A Unique Hunter

Chapter 238: New housekeeper

"Okay, but it takes time to prepare." Doktor felt his toothache, because this matter has been out of the union's previous plan, and the establishment of a teleportation array is still a large teleportation array, so it must be passed The presbytery passed, but Doctor was also satisfied. After all, the value of these magic materials is very high. Among other things, the more than two hundred gem-level magic herbs, the potions refined are sky-high, fifteen A thorn dragon egg guild can take at least about seven or eight, which is enough to form a dragon knight army.

But Doktor looked at the elder of the Thieves Guild and said: "Our Mage Guild only deals with magic materials. We will not do these fine iron weapons."

"Haha, Your Excellency Doktor, our union is interested in this." Lala hurriedly said, joking, Cook will have a lot of fine iron weapons in the future. You must know that although the weapon trade is not as profitable as magic materials , But the profit is also high.

When Doktor heard Lala say this, he also smiled and said, "Okay! First of all, I have to go back to convene a presbytery meeting and discuss the construction of the teleportation array."

"That's okay, I'll buy the materials after you have negotiated. I will keep these things." Cook quickly blocked, joking, these things are not priceless, precious.

And Doctor was speechless, and looked at Cook very upset: "Isn't it just some magic materials? Could such a big union still ignoring your materials?"

"Three days, if there is no news for three days, I will find someone else." Cook ignored Doctor's gloomy gaze, paying the money and delivering the goods. This is the rule.

"And I hope you can bring some food, not the gold coins." What made Doktor even more depressed was that he didn't bring anything back once he came, but Cook also added a condition.

Doctor and his party went straight away in a two-legged dragon, but not one, but ten. Obviously this was a dragon knight army, and Cook continued to direct the barbarians to work overtime to build the animal pen. Just kidding, one hundred More than tens of thousands of livestock need a lot of places.

"Forage, **** it, I need forage, and enough water!" Cook wailed. A million heads of livestock need to eat too much, and they need enough water, and there are no large scales around Blackstone Town. Cook can't help but regret his inexperience.

"My Lord Baron, there is a valley 30 kilometers away from here, where there is a water source, and there are caves in the valley, which can be used as animal pens." A human mercenary heard Cook's wailing and suggested loudly.

Before Cook had spoken, the guard next to him rushed over, checked the man carefully, and then brought him to Cook: "Master Baron, my name is Sebastian, I am a full-time worker. housekeeper!"

"Steward?" Cook knew, and knew that a qualified butler would solve many problems for the owner, but Cook decided to test the housekeeper.

"Then Sebastian, I will have a million livestock tonight, but you see that the animal pen has not been built yet, and the fodder is also a big problem. If you leave it to you, how do you plan to solve it?" Cook asked .

"My Lord Baron was wrong from the very beginning. The animal pen should not be built here. It should be built in a valley 30 kilometers away. That valley is 50 kilometers long and it is a death valley. The caves where humans live, these caves can completely allow livestock to survive the winter safely. As for forage, Lord Baron is going to raise all these millions of animals? Even if forage is needed, as long as Lord Baron issues a purchase order, I think Tomorrow, there will be countless barbarians in the territory with a lot of forage. After all, it is easy to obtain forage, and you have a lot of grassland in your territory." Sebastian didn't even want to answer.

When Cook heard this, he immediately slapped his hand and said, "Well, I will give you a ten-day trial period. During this period, the first thing you need to do is to settle these million heads of livestock. I will give you one thousand. The command of the guard.,

Cook then asked the head of the guard in the territory of Kaluri to pick out a thousand people for Sebastian's command, and then Cook easily put aside the matter, and the sheep that arrived first in the evening had already arrived. It's just a group of people being driven here.

"Shan Ang! This is the 150,000 head of sheep I promised." Cook pointed to the black and overwhelming piece. The 150,000 head of sheep is really spectacular.

All the Yalong was stunned, and the iron armored tyrannosaurus was also stunned. These guys did not expect that there are really so many 150,000 sheep, and they can't see the side at a glance. The iron armored tyrannosaurus asked in a low voice: "Ku Gram, can I taste it?"

"Yes, but I suggest you..." Before Cook finished speaking, the ironclad tyrannosaurus bit a sheep directly and chewed it.

"It's delicious!" The iron armor tyrannosaurus quickly finished eating one, and exclaimed with saliva.

Cook couldn't help but roll his eyes. These sheep are basically one-year old, and the meat is very tender, but then Cook feels very bad, because nearly a hundred dragons saw Tyrannosaurus armored and immediately They all rushed into the sheep and gobbled up.

"What did the Lord Baron just want to say?" Sebastian asked with a smile.

"I want to cut these lamb skins first. It's always ugly to have wool, isn't it? Sheep the wool if it doesn't help. How much is the wool of 150,000 sheep?" Cook said annoyedly.

Sebastian calculated on one side: "A good sheepskin is about ten silver coins. We can hire some people to peel and wash the skin. These cost about three silver coins, and one silver coin for materials. Finally, There is also a tool that removes one silver coin. You have to earn at least three silver coins for a sheepskin, while one hundred and fifty thousand sheep is 450,000 silver coins and 4,500 gold coins." Sebastian just calculated it. Up.

"Oh, you figure it out, only four thousand and five hundred gold coins." Cook threw Sebastian down and left.

Sebastian said with bright eyes: "I actually didn't put four thousand and five hundred gold coins in my eyes. I'm the Lord Baron Ding, but it's a pity that these sheepskins will be lost, but if you build a large leather jacket Production workshop, then the profit should be..."

Sebastian came to Cook’s study the next day. Cook’s eyes were red and there was no way. Those Yalong snoring was too loud. Cook decided to move the place where he traded with Yalong away, otherwise no one would suffer. Nothing: "Sebastian, what's the matter?"

"My Lord Baron, is this my plan?" Sebastian respectfully handed a scroll to Cook.

Cook looked at Sebastian. Sebastian was very tall, about 2.5 meters tall, and very strong. He was about 30 years old. What Cook saw with his magic eyes was the fire element. , Cook looked at the scroll, and then said displeased: "In the future, if you apply for a plan with less than one million gold coins, please contact Ms. Manli, and those with less than one hundred thousand gold coins will report directly to Ms. Manli, and then go directly to the finance department. Get it, but sign it."

"Boom!" Sebastian didn't stand firm, she was frightened by Cook, one million gold coins, baby!

"In addition, I still have a few things for you to do. First of all, you can't talk about these Yalong trades, and I am going to move these Yalong devil*s to a greater distance. This is the first one. The second is population. My territory needs a large population. Regardless of race, the third is that the Wizards’ Guild decided to build a large magic teleportation array here, so the planning of Blackstone Town is left to you. After these things are done, , And then you can become my official steward." Cook follows the principle of probation period, just use it as much as you want.

"Yes, Lord Baron." Sebastian went out almost dizzy, because the establishment of a large magic teleportation array, this is not necessarily an empire, and he can have one hundred thousand gold coins as a housekeeper. Authority, you must know that even in the oldest nobles, it is still unwilling to do it. A thousand gold coins will almost end.

Next, Cook did discover Sebastian’s talent. It was too good to calculate, but Cook also knew about Sebastian’s profession. He was actually a thief and had demon blood. Sebastian’s next day The recruitment information was posted, and a large number of barbarians and women arrived the next day, and Sebastian adopted a piecework system that is not available in this world, dividing the process of lamb skinning and leather making into two processes. How much is the sheepskin of a sheep? How much is the leather making? In the end, you just need to count the points according to the requirements, and there is also an additional barbarian settlement in Blackstone Town, which Cook did not expect.

Cook originally wanted to go out to find the Wind Monster, but a message from the Wizards Guild made Cook have to give up, because the elders of the Wizards Guild had a disagreement over whether Cook could afford to pay half of the construction cost of the magic array. , So ask Cook to prove it.

Cook quickly arrived at the Magician's Guild, only to realize that there were dozens of people attending the meeting, including several alchemists and several stewards. After all, there were too many materials needed to build the Magic Array.

"Baron Cook, I invite you this time because I hope you can provide the other half of the financial certificate needed to establish the Magic Teleportation Array." It was an elder who presided over the meeting, and Cook couldn't tell which elder was and what level.

"Okay!" Cook replied, sitting in a chair, nodding.

"Well, the list of materials required by the large magic teleportation array. This is the data obtained through the establishment of our union several times. Based on these materials, the cost you need to bear is 17.8 billion gold coins. Can you provide this? Is it a fee?" the boss of the host asked with a face.

"17.8 billion!" Cook was also taken aback.

"Hehe, there are several alchemists, masters of magic formation, and the rest of the labor costs and all the material money." The elder who presided over the meeting explained with a smile.

Cook also understands, let alone other, several alchemy masters, the master of the magic array is afraid of scaring people to death. Cook shook his head helplessly: "No!"

"Then what kind of materials can you provide on these material lists? Mithril? Magic silver? Fine gold? Or...." Following the elder, he said a series of magic materials, just one hundred magic crystal powder. Cook almost fainted when he weighed more kilograms. It was sold by gram. Although it was a few silver coins per gram, it was not a small number when piled up.

"No!" Cook replied, shaking his head again, and Doktor also looked at Cook with a wry smile. Obviously, there was nothing he could do for this meeting.

"Gentlemen, I have finished the question, please vote for everyone!" The elder announced in a loud voice, impatiently.

Cook immediately stood up and said loudly: "You are discrimination, discrimination, *naked discrimination?"

"Baron Cook, please be careful when you speak. Where do we discriminate against you?" An elder beside him shouted sharply.

"I don't have any of the above-mentioned things for this elder, but I have something equivalent." Cook stared at the elder without discouragement, and said loudly.


"Haha! Does this kid have an artifact?"

"Hmph, even if there are artifacts, they are not worth 20 billion gold coins. Don't think about how powerful artifacts can be on our plane!"

"Or is it magic material?"

"Huh, are magic materials so common? The material for 17.8 billion gold coins, even fine gold, is at least a dozen kilograms. How much fine gold does the Wizards’ Guild have in a year, and fine gold comes from large meteorites. The same is true for magic silver, and mithril veins require at least tens of thousands of people to mine for a few years, and countless processes are needed to obtain more than ten kilograms. Moreover, 17.8 billion gold coins are not more than ten kilograms for mithril."

Just after Cook’s words, the surrounding elders laughed loudly. Indeed, even if it’s an artifact, it’s not worth so much money on this plane. Compare the artifact to a cannon, and this continent is a small space. , Not as useful as a dagger.

"Then ask Baron Cook to show what you said, I think everyone is willing to open their eyes to see what magic material is worth 17.8 billion gold coins." The elder presiding over the meeting said contemptuously.

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