A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 992: smart people

"This is not clear. Everyone's situation is different. It may be different. Maybe it is the function of your body." The two monkeys heard Cook's words and didn't know how to answer. , After thinking about it for a moment, I answered like this.

When Cook heard this, he nodded, but then Cook suddenly realized that the two monkeys said and did not say the same. Watching Cook look at him, the two monkeys said, "The soul is out of the body, there is a In the Yuan Ying stage, at that time, the Yuan Ying is the phenomenon after the soul is substantive. At that time, there is no danger when the soul is out of the body. So you can go out of your body now, but don't go out of your body in a dangerous place, because you are now Divine Soul is a bit awkward. Even if it is exposed to the sun or blown by the wind, it may be blown away. However, Divine Soul is very helpful to your cultivation."

"Okay." Cook found himself asking these questions about the two monkeys. It was simply a problem with his head. The two monkeys are not humans, and the knowledge is not as wide as the great sage. Then Cook can still believe it. If he believes, only Afraid of the consequences.

However, the two monkeys said that it is dangerous to get out of the body, which Cook can understand, because Cook has already experienced it. When that kind of spirit escapes from that kind of spiritual energy cloud, the cold that it experiences is very dangerous.

When the two monkeys said this, even Cook didn't want to ask the Great Sage. After all, the Great Sage was a monster. Although he was very knowledgeable, he was not very clear about the specific things.

"This is something brought from the prehistoric world. You give it to the master." Cook dropped the things and returned to the small world. This is also the wealthy side of the Yaozu, otherwise the general sect is to open the channel of the big and small worlds. Enough to bring down the general school.

"Something from the wild world?" After sending Cook away, the two monkeys looked at the pearl bracelets in their hands, and then opened them curiously.


With a bang, a large pile of fruits measuring tens of meters in size hit the two monkeys, and even the cave mansion was smashed and collapsed.

"Bastard." But just for a moment, those monkey monsters just blinked, and there was no huge fruit. The Great Sage saw the dizzy two monkeys being smashed and drank in a low voice.

"Master." The two monkeys didn't expect that the fruit of this wild world would be so big, when they heard the great sage scold him, they kowtowed quickly.

"In the future, don't move the things that Cook brings." The Great Sage looked at the cavernous cave and whispered.

"Yes, yes." What can the two monkeys say, and quickly nodded in agreement.

The Great Sage asked, "What is Cook doing again?"

"Master, the little brother can get out of his mind. After receiving a static character from the master, the little brother shut himself in the secret room..." The two monkeys said quickly.

When the Great Sage heard this, he was completely speechless, his original intention was to make Cook meditate, then he knew that this kid was out of his mind.

"Is there no breakthrough in Cook's level?" The Great Sage asked when he was depressed.

"No, it's still that weak." The two monkeys shook their heads and said.

The Great Sage waved his hand and said, "Repair the damaged things."

"Yes." The two monkeys quickly kowtow to answer.

"Genius." After returning to the cave, the Great Sage shook his head and sighed. If Cook left his body after the breakthrough, then the Great Sage is not very surprised, because there are many such things, and the probability of this kind of thing happening during the breakthrough. Although it is small, it is not unavailable after all, but without a breakthrough, the soul will be out of its body.

The great sage doesn’t understand the specifics of human cultivation, but he will be out of his body during the heartbeat period. This kind of thing is changed to the monster race, and it is also an incredible existence. Yes, the Great Sage knows that it is not easy.

Of course, the Great Sage does not think about why Cook breaks through. The monster race has a little advantage over the human race, or it can be said to be a shortcoming. As long as it becomes a fact, the monster race generally does not consider it. Humans are different. Humans see others succeed. If you do, you have to think about it and analyze it, so more people succeeded.

Of course, the cultivation system of the monster race is different from that of the human beings. The cultivation method is different. It is the same monster race. It is useless if you analyze the cultivation methods of others. The growth of the monster race depends on the bloodline, and the talent is second.

After returning to the God Realm, Cook's heart became even more depressed. No one can point him. This is what annoys Cook the most. This is equivalent to Cook's going forward and the road ahead is black. I don't know. I was right or wrong, and no one discussed what happened.

"It seems that I still have to come up with something." Cook is looking for someone to ask, but for the other schools of the big world, Cook is very disbelief. To be honest, if the great sage is not the demon race, Cook can't To trust the great sage so much, but also to apprentice.

Even if the human beings at the Daojun level accept Cook as a disciple, Cook dare not agree or dare not.

At the level of Cook, being very suspicious is a universal thing. Once the suspicion is heavier, then when you start things, you will be a little daunting, or cautious, which is actually inconsistent with Cook’s personality. , Cook is the kind of character who refuses to accept, of course, this may also be formed by Cook in the process of fighting.

Cook’s first career was a knight rebel, then a hunter, and a mage. But Cook has always been a melee combat. The main reason is that Cook grows too fast. The mage needs a lot of equipment. As for the hunter, Cook’s pet level is a lot lower than his own. How can Cook be a hunter, and in terms of weapons, Cook’s good things are all melee combat, and where is there any hunter? arms?

"Song Tao." Cook selected all the disciples of the big world, and finally locked Song Tao.

Cook didn't specifically go to Song Tao, but Song Tao would come to Cook, and Cook dealt with things patiently, half a day to practice and half a day to deal with things.

Cook is in the office every day, making other people muttered. Has Speaker Cook discovered any problems and is going to fight?

The people around do things cautiously. Of course, Cook didn’t think that apart from the cultivation of immortal artifacts, Cook studied the Paopu Sutra and the Talisman Sutra. Cook couldn’t find anyone to interpret these two books. You can only read it over and over again. Isn't it a good idea to read a book a hundred times?

Of course, the obscure scriptures can be understood a little after reading ten thousand times, even if they have a very high understanding.

Finally, after half a month, Song Tao returned to the small world. Although the prehistoric world is good, no one can bear the long-term depressive life. Even a cultivator can bear more than ordinary people, but there is a limit. It's been three months since I got up and Songtao went to the prehistoric world.

"Friend Songtao, please sit down." Cook said with a smile looking at Songtao who came in cautiously.

"Friend Cook, what are you looking for with me?" Song Tao was very nervous. The last time Cook made things out of the school, the school had driven Song Tao out of the school. These school disciples were cautious when confronted with Cook.

"Sit, sit, I'm looking for you because I saw that you are a smart person." Cook reached out and poured a cup of spiritual tea for Song Tao and said.

When Songtao heard Cook say this, he didn't understand what Cook meant, so he didn't express any opinions. Cook didn't expect Songtao to promise anything.

Cook said, "As for me, I have some questions while practicing. I want to make a deal with you Songtao."

"I can't teach the martial arts." Song Tao said immediately.

When Cook heard this, he laughed. As expected, he is a wise man. What does Song Tao mean? It is to give Cook the bottom line. I would not say when it comes to martial arts.

"It does not involve martial arts, but other things, but, I hope you keep it secret, even your martial arts, even your master, and the other third, fourth, and fifth ones are not known. Can you do it?" Cook asked.

Songtao was surprised when he heard Cook say this. At the same time, he knew that the question that Cook asked himself must be very important. Songtao hesitated for a while and then asked, "May I know what the reward is?"

"Remuneration, you can choose by yourself, Lingshi, high-grade Lingshi, Flat peach, Xianzao, Zizhi, Five Elements Lingguo, Life Lingcha." Cook said generously.

Songtao thought about these things that Cook said, shook his head and said: "I can't hide these things when I get them. Once I can't hide them, once they are known, the trouble will be big."

"Then what do you want?" Cook heard Song Tao's answer and admired his decision to find Song Tao. Not only did Song Tao not speak out, but for his own sake, Cook knew that the smarter he was. The more rational people are.

"Friend Cook, first tell me what you want to ask?" Song Tao said directly.

"Pills, and things about cultivation." Cook said.

"Why did you choose me, aren't you and Leng Feng very good?" Song Tao asked suspiciously.

When Cook heard this, he laughed: "Friend Songtao, in fact, I and you are the same kind of people, smart and very rational. As for Leng Feng, this person is too straightforward and everything is on his face. , This is very bad, and your Songtao is different, everything is in your stomach, dealing with smart people like you, as long as I pay enough, then except for some things you can’t say, you can promise everything else ,Is not it?"

"Well, you can ask." Songtao felt a lot relaxed when he heard Cook say this.

"Let's talk about Jidan first." When Cook heard this, he understood in his heart, it was appropriate.

Songtao took a look at Cook's questions about Cook’s questions. Cook said that building a foundation pill has many aspects, such as refining, pill prescription, and elixir, as well as value and influence. But Cook did not point out the direction, but let himself speak.

Songtao pondered for a moment, and then said: "Zhu Ji Dan is the best-selling pill in the whole world, and it is also the most in demand. However, the price of Zhu Ji Dan is not caused by refining problems, but demand. The amount is too large, as long as it reaches the advanced stage of the Qi training period, it is possible to build the foundation after taking the Jijian Pill. How many sects and tens of thousands of sects are there in the entire world, and how many disciples of the Little School are in the Qi refining period. The thousands mentioned here are accumulated by the disciples collected each year. There are tens of thousands of disciples during our Quanzhen Sect training period, which is not too much, because the disciples collected by the super sect have been screened in advance. Yes, then it will be the martial art, the small and medium sect. The most disciples in the Qi refining period are the small and medium sects. There are six martial sects under the Quanzhen Sect, and there are more than 20 medium sects under each of the martial art, each of which is medium. There are at least fifty small sects. Among these people, even if one-tenth of them reaches the high-level of the training period, they need to build the foundation. Even I am not 100% sure to build the foundation. The foundation is Xianfan. The difference is that even in the mortal world, the monks in the foundation stage are still above them."

"Our Quanzhen Sect has at least tens of thousands of Jidans each year, but these tens of thousands of Jidans must not only be given to the following martial arts, but also meet the internal needs of the martial arts, which can be said to be even 10%. The demand hasn’t been met. Jijidan is no better than other pill. You can have it or you don’t have it. This is a kind of pill that every disciple in the refining period desires. There are tens of thousands of pill. A furnace of pill is 30%. It only needs three thousand furnaces of pill, ten alchemists, each with three hundred furnaces, how can it be completed, and the foundation pill needs to be refined by the alchemist, this is simply a rumor." Song Tao continued.

"Oh?" Cook was puzzled.

"Elixir, a low-level alchemist produces one elixir, and a high-level alchemist produces three. How can it be a waste of elixir? There is no need to worry about selling a foundation-building pill for tens of thousands of low-grade spirit stones, especially for martial arts. Building a foundation pill as a reward is more effective than anything else. Take our family as an example. The effect of giving 10,000 lower-grade spirit stones to the family is not as effective as building a foundation pill. Whose family does not want more monks in their family? No matter how high your talent is, you will not be valued within the martial arts, but the foundation building is different. The foundation-building monks are also the cornerstones of each martial arts. The golden core is the backbone of each martial arts. With the right to divide the mountain top, Yuan Ying stage is also made a real person. Above the Yuan Ying is the distraction, he is called the true monarch, and above the distraction is the Taoist monarch.” Song Tao continued.

"As for the refining of Jidan, please forgive me for nothing I can do." Song Tao said to Cook in the last sentence.

Cook nodded and asked, "What about the graded Jidan?"

"By the way, the foundation building pill for tens of thousands of lower-grade spirit stones that I said must have a grade, and there are thousands of lower-grade spirit stones without a grade, but the price gap between each grade is very large, because foundation building The quality of the pill is directly related to the quality of Daoji, that is to say, the 9th rank is 10,000 lower-rank spiritual stones, then the 8th rank is 20,000, the 7th rank is 30,000 or more, and the fifth-rank or higher requires the use of high-rank spirit stones. At least ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones. As for the third-grade or above, it is the treasure of the town. It is said that the third-grade foundation building pill can make people grow into a monk-level monk. As for the second-grade, the first-grade. I've heard of it." Song Tao's eyelids twitched. There are some questions about Cook's question, but Song Tao is not an idiot and would not take the initiative to ask.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that I have hundreds of Tier 5 Jidans in my hand, I still dare not take it out." For a smart person like Songtao, Cook would not hide it, because these smart people have already guessed. , The more you show your strength, then these smart people know how to deal with it.

"What?" Sure enough, when Cook said so, Song Tao jumped up.

"Look, isn't it?" Cook took out a jade bottle and threw it to Song Tao.

Songtao continued, then opened the jade bottle, and then his eyelids jumped wildly. Songtao tremblingly poured out one, and then exclaimed: "Fifth-Rank, it is indeed a fifth-Rank, this is also a fifth-Rank, and so is this... ."

"Twenty, twenty five-rank Jidan." Song Tao felt that his heart was about to stop. Song Tao knew that even if the head of the martial art had these Jidan, he would feel the same.

"Only twenty, are you excited?" Cook looked at Song Tao's appearance and said with words.

As soon as Cook spoke, Song Tao woke up and looked at Cook: "Friend Cook, I want to build a foundation stone."

"If you think about it, in the future, if I refine and produce a higher-grade Jidan, you don't regret it." Cook said indifferently.

Hearing this, Song Tao struggled even more, but Song Tao still put the Zhuji Dan in the jade bottle one by one, and handed it to Cook, as if he was about to cut the meat.

"Friend Cook. When I need to build Jidan, I hope you will give me two of the highest grade Jidan." Song Tao said.

"Yes, but I have one more question. You said that if I took out 10,000 Five-Rank Jidan, will those sects in your great world let me build my own mountain gate?" Cook asked.

"Impossible." Song Tao said, shaking his head.

"How about 10,000 per year?" Cook continued to ask.

"Then you Cook is dead. As long as those sects know about it, the Taoist level will personally catch you, 10,000 per year. How many foundation-building monks are that, and what does it mean to the sect?" Song Tao looked at Cook. , Said.

When Cook heard this, he looked at Songtao and asked, "Then what do you think should be done?"

"Of course it is low-key. On our side, everything else is floating clouds. Strength is the most important thing. Take Dandingmen for example, is it a martial art, but how many sects do Dandingmen need to refine pills each year? Although it seems to be aloof, but Danding Sect dare not refine it for other sects, then wait for it to be destroyed." Song Tao thought for a moment and said.

Cook nodded and understood, Song Tao went further and said: "Building Jidan is too important, the cornerstone of a sect, who dares not pay attention to it, so you'd better not take out too much of this thing, or the monk will have everything. It's done."

"Then according to my current situation, how can I open the door to the big world?" Cook asked.

"You first need a site to open the mountain gate. I would like to ask fellow Taoist Cook, where is your site, not to mention the Bafang Mountain, that place has no spiritual veins, it is not suitable for cultivation, and the world is immortal, god, Buddha, Dao, demon, Demon, you always have to join one. You can't not join one. You said that you join the faction now, but the faction you want to join will not accept you." Song Tao said that, and stopped.

Cook is not a fool, and I understand that Song Tao means that Cook has too much influence, and any sect he joins will not be satisfied with other sects.

"Then you say I might get the last world?" Cook asked.

"This... is really possible." Song Tao was taken aback when he heard Cook's question, and then said.

"But the price to pay must be large enough, and you must have the strength to stand alone against the Demon Gate and the Demon Race. The Immortal Buddha Shinto can hardly embarrass you, but the Demon Gate and the Demon Race say it is not necessarily the case. Several sects know that no one can get this side of the world, so it's better to exchange something for something good, hey, let alone, if you can refine and build Jidan for several major sects every year, then these major sects are really not Will oppose it, but Yaozu and Momen are hard to say." Song Tao then continued.

Cook nodded, feeling that he was struggling as if he had a direction. Song Tao watched Cook not speak, and asked, "How is the rate of building a foundation pill?"

"One." Cook put up a finger, and of course Cook didn't say that one can be refined in one furnace.

"This is not bad~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you don't make it through the refining, you will lose a lot. If you build the foundation pill of Tier 5, then you will earn it." Although Songtao can't make alchemy, but related things I definitely know.

"Yes, alchemy is actually quite simple." Cook said with a smile.

Songtao heard Cook say this, and said, "Is it easy to make one in one furnace?"

"I just put the elixir for refining a pill in one furnace." Cook said with a shrug.

Song Tao opened his mouth wide and looked at Cook in surprise. Perhaps he had a secret deal with Cook. Song Tao became more familiar with his words and asked, "Then what about the elixir for refining ten pills? "

"This is confidential, but I am sure to refine the lowest level 5 Jidan." Cook heard Song Tao's question, and of course he was not idiot enough to tell the truth.

Song Tao asked repeatedly: "The lowest?"

"Yes." Cook answered in the affirmative again.

This time Song Tao came back to his senses after a while, and then asked: "You are not talking about cultivation problems, what is the problem?"

"What's the matter with the spirit coming out of the body?" Cook asked directly.

"My soul is out of my body, you...?" Song Tao asked with some disbelief when he heard Cook ask.

Cook shook his head and said, "Don't care who it is, just tell me what's going on?"

"It’s not a common occurrence that the spirit comes out of the body, but the lower the level, the more dangerous the spirit comes out of the body. Basically 100% of people who come out of the body become idiots when they are blown away by the wind. In the base period, the soul is out of the body, but the time of three breaths, the golden core period will be better, about the time of a cup of tea, needless to say, you can already travel thousands of miles in the wild." Song Tao said, but Song Tao can be sure that Cook is already. The spirit is out of the body.

When Cook heard this, he asked, "Why travel thousands of miles at night?"

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