A Unique Hunter

Chapter 243: Bunny Tribe

Orcs, and hundreds of orcs, what Cook saw were hundreds of orcs digging into their own veins, and they were a bunch of bunny people, it should be a group of bunny people, it should be a tribe.

"Roar! You guys, who allowed you to mine stones here." But what makes Cook assured is that there is nothing mined from this vein, and some are just stones.

"Me, me, me." Hundreds of bunny people, big and small, saw Cook riding a tyrannosaurus armored, and they were so frightened that they dropped their tools and huddled together, unable to speak.

When Cook saw this, he couldn't help but slap his forehead. The Bunnyman is this virtue? Cook didn't bother to pay attention to these bunny people, but rode the iron armored tyrannosaurus and chased it along the road that transported stones. Cook walked about a kilometer along a dry river bed, and Cook saw a long narrow Some stones are scattered on the long and narrow plain, and the remaining stones are piled up to form a simple wall, blocking the two ends of the long and narrow plain. There are some traces of cultivation on the plain, as well as the roots of some plants. on the ground.

And a group of Bunnymen tribe with a total of two thousand people is located here, Cook's eyes widened: "Nima, is this already an orc empire?"

Soon, there were hundreds of "fully armed" soldiers in the Bunnymen tribe, simple leather armor, crude guns, stones and other weapons, and most of the remaining Bunnymen went into hiding. , And an old guy who was obviously the patriarch stood up.

"Honorable Dragon Knight, hello!" The old patriarch called Cook the Dragon Knight as soon as he spoke, and Cook was amused.

But Cook still asked sternly, "Are you citizens of the Orc Empire?"

"Yes, my lord!" the patriarch replied tremblingly.

"So how are you here?" Cook's biggest doubt is here.

Then Cook understood why the Bunnymen appeared here, because in the Orc Empire, the Bunnymen are almost the lowest vassal race. Not only are they taxing heavily, but they are also very poor in other ways. For example, if you see others on the road It’s not a vassal race. You must stand aside and wait for others to pass before you can leave. Moreover, the things ordered by other races must be completed unconditionally. This bunny tribe just couldn’t stand it anymore. They had to venture into the Natal Mountains and they built The city wall is also to deal with the pursuit of the original lord.

"Then you bunny people are dependent on that race?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"We belong to werewolves," the patriarch replied.

When Cook heard this, he rolled his eyes. Didn’t this little white rabbit be sent to the wolf’s mouth, but then Cook woke up and asked excitedly: "You actually migrated from the orc empire. Could it be that there is a path to the orcs? The road of the empire?"

"There is no road, there is only a huge cave, which was discovered by our ancestors accidentally. As you know, your lord, in the orc empire, our vassal races are doing the most sordid and most dangerous work." The patriarch replied helplessly. There is no way, my tribe discarded most of the supplies when escaping from the territory, and the warriors also died hundreds of people, and the dragon knight in front of him could destroy the entire tribe. The patriarch didn’t want to anger this lofty dragon. knight.

"The cave! Very good! Now I declare that you are my leaders, because you are now on my territory." Cook looked at the bunny tribe with at least two or three thousand people in front of him, and smiled together. Anyway, everyone knows that the orcs have the strongest adaptability, otherwise they won't live on the orcs plateau.

The patriarch and the rabbit people around were stunned, and finally cheered ecstatically: "See you Lord Lord! See you Lord Lord!"

"Very good, very good!" Cook thought he was going to intimidate him a bit, then he killed the chicken and the monkey, and performed another powerful performance. How did he know that he was so obedient, and Cook was speechless.

"Lord Lord, I'm Patriarch Nichesas." After the old patriarch stood up and introduced himself only after meeting Cook.

Cook was very surprised that this piece of Nichithus was surrendered to him, and did not symbolically resist, and then Cook became depressed, because according to the introduction of the old guy, the tribe’s food was only enough for three days. , And there is no winter clothing, firewood for heating, and the most disturbing thing for the Bunnyman tribe is that the werewolf finally found here, so the Bunnyman tribe had to mine stone for the construction of fortifications throughout the fall, resulting in no time to store food .

Cook immediately understood when he heard that he was driven to a dead end, otherwise he would not agree so readily. However, in Cook’s view, the problem of the Bunnyman tribe is not a problem at all. A ring of space is enough for these bunnymen to eat to their deaths, as for the werewolves.

Cook has to go to their troubles, because Cook is worried that he can't find a way to transport the ore. Anyway, the werewolf territory is also an orc empire, and it should be possible to go through a large carriage.

Cook then took out some of his own reserves and distributed them, that is, some ale, cakes, and condiments such as honey. This has made all the bunny people excited, and the claws are hunting back two large monsters. , The fifth-level demon bear, a big guy weighing 4,5 tons, is enough for this bunny man to have a good meal.

Cook then entered this small and narrow plain, only two or three kilometers long and one kilometer wide. On both sides are extremely steep cliffs. The cliffs are covered with some shrubs and vines, but now this season is already withered. But what interests Cook is that there is a stream in the plain that flows out from a gap in the cliff wall, and the water is still very abundant.

"Go, go look at the cave." Cook waved his hand, did not walk to the place where the patriarch lived, but decided to look at the road leading to the werewolf territory first.

The centralization of the orc empire is not very powerful, but the orc empire has a giant institution, the temple of the **** of war, which is spread all over the territory of the orc empire. The profession of sacrifice is regarded as the first class in the orc empire, and the second class is The so-called royal family, the lion race, the leopard race, and the tiger race, these three races mainly have a large number of awakened war souls, so they control the most prosperous area of ​​the orc empire, where the holy mountain is located.

The third class are powerful combat races such as Tauren and Werewolf, and the fourth class is vassal races such as Bunnymen, and the vassal races are all assigned to the Tauren and Werewolf races.

The territory of the orc empire is divided by races and tribes, and relying on the Natal Mountains to divide the werewolves, tauren, pigmen and other races. This is not only a natural line of defense against beasts, but also a natural line of defense against human invasion. The central area of ​​the Orc Empire Plateau is the area where the orc royal family is located, and the entire orc empire is such a general overview.

"So are there conflicts between these tribes of the same species?" Cook asked again.

"The werewolf clan is also divided into many races, the black wolf tribe, the white wolf tribe, and the green wolf tribe. There are more than a dozen races, and there are also feuds and contradictions between these races. Every time we conflict, our Bunnymen are cannon fodder." Si said with a sigh.

"Damn!" Cook finally understood why so many orcs came to his territory. Cook's territory now has orcs coming every day, and Cook can't find the reason.

Cook looked at these bunny people wearing clothes woven from vines and leaves. Suddenly Cook had an urge to do something in his heart, but after thinking about it, Cook didn't quite understand what this urge was.

In just over twenty minutes, a karst cave mouth appeared in Cook’s field of vision, and there was still a lot of flowing water at the karst cave mouth. The cave mouth was not very big, only six meters high and three meters wide. , Cook looked at the cave entrance, a little speechless, compared to the one kilometer-long stone wall, wouldn’t it be good to build a city similar to the Wengcheng here? Then just stand on the Wengcheng and launch towards the entrance of the cave. Come and die.

Cook did not say much, but directly led people into the cave. With the support of communication glasses, Cook had no worse eyesight than the bunny in the dark environment of the cave, because the bunny can see in the dark.

"It's not good, it's not good, patriarch, patriarch, Mark is here, Mark is here!" Not long after Cook and his party entered the cave, a bunny man ran out of the cave covered in blood. Shouted loudly.

"Ah!! Run!"

"It's the butcher Mark! Big guy, run away!"

"Quickly, pack your things and run!"

What Cook didn’t expect was that when these people heard Mark’s name, they directly screamed that Sayazi ran away. Even the patriarch of the bunny ran away~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook don’t mention it. How depressed, so gathered a grudge and shouted: "Stop!"

"Ah, Lord Lord!"

"Lord Lord!" After being yelled by Cook's vindictive voice, the bunnymen finally reacted, and Nichesas ran back.

Cook asked depressedly: "Who is this Mark?"

"Mark is the lord of Black Wolf City. He is very cruel. At least hundreds of people are tortured to death by Mark every year, and the bunny tribe that Black Wolf City belongs to offer him a virgin every year." Lean against Cook, because Cook is a dragon knight, so Nichithus feels safe.

Cook suddenly jumped up and cursed: "What is Nima? Lao Tzu is a magnificent hereditary baron, and there are only two or three maids in the mansion. A small city lord actually wants his subordinates to offer virgins every year, Lao Tzu. I have to see what it is!"

Nichithus was stunned for a while, and he couldn't help beating the drums in his heart: "Baron, doesn't it mean that he is a little nobleman, there are only two or three maids, this lord..." Thinking of the back, the old patriarch couldn't help but Worried.

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