A Unique Hunter

Chapter 235: 纳诺多易主

"Blode, this is worth 150,000 sheep!" Cook jumped up and shouted.

"Huh! Blast, savage collision!" Shan Ang shouted loudly, and then a greener light appeared on his body, but this light was like the light when humans released their grudge, Shan Ang's huge body was like a giant train, directly He ran into Nanodo.

"Boom!" Nanoldo was directly hit by a huge force for dozens of meters.

"Wow!!!" Nanodo screamed, not because of other reasons, or because the iron armored tyrannosaurus inserted into the giant crossbow arrow in Nanodor's body. You must know that this type of crossbow arrow can even break the defense of the dragon. Come on, let alone the weakness area of ​​the Earth Bear, and this crossbow arrow is inserted into the body, everyone can imagine how uncomfortable Nanodo is.

Every time the power is run, there is a burst of colic in Nanodor's body, not to mention the concentration of the fight, and the self-detonation is an instant burst of all the elemental powers that he can use, but it is a pity that it has been smeared. The crossbow arrows of paralysis potions, lethargy potions, and phantom potions are already working. Not to mention the colic caused by the metal itself, which makes Nanodo unable to concentrate. The huge amount of perfect-level poisons makes Nanodo more mental. Trance, unable to concentrate.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Shan Ang, who learned how to run vindictive qi, transported all the vindictive qi, forming a thick vindictive shield outside his body, and then directly slammed into Nanodo's body, which was originally his body. It's not as big as Shan An, so the brutal collision caused a lot of damage to Nanodo.

"Puff puff puff!" While the two-footed dragon spit out acid continuously, although the amount was getting less and less, the continuous corrosion had almost disappeared the yellow light on Nanodor's body.

"Curse of Weakness!" "Curse of Slowness!" "Curse of Pain!" The dark bat dragon constantly releases curses on Nanodo. The curse released by the giant bat dragon is not comparable to those of dark wizards. The curse of weakness makes Nanodo’s physical strength was lost faster, and the curse of slowness made Nanodo’s movements slower because of internal colic, and the curse of pain made the already painful Nanodo painful, curse of pain It is to magnify the pain of your body. Think about it if a thorn pierces your body, and then magnifies it a hundred times, it may immediately pass out in pain, and the magnification depends on the magic power of the caster who released the curse and It's determined by mental power.

"Wow!!!" Now Nanodo is in a trance, and can only relieve the great pain with a miserable cry. The yellow light on the surface of Nanodo's body has completely disappeared, and the fur on his body has also been corroded. There was a pool of bald yellow skin.

"Hehe, thorns technique!" Shan Ang saw the halo formed by the black curse emanating from Nanodo's body, hehe with a treacherous laugh, directly released a lowest level wood magic, thorns technique.


Blair almost incredulously said: "Hey, I fainted. I don't know how many times this painful curse is magnified. Look, I am still convulsing when I fainted!"

"Hmph, didn't you see that it was a mutated double-headed bat dragon? The spiritual power of a seventh-level double-headed bat dragon is at least the ninth level of a human, and this bat dragon actually released curses with both heads at the same time. The curse was formed almost at the same time, so it caused a very rare magical fusion attack. The power of the curse of pain released was increased by at least one and five times. If you are released a curse of pain of this level, you only need to use a knife to scratch your skin. In a moment, maybe your soul will dissipate because of this." Lina looked the most carefully, and Bra and Cook did not have a say in magic.

Only then did Cook discover that there really is a two-headed manta dragon. Cook was drooling. This two-headed magic attack is the most powerful. No matter what the beast is, as long as there are two heads, it is very powerful. Legend The emperor of the middle dragon clan is the three-headed golden dragon, and the three-headed golden dragon. After thinking about it, Cook thinks that the fighting power of this thing is probably not what ordinary people can resist.

"Boom! Cook, it's yours!" Shan Ang directly threw Nanodo's still twitching body in front of Cook.

"Thanks, thanks. Thank you!" Cook looked at such a big Nanodo, and his words were uncomfortable. The battle lasted not long, only nearly 20 minutes, but this Nanodo was indeed strong, so many. Dragon siege. Flying in the sky, running on the ground, dozens of Yalong besieged, they have not been killed yet, they just passed out in a coma.

What humans like most is signing a contract with a comatose or seriously injured monster. Because of the high rate of success, Cook is trembling and chanting magic spells. Of course, it is the magic spell of the master and servant contract. But what makes Cook embarrassed is that , Released the contract magic several times, but it was not successfully signed.

"Cook, I have a high-level contract scroll here." At this time, Lina smiled and handed over a simple scroll.

Cook took the scroll vigilantly, then opened it carefully, and found that there was no problem, so Cook dripped his own blood, locked Nanodor with mental power, and a strange magic rune ran directly towards Na Noldor's head.

Nanodo’s body twitched twice, and the magic runes slowly penetrated into Nanodo’s forehead, and then two magic runes flew out of Nanodo’s forehead, rushing directly to Cook and Lina.

"You, you, Lina!" Cook was dumbfounded, everyone knew that there must be a problem with this situation.

"Hey, Cook, this is regarded as compensation for the loss of my equipment. This contract was made by me, but I accidentally left a spiritual mark in it. So just now I also signed a contract with this big guy. Actually, Cook you You should be happy, if it weren't for my spiritual mark, you are..." Lina smiled like a little fox.

"Hmph, Shan Ang, kill this guy for me, I don't need to share a demon familiar with other people!" Cook was so angry that this was prepared for Mickey by Cook, but he did not expect to be caught by Lina. With a hand in, Cook felt very angry, very annoyed.

"Kengkeng!" The iron-clad tyrannosaurus shook its big claws with a lame leg, obviously looking for a place to start.

When Lina heard Cook say this, she immediately screamed: "Cook, dare you, if you kill this big guy, grandma will never finish it for you!"

"Oh, Grandma Lina, you haven't seen the current situation yet, you said that if something happens to you here, I don't know if someone will say it?" Cook bit the character very hard. In fact, Cook just called out in human language and didn't mean to kill Nanodo. It was just a threat to Lina. Otherwise, Cook said it directly in Yalong language, I believe Lina would never know.

Lina widened her eyes when she heard Cook’s words, and then compromised and asked: "What are you going to do? You also know that a magician needs a powerful pet. This big guy is very valued. Well!"

"Grandma Lina, don't you act like a baby, okay?" Cook was asked by Lina in an audacious tone, his scalp numb, obedient, this is an old monster.

"Well, what do you need?" Lina glared at Cook, and then asked.

"Hehe, the first thing is to return the space magic crystal to me. I know that the space magician has space to store things, let alone being taken by the dragon." Cook said with a smile.

Lina's eyes widened, and it took a long time to figure out the biggest space magic crystal and hand it to Cook. There is no way, the situation is better than others, Lina cursed in her heart: "Asshole boy, see how grandma will clean up in the future. you."

"There is also that you have to swear that you will not take the opportunity to retaliate against me in the future. In addition, I don't owe you anything anymore. The previous account is written off." Cook said again.

"Okay! I swear!" Lina gritted her teeth tightly. This **** **** boy, I must make him look good in the future.

"Finally, your promise to help me do three things!" Cook finally raised three fingers.

"One, and just say it now, otherwise you can do it what you like!" Lina glared at Cook fiercely and replied bargainingly.

"Okay, just help me find a high-level fire familiar." Cook was about to make some more excessive demands, but when he saw Lina's appearance, Cook gave up, if he offends a space magician Dead, this is not a fun thing.

Lina breathed a sigh of relief, thinking what a perverted request Cook was going to make, but for a high-level Fire Familiar, Lina readily agreed. Cook also quickly cancelled the contract with Nanodo. For Ke, as long as Shan Ang is here, there is no problem with another Earth Bear.

The rest of the journey is very easy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Shan Ang also divided a one kilometer wide road along the way, shouting loudly along the way, this kilometer wide road will be the territory of the Yalong clan in the future. , The rest of the beasts only had to pass by, but they didn't stay there for hunting, so many beasts had to move along the way.

Soon Cook and his team came to the plains mightily. The mountains were already frosty, but the average principle was golden yellow, but the color of grass. Because there were too many robbers in Cook’s territory, the population was very high. The number is rare, but the specific figures have not yet been counted.

"Cook, you..." When Manli and his team saw nearly a hundred giant dragon monsters outside of Blackstone Town, everyone's eyes widened, and the Frost Giant revealed a tall body. , The dwarf was on guard from a distance, but the dwarf’s mount was frightened and fell to the ground, curled up into a ball, and did not listen to the master's command.

"They are my customers. I don’t know if the things you need to prepare are ready? And the transaction here seems to be impossible." Cook originally wanted to set this place as a place for trading with Yalong, but saw In this situation, Cook had to change his mind.

"Customer!" Manli had the urge to faint again, what could be traded with this monster, and Lara who was beside Manli stared at the manta dragon and drooled.

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