A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1023: Hope of the Darkmoon Empire

"President Cook, I don't know what weapons of war the Mageweave Association is going to sell to our Darkmoon Empire?" The Queen of Darkmoon looked at Cook and asked with a smile.

Cook felt refreshed, and had to say that the dark elves were born to be the most charming women, and Roxi's two sisters were even more powerful, but Roxi was slightly worse, because Roxi was original after all.

"Your Majesty, the Dark Elf Empire has some small actions recently, so I need someone to teach them a lesson." Cook said directly.

"This is okay." The Queen of Dark Moon said immediately when she heard this.

Cook continued: "There are many weapons of war, these are, you can take a look."

The Queen of Darkmoon feels pleased that Cook calls herself you. The Queen of Darkmoon is actually ready. If Cook is not letting go, Queen of Darkmoon will be ready to go to battle by herself. Fortunately, Cook said directly. If she wanted what she wanted, Queen Darkmoon was not ready to go into battle on her own.

Although the relationship between the dark elves in terms of men and women is very chaotic, the main reason is that there are too few men, and there are many examples in which there is a male and a female in common, which is why the dark elves all die young.

The Darkmoon Queen looked at the information, shook her head and said, "Speaker Cook, our Darkmoon Empire hopes to purchase a city in the sky."

"City of the Sky, please be honest, Your Majesty, it will cost billions of high-grade crystals, and the annual maintenance fee is a lot of money." Cook looked at the Queen of Dark Moon and said.

The Darkmoon Queen nodded and said: "I understand this, Lord Speaker, our Darkmoon Empire can open the mining rights of the Darkmoon Empire's territory to the Mageweave Association."

"This..." Cook thought that there are many mines in the Dark Plane. After all, it is a world, and the Dark Plane has many rare ores produced due to its special properties.

"Speaker Cook, our Darkmoon Empire allows humans and dark elves to marry." The Darkmoon Queen gritted her teeth and continued speaking when she saw Cooke.

In order to maintain the purity of the blood, the dark elves are not allowed to marry with foreign races. Once discovered, the blow will be huge. Of course, dark elves slaves are not included in this rule.

"This seems to be your dark elves taking advantage, marrying our Council of Gods humans, you will get the status of a resident of the Council of Gods." Cook scum eyes, and then said.

The Queen of Dark Moon took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and pulled her clothes off directly: "Sir, what do you think about adding me?"

For this scene, Cook was stunned. Although Cook knew that the life of dark elves was chaotic for men and women, this was the dark elven nobleman, the dark elven queen.

"Your Majesty, if you do this again next time, then we won't have to talk." With a wave of Cook, Queen of Dark Moon's clothes were automatically put on, and said with a wry smile.

The Darkmoon Queen opened her eyes and said: "Speaker Cook, our Darkmoon Empire is actually on the verge of collapse."

When Cook heard this, he asked in confusion: "What is going on, I haven't paid attention to the affairs of the Dark Moon Empire for a long time."

"The population has lost millions and the logistics have dried up." The Dark Moon Queen said bitterly.

When Cook heard this, he asked, "Is it the Dark Elf Empire?"

"Yes, the tens of millions of troops in the Dark Elf Empire will take turns fighting with us." The Dark Moon Queen nodded.

Cook thought for a moment and said, "In this case, Roxi is my maid, and I won't do you any good at this point, but I also plan to buy two of Roxi's sisters to be maids, 10 million tons of food, Other supplies are 10 million tons, 1,000 sets of low-grade artifacts, and 100,000 sets of magicweave equipment. As for the Sky City, it will not be given, but when you need it, the Dark Moon Empire can apply to the Council of Gods to intervene in mediation. Then I will send a sky city to garrison at the border between the Dark Moon Empire and the Dark Elf Empire to prevent further conflicts."

"Okay." When the Dark Moon Queen heard Cook say so, she looked at Cook with admiration.

It can be said that Cook’s use is extremely beautiful, ten million tons of food, which solves the big problem, and there is no way for others to blame Cook, although the two princesses of the Dark Moon Empire are not worth the price. , Whoever says it's not worth it, not only offends Cook, but also offends the Dark Moon Empire.

As for the subsequent application for mediation, this is simply Chi Guoguo’s help to the Dark Moon Empire. After the Dark Moon Empire is equipped, it will definitely catch the Dark Elf Empire by surprise. When the Dark Elf Empire responds, the Sky City will be stationed again. At the border, it can be said that it doesn't matter if a soldier of the Dark Moon Empire is not stationed at that time.

The transaction was completed in this way. Cook had three more women. These three women were placed on a sky city by Cook. As for the gossip in the Council of Gods.


Ten million tons of grain and ten million tons of supplies were sent to the major powers of the Council of Gods. If anyone talks gossip, those who sell food and supplies will come out and slap these people.

Not to mention the 1,000 sets of lower-grade artifacts of the Mageweave Association, the material supply of 100,000 sets of Mageweave equipment, and the taxation of the Council of the Gods. Such a large business, if anyone dares to make irresponsible remarks, it will disappear directly. It is not impossible.

Not to mention that Cook has also obtained the mining rights of the Darkmoon Empire. If anyone messes up this matter, several elders of the dwarven clan will directly pick up the artifact and hammer.


Cook slept with three more women. Not only did no one make irresponsible remarks, but they thought it should be. If Cook slept once, a woman would bring so much benefit to the Council of the Gods. It is estimated that these people would like Cook to sleep ten a day. , You must know that the difference between the tax on exports and the tax on internal transactions is ten times. Although Cook gave it this time, it is also an export, that is, Cook pays the bill himself.

This transaction has not been announced for the time being. Within two months, the things that Cook promised were delivered, and in a hidden place in the Dark Moon Empire, a Sky City was being built, and thousands of Mageweave Masters were busy on it. , Once this sky city is completed, then it is the opportunity for the Dark Moon Empire to fight back.

The Dark Moon Queen looks at the map every day, and this time the Dark Moon Queen is about to tear off a large piece of fat in the Dark Elf Empire.

On the other side, the Great Elf Empire declared war on the Dark Elf Empire, making the Dark Elf Empire nervous.

Of course, Cook told me to leave, but Cook didn't care, don't forget who the three daughters of the Queen of the Night are now, just just ask the people below to do their best.

With three women, Cook felt more comfortable in his small days and had more time to appear in the Council of the Gods.

In the prehistoric world, the giant Qingshan tribe, Cook looked at Lien and asked: "Are you sure there are strange plants in the giant territory of the Snow Mountain?"

"Yes, Azhu said more than once that every time a blizzard appeared on their tribe, there was a strange light on the mountains." Lien nodded and said.

Azhu is a good friend of Lien. The giant is not a monogamous system. The polygamy system is not because of other things. The giant has a similar male to female ratio, and there are slightly more women, but because the giant is out. When hunting, some male giants will inevitably die outside, and the remaining orphans and widows will have no one to take care of, and there will be more of these women. Therefore, the women of the giant tribes who have deceased husbands can live with other adult men. As long as the original woman of the giant doesn't object.

Azhu belongs to the Snow Mountain Giants tribe. Azhu’s elder brother is the chief of the tribe. Azhu’s man died a few months after Azhu’s marriage, leaving behind Azhu with a big belly. Azhu’s brother took Azhu’s child Yes, but Azhu’s identity makes people in the Azhu tribe dislike Azhu, because Azhu’s husband wanted to eat a certain fruit when Azhu was pregnant. As a result, when Azhu’s husband was picking fruit, he was caught A big bird attacked and died of injuries.

No way, Azhu’s brother introduced Azhu to other tribal chiefs. How could other tribal chiefs kill men’s women? You must know that tribal chiefs’ women can be as many as the chiefs can support.

In the tribe, women are the most important factor and an important factor in increasing the population of the tribe. Therefore, women in the tribe basically have no widows. Even if the widows are unwilling, they will be assigned to some other man by the chief because of the population.

Regarding this matter, Lean also asked Cook to give some advice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Of course Cook would not speak bad words, so a cross-tribe relationship appeared.

"Specific location." Cook quickly took out the map.

Lean, the chiefs of the tribe who traded with Cook, already knew the map, mainly where Cook raised the sun. The names of the rivers and the locations of the various tribes are marked.

With regard to this detailed map, the chiefs of the tribes were collected like treasures, and the hunting captains were required to forcibly record the maps around the tribe.

"Here, this is here." Lien looked for a full ten minutes before pointing and saying. Lien first found his tribe, then the Azhu tribe, and then according to Azhu's narrative, found a mountain, and then pointed local.

"You can only see it when a blizzard appears?" Cook asked again.

"Yes." Lean nodded.

Cook heard this. I began to wonder whether this was due to the blizzard, and countless snowflakes made the light appear. Or is it because of the energy fluctuations of the snowstorm?

"What about other times?" Cook continued to ask.

"No." Lean shook his head and said.

"Well, wait for my news." Cook nodded and said.

"Lord Prophet Locke, our tribe wants to challenge other tribes, do you think?" Lien asked.

The tribal challenge system is the key to allocating tribal territories. Large, medium, and small tribes. If small tribes challenge other tribes, they will get part of the tribe’s territory after victory. If they challenge medium tribes, they will replace medium tribes after victory. Gain greater territory.

"Do you want equipment?" Cook understood when he heard this, and asked.

"Yes, Lord Prophet," Lien said.

PS: The power went out until the 17th. I didn't prepare, and the laptop was out of power, which was bad enough.

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