange food with magic plants. Magic plants can’t eat their bodies, and a magic plant can feed dozens of people. This That is what Shan Ang values, so there is such a dangerous guy on the road of the transaction, Shan Ang is really worried.

"Roar! Damn bastards, you have stepped into my territory again." But before Shan Ang had time to say anything, he heard an extremely arrogant voice screaming. Then a huge ocher bear that was fifty meters high appeared in front of the group of people, waving a huge bear paw and roaring.

"Nanodo! I'm Shan Ang!" Shan Ang stood up and replied loudly.

"Hmph, no matter who it is, you just can't step into my territory." Nanoldo said very arrogantly, and the khaki light on his body became more intense.

"Damn Nanodo, are you looking for trouble?" Shan Ang was said by Nanodo and jumped up and shouted.

"Hey, you can pass through my territory, but you have to pay tolls." Nanoduo said with a smile.

When Cook heard this, he immediately grew his mouth, Nima, if you don’t mention tolls, maybe Shan Ang would ignore it at all, but if you want to charge tolls, wouldn’t it mean that you will have to trade in Stranglethorn Vale in the future? Fees, as expected, Shan An sullenly shouted: "Nanodo, if you leave right now, I don't need to care about you!"

"Nonsense, tolls!" How did Nanodo know that his territory was on the extremely important trading route of Stranglethorn Vale in the future. Nanodo had always envied those bandits to collect tolls, and to be honest, in the World of Warcraft, other things It is easy not to enter the territory of Warcraft, because entering the territory of others is a provocation.

"Okay! I'll pay you tolls, Cook, 100,000 sheep, how about it!" Shan Ang turned his head and shouted.

"I'll add another fifty thousand, one hundred and fifty thousand! I want to live!" Cook jumped up and said, a sheep is worth a few gold coins, a few gold coins are up to the sky, let's count several times, twenty gold coins one, fifteen Ten thousand heads is only 3 million gold coins, and 3 million gold coins are exchanged for a ninth-level demon bear, which is almost the same as a white pick.

"Hey, rest assured, this big guy is not so easy to die. Everyone, 150,000 heads of sheep, let's divide it evenly, let's do it!" Shan Ang laughed, shouted immediately, and then transformed into nearly 80 meters long. The giant thorn dragon, and the thorn dragon that Cook was riding in quickly ran away.

"Quack, sheep! Keng!" The jumping power of Tyrannosaurus ironclad was very powerful. A few bounces were close at a distance of hundreds of meters. The front paws scraped each other just like a meat scraper, and then two forwards. The claws rushed towards Nanodo densely, and the tail behind him pulled out suddenly.

"Damn it! The light of the earth!" Nanodo didn't know that these guys said they would do it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It doesn't make any sense, and immediately fell down, shouting, and a dazzling yellow light enveloped Huge body.

"The weakening light!" When the manta dragon in the sky heard Shan Ang's words, a black flame lit up all over his body, and several gray rays of light appeared in his eyes.

Seeing the magic released by the manta dragon, Lina couldn't help but * said: "It is actually a weakening light that cannot be exempted from the darkness system!"

"Puff puff puff!" And the two-footed flying dragon sprayed out a puff of acid, and puffed directly onto Nanodor's yellow light. The yellow light on Nanodor's body suddenly dimmed a lot.

"For the soil system, the acid system is extremely restrained!" Bua also * said, besieged by more than a dozen two-footed flying dragons, and it is so huge, even if it is Bua, it only has to run quickly. The acid is really good. Too annoying, the equipment wear and tear during the battle is extremely serious.

Lina stared at Cook stubbornly and asked loudly, "Cook, you went this way on purpose, didn't you?"

Thanks for the VIP tickets, PK tickets, and VIPs of several old friends, no more nonsense!

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