A Unique Hunter

Chapter 240: Successful transaction

"No, mining rights are not acceptable. Who knows how big the veins are? And look at this location. This location is not only in the western region of the Natal Mountains, but also adjacent to the Moracan Desert. If you want to mine on a large scale, This preferred transportation is a huge problem, let alone transporting supplies, this vein is not worth a gold coin in my opinion!" Cook jumped up and took out a map and said loudly.

"Ahem!" Doctor has nothing to say, after all, Cook is telling the truth, even if it is such a powerful existence of the Mage Guild, there is no way to use this vein.

Some readers have said that it is possible to build a teleportation array. It is possible to build a teleportation array, but the quality of the things that this teleportation array transmits is proportional to the energy consumed, and the higher the quality of magical things, the higher the consumption. The greater the energy, because magical fluctuations will affect the operation of the teleportation array. If a large-scale mine is established, thousands of people are indispensable. Not to mention the ore mined every day, even these thousands of people can eat and drink. Let the wizards' union collapse, because this is required every day.

In fact, it is still a sentence, the Magician Union is not sure whether it can get the most benefits from this giant vein. After all, the quality of the ore will change. If the grade of the ore is too low, the loss is very certain.

And again, the cost of building a magic teleportation array is too high. If the mineral vein is unstable, who will bear the cost of tens of billions of gold coins, and who has the ability to bear it? Therefore, in the eyes of the senior leaders of the Mage Union, this mineral vein is a tasteless existence. Even if it is given away, it may not be wanted. After all, the geographical location is so good that there is no such force to mine it.

"Then Baron Cook, what do you say?" Doctor pushed back.

"Magic Great Crossbow, I want to buy this!" Cook said loudly afterwards.

"Ahem, this is not for sale, it belongs to the trade union's internal control!"

"I want armor-piercing arrows, magic arrows, armor-piercing crossbows...!"

"Ahem, this is still not for sale!"

"I want a magic scroll, level nine!"

"You can't use this, and the union doesn't have a 30 billion magic scroll!"

"I want a level 9 magic core!"

"I still want this. Look at my wand is still an eighth-level magic core!"

Cook is speechless. Everything Cook wants is not sold or used by himself, indeed! If the ninth-level magic scroll is not guided by a strong spiritual force, it would be no less than a suicide attack. Of course, Cook would never ask for potions. The quality of the thing Cooke himself refines is higher than the quality of the wizard's union.

Cook looked at a group of old guys depressed, the old guys smiled, and occasionally say something to each other, Cook asked after a long time: "Could it be that there is only that giant vein?"

"Right!" Doctor didn't say much. In fact, this servant was thinking about how to allocate such a large space magic crystal.

"Okay, okay, then 30 billion I will buy this vein!" Cook replied with a wry smile.

"Hehe, yes, our wizards' union can also give you the management rights of the Ural swamp and the management of the Moragan Desert. Our wizards' union has previously evaluated that the minimum value of the mineral vein is 100 billion gold coins, of course. The two places are paid in installments, and the management rights of these two places are one billion gold coins a year.” Doctor opened his mouth and came. In fact, these two places were originally landless. Even the great empires did not bother to occupy them. A good example is the Arran Empire. The Ceylon Empire is close to the Moracan Desert, but the expansion of these two empires is not in these two directions every time, because no matter how much resources there are, there is no living environment.

"Puff, one billion gold coins! Why don't you black-hearted guys grab it, okay, okay, since you are not sincere, then I will contact Aunt Lina's grandmother, I think she would love to have the space magic crystal again!" Ke spurts blood, Nima, this is no longer a wild asking price, but the whole universe.

"Don't, don't, don't!" Several ninth-level elders hurriedly stopped Cook, joking, Lina doesn't know anyone, if the grandmother comes, come! Everyone won't need to see this space magic crystal in the future.

"No matter, or cut the space magic crystal!" Cook just didn't let it go. In fact, Cook didn't take this thing seriously in his heart. One year later, buddies still have one kilogram of space magic crystal. , There are still ten months! Cook did nothing more than keep prices down.

Because Lina and Bra, and Ernie’s roar came from the ID card, of course, it was transformed from mental power.

"Boy, you must get the management right of the Moracan Desert. Grandma, I know there are several ancient ruins in it, and there are many magic materials in the desert!" Lina roared loudest.

Ernie even shouted loudly: "Kook kid, hurry up, the Ural swamp must be taken. Now that the awakening potions of the major trade unions have begun to be used, there will be a large number of high-level occupations in the next few decades. Well, you will be soft when you receive the field fee!"

"Hey, kid Cook, tell you a secret, there are not only desert giants, but also desert dwarves, and the legendary rock titan in the Moragan Desert. You kid can figure it out, and it is said that there are two types of terroir Yalong, Sharon, when the time comes, you have to refine the potion of the dragon's power for free!" Blaze broke out a big secret.

"Bra, how did you know!" Ernie asked suspiciously.

"My grandfather's grandfather once went deep into the Moracan Desert and saw these races!" Braga replied proudly.

When Cook heard these words, he was very excited, and did not show it, but Doktor said directly: "No, even if it is cut, it is already considered as a strategic material, and the union will never allow outflow!"

What made Cook vomiting blood depressed was that Doctor grabbed the Space Magic Crystal in his hand the next moment. Obviously you have to give it or not. Cook gritted his teeth, of course he gritted his teeth excitedly. : "30 billion gold coins, huge mineral veins are bought out, and they have the right to manage the Moragan Desert and Ural Swamp!"

"Impossible, 50 billion gold coins are almost the same!" Doctor shouted immediately.

"Impossible, don't say that I don't have 50 billion. Even if I do, I won't be able to make trouble." Cook immediately refused.

"We can collect in installments, or use ore to pay for the account!" Doktor replied with a smile, and the other elders nodded. 50 billion gold coins is indeed not a small number, even the final profit of the mineral veins may only be so much. , Or not so much at all.

"No, 50 billion I'm too bad, do you want to catch the Moracan Desert?" Cook hesitated for a while, looking at the space magic crystal in Doctor's hand, obviously struggling.

The great elder felt very uncomfortable seeing the dialogue between Doctor and Cook, so he decided to spoil the situation: "100 billion gold coins can not only give you the Moracan Desert, but also the Ural swamps and giant mineral veins. Ownership, permanent!"

The rest of the elders were very excited when they heard this. Although the Moracan Desert has an area the size of two large empires, the annual output is pitiful, because there are too few people who venture there, and not only have to deal with it. The fierce beasts have more environmental crises, sandstorms, tornadoes, and water shortages, as well as environmental suppression. The soil type and fire type have increased, but even high-level professionals can't hold on for long without water. And if the water magician wants to condense water in that environment, I am afraid that there is not enough magic crystal money to consume, so the Moragan Desert is just a **** in the eyes of the elders.

As for the Ural Swamp, it is only more than 1,500 kilometers in size, and it is full of poisonous monsters. It is shrouded in poisonous mist all year round, and the poisonous mist has the effect of corrosive mental power, so there are fewer adventurers.

Of course, what makes these elders most assured is that behind the Magic City, there is a Warcraft Forest with a length of nearly 100,000 kilometers, and the central and eastern regions of the Natal Mountains, which are tens of thousands of kilometers long and thousands of kilometers wide, and the vast orc plateau. , The endless sea is the production of magic materials. Compared with these three huge and rich places, the Moragan Desert and the Ural Swamp are real rubbish.

What makes the elders even more happy is that this **** does not belong to the Wizards’ Guild. The **** that does not belong to them is sold for tens of billions of gold coins. Of course, the chicken ribs of giant mineral veins still have a certain value. , It is like picking up tens of billions of gold coins for nothing.

"Puff! No, 60 billion gold coins, paid off in a hundred years, and no interest!" Cook almost vomits blood in excitement, isn't he just taking another space magic crystal? The buddy will have it in a year. Of course, there is a hobby for the land deep in Cook's soul. This is the hobby of everyone in that huge country and the heritage of thousands of years of civilization.


"Sixty billion, paid in ten years, and interest is still required!"

"Yes, if you don't want interest, at least 80 billion, and it will be paid in five years!"

"That's it, these tens of billions of gold coins, how much Ligunli should be!" The elders shouted every word of excitement.

"No, 70 billion. It can't be calculated as interest. It will be paid in 50 years!" Cook quickly refused. You can't ask for interest. If you ask Cook, you will lose even more.

"One hundred billion gold coins, no interest is needed. It will be paid in ten years, or else the two places will be recovered after ten years!" The elder saw that Doctor was about to speak, and immediately said, this is a spoiler.

However, the great elder’s spoiler made all the elders he and his elders agree in their hearts. If this deal is completed, the history of the wizards’ union will always be remembered by everyone present, so they immediately shouted loudly: "That’s it. do!"

"It's ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you have to do that if you don't want interest!"

"One hundred billion is not a lot. Baron Cook can take another quick space magic crystal!" someone said strangely.

"That is, maybe Baron Cook will take out another space magic crystal tomorrow!" Those people said ironically.

Cook was very depressed. Looking at the elder, Dockto shrugged helplessly. After a while, Cook gritted his teeth and agreed: "Okay, one hundred billion is one hundred billion, except for the 17 billion that builds the teleportation array, I We have to pay 83 billion gold coins in ten years!"

Everyone present was stunned, and then there was a burst of cheers, and the elder once again came forward: "The ore mage produced by the vein can be purchased at the market price. This is considered a discount to Baron Cook!"

Cook rolled his eyes and looked at the elder, cursing inwardly: "Nima is an old thing, the market price is the discount?"

"Agree!" "Agree!" "Agree!" I don't know who raised his hand and shouted, and then all the people who participated in the meeting raised their hands, and Docto was no exception.

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