A Unique Hunter

Chapter 235: Vulnerability attack

"No, no!" Cook wouldn't admit it even if he was killed.

"Damn **** boy!" Lina was almost jealous and went crazy. Obviously, if this ninth-level monster was besieged and died, wouldn't the magic material all over her belong to the **** again? Lina then shouted: " No, no, according to the principle of team allocation, I have the right to distribute some spoils, I want bear bile!"

"Uh, uh, I want two big teeth!" Brahn said with a harp.

"I said you have to figure it out. This is what I exchanged for 150,000 head of sheep. You actually want to divide it. I told you that this is a deal, a deal! It is not the team's gain." Cook Immediately jumped up on the back of the thorn dragon and roared.

Lina and Bra's mouth turned into an O, and Bra yelled frantically, "Damn it, there are 150,000 sheep, you **** **** kid, liar!"

"Hehe, and I still have to live!" Cook continued proudly.

"My God, my God!" Lina yelled in grief and angrily. One hundred and fifty thousand sheep had to be replaced by a living ninth-level beast. This is not what he is picking up for nothing, sheep is something, there is enough You can buy it for the money, but the ninth-level earth bear, this is a holy beast, holy beast, it is worth 150,000 sheep, what is wrong with this **** world.

"Hey, it's impossible for Mickey's little gray to protect Mickey, so I'm going to change to a big gray!" Cook said with a smile.

"Big Huihui!" The two looked at the Earth Bear, which was nearly 20 meters high lying on the ground, and fainted. Of course, the body hadn't recovered yet and was fainted with anger.

"Earth Shield!" Nanodo saw that he was besieged by dozens of Yalong, and the shield on his body had dimmed a lot. He immediately roared, and a huge khaki shield that could cover the whole body appeared directly. Above Nanodor's body.

"Boom!" Then Nanoldo slammed the huge bear's paw glowing with earthy yellow light and slapped it on the ground.

"Suddenly!" A dense voice sounded, and numerous densely packed huge sharp stone pillars surged within several hundred meters of Nanodor's body.


"Roar!!!" The thorn dragon, earth dragon, and iron armor tyrannosaurus screamed in pain from being hit by the huge stone pillar.

"Huh!" Shan Ang hasn't done anything yet, but a big green light fell on the injured Yalong, and these Yalong's bodies immediately recovered.

"I rely on, awesome, I haven't lost yet, darling, it's worth 150,000 sheep flowers!" Cook muttered excitedly astonished at the fighting power with the earth bear.

Brah just woke up and heard Cooke's words, and he fainted again. A ninth-level holy warrior is not as good as a second-level hunter. How can this be called Braqing, why is love! And Lina kept rolling her eyes, gritting her teeth and gnashing her teeth, as if she was making a decision.

"Crash!" Shan Ang finally started, and the huge body was covered with a thick layer of withered tree bark, and he directly slammed into Nanodo.

"Boom!" Cook felt a shock on the ground more than 2,000 meters away, and Nanoldo was directly knocked back tens of meters, and Shan Ang did the same.

"Come again!" Shan Ang roared and rushed over again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The repeated collisions without any tricks made the other earth dragons unable to get in at all. Within a few tens of seconds, they had already collided countless times.

"Haha, cool! Come again!" Cook's magic eyes saw the light on Shan Ang and Earth Bear, Shan Ang dimmed very slowly, while Nanodo dimmed faster.

At this time, Bula said on the side: "The wood element lies in its strong physique and strong endurance. Although the earth element’s defense is very strong, the endurance is not the opponent of the wood element at all, and the most important thing is that the wood element is In battle, damaged bodies can be repaired, but the earth system does not, so it is not wise to fight a protracted battle with the wood system."

"Roar! Stone skin!" Nanodo roared directly, and immediately put on a thick layer of stone helmet. Such a peak duel, there is no chance to release powerful magic, and some only have talent magic.

"Quack, acid spit!" What made Nanodo depressed was that dozens of huge bipedal dragons in the sky actually spit a volley of acid, and the stone skin on Nanodo's body was directly affected by more than a dozen acid. Pouring a transparent.

"Zizzi! Zizzi!" Even the soil system, which is known as the most defensive, is corroded by the acid system, so it keeps becoming very dim.

"Black flame!" The bat dragon directly sprayed out black flames tens of meters long, and these black flames were directly attached to Nanodor's protective cover and burned.

"Alas, the Yalong type is worthy of a powerful type of beast. This attack method inherited from the dragon's breath is a nightmare for all enemies. It is simply **** powerful magic. There is no need to chant spells at all. Power attack magic.” Bula complained, yes, the power of Yalong and giant dragon lies in this, they can directly breathe dragon breath, and dragon breath is not weaker than powerful magic attack at all, and it doesn’t need Spells do not require perversion of mental power.

Cook nodded, and Shan Ang continued to rush into the past arbitrarily: "Boom!" He didn't give Nanodo a chance to breathe.

"Damn it, this is what you forced me and forced me." Nanodo realized the danger and shouted loudly.

Cook looked at Nanodo who was going to be mad, and shouted directly at the armored tyrannosaurus: "Hey, hello, come here, I have a secret weapon!"

"What secret weapon?" The armored tyrannosaurus was extremely depressed. The **** Nanodo's defense was too strong, and the armored tyrannosaurus did not break its defense at all.

"Hey, you take this thing and poke it in a non-lethal part." Cook took out a huge magic crossbow bolt, and stuffed a dark magic core into the upper groove. , The crossbow arrow directly gave out bursts of black halo, the iron armored tyrannosaurus claws were very flexible, and actually grabbed the metal crossbow arrow.

The armored tyrannosaurus looked at the strange thing, and asked suspiciously: "This thing is sharper than my claws?"

"Hehe, this is not a level, but if you want to sharpen your claws, I have a way, but this requires a lot of magic ores!" Cook said with a smile, which is why humans can occupy this plane. One.

"I'll try it first!" The iron-clad tyrannosaurus looked at the crossbow arrow that was twice as long as its own claws, wondering that there was something sharper than its own claws.

Bra and Lina were sweating coldly. This **** Cook actually had a dark magic core inlaid on the crossbow bolt. The dark system is mostly negative. For all systems, except for some rare ones, he has extremely restrained power. Big. And if the Warcraft uses weapons, it’s even harder to imagine, and Bula doesn’t need to look at the results. According to Cook’s morals, there are definitely powerful paralytic poisons on the crossbow arrows. It is estimated that there are sleeping potions, and maybe there are. Some other special medicines.

Cook looked at the crossbow arrows in the hands of Tyrannosaurus and looked forward to it. Not only were there powerful paralysis poisons and sleeping poisons, but also the phantom potions that Cook had obtained from Windsor. Then Lina was speechless, Ku Ke actually took out a memory magic crystal to record the battle.

"I want to see what the effects of various magic poisons will be?" Cook looked at Lina and couldn't help but explain.

The armored tyrannosaurus came to Nanodor with a few bounces. Nanodor was fighting at Shan Ang. For Nanodor, Shan Ang was the greatest danger. Without Shan Ang, he could escape safely.

Tyrannosaurus hardly finds an opportunity to attack from the front, because Nanodor’s slap is not a vegetarian, and he is an opponent at level 8 but not a level 9 opponent, and Nanodo keeps releasing a range of thorns, more than ten meters. The high ground thorns continuously sprinted out of the ground one after another.

Shan Ang didn’t care at all, the green light on his body directly and continuously healed each wound, and the bark art released by Shan Ang’s body also greatly offset the impact of the ground thorns. Tyrannosaurus iron armor is similar to the Tyrannosaurus among dinosaurs. Iron armor Tyrannosaurus looked from left to right, and finally saw that Nanodor's **** was very flawed. No way, the devil bear's tail did not have any offensive ability. I don't want the tail of the sub-dragon to have a strong offensive ability.

There was a weakness on his **** that all monsters knew, and the iron armor tyrannosaurus didn't care about it, directly and fiercely, piercing the seven-meter-long crossbow arrow in his hand toward that weak spot.

"Damn!" Bla yelled and covered his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ while Cook's eyes widened, and Lina was even more incredible.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu screaming sound of screams resounding hundreds of kilometers of sound almost deafened Cook's ears.

Tyrannosaurus ironclad looked at all the crossbow arrows that had been pierced in almost incredulously. He couldn't figure out how this thing was stronger than his own claws, and it broke this guy's defense all at once, but that was it. Frozen, the iron armor tyrannosaurus was directly slapped by Nanodo and flew hundreds of meters away.

"Boom!" The gap between level 8 and level 9 suddenly appeared.

"Damn it, this is a big talent." And so Lina has the urge to beat Cooke hard, Cook actually admired Tyrannosaurus armored.

"Damn it, you forced me, you forced me!" Nanodo screamed, the yellow light on his body suddenly became more dazzling, like a small sun.

Blaze hurriedly rolled from the back of the seven-eight-meter-high thorn dragon to the ground, and shouted vigorously, "Danger, this big guy is about to explode."

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