A Unique Hunter

Chapter 241: Yalong's deal

In the end, Cook signed a contract with the Wizards’ Union. Within ten years, Cook must pay to purchase the Moragan Desert, the Ural Swamp, and a giant mineral vein next to the Ural Swamp. All coordinate locations are clearly marked. At last, Cook looked at the map and found that the three places he owns are almost the size of the entire Americas on earth. As for the people, it is still unknown. Of course, there is a certain distance from the Ceylon Empire and the Arran Empire. Just tens of kilometers.

Moreover, the Mage Union stipulates that Cook must sell the mined magic ore to the Mage Union, and the union has the right to deduct 30% of the purchase price as debt repayment, and Cook requires the Mage Union to issue a pan-continental aristocratic union council The land certificate issued proves that the land belongs to the wizard's union, which will cause big disputes in the future.

When Cook walked out of the gate of the Mage Union, he was already in debt of 83 billion gold coins. Cook couldn't help looking at the big gate of the union, with a smile on his mouth.

"Bla, the desert dwarves, desert giants, and rock titans you mentioned, do they really exist?" Lina looked at Bra suspiciously. These five people are now the management in the base, so they often meet.

Blah hey smiled and said: "I just said it was possible, but our barbarian tribe does have such a legend!"

"Nonsense, we humans still circulate the legend of angels and demon kings." Ernie rolled his eyes.

"I don't know if there are any of these desert dwarves, but Sharon definitely has them. My grandfather's grandfather has seen it with his own eyes. The main ingredients of the terroir dual-line Yalong, the dragon power potion are considered to be there." If that happened, explained quickly.

"In fact, there are a lot of magic materials in the Moragan Desert and Ural Swamp, as well as countless buried ruins, but the danger there is also huge, even we may fall inside." Lina flipped through an ancient book. , Above are some records about forbidden land on the mainland.

West Asia said impatiently: "We should also prepare. The space entrance to the ancient battlefield will usher in a weak period of once in ten years in three months, and the time is only one month. Let's not prepare again. I think Don't go in."

"Damn **** boy, it's because of him, or else my equipment, forget it! I'll step up to make the equipment, I really look forward to the ancient battlefield." Lina gritted her teeth, but then she still obeyed Xia's words and prepared. With adventurous equipment, Lina couldn't help but feel distressed when she thought that her savings would shrink by half.

Ernie heard Lina saying this and said: "At the beginning, I was optimistic about the mutant dark crow carried by that kid. Although the little thing is of low level, it can feel the invisible and innocent ghosts. On the ancient battlefield, these Ghosts are the most annoying. If the level of foresight is high, we still only have to run away, but with the warning of the mutant dark crow, our actions are much more convenient."

"That said, anyway, our souls are already very stable, and we don't need too many soul crystals. When the time comes, the soul crystals will belong to the kid." Xia heard Ernie say this and suggested.

"Okay, I have no opinion!" Bra and Lina replied, and Milo shrugged noncommittal without objection.

"Well, let's use these three months to prepare, potions, scrolls, as many as possible, no one knows what will be encountered in the ancient battlefield." Lina saw that several people agreed, inside He clapped his hands and ordered, and then the few people dispersed. For these old guys, three months was just a blink of an eye. Ernie and Lina had to prepare equipment.

Cook bought a lot in the Magic City. Corn, corn, flour, honey, etc. stuffed Cook's space ring, and then returned to the realm through the single-player teleportation array. Cook just wanted to go home There is no time to look at it.

After returning to the territory, Cook suddenly found that Blackstone Town seemed to be in order. Cook took a closer look and found that it was Sebastian’s credit. I have to say that this new housekeeper does have a talent for management. Dragon Monster is also missing.

Outside a valley 30 kilometers away, a town has begun to take shape, but outsiders are not welcome here. Everything is the family of the guards and orcs in the Cook Territory. This is also the largest warehouse in the Cook Territory in the future. There is also a huge field outside the valley. Some orcs are collecting Yalong’s excrement. This stuff is also acquired by the Wizards’ Guild. Dozens of Yalong are crawling on the ground comfortably. The billowing belly indicates that these guys are full. full.

Cook came here to trade with those Yalong. Not only did the 150,000 sheep that Cook traded had not been eaten, but only a few percent had been eaten, and then Cook also discovered another characteristic of Yalong, which is A full meal can be without food for a month.

Cook is very painful now, because the thieves’ union’s reputation is so good, the promised livestock was delivered in a few days, and Cook had to face the huge pressure of fodder, and he didn’t see the string carrying it. Barbarians with huge bundles of hay, these guys line up to sell fodder,

So Cook decided to send these guys away first. After all, there are fewer livestock, first of all, the thorn dragon, but these guys like to eat corn and don't like meat very much, so Cook carries a lot of food.

The thorn dragon brought some magic plants. Cook identified them one by one, and found that there were a lot of magic herbs, of course there were poisons, and some were useless. Cook simply calculated the value, and then divided In two, Cook finally said to Shan Ang: "There are a total of 165 magic herbs and 32 poisons. The rest are basically useless. The total value is 170,000 gold coins, and the corn is fifty. A copper coin is a catty, a silver coin is a kilogram, and a ton is ten gold coins. The total is 17,000 tons of corn. I can deliver it to my door for free."

"How much is this 17,000 tons?" Shan Ang asked very incomprehensibly.

Cook was so painful that he had reduced the value of the magic herb by half, and then increased the price of corn by five times, and there is still so much, but Cook still replied: "It is almost sixty the size of your head. A bunch." Cook visually inspected Shan Ang's body to be about 300 tons, and 17,000 tons divided by 300 is the approximate figure.

"Hehe, hehe! Good, good, good!" Shan Ang cracked his mouth and smiled, the deal came.

But Cook warned: "It's best to pick the magical plants intact, and keep the small ones, otherwise it won't be good to light them all at once."

"I understand this, we will leave some when we eat plants." Shan Ang replied very clearly.

"Do you think I delivered the goods to the door, or you brought them yourself." Cook asked with a smile.

"Bring it by yourself, just to make the kids in the tribe familiar with the route." Shan Ang clapped his hands and decided.

The next thing is very simple. These thorn dragons themselves have the ability to manipulate plants. Bags of corn are stacked on their backs. Then these guys use thorns to tie them up and take them away, while the orcs act as In the role of porter, a thorn dragon can carry up to 20 tons. Facing a hill of corn, Shan Ang had to take the team to run a few more times. The total tonnage of one run was only more than 1,000 tons. The Thornthorn Dragon trading team has managed more than ten times, resulting in a road from Blackstone Town to Stranglethorn Vale.

Subsequent bat dragons traded magic crystals and some gems. These guys lived in caves. In comparison, these things were of a higher value. A large number of livestock were counted to a dozen bat dragons. In one night, dozens The bat dragon went back and forth dozens of times and finally transported the animals back, but what made Cook funny is that many animals were directly scared to death, but this is not Cook's business.

The earth dragon trades everything, these guys drove the livestock home, and encountered some places where the roads were not easy to walk. These big earth guys also released a violent earth magic, leveled the road, and followed the leader of the earth dragon. Having said that, I have to walk many times, and I am not afraid of consuming some magic power.

The remaining Ironclad Tyrannosaurus’ decision left Cook speechless, and the servant didn’t leave. Cook took control, and this guy wanted Cook to make his own claws as easy as a magical crossbow. Destroy the things that sacred beasts defend.

"Hey~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s not that I don’t do it, but that a lot of magic materials are needed, mainly magic metal." Cook's egg is so painful, if the big guy’s two small paws are both portrayed on the magic circle, I guess Hundreds of millions of gold coins are indispensable, and there are a total of eight metal-like sharp claws several meters long. This amount of work is not ordinary. Even if there is an alchemist, it may take a long time.

"My favorite? I'm sorry, you have to ask Phyllis Deman first, now he is my favorite." Cook's egg is so painful that there are actually some who stick the favorite upside down.

"But I have a way. I know there is a large magical metal vein. If..." Cook decided to use this guy as a free mining manpower, not that it was an open-air magical metal vein. , It's okay to use Tyrannosaurus armored, grandma's!

Cook’s idea is very simple. Since humans can’t adapt, then ogres, trolls, and these armored tyrannosaurus are the best coolies, and there are also many intelligent races in the Natal Mountains, Cook I don't believe I can't find anyone willing to mine ore.

Of course, the prerequisite is that Cook must first check whether the mineral vein is worth mining, whether it is worth his own large-scale investment, and compared to others, as long as Cook is willing, it can even be in the Natal Mountains. Open up a road leading to the mineral vein, who will let him have a good relationship with Yalong.

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