A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 991: Heartbeat

As Cook said, he took an antennae of an ant and pointed at the joints. In fact, there are many joints on the antennae of an ant, so it can continuously rotate the direction like an antenna.

Only then did the disciples of the big world see clearly, and Leng Feng nodded: "It turns out that it is, I used Feijian before, how can I say that it has no effect?"

"The other is perception. These ants can perceive the vibrations of the ground around them. Most of the bugs can sense this ability. In fact, most of the reptiles rely on the sense of touch and vibration. Flying bugs basically see with their eyes." Follow the team, while advancing, while commenting.

However, there are only thirty or fifty people who came out with Cook. Although Cook has the ability to let everyone follow, these big world sect disciples are not willing, the gap between the super sect, the big sect and other levels of sect. But it is huge, even the distance between the martial arts and the super martial arts is also very large.

In Cook's opinion, it is unfair for these super schools to occupy resources, but in the eyes of various schools in the big world, there is nothing inappropriate.

"And you can also judge the living bugs based on the traces on the ground, as well as all kinds of food debris. Although the medicine can prevent the bugs from finding you, if you come in close contact, the chance of being found by the bugs is still very high." Cook Continue to speak.

Speaking of adventure and understanding of various creatures in the star realm, these disciples of the Great World are definitely not Cook’s opponents. In the next few days, Cook hunted a lot of bugs for the disciples of the Great World School. They also killed a mouse. After these disciples ate a lot of flesh from the creatures of the prehistoric world, their strength greatly increased, especially in terms of strength, reaction, and speed.

At least three or five disciples can fight an ant in a group without much pressure.

"Okay, I'm here for today. I'm going back to the small world. I wish you good luck." At the end of the day, Cook bid farewell to these big world disciples.

"Friend Cook, thank you." Leng Feng and others are very grateful to Cook. Although Cook has been here for a short period of time, it has played a decisive role. It can be said to lay the foundation for everyone in the wild world.

Cook left with a wave of his hand. This time Cook did not open the transmission channel, but disappeared in an instant. Of course, Cook did not leave the prehistoric world, and Cook had to go to the Green Hill Tribe to trade.

Rare plants and animals are not so easy to find. After all, these tribes have been active in the scope of activities for many years, and where are there rare plants and animals.

If you want to find other places, it will be slower. So what Cook has the most is the items from the Bekalin period, and the star core. Cook only needs these two things. As for fruits and the like, basically It was given to Cook.

After staying in the Qingshan tribe, Cook returned to the God Realm. After returning to the God Realm, Cook received the results of the last tavern incident. Cook took a look and found that many people were involved, Ku With a stroke of Keda's pen, it was decided that hundreds of criminals would spend many years in the mine.

As for the mission of the secret law sect, it was not so fast, and then Cook prepared for alchemy.

Alchemy is still going to the Great World. Cook looked at the hundreds of Jidan Jidan in his hand, and did not have the urge to sell it, because as long as Cook took out Jidan, then the other schools would know.

Cook took out the Baopu Scripture and the Talisman. These are two mantras. For Cook, Talisman is not too difficult. Of course, no matter what it is, the more advanced the more difficult, the lower the more difficult it is. easy.

Cook regards alchemy as the foundation of one's life, not just to leave the talisman behind. After all, in terms of talisman, Cook has a lot of innate advantages. On the one hand, the talisman is also composed of various lines, although these lines are one by one. The Fuluo, but in the eyes of Cook, it is just composed of lines.

As long as the spiritual power and the lines are perfectly combined, then this talisman will succeed. This has many similarities with Cook's magic pattern.

Using a spirit pen to draw low-level runes is one of Cook's few choices now. Cook can also use the vitality of the prehistoric world absorbed in his body to refine it.

However, with the experience of failure in alchemy, Cook doesn't want to mess around. Innovation does not mean denying all the old things, but innovating and improving on the old foundation, so some things can be changed without innovation.

On one side, Barry breathed the spirit fire, refining the materials for the talisman, while Cook continued to draw the talisman with the spirit pen.

A piece of talisman was drawn by Cook. There was no sound in the whole secret room, and it was very quiet. Barry didn't bother Cook because he needed special attention when drawing talisman.

"Okay." After painting for most of the day, Cook finally put down his magic pen.

"Cook, don't draw anymore?" Barry asked.

"Don't draw anymore, let's call it a day." Cook draws the talisman, that is, to find the feeling, not to let go of this skill, of course, by the way, get some small money.

"Should these be auctioned?" Barry asked.

"Don't be in a hurry for the time being. Don't release good things too quickly on Bafang Mountain. You have to know that there are not many reserves of those schools. We have to slow down and let these schools raise as many spirit stones as possible before we auction them. "Cook said.

"What about Zhu Jidan?" Barry asked.

Cook shook his head and said: "Building Jidan is not something I can refine at my current level, so once I take it out, it will not only be bad for me, but it will be bad. No matter what, you can’t let people know your details. Find it out clearly, it will not do me any good."

Barry heard Cook say this and asked, "Are you not going to take out Zhukidan before you have no new cards?"

"I won't take it out until the big world. The influence of Jidan is too great, and I need to reserve enough Jidan." Cook said.

Barry asked fascinatingly: "Is there a hundred of those sects that may not care about you, but there are ten thousand, one hundred thousand, no matter which sect they are, they must win you over?"

"You can say that, but one hundred thousand is too much, two to thirty thousand is enough, even ten thousand is enough to make people value me." Cook said, shaking his head.

As for Cook's ideas, Barry, as a spiritual creature, doesn't understand very well. Although Barry's IQ is high enough, logical thinking is still far from enough.

In fact, the biggest thing humans have is wisdom. There are many creatures with wisdom. The biggest ability humans have is fantasy. I imagined flying, so I had an airplane, I imagined swimming in the water, I had a submarine, I didn't want to walk, I had all kinds of transportation, I imagined going to the moon, so I successfully landed on the moon.

Human beings can not only fantasize, but also use one hand to turn fantasy into reality.

If one generation is not enough, then two generations are not enough, and two generations are not enough, then three generations, one generation after another, will work hard for certain fantasies and finally realize each fantasies.

This is the biggest reason why human beings can continue to develop and ultimately surpass all living things. The wisdom of other living things is only limited and full, and there is not much fantasy.

In addition, this kind of illusion can also be said to be a kind of hope. It is precisely this kind of hope that humans in the entire world have countless jobs to do. After changing to other intelligent creatures, they can eat enough, but there is no hope at all.

Barry shook his head, not very understanding of Cook's thoughts, but Barry tried to understand and think, but failed without exception.

"That's alchemy?" Barry asked.

"No, let Bafang Mountain collect some elixir, otherwise I will take out so many Jidan, these people are not fools, they will definitely find the source of these pills." Cook said.

"Cook, isn't it..." Barry saw that Cook hadn't said his reward, and was a little anxious. To be honest, Barry was able to control the flying sword to act independently. The feeling of freedom made Barry very enjoyable, so now Cook Let Barry do something, Barry doesn't resist at all, he is very obedient, no way, Barry needs spirit stone or life water as energy source.

"Here you are." Cook feels quite a sense of accomplishment for Barry, after all, Barry always talked back to Cook before.

Barry controlled the flying sword and immediately wrapped the spirit stone. When the spirit stone met the flying sword, it turned into some white powder. The spirit energy was absorbed by the flying sword, and the rest was only some impurities.

"Let's go." Cook opened the door of the secret room. The reason why he used the secret room was because Cook was afraid that aura would affect the small world. Of course, a little aura would have little effect on the small world.

Barry got into the flying sword at once, and then flew away. Cook looked at the way Barry controlled the flying sword to fly away, and he was still very envious.

Then Cook shook his head, put the tools and raw materials for drawing the talisman into the pearl bracelet, and left the secret room.

After leaving the secret room, many things from the Council of the Gods followed. Cook really felt a little annoyed. But these things in the Mageweave Association, the Pharmacy Association, and the Medical Association, Cook had to deal with them. There are no small things in the council of gods, but big things happen every day in a council of gods.

Maybe it’s a small thing in Cook’s eyes, but for some people below, it’s a big deal, so when Cook makes a decision, he must make an objective decision instead of just looking at it. One side of things.

This increases the time for Cook to decide on one thing. Whether there is any problem with the things that the Council of Gods took, Cook needs to distinguish by himself.

"I'm always upset these days. Is there any problem?" Cook looked at the piles of documents on the table that needed to be processed. Cook couldn't be lazy, because outside, these documents need to be determined by Cook and then immediately deal with.

Cook also found that his recent state was not very good, and there was an inexplicable anger in his heart. Cook suppressed the irritability in his heart and finished the matter patiently.

After working patiently for four or five days, the temporary matters were handled, and Cook came to the big world.

"Little Junior Brother, come to refine alchemy again?" Two Monkeys asked.

"No, I'm here to find Master." Cook shook his head and said.

The two monkeys took Cook to the front of the cave where the Great Sage retreats, and the clone of the Great Sage appeared, and Cook bowed to the ground: "Master, the disciple has some questions in his heart."

"Say." The Great Sage saw Cook doing this, stretched out his hand to get Cook up, and then said a word.

"Master, I'm not in a very good mood lately. I feel irritated when I do everything. It seems that I want to release my anger." Cook said.

"Cook, you know that there is a stage before the Qi training period. Do you know what stage it is?" The Great Sage asked.

"The disciples don't know." Cook shook his head.

"The heartbeat period, before the Qi training period, there is a heartbeat period. The so-called heartbeat is to test a person's Dao Foundation. What is Dao Foundation? It is the foundation of Taoism. Have you been watching Baopu Jing recently?" Saint asked.

"Yes." Cook understands the meaning of the Great Sage, what Daoji is, it is Dao Xin, which means to be firm, and for those who cultivate Tao, it is to be firm.

"It seems that you have entered the heartbeat period. During the heartbeat period, you must suppress your own thoughts. You can't let your own ideas do it. Otherwise, you will not enter the Tao, but become a demon." The Great Sage said.

Hearing this, Cook was a little surprised: "Is it so serious?"

"What is Dao? What is Demon? Dao means persistence, firmness, demon, just do whatever you want, do you know why Dao Sect is powerful, but Demon Sect is weak?" Dasheng continued to ask.

Cook thought for a while and said, "The Daomen are very united within, and the Demonmen, who are intriguing internally, can sell everything for their own interests."

"Yes, the magic door has no moral bottom line. There is no trust between the master and the disciple, and the brothers and sisters are calculating each other behind the back. This is the biggest drawback of the magic door. Although there are such things in the door, there are very few things. , This is why the Dao Sect family monopolizes two worlds, while the Demon Sect occupies one of the worlds, and the Dao Sect and the Immortal Sect often go to clear the world, because no one in the Demon Sect is willing to come forward to resist." Dasheng said.

Cook shook his head and said, "Master, is there any way to avoid it?"

"There are many ways, but a disciple, relying on yourself is the real cultivation. Relying on external objects is always not your own. After you rely on external objects to cultivate, you will find that you can't do without these external objects, so take alchemy. In other words, pill medicine is something commonly used in the cultivation world, but in the past, who would use pill for cultivators unless it was necessary to use pill. How did these pill come from? According to Buddhism’s saying that all beings are equal, then this elixir is also a life. These countless lives are refined into a single pill, which is eaten. This is the reason, and relying on the cultivation of the pill, no matter what you encounter The medicine is still medicine. When you have this idea, then your cultivation will come to an end." The Great Sage said.

Cook knew that the Great Sage finally had a title, fighting and defeating Buddha. Therefore, it is not surprising that Cook said these words.

"Yes." Cook lowered his eyebrows pleasingly, but in his mind, he thought that the pill was just a tool, and what could be used could still be used.

"I'll give you a word, quiet." The Great Sage saw Cook like this and didn't say much. Finally, he said a word and the clone disappeared.

"The disciple retire." Knowing that the Great Sage had finished speaking, Cook immediately saluted respectfully.

"Second brother, are my women okay in their cultivation?" Cook asked.

"Don't mention it, they are still learning now. It is estimated that it will take at least half a year." The two monkeys looked extremely painful.

Of course, Cook knows that people in the small world want to learn the techniques of the big world, and it takes a long time to realize it. As far as Cook is now, he is still confused about the formation and is still in the stage of rote memorization. , Which is the lowest stage of comprehension.

Back in the God Realm, Cook really began to retreat. In the dark secret room, Cook closed his eyes and didn't think about anything, just like that.

But Cook's heart couldn't calm down, and countless thoughts continued to emerge in his heart.

Cook wanted to forcefully throw off these thoughts, but these thoughts seemed to be against Cook, and the more they were thrown away, the more they emerged.

"Quiet." A voice sounded in the dark secret room.

"Quiet." Cook whispered again.



"Jing." Cook spit out one by one static words. Cook found that when he focused on quiet, other thoughts disappeared.

There was a flash of inspiration in Cook's mind, and then he secretly said, one quiet, two quiet, and three quiet.

After not knowing how many quiets, Cook felt a blank in his mind, but this blank gave Cook an ethereal feeling.

Nothing happened. Even Cook himself didn't exist. Cook felt that there was nothing in the whole world, and there was no movement around, even a little sunshine.

Time, space, and even thinking do not seem to exist here. The reason why they are said to be as if they cannot distinguish time and space.

Outside of Cook's body, Cook's body was automatically and slowly suspended, and a white mist appeared on his head. The mist gradually dispersed, forming a cloud above his head.

"Where is this?" Finally, Cook had a feeling. Cook didn't know how much time had passed, as if it was a matter of a second, and as if it had gone through several centuries.

"Huh?" Cook found himself in a warm place, very comfortable, like soaking in hot water.

"Cool." Cook flopped inside, then shouted loudly.

But at this moment, Cook was stunned for a moment. Cook called just now, but there was no sound.

"Ah!!!" Cook shouted again, but there was still no sound.

"Well, what's going on?" Cook was very disturbed, it could be said that he was a little scared.

Cook hurriedly moved. In this warm place, Cook felt uneasy, but the next second, Cook felt a biting cold.

"This is..." Cook hurriedly shrank his head and stretched out his head to look around, and found that he was actually inside a white cloud, and then Cook looked at the surrounding space.

"This is the secret room? By the way, I'm still in the secret room." Cook looked at the familiar situation around him and immediately understood.

Cook stretched his head a little more and looked under his body: "Ah..."

Bang, Cook slammed into the top of the secret room, making a loud noise, and then Cook quickly touched his body: "Still, still."

But then Cook muttered in his heart: "Is it a dream just now? Impossible, how can I dream?"

"It's not a dream, what is that?" Cook was very confused about what happened just now, not knowing whether it is like this in reality or if it is like a dream.

"How is it possible, is there something wrong with my judgment?" Cook found that he could not tell whether it was a dream or reality. Cook was a little unbelievable.

Unclear, this is a bit serious, which means that a person's judgment is a problem.

"No, it's reality, but what is that white cloud? Why is it in the cloud? No, it's not the cloud, why I don't have a body?" Cook has many questions in his heart. These questions make Cook very entangled and depressed. These question libraries Ke didn’t know the answer at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So Cook hurried to the big world, but the two monkeys felt that he was taking a nap, the younger brother came again, but this time after the two monkeys saw Cook, Somewhat surprised.

"Second brother, I have a problem with my cultivation, I want to see Master." Cook did not pay attention to the expressions of the two monkeys.

"Don't, don't, Junior Brother, if you ask me the question of cultivation, I have gained some experience after practicing for so many years." The two monkeys quickly stopped.

When Cook heard the two monkeys say this, he said, "Second brother, didn't the master send a static character? After I got back, I shut myself in the secret room..."

"Little Junior Brother, in your situation, I just saw it at a glance. You are out of your body, that is, you can't see your body. In fact, your soul is out of your body. This is also in cultivation. It must be experienced, but for a person of your level, getting out of your body is a very dangerous thing. Your current soul can be blown away by a gust of wind. Once a person loses a soul, that’s I'm an idiot. Fortunately, you are in the secret room. As for the warmth you said, it should be the situation of spiritual energy gathering during your cultivation." The two monkeys said.

"This, this, does not mean that this is the lowest possible way to do this in the late Golden Core period?" Cook asked in disbelief.

"The truth is the truth, but there are also some people who have different talents. They can get out of the body in the early stage. The out of the body is very helpful for cultivation, but I suggest that you don't walk around after the out of the body, because the world There are evil spirits, yang and yin qi that will cause damage to the spirits, especially your weak spirits. Only the spirits in the late Jindan stage have the ability to resist these things." The two monkeys said.

After Cook listened to it, he asked: "Then why am I out of my body now?"

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