A Unique Hunter

Chapter 236: Find

"Which client? Are you planning to use these Yalongs for trading?" Lara asked incredulously.

"You are wishful thinking, Lala. I need 150,000 heads of sheep, and a lot of corn, as much as I want." Cook said directly to Lala.

Lala jumped up suddenly: "What, 150,000 sheep, why don't you go...cuckoo!"

"I'm using this transaction this time, have you seen it?" Cook directly picked up a wooden basin, poured out a pile of magic cores, and swallowed his saliva while watching.

"And I need your thieves’ union to release a message to buy a large amount of various livestock, and the market price of less than 10,000 heads will double. The price of more than 10,000 heads will double the market price. If it exceeds 200,000 heads, the price will be doubled. Three times, if there are half a million heads, just quadruple it.” Cook threw a blockbuster again. Cook knew that as long as there was a 300% profit, all businessmen would flock to it.

"Cook, are you crazy?" Manli hurriedly stopped, knowing that the major empires in Cook's surrounding territories are basically mountainous areas with a small population and a large amount of land, and there are many, many livestock breeding, like the Arran Empire. Tens of millions of livestock are sold a year. There is no way, the Arran Empire has the largest pasture in the world.

"Not crazy, and I need a lot of food, no matter what kind of food, I will give it." Cook took a deep breath again and said.

Lala is about to collapse. The output of corn is very high. The people who eat it are low-level slaves. In some places, slaves don’t eat it, but only use it to make wine. Corn is the only grain that is not prohibited in all empires. Lara asked *like: "Cook, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Of course, but if your guild can get 150,000 heads of sheep within three days, I don't mind providing your guild with a batch of pet space bags, the number is about one hundred." Cook made his own terms again. .

"Immediately, I'll release the news right away!" Lala burst out of anger and rushed out of Cook's room, and then rushed to the door of the thieves' union that was still being established.

Then Cook shouted: "Baghlu, Baglu, give me a good greeting to the guests, enough food and drink."

"Master, sir, Baglu can't be too busy!" Baglu ran over in sweat.

"Idiot, you are stupid, you just need to pancakes for the thorn dragon, add a little salt at most, and as for the mantasaurus and the bipedal wyvern, these guys can eat raw." Cook said angrily.

Bagrul blinked his small eyes and cried, "But they saw Lord Philistine eating cooked food, they want to eat too!"

"Phyllis Deman, you **** bastard, go, find Luo Cuo, and the guards who can cook, anyway, those big guys will be in charge of eating and drinking." Cook waved Said with a wave.

Bagru left sadly and angrily. Bagru’s dream is to fight, not around the barbecue, but Bagru dare not listen to Cook’s words. He didn’t watch Cook go out for a while, and there will be more after coming back. Nearly a hundred big guys, big guys enough to make Bagru run away.

"Master Felice Deman!" Shan Ang looked at Felice Deman sitting comfortably on a large chair. In Shan Ang's mind, Master Felice Deman should be very sad, but it seemed Master Phyllis Deman seemed to enjoy it.

Phyllis Deman looked at Shan Ang and asked in surprise: "Why, you have also been fooled by Cook, don’t be afraid, life here is pretty good, there are food and drink, Loni, you guy I’m going to die, and pour a glass of wine for the lord. If you want the strongest wine, I will entertain a subordinate."

"Come, come, sir!" Ronnie ran over quickly, but Ronnie knew that the consequence of the slowness was that the wine glass was smashed, but this wine glass was thrown out of the dragon's claws enough to throw the city wall Break a piece.

Shan Ang looked at Phyllis Deman suspiciously, and asked suspiciously: "My lord, what do you look like?"

"Shhh, I told you that this look is the safest. Don’t you know that humans are the most perverted? I suggest that you should also become Yalong’s body. You don’t know that your body is most popular with those ladies People like it, they will squeeze your body, you will know when you have time to listen to those mercenaries in the bar." Phyllis Diman stared and shouted.

"Yes, yes!" Shan Ang flashed a green light, and a one-meter-sized thorn dragon sat on a chair. At this time, Cook came.

Cook looked at the two weird guys. Fortunately, this was Cook's own lord mansion. Otherwise, he couldn't scare people to death. Cook stared directly at Phyllis Deman and shouted: "Phyllis Deman, Your food will be limited from today, Loni, you won’t be allowed to drink this guy in the future."

"Master Baron." Ronnie almost shed tears when he heard Cook's voice.

"Okay, okay, in the future, if this guy dares to bully you, I'll let him go." Cook said comfortingly, glaring at Philistines, and Shan Ang directly put the cup into his mouth. I don't know, but Shan Ang knew about Philistine's temper, Shan Ang even shrank his body, looked around, looking for a way to escape.

"My Lord Baron, I heard that you are planning to establish a market with Warcraft, mainly Yalong Demon*. Then don't you think I am the most suitable supervisor in this market?" Phillis Deman didn't care at all. Drinking is enough, and I don’t have to work hard anyway.

When Cook heard Phyllis Deman say this, his heart was really moved, but then he denied it: "I'll talk about you later."

Cook then summoned the leaders of the dwarf craftsmen responsible for the construction, and then once again expanded the scope of Blackstone Town, from Cook’s Lord’s Mansion as the boundary, and extended five kilometers in the future. This will be the future and Yalong The main area of ​​the transaction, Cook wants to build a large number of animal pens and a large number of granaries here, and this is also a special area for Cook and the Yalong Demon*. Outsiders are not allowed to enter, the construction is very simple, just use the city wall Just surround it, and of course the necessary gates must be kept, after all, not all Yalong can fly.

Due to the increase in the population of Cook’s territory, the barbarians have increased to nearly 70,000, and the dwarves have increased to 60,000, and they are not permanent. There are also a large number of dwarves who come to Cook’s territory every day to buy Liquor, then drunk drunk lying on the mount and left, and Cook let Luo Cuo return to the underground world to recruit fifty trolls to be responsible for distilling liquor. Manli would buy 100,000 catties from the Magic City in almost three days. Corn wine has caused the price of corn wine to rise by one copper coin, and a large number of merchants and mercenaries have returned to Blackstone Town, so the resident population of Blackstone Town has exceeded 150,000.

But Cook’s territory is also facing a huge crisis. First of all, there are only 3,000 guards. Of course, there will be no big things happening with the Frost Titan. The biggest crisis is the rising price of daily necessities, and if it is in winter , The price may rise again.

Cook looked at the report sent by Manly. The seven empires increased taxes along the way. This is also one of the reasons for the soaring price of goods. Cook rubbed his head, but fortunately, the bulk of the materials were delivered by one person. Array, or Cook had to die.

Cook carefully stood on the map and looked at the winding trade road. From the Magic City to his territory, this golden trade road passed through seven empires, dozens of principalities, and hundreds of kingdoms. There are so many tax cards on the road.

"Oh, this Totisnia highland is blocked here, otherwise thousands of kilometers can be saved." Cook looked at the raised Totisnia highland and couldn't help sighing, Totisnia Highlands are not only plateau climate, but the most important thing is that even if Cook wants to build roads, it is not an easy task, and it is extremely costly to financial resources.

"Why don't you build a concrete road?" Another thought came up in Cook's mind, but looking at the high mountains, Cook had to give up.

"It's a headache, or just build a large teleportation array, but the materials needed are probably sky-high." One thought after another flashed in Cook's mind, but helplessly, he couldn't solve the current dilemma.

The thieves’ union was extremely fast. Lala did not see a trace for one day, nor did he see a trace the next day. On the evening of the third day, Cook welcomed Lala and several elders. These elders looked at nearly a hundred heads in Blackstone. Yalong, who wandered around in a random manner, had his eyes widened, and for this, Cook had to widen the road in Heishi Town to 50 meters, which was another renovation project.

Cook hadn't had time to meet the thieves' union. A group of uninvited guests from the sky made Cook have to stop because they were from the wizards' union.

"Oh my god, my god, it's manta dragon dung. This is a rare magic material." Before Cook could say anything, he saw an old man rushing to a large beach quickly. The feces in front of him, and then there are a lot of bottles and cans directly infused with these feces mentally.

"It's actually Tyrannosaurus armored, my God, it's the first time I saw Tyrannosaurus armored. It's so beautiful." Another old man screamed and pointed at Tyrannosaurus armored, holding the memory crystal in his hand and constantly shooting. The figure of the armored tyrannosaurus was still muttering something excitedly.

The corners of Cook's mouth twitched, and finally Cook saw an acquaintance, Elder Doktor, now the second-ranked elder of the Wizards Guild.

"Cook, you kid, I still underestimated your talent for animal language and animal language. Frost Titans, trolls, and ogres are amazing enough, but these Yalong, I say your kid’s luck is Isn’t it better?” Doktor smiled bitterly at the two-footed flying dragon he was riding. Compared with the two-footed flying dragon wandering hundreds of meters away, he is like a child, he is only fifteen. The size of meters, and that guy is at least 20 meters, and looking at the color, looking at the shape, you know that it is not comparable.

"Elder Doktor, welcome!" Cook did not expect the Wizards' Guild to come so quickly.

"It's unimaginable!" Doktor looked at Blackstone Town, which already has a medium-sized city, and looked at the dwarves, orcs, and savages coming and going. It is hard to look like this is actually a human territory.

What Cook didn't notice was that in a tavern two hundred meters away, two guys dressed as mercenaries stared at Cook. One of them asked suspiciously: "Wood, am I right?"

"No, Carney, you read that right, it's that kid." The mercenary named Wood grabbed the table firmly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ for fear of rushing out impulsively.

"Damn it, **** it, it must be...oooo!" Carney stood up and shouted excitedly. Wood immediately stood up and covered Carney's mouth.

He whispered: "Kani, Kani, **** it, wake up and see if they are from the Lord's Mansion, we must calm down! Calm down!"

"Wood, I have no way to calm down, no way, the three princes, General Conkney, and so many colleagues, and more than two million imperial soldiers, they are all dead, and there are two of us alive and alive! Wood! , I can't calm down." Carney roared in a low voice.

"Because of this, we have to calm down. Let's sell the sheep first, and then inquire about it. There are only two of us left in a group of hundreds of people. This hatred is for retribution, it is for retribution." Wood also roared in a low voice.

"But we can't mess around. Let's go back alive. Go back and make it clear. This kid must be a spy of the Roland Empire." Wood then gritted his teeth and stared at the back of Cook entering the Lord's Mansion, with blood flowing from his eyes. It turned out that when Cook poisoned the three princes to death and captured Connie, Wood and Carney who brought Cook into the manor, the two soldiers of the Royal Ceylon regiment.

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