A Unique Hunter

Chapter 237: bargain

Cook did not realize that he had been exposed at all. Cook was worried now, because an elder of the Thieves Guild and Doctor of the Mage Guild were here, and they knew what Cook wanted to do with his ass.

"Cook, this is our trade union’s expert on Warcraft. Rasinetta is the most authoritative expert in our world. This time I’m here to discuss with you. The Wizards’ Guild is going to establish a branch here to study There are many kinds of monsters in the Natal Mountains." Doktor first introduced.

Cook saluted and greeted: "Master Rasinetta, welcome!"

"Baron Cook, I am very satisfied. You can actually see many rare beasts here, especially the mantasaurus and tyrannosaurus. The information on these beasts can be said to be blank." Rasinetta said with satisfaction.

Cook was dissatisfied when he heard this. You should know that Cook is just using these monsters to collect magic materials for himself, and Rasinetta's goal is to turn these drake monsters into magic materials. Of course, as long as If Cook’s interests are not involved, Cook won’t say anything, but if you have to thoroughly research Rasinetta, then the weaknesses will be known. The first target to be dealt with must be the monsters in your own territory. , So Cook was very dissatisfied, but Cook did not show it.

"Baron Cook, the 150,000 head of sheep you want will be delivered by you tonight." At the sign of an elder of the thieves' union, Lala also plucked up the courage to speak.

"Okay, this is the best news I've heard. Elder Doktor, you guys take a break first, I have something to deal with." Cook said apologetically and retired, and Doctor's face was a bit irritating. It looks good.

Cook took Lara and the others to another room, and then a manager of the thieves’ union began to explain in detail: "My Lord Baron, we received news yesterday that it is in the fifteen medium-sized cities next to you. In 200 large towns and 115 tribes, a total of 930,000 sheep and 110,000 cattle were raised. For this, our thieves’ union used all the personnel from 32 branches and Hire more than a thousand guides familiar with the route, and..."

"Okay, okay!" When Cook heard that the thieves' union had raised so many sheep so quickly, he kept saying yes.

"But I beg your Lord Baron's forgiveness. These animals will arrive one after another. The first batch tonight will have 180,000 sheep and more than 10,000 cattle." The steward continued to explain.

Cook waved his hand indifferently and said, "You can continue to buy, but you won't want that much. There are 300,000 sheep every month, and 100,000 cows are almost the same. Please rest assured, I Cook If you speak, I will trade with magic cores, or magic materials, and space bags when I see sheep tonight. This is a list of some of my goods, and you can choose some of them in exchange."

Lala took the list and handed it to the elder next to him. The elder next to him took the list and took a deep breath: "Fifteen eggs of the thorn dragon, two hundred and seventy-five gem-level magic herbs, elementary Three thousand five hundred and sixty magic cores, two hundred and ten intermediate magic cores, ninety-six advanced magic cores "Highest Level 7", 13,000 sets of fine iron lock armor, 3,200 fine iron plate armor Set, fine iron weapon..."

"Hehe, the magic core needs additional calculations. I can find all other magic cores here." Cook explained.

Lala stared at Cook and asked, "What's the matter with these thorn dragon eggs?"

"Hehe, just pick it up. There are many in Stranglethorn Vale in the Lair of the Thornthorn Dragon. There are 215 adult Thornthorn Dragons in Stranglethorn Vale, among which 98 are females, and each female Thornthorn Dragon will give birth in 30 years. Each time, four to five eggs are laid, but when it hatches, the thorn dragon will only leave the dragon eggs that hatched first, and the rest will be discarded. These 15 dragon eggs are still the female thorn dragon eggs that lay this year. There are as many as ten, but some of them are no longer alive, and I discard them. These fifteen are all guys with normal life fluctuations, and several of them are about to hatch." Cook explained in detail. At the beginning, Cook thought Shan Ang would stop him, but in the end Shan Ang knew and didn't say anything, so Cook was relieved a lot.

The Lalaji people took a breath, and there are actually 215 adult thorn dragons. The thorn dragons are generally seventh-level adults. Think about more than two hundred seven-level monsters. Who dares to pick them? No one dared to go to the artifact, and Stranglethorn Vale didn't know where it was. It was very difficult to find Stranglethorn Vale in the vast Natal Mountains.

Lara then continued to ask: "Then the value of this dragon egg?"

"One 50 million gold coin!" Cook directly slapped it.

And the few people in Lala almost fainted, and you just picked it up, and actually earned more than 700 million gold coins. Goodbye, you go there every year. You don’t do anything for a year better than those of the great empires. The fiscal revenue is still more.

"Hehe, of course, as the most solid partner, I can sell you five at a discount for only half of the market price." Cook said with a change of tone when he saw the expressions of several people.

The elder asked with a wry smile: "I'm afraid Baron Cook wants to commission our thieves' guild to auction the remaining ten thorn dragon eggs on the black market, right?"

"The elder is right, in fact, I can still choose the Mage Union, but who makes you my partners." Cook nodded and smiled.

But after Cook said this, the elders of the Thieves Guild made some depressed words that surprised Cook: "Cook, I am very grateful for your sincerity, but I suggest you need to bring in the Mage Guild. "

"Why?" Cook asked with wide eyes in surprise, because Cook subconsciously does not like monopolistic industries.

"Because the Mage Union is the largest power on the mainland. Magic items, magic potions, etc. are related to magic materials. The Mage Union has almost a monopoly, including pharmacists and alchemists. If our thieves’ union buys today Your magic materials will eventually fall into the hands of the Wizards Guild. Just like these gem-level magic herbs, our pharmacists in the Thieves Guild dare not start refining. Of course, there are deeper reasons. I don’t It's convenient to reveal it." The elder sighed and explained.

Cook thought for a while, and finally said: "I understand, so let's add the Wizards' Union to our cooperation!" Cook was also a little depressed.

Doktor seemed to have expected that Cook would invite his party to discuss it. Seeing Cook's eyes were weird, Cook took out the list and handed it to Doktor, and then said, "This is what I have. For goods, I hope to exchange some food and livestock, and the quantity needed is very large."

"Hehe, you know that your kid is very capable, and the talent of animal language and animal language has made you play to the extreme. A gem-level magic herb, the entire guild does not necessarily have 200 plants a year, but Cook, I have one condition? "Doctor said with a narrow smile when he saw the list in his hand.

Doktor saw that Cook didn't say anything, so he continued: "I hope Cook, you can sell these things to the guild at 80% of the market price."

"So what good do I have?" Cook didn't jump up to object, but asked rhetorically.

"Hehe, our wizards’ guild will prohibit large mercenaries from entering the Natal Mountains area to the west and north of the Totisnia Heights, and our wizards’ guild will build a large teleportation formation in your territory, of course. Those that need to be shared equally, as for future charges, we will negotiate again. "Doctor has a big hand.

Cook looked at the map. It was obvious that Doktor meant that these places were not large-scale mercenary groups and there was no way to take risks. Without large-scale mercenary groups, Cook would collect more magic herbs, and one more thing. This result is equivalent to putting this huge area under Cook's jurisdiction.

"Haha, I don't think it is necessary for a large teleportation array. The materials needed to build a large teleportation array are all sky-high. How much will I buy if I have the money?" Cook shook his head and said with a smile.

Doctor shook his head and said, "Cook, there are seven empires around you. Among them, the total fiscal revenue of the three empires can't be the value of the goods on your list, and there are four other empires. The empire has a fiscal deficit almost every year. Tell me about it, what would you do if the deal was leaked out?"

"No, they will come to attack me?" Cook's face immediately turned green.

"No, but they will set up more road cards, and then collect more taxes. You have to find them to cooperate until you can't stand it." Doctor shook his head and said.

Cook’s face is green~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You know, and Yalong Demon* Yi is also playing with fire, these big guys are not reasonable, let alone white papers, debts, etc., Cook does not want to be countless Yalong hunts down, then a stable supply channel is necessary.

"If I need to pay for the construction, then the transaction must be based on the market price." Cook gritted his teeth and said, there is no way, the cost of building a teleportation array is too great.

"With 75% of the ownership of Tierceau Castle North Fort, our union will be responsible for building the teleportation formation, but the charges will not be related to you in the future." Ducto said with a smile.

"80% is 80%, Tierceau Castle North Fort will belong to me, and I will divide the cost of the teleportation array in the future." Cook finally weighed it and said. Of course, 80% of the market price can be understood by Cook. After all, the amount is large and preferred.

"But Cook, are you sure you want to pay half of the construction cost of the teleportation array?" Doctor froze, knowing that a magic teleportation array, especially a large one, would feel a lot of pressure on the price even the union itself.

"Humph, you'll know when the time comes." Cook snorted. In fact, Cook feels that he is still at a loss. If he has the materials, it is estimated that Lina can build it, but it must be linked to the teleportation array of the Mage Union It must also be constructed by the Wizards’ Union.

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