A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1024: Promoted to Tier 3 Wizard

To Chief Lean’s request, Cook didn’t know how to answer, because Cook didn’t want to interfere with the internal affairs of other tribes. Once there was the first time, there would be a second time. Not that every time went smoothly, and once Cook interferes in the internal affairs of other tribes, so what other tribes will think of Cook.

The tribes that have friendship with Cook don’t need to worry too much, but those who have an affair with these tribes, the giants are not stupid, one day Cook will be exposed, and then Cook will be an outsider involved in the giant’s internal affairs. , What will be the reaction?

"Chief Lean, I can't answer your question. Although you call me a prophet, you don't have any substantive rights. In addition, I don't want to participate in matters between your tribes." Cook shook his head and replied directly.

Lean was a little dissatisfied with Cook's answer. Regardless of the giant's size, he thought that his brain was not bright. If he thought so, he would be an idiot.

Regardless of the race, there are no idiots who can be the ruler, of course there are still arrogances.

The reason why Lien asked Cook was to put Kukla on the tribe’s chariot. Although Cook was previously called a prophet, there is a prophet in the tribe. This is just an honor to Cook.

For a foreigner in the giant tribe, even if it is given the highest honor, it would be vain, but now Lien has hope in his heart, that is to run the tribe into a big tribe.

And what is the fastest way to develop the tribe? Challenge.

In fact, to put it plainly, it is war.

"Okay." Lien never thought that Cook would refuse. In Lien's heart, Cook would definitely point him to a few words. As long as there are a few words, then when Lien confronts other tribal chiefs, You can do it in the name of Cook.

Several other tribes have gained a lot of benefits from Cook. When the time comes, just help one or two, then tribal challenges will become easier.

Several other tribal chiefs vaguely mentioned the challenge of the Qingshan tribe to Cook in subsequent transactions, but Cook clarified his views and did not participate in tribal affairs.

After Cook left the giant tribe, the chiefs of the other tribes looked at Chief Lien, not as eager as before. After all, these tribal chiefs thought that the relationship between En and Cook must be very good, and there is also a prophet. , I know now that it seems that is not the case.

These tribe chiefs are even wondering in their hearts, since the tribe relationship between Prophet Locke and Chief Lean is not that ironic, can the trading place be changed to their own tribe.

Several tribe chiefs immediately went back to talk with the prophets of their tribe.

Of course, Cook didn't know that such a thing would happen between the giant tribes. Cook was in the suspended guard fortress hundreds of kilometers above the Qingshan tribe.

The wizard model keeps running, and Cook has been the pinnacle of the second-order wizard for a long time, but he has not entered the third-order wizard.

The key points for the wizard’s promotion are physical fitness. Cook passed the test and his mental power. Cook also passed the test. In the past, Cook’s mental power was weak, but after eating ginseng fruit, Cook’s spiritual power, or God Nian, the growth is still very fast.

Then there is energy. On the contrary, this is the easiest to achieve. Cook became a shortcoming because Cook's time is too tight.

There is also the control of energy. Wizards can be said to have extremely strict requirements for energy control. The promotion of a third-order wizard is very simple. A rune directly controls the energy and operates in the rune. Finally, the wizard book opens the third-order authority. , If it does not meet the standard, it cannot be promoted.

But Cook must first absorb enough energy. Cook is a wind system, fire system wizard, and wood system also has it, but Cook has a ninth-tier fire system wizard book and wind system wizard book.

The core system of the alert suspension fortress, the energy system of the entire alert suspension fortress, these fortresses continuously absorb energy from the outside, and then supply the fortress to use.

Cook is here, which is something similar to the Great World Spirit Gathering Array, but the energy system of this alert suspension fortress is more reliable.

The semi-substantial energy of the atomized circle around Cook constantly penetrates into Cook's skin and pores, most of which is absorbed by the body, and a half enters the wizard model.

The energy wizard model connected with the wizard model, analyzes the wizard model, and constructs the wizard model. The energetic models in these bodies continue to absorb energy. These wizard models slowly grow and construct more complex ones. Wizard model.

"Finally it was fully absorbed." For two hours, Cook felt his muscles tense and his whole body was full of strength, but Cook's spirit was a bit tired. Although the wizard model can run automatically, Cook's mental power is monitored at any time , After all, this thing has no practice experience.

A ginseng fruit is eaten into the stomach by Cook. In fact, ginseng fruit does not instantly restore mental energy. Ginseng fruit only increases basic properties.

The speed of mental recovery has a lot to do with the foundation. The larger the foundation, the faster the recovery speed, and the ginseng fruit can also improve the basic quality and make the spiritual mind more smooth.

One day, Cook opened his eyes, the light in his eyes shone, and his mental power returned to its peak level.

Open the wizard book, and energy flows slowly into the rune like a stream. This rune is the rune of the wizard and is used to determine the level of energy control.

Because the level of energy control has a close relationship with mental power and energy, and the duration of time is closely related to physical fitness.

Cook controls the energy and runs continuously in the rune. The rune oscillates and accelerates from time to time, and Cook must keep up with it, or else it will be useless.

"Level Thirty-three." Cook was very satisfied when he saw his level displayed in the wizard book. This level is a comprehensive level. Cook's body strength is nine times the superimposed madness and beast soul transformation blessings. , Can reach the level of Tier 5, plus armor and controllable weapons, then the Tier 9 Star Beast can't do Cook, because Cook can control this alert floating fortress, and the Tier 9 Star Beast comes to touch this, that is to die .

However, the wizard pays attention to his own strength, so these foreign objects will not be evaluated at all.

Take the promotion in the wizard book, even if you have ten suspension fortresses of vigilance, then the level of your own strength, that is, how many levels, there will be no extra points at all.

Even if you have ten fortresses and none of the other wizards, but other wizards are of higher level than you, then you will see high-level wizards because you need to salute, and you will not be treated specially because of your wealth.

It can be said that the wizard's level is relatively fair. No matter it is armor or other things, no points will be added, and some are just their own strength.

The reason it is said to be relatively fair is because the conditions for cultivation are different in cultivation.

"Lianzhu Fire Arrow."

"Burst pillar of fire."

"Firegun." Cook looked at the wizard book and chose to activate these three spells. Lianzhu Fire Bolt is to continuously release a rocket formed by fire energy until the energy in your wizard book is exhausted, or the energy in your body exhausted.

"It's like a heavy machine gun." After Cook was activated, he memorized the spell model on the wizard model in his body. Cook experimented, and the rockets were shot out continuously at a very fast speed, reaching seven or eight in one second. Many, the speed of launch here is related to the level of mental power and energy control.

For this third-order spell, Cook is quite satisfied, the Fire Arrow technique relies on powerful continuous attack firepower.

Explosive pillar of fire is to spray a pillar of fire at the enemy, but this pillar of fire is so explosive that it has its name.

The gun, this is a single attack spell, about once every five seconds, condensing a long gun to attack the enemy, crying, it feels like a rocket launcher.

Of course, the strength of the spell is one aspect, and hitting the enemy is the most important thing. The three fire spells that Cook remembers are all offensive ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is not to say that Cook does not like defense.

It's because Cook has an analytical wizard model, so he doesn't need any defensive spells. Cook still believes that offense is the best defense.

Of course. If someone who does not open his eyes hard with a spell attack wants to attack Cook in close proximity, Cook's Star Breaker would have long been hungry and thirsty.

There are more than a dozen Tier 3 fire spells, but Cook did not intend to memorize other spells, because memory spells will occupy the position of the wizard model, which means that the magic position that can be constructed on the wizard model constructed by everyone is limited. of. Not infinite.

Cook owns the ninth-order wizard book and knows that these three spells will continue to the ninth-order spell, just like the spell of Lianzhu Fire Bolt, which is actually upgraded from the spell slot of Fire Bolt, and Burst Fire Pillar is also upgraded from flamethrowing , Musket is also a branch of Fire Arrow.

A wizard with a low-level wizard book might face the embarrassing situation of not having a spell slot in the future after being promoted, but this situation would not exist with a ninth-level wizard book.

Spell slots are extremely important to wizards, just like the spell of musket, which extends from the spell of firebolt. It only occupies half of the spell slot, which means that even the fire bolt, the fireball, the bursting fire pillar, and the musket, these four spells occupy three and a half spell slots.

Afterwards, Cook came up with the ninth-order wizard book of the wind system. The spells of the wind system are easier for Cook because he has the origin of the wind system.

"The Whirlwind Blade."

"Rotating the wind blade." Cook looked at the spells upgraded after the two wind blades, a little tangled, whirling wind blade, just hit out a wind blade, will swing back to attack the enemy again.

The rotating wind blade is the wind blade of high-speed autobiography, with the strongest attack power.

PS: We can only guarantee the bottom. We look forward to rain, and there will be no power outage when it rains.

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