A Unique Hunter

Chapter 239: Mining rights

"Hehe, that's because you didn't know it!" Cook said with a sneer, because the elders here are obviously two factions, one faction ridiculing themselves constantly, while the other faction is silent.

"Baron Cook, please pay attention. This is the highest elder council of the wizards' union." The elder who presided over the meeting shouted coldly.

"Okay, okay, but I wonder if anyone here has ever seen this kind of magical material?" Cook said sarcastically as he fumbled from his personal pocket.

The elders around were dumb, watching Cook even more contemptuously, and some of them said: "I think Baron Cook took out magic materials worth more than 17 billion gold coins in one hand. It's amazing."

"Yes, is it a large piece of gold?" someone said cooperatively.

But Cook smiled while loosening his fist, revealing the contents of his palm, and replied in surprise: "You are really right, my thing is worth at least 50 billion gold coins!"

"Haha, haha, isn't it just a black lacquer... will it turn into a gray stone?" When everyone saw the black lacquer, gray, gray round stone in the palm of Cook's palm , Someone couldn't help laughing and said.

However, several elders and alchemists stood up all of a sudden, almost staring out, and Cook said contemptuously: "I really doubt whether the identity of the director is fake or not, such super-quality magic materials. It was said that it was a stone. If so, then I will leave."

"do not!"

"Don't go!"

"Baron Cook, stop!" Cook just stood up, at least five people pounced on Cook at the same time, two of them were master alchemists, one was Doctor, and two unknown elders , Holding on to Cook tightly, his eyes staring at the thing in Cook's hand like blood.

"No, no, this master, this is their insult to me, it is a blasphemy against the identity of the director of the wizards' union, they don't know this kind of magical material, I doubt their identity as a director." Cook immediately shouted. Shouted.

"No, no, Baron Cook, everything is easy to say, everything is easy to say, don't worry, if they don’t agree to build a large magical teleportation array for your territory today, I will not give their family magic equipment from now on, and mine The students won't refine it for them, I swear!" An alchemist almost yelled.

"No, no, master, they are blasphemy against magic, I'm not reconciled!" Cook said with an inch when he saw someone jumping up.

"I will propose a motion to let those **** bureaucrats get out. We don’t need bureaucrats." Another master alchemist slapped the table and yelled. The other hand pressed Cook firmly, and Cook felt his own The ears are going to be deafened.

And the other elder said: "Yes, yes, drive out those who are unlearned!"

"That's right, I've been bored with them a long time ago, and a group of unseen **** actually sit on an equal footing with us." Another elder said bitterly, but the meaning of this is like his own complaint.

"Since several adults are so sincere, I Cooke is not a villain. I just hope that in the next meeting I can make a fair and fair judgment on the magic materials I took out, otherwise I would rather give up building a large magic teleportation array. Chances are." Cook said that, in fact, he can't move at all. Although these people's physical strength is not very large, their mental power is absolutely abnormal. What Cook is afraid of is mental power.

"Six elders, since your fairness in presiding over the meeting has been questioned, I now propose to dismiss you from presiding over the meeting and question your ability as a director." Doktor feels that Cook is his blessing and he must know that he is a magician. This time the union was squeezed out by the elder, and it was the elder who presided over the meeting.

"Ahem, in fact, this is not to blame the sixth elder, after all, Baron Cook took out such a large space magic crystal, even the wizards’ union may not have recorded it." The elder was bitter, and this time he was going to give it to Dock. I was very embarrassed, but I didn't expect that I would need my boss to personally protect his subordinates.

"Space Magic Crystal!"

The rest of the people who don’t understand are suddenly confused. Don’t say the size of an egg is the space magic crystal, even other magic crystals are also very valuable, and the most expensive of the magic crystals is the space magic crystal, so to speak, The appearance of each space magic crystal is accompanied by **** wind.

Because the space magic crystal is a strategic material, for example, if two empires are at war, one side has large space equipment, so it can also gather 500,000 people, but the side with space equipment can fight at least 450,000 troops, but none Two hundred and fifty thousand space equipment is not bad.

Everything is because of logistics. Those with space and equipment can use a very small number of people to transport logistics materials, maybe a hundred people, maybe ten people, or even one person. There are many possibilities, but those without space and equipment not only have to convene. A large number of civil servants and pack animals, as well as sending troops to protect them, are also consumed during the transportation process. When they arrive at the front line, they must send heavy troops to guard. Therefore, each appearance of the space magic crystal represents several forces, or how many The great empires fought openly and secretly with each other for this.

And if the space magic crystal in Cook's hand is made into magic equipment, how much space can be used, the people present can't imagine it, everyone's breathing is quick, this is a strategic material, any plane. Hard currency that they all agree with,

A space magic crystal the size of a rice grain is even the best, and an egg-sized space magic crystal is a super product. A space magic item the size of a mung bean is at least hundreds of cubic meters. As the crystal increases, the space in the created space magic props will increase exponentially.

After a staggeringly fast vote, the six elders were disqualified from presiding over the meeting, and Doctor launched another director to preside over the meeting. Of course, he was discussing the value of the Cook Space Magic Crystal: "Now let’s talk to the library. Baron Ke’s space magic crystal gave a detailed value evaluation, and finally gave a comprehensive price based on two alchemists, two foreign material appraisers and two auctioneers, which is 50 billion gold coins! If you agree, please give a comprehensive price. hand!"

Cook's eyes widened and he wailed in his heart: "Nima, I just said 50 billion, and you all said it was 50 billion?"

"Huh!" Everyone immediately raised their hands, but their eyes were fixed on the space magic crystal on the table in front of Cook, kidding, such a large space magic crystal, everyone present might have the right to share. Some space equipment.

"Then Baron Cook has any questions about this?" The director presiding over the meeting finally asked Cook for his opinion.

"Then this is worth 50 billion gold coins, and the construction of the magic teleportation array only requires 17.8 billion. Does it mean that the rest will be cut by this space magic crystal?" Cook asked in confusion.

"Do not!"

"Can't cut it!"

"The space magic crystal can't be taken away!" Everyone shouted now, joking that such a large space magic crystal can still get out of the wizard's union, that is fake.

Docto stood up and gave Cook a fierce look, then said: "Baron Cook, our wizards' guild absolutely does not allow this. You can choose to use magical equipment of the same value to offset the account."

"Then can I quit?" Cook asked in a deep voice.

"Hehe, for your own safety, I suggest you don't do this." Doctor replied with a smile.

"Okay, I want to buy a magic crystal cannon!" Cook was very depressed when he saw Doctor's beating face, but then Cook kept turning in his mind to see what to buy, and finally Cook thought of the Magic Crystal Cannon.

The alchemist always stood up and said: "Baron Cook, not only does the magic crystal cannon require a lot of magic crystals, but the magic crystal cannon we made has some small hidden dangers, mainly due to the problem of magic power utilization. Now even 60% Nothing."

"Forget it!" Cook quickly refused, 60%, Nima is ashamed to say that it is a magic crystal cannon, which means that the magic power of a seven-level magic core through the magic crystal cannon is only six levels. What is this Nima not cheating?

"Well then, what do you have worth more than 30 billion gold coins?" Cook asked with a wry smile.

"Mineral vein, a giant mineral vein." Doktor said with a smile.

"Is there such a good thing?" Cook looked at Doctor suspiciously.

Doktor had to explain: "This vein is located in the central west of the Natal Mountains, near the Ural Swamp. You also know that it is a forbidden area for humans. Only some high-level professionals can go..."

"Stop~www.wuxiaspot.com~Stop, Elder Doktor, am I a senior professional?" Cook interrupted Doktor in pain.

"Ahem. Don't you have a good relationship with those Yalong, it is an open-air mine, not only contains a lot of fine gold, mithril, magic silver, but also some magic metals, wind copper, glass gold, crystal iron, etc. According to our inference, it should have been formed by a giant meteorite, and its huge extent may be the culprit in the Ural Swamp.” Doctor hurriedly explained.

"You sold me 30 billion gold coins for such a large vein?" Cook asked incredulously.

Doktor smiled and said: "Of course we will draw up a contract, stipulating that you can only sell the mined ore to the union. The 30 billion is just the right to mine the vein!"

"Puff!" Cook has the urge to vomit blood. Nima is actually only a mining right, and a mining right is worth more than 30 billion gold coins. This Nima is cheating.

There are some things at night, so it won’t update automatically. To tell the truth, I went to play games. I haven’t played several game accounts since the New Year. I don’t know why I feel itchy, so I want to play once, or Damn ads, it is said that World of Warcraft has added some Pandaren, hehe!

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