A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 990: guide

"Oh." Cook looked at the drunken dwarf, not interested in chatting at all, why? Who wants to chat with an alcoholic.

After Cook agreed, he began to drink. One sip, a large glass of ale was poured down. Ale is actually something similar to beer. The brewing technology of God Realm is not very developed, mainly fruit wine, ale, as for Shochu and the like are rare, and there are both shochu and alcohol, but shochu and alcohol are basically used as fuel or medicine.

The dwarf looked at Cook like this and continued, the drunkard is like this. You don't want to talk to him, he just wants to talk to you. The dwarf looked at Cook and asked: "I haven't seen you, newcomer?"

"No." Cook said, shaking his head.

"Come to Sally?" The dwarf asked with a look I understood.

"Who is Sally?" Cook asked.

When the dwarf heard this, his eyes rolled and said: "Please give me a drink, and I will tell you, Sally is a dark elf."

"Give this gentleman a glass." Cook reached out and greeted the waiter.

"Okay, sir." The bartender immediately agreed, and then brought the dwarf a large glass of ale.

The dwarf looked at the ale in front of him and said happily: "Sally is a dark elf empire, and it is said that they are the children of some nobles. These nobles participated in the dwarf incident. Don’t you know that since the tavern bought Sally, Every day it is full of guests, but the tavernkeeper is limited to five places a day."

"Oh?" Cook showed a slight interest. In fact, Cook was very annoyed. He finally came out once and encountered such a thing again.

"Tsk tusk, it’s said that this dark elf woman has nothing to do with it. To be honest, some guys wouldn’t be able to figure it out if Sally had not been tied up. Even so, do you know how many gods are with this one? Jing, one hour, if you want to increase the time, you need to add more." The dwarf sighed.

Cook glanced at the dwarf, his face was full of disbelief, and he didn't say anything. At the level of Cook's level, if you want to find out, you don't need to say anything at all. He knows the grasp of people's hearts very well.

"Hey, you don't believe what I said, do you know who opened this tavern? I tell you, this tavern is the property of the speaker's wife." The dwarf said with a smile when he saw Cook didn't believe it.

When Cook heard this, he believed it in his heart. The Cook woman’s family made it plain and had a long way to go with Cook’s woman, but at that time, there was no news from the big world. Cook wanted to let his women have some income. , Let his family of women have a family in the God Realm, recognize their ancestors and return to the family, but now Cook’s women are not in the God Realm anymore. I didn't expect these guys to make such a thing.

"Thank you." Cook said thank you to the dwarf, then left after drinking the ale.

The dwarf looked at Cook's leaving back, and muttered to himself: "There is something wrong with the brain."

Originally came out to relax, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen, and Cook thought about it in his heart. A series of orders were issued.

The Supervision Department of the Council of the Gods first inspected itself. The prisoner who was serving in the service was actually bought away. Why didn't the supervision department know that everyone in charge of the Supervision Branch of the Gods Mountain was isolated for review.

The brave knights dispatched to check all the taverns, hotels, and the Gods Mountain Security Office to cooperate. Once they found that they did not have identification, the tavern owners would arrest them.

The family of the tavern owner involved, the Mageweave Association supplier license was confiscated, the Pharmacy Association supplier license was confiscated, the **** shop frozen the family’s Zijin, property, personal credit was frozen, and all applications in the Council of the Gods were cancelled. The construction stopped immediately.

Then the people and families involved are handed over to the court for judgment.

Orders were issued one after another, the entire mountain of 100,000 guards, and 20,000 brave knights, the taverns and inns were checked, and once crimes were involved, the doors were directly sealed, and then everyone was arrested.

The first to bear the brunt is the tavern where Cook went.

"Boom." The door of the tavern was kicked out, making a loud noise.

"The brave knights do business, no one is allowed to move." Two brave knights with a small team of guards, the leading brave knights guard shouted.

"Misunderstanding...Bang." A middle-aged man just rushed out from the inside. Hearing this, his face changed and he hurriedly moved forward, but he just walked two steps and said two words, and he was caught by a brave knight. The charge hit the ground with a fist and didn't move anymore.

"If anyone moves again, it doesn't matter if you kill them." The brave knight said in a cold voice.

The guard behind also held a one-handed sword, but did not unsheath it. Instead, it swung it to make everyone squat down. When they met some drunks who were playing sideways, they slapped their heads and covered their faces.

Half of them disappeared. Looking at the three dark elf dancers, who had no identification, the leader of the brave knights said, "All the staff in the tavern will be taken away."

"This, this lord, may I ask where we are going?" The tavernkeeper woke up behind him and asked tremblingly when he heard this.

"Brave prison." There is a prison in the resident of the Brave Knights, which serves as a place for temporary detention of repeat offenders. Wherever they are detained, they will go to a place behind, a mine, where all detained are repeat offenders.

"No, no, I don't want to...Bang." When the boss heard this, he turned around and ran. The Brave Knights is the place everyone yearns for, but the prison of the Brave Knights is everyone's nightmare. .

Seeing that the members of the Brave Knights didn't regard themselves as human beings at all, everyone else cried. Such a scene happened in the taverns of the Gods Mountain.

As soon as some affected families received the news, they were directly broken into by the Brave Knights and began to take people. The entire family was first arrested and picked up, and then screened. If there was no crime, they were released and suspected of further investigation.

Quick, just one word.

The families involved were too late to respond, and they were caught up in the pot. Sixteen members of the Zhushenshan branch of the supervision department colluded with these families and were eventually sentenced to life imprisonment.

For the dark elves that have been judged by the court, they were sold out, related people were locked up in deep mines, and related families were deprived of many benefits.

Thunder means, everyone in the Council of the Gods saw why these people were arrested in the announcement of the Ministry of Supervision. These families are the families of the Cook women. Without Cook speaking, who would dare to move? Moreover, the brave knights are in name. It is the Knights of the Council of Gods, but where is the right to transfer?

In Cook's hands, everyone knows who wants to touch these people this time.

As for Cook, he never came forward to express his position, but Cook has already used practical actions to tell everyone that no matter who is involved, he will not give face.

For a while, Cook woman's other families acted a lot more low-key, and imposed stricter restrictions on the family disciples. However, some people in these families usually behave nonsense, this time it is also unlucky, these families still dare not stretch.

I wanted to go out and relax, but I didn't know how to make such a mess. It's strange that the family involved, Cook, could not be punished heavily.

The Arcanum Association is now a grand gathering to condense the gods every six months, and the tentacles of the Arcanum Association can be said to penetrate into every corner of the Council of the Gods.

The secret law association looks ordinary, but who knows it is this association, there are thousands of god-level powerhouses, and these god-level powerhouses are introduced to each other, it can be said that the structure is more stable.

The Arcanum Association is just an intelligence system that Cook has created and is independent of other forces. What Cook values ​​is not the god-level powerhouses in the Arcanum Association, but the intelligence gathering ability that they value. The information these people are exposed to is comparable. Outsiders know a lot.

The Arcanum Association has released A-level missions for the first time. The Arcanum Association has not released tasks in the past, but only the lowest-level tasks. Level A tasks can be said to be the first release.

"Who is this?" The A-level public mission is the first time in the Secret Law Association. The previous missions were all single missions. If anyone accepts it, others cannot accept it unless the person who started accepting the mission has not completed it. , In the mission room of the Secret Law Association, everyone looked at the posted mission, a blue humanoid.

No one has answered this question, even if you know what kind of creature it is, who would say nonsense, this is an A-level task, and the points are very high.

"Okay, after reading it, write it down and go out." The dwarf in charge of the distribution task saw that the time was up and started to rush people.

The Secret Law Association’s network spread the mission information, and a certain core member or a few in countless families began to search for information about this blue humanoid.

After Cook assigned the task, he ignored it, opened the portal of the Primordial World, and a group of disciples of the Great World went to the Primordial World.

But this time, Cook also followed these disciples. Seeing Cook coming, Leng Feng and others were a little excited.

"Friend Cook."

"Friend Cook."

Cook looked at the tent built on the platform and was a little startled. Leng Feng and others waited for Cook's response. Cook asked, "You guys, didn't you find a place to live?"

"Above, where is there a place to live?" Song Tao asked when he heard this.

"Over there, that's the place I built when I came here. A tent like yours is not afraid of rain?" Cook knows the heavy rain in the star realm, which is simply a flood. On this platform, at least a few meters of water, more Not to mention the hail, snow, those things are smashed down, enough to bear.

Following Cook’s direction, everyone saw a house under a platform, but it was obviously made of the shell of a certain nut. Next to the house, there was a water hole, which was quite large.

"Why, there is still no progress?" When Cook saw the appearance of these martial arts disciples after sleeping and eating, he knew what life these people were living.

"No, the creatures on the ground in this place are too difficult." Qing Zhu said, shaking his head.

"You didn't open the passage to the Great World?" Of course, Cook knew that the Primordial World didn't know what happened. The positioning items of the Great World actually failed here, but Cook still has to ask.

Song Tao and others shook their heads, and Cook sighed: "If you can get through the big world, that would be fine."

Hundreds of people present didn’t want to guess what Cook said such a thing. Song Tao asked, “Fearer Cook, how did you deal with those creatures?”

"You haven't found anyone in this world?" Cook asked when he heard this.

"Ashamed," Song Tao said.

Cook shook his head and said: "When I came over, it was also very difficult, but the creatures here have weaknesses. As long as you target the weaknesses, it's easier to deal with."

"Friend Cook, you are here this time, can you take us around for a while?" Leng Feng said.

Cook nodded and said; "Yes."

What made Cook even more surprised was that these disciples of the great world sect did not eat food from the prehistoric world, but instead ate the bigudan brought in the great world.

"You eat this bigudan?" Cook asked.

"What can and cannot be eaten here, we don't know at all." Leng Feng replied.

Cook was completely speechless, but then Cook woke up, these people's strength was growing slowly, it seemed that they didn't know that the food in the prehistoric world could enhance people's physique.

"Come with me, the meat of the prehistoric world can enhance a person's physique." Cook shook his head and said.

Hearing Cook’s words, Leng Feng and others looked incredulous. Following the platform, the platform that Cook appeared was actually a platform for placing things. From the perspective of the natives of the Primordial World, it is not very big, but in Cook’s From a human perspective, it is very huge.

After getting off the platform, Leng Feng and others became extremely nervous and formed a battle formation.

Cook disagrees. Cook also has an energy wizard, so he can easily perceive a creature in a certain direction. Soon Cook encountered a huge ant. This ant is a kind of low-level star beast. After detecting Cook’s position on the tentacles, he rushed towards Cook, and Leng Feng and others looked from a distance.

After eight times the superimposed madness, Cook looked a bit taller than before. Leng Feng and others saw Cook thoughtfully.

The speed of the ants is very fast. In Cook’s eyes, the ants arrived almost instantaneously at a distance of thousands of meters. Cook did not wait for the ants to rush over, and the whole person rushed towards a plant next to him. This is a weed. Cook flew up and kicked the grass stalk with his feet. The grass stalk was directly bent by Cook's tremendous force, and then the elasticity of the grass stalk quickly sent Cook out.

Cook directly landed on the ant's head. Before waiting for the ant's reaction, Cook first interrupted the ant's two tentacles directly, and the ant rolled over.

Cook jumped up when the ant rolled over, and when the ant rolled over, Cook kicked his feet hard and landed directly on the place where the ant's belly and body meet, and the whole body was kicked off by Cook.

Even so, the ant's head is still flaring. But after going to the belly, the ant lost his balance.

Then Cook quickly jumped and drove away, watching the ant dying there. Leng Feng and the others were very depressed after seeing Cook's series of actions. The main reason was that Cook was too strong, and dealing with this ant was almost a crush.

"This kind of creatures, it’s best not to get close to their heads. Sometimes in a day, these heads still react, but there is nothing on the belly. However, some ants have spikes on their tails. Pay attention to these spikes. There will also be a long reaction time." Cook said to the disciples of the big world who followed.

Then Cook proficiently decomposed the ant. There were white things inside the ant's abdomen. These white things looked disgusting, but Cook took a piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

When these martial arts disciples saw Cook like this, some people slandered: "Barbarians."

"Taste it, this thing is a strong body." After Cook ate it, there was no response, mainly because Cook ate too much star beast meat.

"Really?" Leng Feng was not afraid, and cut off a piece and stuffed it into his mouth. However, you can see from Leng Feng directly swallowing it that Leng Feng was actually very resistant in his heart.

After Leng Feng swallowed it, he felt greasy and almost vomited out, but then Leng Feng felt warm inside his body.

"It's delicious, it's delicious." Leng Feng's eyes widened in an instant, he couldn't help but exclaimed, and then he cut a large piece to hold and began to bite.

Seeing Leng Feng's behavior, Song Tao and the others immediately reacted. Song Tao tore off a piece, put it in his mouth, and swallowed it directly, and then the whole body was warm.

"Really effective." Before Song Tao could speak, the other Taoists exclaimed.

Only when Buddhism and the female disciples looked at each other, and finally dozens of female disciples also gritted their teeth and ate them, Cook said slowly: "Actually, the effect is the same when it is cooked and eaten now."

"Wow..." Hearing Cook said this, several female disciples vomited out all of a sudden, even male disciples of certain sects seemed to vomit.

It's just that Leng Feng and the others are determined. Instead of vomiting, they start to eat with big mouthfuls. In fact, the meat of ants has a smell, which is far less delicious than that of beasts.

Cook smiled and felt a lot more refreshed. Cook dropped the struggling ant's head and then moved forward again. Leng Feng and others followed far away.

In the next day, Leng Feng and others had seen Cook’s strength and crushed it, whether it was a huge ant, a huge lizard, or a huge snake. In front of Cook, it was solved by two tricks. .

"Friend Cook, how did you achieve such a strong strength?" Leng Feng asked when he returned to the platform at night.

Cook shook the meat skewers in his hand and said, "Eat, eat hard. When you can easily deal with an ant, you will eat here for a year, and then you will have this strength."

In fact, Cook's words are not completely right, because these insects can be said to be the lowest-level creatures in the entire prehistoric world, not one of them.

The energy provided by these organisms has a limited effect on strengthening the body. The first-order creature is a threshold. In fact, it is not only the first-order, second-order, third-order, fourth-order, each of which has substantial changes. Perhaps eating enough meat from first-class creatures can defeat second-order creatures and eat enough. The meat of the second-level creature can defeat the third-level creature, but eating the meat of the ninth-level creature definitely cannot defeat the first-order creature. This is the qualitative difference.

The strength of Leng Feng and others is actually equivalent to about level two, but Leng Feng and others are not aware of the weakness of these creatures, and the individual is too small, which has caused the current situation.

"Friend Cook, are you still going to explore the world around us tomorrow?" Green Bamboo asked, roasted meat and raw meat taste very different.

"I will stay here for a few days to get you some biological flesh to strengthen your body." Cook nodded and said.

When Cook said this, Leng Feng and others muttered in their hearts. If they did this earlier, everyone would not suffer, but no one said that, because in the eyes of these people, Cook's temperament is difficult to figure out.

The other disciples of the Great World were relieved when they heard Cook's words. Before, I was too aggrieved here. Bullied by an ant, bullied by a butterfly, although the butterfly is two feet high, it can be seen. Still butterfly.

"But what you have to do ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is to build a residence first, right here, to cut down trees, that kind of tree, that kind of tree will emit a unique fragrance that can drive away those difficult guys "Cook pointed to a tree that is thousands of meters high in the distance. It may actually be a shrub or something, but it is a medicinal plant.

"Okay, let's listen to you." Song Tao and the others immediately took action. There was a lot of people and strength, and rows of houses were soon built. Of course, they were rough, just like wooden houses built of huge logs.

The wood exudes a faint fragrance. The disciples of the Great World for the first time, have a good sleep. You must know that when tents were built on the platform before, everyone took turns to rest, because no one knew what was going on in the next second. Harass yourself.

"Friend Cook, you should have been here long ago." On the third day, the disciples of the Great World School recovered their spirits.

"Come on, eat fruit. Although this kind of fruit is sour and astringent, it can also strengthen your physique." In front of Cook is a green fruit that is more than ten feet high, a bit like an oval lantern. Cook directly cuts off a piece and removes the green color. The skin reveals yellow flesh.

When Leng Feng and others heard this, they quickly began to act. Everyone knew that Cook would not lie, and as expected, after everyone had eaten it, they could clearly feel the changes produced by the fruit.

"Today, I will show you how to attack the weakness of the target. The weakness of the ant is two tentacles. The ants rely on the sense of smell, that is, the breath from your body and the vibration of the ground to distinguish your position. So when you encounter ants, the first thing you attack is the tentacles. You have flying swords. This is not difficult for you, but you should not blindly cut with flying swords, but aim at the tentacles. The joints." Cook decided to give these disciples of the big world martial art as a guide.

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