A Unique Hunter

Chapter 242: Vein


There is Manly in the territory, Carrurie and Sebastian outside. Cook just needs to master the general direction. The brewery has been built. With the efforts of dwarf artisans and a large number of barbarians, just a short time In less than a month’s work, Blackstone Town became a medium-sized city, and Kaluri’s guards also expanded to 5,000 people. Among them, the North Fort Tierceau, controlled by the Wizards’ Guild, has been handed over to Cook. One thousand people were stationed there, and several other places were also stationed with one thousand guards, all of which were important crossings in the territory.

The construction of Blackstone Town is completed, but the construction of the Golden Pass has just begun. After all, there are only a few Frost Titans, and the progress is very slow, but it can be completed this winter, so the remaining barbarians were hired by Cook to mine the stone at the Golden Pass. Things, and the dwarves bought a lot of wild fruits and began to brew fruit wine.

Taking advantage of the gap in brewing fruit wine, Cook decided to look at the mineral veins he bought at a high price. After all, after the first batch of fruit wine is brewed, Cook will be busy for a while, and Cook still wants to look for it. For some of the materials for the Awakening Potion, Cook felt that the high-end power of his territory seemed weak.

Nima, if this idea is known to other people, you shouldn’t be ashamed to die. Let’s calculate carefully, not to mention the foodie Phyllis Deman, the Frost Titan has a tribe, not to mention those who are not awakened, just six An awakened body with a minimum height of 20 meters, not to mention the ability to control the elements, not to mention the ability of the almost abnormal magic and martial arts, with this powerful power, it is enough to make ordinary senior professionals embarrassed.

Manli and her seventh-level earth dragon mount, plus the strict training received by the temple, can be said that the cooperation between Manli and the seventh-level earth dragon has reached the strength of three ordinary eighth-level knights, not to mention that the dwarves protect the wine shop. The dispatched rock lizard knights, not to mention nearly a thousand orcs, an orc can even draw a tie with a low-level professional, not to mention the few orcs with the awakening talent and the soul of war.

There are also five thousand guards, as well as trolls, ogres, and hired barbarians, all of which can be ignored, but the iron-clad tyrannosaurus that wanders its big tail all day and looks around curiously, this servant It is simply a humanoid killer.

Not to mention the three, five, or even more than a dozen two-legged dragons, mantasaurus, ceratosaurus, velociraptor, thornsaurus, and earth dragons that you encounter from time to time. These big guys don’t say a legion, you are ten. It's no use for a legion to come.

So if Cook’s thoughts were known, at least he would have to spray Cook’s face with saliva, and of course, the metamorphosis of the Sky Eye. Although the small meteor cannon can only be fired three times, that one time must not be equivalent to the Forbidden Curse. A big killer that can be locked on the plane, with the ability you can run through the sky's eye of the starry sky?

Cook did not bring Phyllis Deman this time, but he brought Tyrannosaurus ironclad. In Cook's eyes, he was a tool for generations of steps, and Tyrannosaurus irons did not have the consciousness of being used as a mount. After leaving the territory like this, Manli wanted to go, but Cook gave her the burden of the territory. Although Manli didn't like it, she felt sweet in her heart.

Bagru went back to the underground world again, because Cook had to recruit a large number of manpower, Bagru is now very shameless with a dozen space bags, and has gradually escaped from the point where he does not take off his armor every day, of course he is accompanying him. And Loni this guy, otherwise you are an ogre who can teleport through magic.

"Hungry claw, if you encounter a monster in the future, don't do it, I will do it myself!" Hungry claw is the name of the armored tyrannosaurus.

"Blessing!" Two claws of blessing, rushing continuously across the mountains, those thorns can not break the defense of the claws, kidding, the iron armored tyrannosaurus is a gold dragon.

The reason why Cook did not walk in the air was to find a passage in the Natal Mountains. After all, the location of the veins was either from the Natal Mountains or through the Ural swamp, and then through a Gobi area in the Moragan Desert, and then from Ya The Orchid Empire was shipped out, which is why the Magician Union sold the mineral veins.

Cook wears sunglasses very windy, which are actually communication glasses. Cook is directing his claws while looking at the terrain, but Cook is still very disappointed because the roads in the Natal Mountains are too complicated, unless it is a tunnel. But mining tunnels in the Natal Mountains is a huge amount of work, and this world does not have as many machinery on earth.

"Mechanical? I remember it seems that dwarves know this stuff. When will I learn more about it." Cook's frustration just improved a lot. For Cook, he still knows the principle of mechanics, so he is a soldier. I also played with those large tractors in the regiment department.

"I just don't know if the generator made here can generate electricity." Cook thought of the generator again. This thing is simple, as long as there is copper wire, it is basically OK.

While Cook used his magic eyes to investigate, some of the beasts Cook almost ignored them. Why did he bother? What kind of beasts he wanted, said, those Yalong had to rush to find them. Of course, the wind Except for the high-level monsters, those guys not only have strong attack power, but also run faster than anyone else.

The more he went into the Natal Mountains, Cook became more and more cautious, because the surrounding monsters were generally higher in level, of course, the magic elements were also richer, and the mountains were getting taller and bigger, and the canyons getting deeper and deeper. Now, the forest has become denser and denser, and the speed has also slowed down. Even though the armored tyrannosaurus has a strong defensive power, it still consumes a lot of physical strength.

"Huh?" Cook didn't find any traces of mineral veins for a few days. Of course, if you look at it roughly with magic eyes like Cook, I'm afraid it will take great luck. Just when Cook climbed a mountain, no A faint bright spot appeared next to a mountain lake in the distance. This bright spot was not constantly moving like a monster, and there was no green vitality. It was obviously a dead object exuding magical waves.

Cook looked at the direction, and then directed the claws to move towards the lake, don’t look far, but after waiting, it has been more than two hours, and the lake is more than ten square kilometers, even more so. Ke was depressed that the magic light was still on the other side of the lake.

The Ironclad Tyrannosaurus is obviously not proficient in the skill of swimming. Cook just needs to make a detour, and when Cook finds something that emits magical waves, his jaw will fall.

"Look at this, it is actually an artificial building?" Cook saw clearly that the magical light was a large stone with a broken magic circle on it, but it was this broken magic circle that was constantly releasing magic waves.

Cook looked around, then looked at the lake again, and finally decided to dig it out. Of course, the guy who acted as the coolie was Yunclaw.

A few hours later, when the sun was about to go down, Cook finally determined what it was: "It's actually a mage tower, but the trace seems to be buried underground."

An artificial building diagonally downward appeared in Cook’s eyes, and this artificial building is very similar to the mage tower of the current magician. Cook put on his glasses, and then carefully probed it, let the sky’s eye see what happened. What is it.

"Magic defense tower, a kind of intermediate magic weapon, can not only release magic attacks through the magic circle, but also release the magic shield." Tianyan quickly gave the answer.

"So it's the same as Mage Tower?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"It's not the same, there are senior mages living in the mage tower, and this magic defense tower is purely a magic item." Sky Eye corrected.

Cook looked at the broken magic tower in front of him, and then asked, "Can you scan this lake, I always think this lake has something to do with this magic tower?"

"According to the analysis of the direction and shape of the rocks in the lake and surrounding mountains, this place may have been attacked by forbidden spells. This is what the entire mountain lake looks like." After Cook finished dinner, the scan of the sky eye finally came out, Ku The look of a mountain lake appeared on Ke's glasses.

Cook understood it at a glance. From a high altitude, the lake and the surrounding terrain were clearly smashed by something directly, and it was the same as if it was smashed down from a high altitude, and the subsequent detection showed that the surrounding rocks were again. The sign of being melted by high temperature ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will it be a volcanic eruption? "Cook asked afterwards.

"No, the volcanic eruption is different, the surrounding rocks are different, and there is always an outlet for magma in the volcanic eruption, but this lake does not have an outlet for magma. Obviously water flows into the underground river from a gap." Sky Eye explained.

Cook looked at the area of ​​the lake, his eyelids jumped, what a powerful magic, and then Cook found some man-made building fragments around the lake the next day, and he was even more convinced that it was a huge place before. Artificial buildings, but even if Cook discovered these things, when faced with a lake that is more than ten square kilometers in size, Cook can only look at the water and sigh.

Cook stayed for a day, and then continued to move towards the direction marked by the vein, but when Cook arrived at the vein five days later, he had an unbelievable expression, because his own vein was actually mined, and it was still unbelievable. Large groups of people, the exposed veins have been mined a big angle.

"You **** bastards!" Cook immediately became angry. This is something worth tens of billions. It was actually preempted by someone. You said Cook wouldn't be angry, but wait until Cook rushes with his claws. When I was near, I was shocked by these people.

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