A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1025: Tier 3 Constructor

Two kinds of spells, Cook is only going to choose one. Cook is a bit entangled. The whirlwind blade attack is weird, and the wind blade's aggressiveness itself is high, but the spell slots are limited, and Cook has the origin of the wind system, so the wind system Spell slot Cook is not prepared to occupy more spell slots.

Someone has said, Isn’t Cook putting the cart before the horse? Since there is the origin of the wind system, then more wind system spell slots should be prepared?

From now on, this is the case, but after the high-level spells, the explosive power and attack power of the fire system are basically a few blocks away from the wind system. The ninth-order spell of the wind system is a summoning hurricane. This spell group attack is the best. , But against a single wizard of the same level, that’s not the case at all. That is to say, wind attack spells can only crush lower-level wizards. For wizards of the same level, there is no advantage. Of course, wind-based wizards are assisted. It is also essential.

As for fire spells, the single ninth-level fire spells rank the top three among all wizard spells. Whether it is a meteor fire shower, a summoning fire giant, or a sunray, they are all extremely powerful spells.

And Cook has the origin of the wind system. It is extremely difficult for other wind spells to hit Cook. It is not only the wind spell, but it is also difficult for other spells to hit Cook.

Because of the origin of the wind system, Cook doesn’t want to remember the spells of the wind system at all. However, these two wind spells are very characteristic. Cook hesitated for a moment and finally chose the Whirlwind Blade. This kind of strange attack spell sometimes Can have unintended consequences.

As for other wind spells, as long as Cook takes out the wind wizard book, it will still be released. It is just that the size of the wizard book is too large and sometimes it is inconvenient for Cook to remember this spell.

After reaching the third order, the third-order construction wizard, the energy wizard, and the analytical wizard model all began to change. This change is natural, as if it were natural growth.

Actually it is not. These are all under the control of the wizard model. After following Cook’s mind, he discovered that once his own energy reaches a level, the wind blade runes in these various wizard models will change and then these will be formed in the body. The energy lines of the crystal will grow naturally, just like some mineral crystals will crystallize into various regular shapes.

This change is Cook’s wizard model, which is also the main model. Whether it is a construction wizard, an energy wizard, or an analysis wizard, it is all attached to the main wizard model, and the spell slot is also attached to it, so The spell positions of the main wizard model and the positions of the other wizard models are limited.

The third-order construction wizard can simply produce the parts of the construction item, but focuses on the related conditions of various metals.

Including the search for ores, the analysis of ores, the smelting of ores, the smelting of composite metals, and the creation of various parts.

Cook originally thought that making parts of the dwarves was very complicated, because the same metal used different functions and used different forging methods.

The parts produced by the construction wizard are ten times more troublesome than the production of dwarves, and the error is even more than a hundred times the limit of parts produced by dwarves. There are hundreds of methods for smelting a metal, and after the parts are successfully produced, plating one There are hundreds of metal layers, and there are nearly a thousand types of quenching after the parts are completed. Take the metal shell on the armed transport spacecraft that Cook saw, it will be quenched dozens of times. The temperature of each pass They are not the same, and there are more than a dozen layers of metal coatings. These metal coatings make the spacecraft’s metal defenses higher, and are not easily damaged by a small meteorite in the starry sky. The ability to deceive the star beast in the sky.

Camouflage, absorbing energy, filtering, as well as isolating temperature, increasing defense, can be said to be an extremely complex technology.

"It's no wonder that wizards can cross the planet." Cook had to sigh after he had learned about these metals.

Although the God Realm also has composite metals, it is far less complicated than the metals on the wizard side. The God Realm values ​​energy defense. As for the defense of the artifact equipment itself, it has been ignored.

There is a sapphire coating on the armed transport spacecraft on the wizard’s side. After this coating is plated on the metal, the defense power of the metal itself can be increased by more than ten times, not to mention the emerald coating and white stone coating. , Hei Yao coating.

According to Cook, these so-called sapphire coatings are all kinds of rare elements that have been refined, such as silicon and manganese.

These nouns are the internal names of the construct wizard, and the external names are camouflage attributes, invisibility attributes, rebound damage attributes, defense attributes and so on.

This is another way to bless the equipment, which is different from Fumo.

The formula of these coatings must be mastered by the third-order construction wizard. The formula of these coatings alone is not counted. Different coatings will use different ways to make these coatings firmly adhere to the surface of the part.

Of course, there are many sizes of parts, large, medium, small, super large, and tiny. Small parts are less than one millimeter in size, which is the same size as a tiny electronic component. The largest ones are over a kilometer, such as transportation. The keel of the spacecraft, this keel is the entire frame, which is also a part.

The third-order construction wizard must master the craftsmanship of the parts below the intermediate level. The third-order construction wizard needs to assess the construction skills. The assessment is very simple. If you make the parts that meet the requirements within the specified time, you can be promoted.

It is very simple to say, but if you do not reach a certain level of proficiency, it is estimated that it will be more difficult to complete within the limited time.

Moreover, there is another point, that is, the task of each assessment is random, that is to say, hundreds of types of parts must be fully proficient, which is also a very difficult thing.

But Cook's focus is not on manufacturing parts, but on these coatings. Cook feels that it is definitely welcome to apply a coating on the surface of the artifacts of the gods.

"Rebound damage coating." Cook is more interested in this coating. This coating reflects physical or magical attacks. Of course, the amount of rebound is not large, only a few percent. Of course, this is for spells and physical Attack, the rebound reaches more than one-third.

The secret of this coating lies in its strong energy absorption properties, and the compound will gather the absorbed energy and then release it, just like a spring, but more complicated than a spring.

Smelting metal coating is definitely a very meticulous work, temperature, and fine ratio between materials, but it is accurate to milligrams.

"It's not unreasonable for wizards to cross the starry sky and build countless colonial worlds. With a formula, even the smelting master of the dwarf clan of the God Realm can't make it." Cook looked at the formula, it was a little complicated. Among them, the purity of various materials is particularly related.

A metal formula can be as many as ten kinds of materials, and some one ton may require only a few grams, and this requires very high material purity.

In other words, it’s just not enough to have formulas, but also materials.

However, material purification is also a very complicated task. In order to ensure the high purity of certain materials, it may react with various solutions more than ten times to obtain such a material with the required purity.

In addition, the solution required for more than ten times is a very complicated subject. The proportion and purity of each solution will affect the final finished material.

"It seems that my heart is too big." Cook smiled bitterly after reading the recipe.

It’s like a simple mobile phone in the industrial society. It’s 50 years away. Maybe the laboratory can’t make it because there are too many things involved. Now the industrial society is an integrated society. Behind the scenes are extremely huge technological knowledge and related industries.

So Cook simply does not have the ability to make hundreds of solutions, then make the required materials, and then use these materials to smelt into finished coatings.

Cook estimated that in less than five to ten years, Cook will not be able to produce a finished product. Because everything is not a one-time success, there is a problem of success rate, there is also a problem of finding materials~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the past five years, what is Cooke doing badly? Of course, if it is a wizard of other constructions, he will definitely study it without hesitation.

"Blue crystal coating, defensive coating." Cook found the lowest level coating formula, defensive coating.

Aquamarine is a white crystal extracted from the associated ore, but after some processing of the white crystal, the final coating formed is a little blue, which looks like blue crystal particles on the equipment.

The aquamarine coating material is single, which is extracted from the associated minerals, but that's it, the extraction process has more than a dozen processes.

"Baiyan soil mine." At the intersection, I saw the mineral for refining aquamarine, which was actually a kind of soil.

A kind of white soil, this kind of soil is like rock after drying. This white rock soil contains more rare elements. Cook estimates that it is similar to rare earth minerals.

More than a dozen solutions will make Cook again. Some of these solutions are mineral solutions and some are plant solutions. There is no way, Cook just asks the giant to prepare these materials.

After returning to the God Realm, Cook did not study coating materials. Such obscure subjects can consume a young man into old age, and Cook has no time.

"President Cook, the Dark Elf Empire protested to the Council of the Gods and protested that we would help the Dark Moon Empire." Cook returned to the Council of the Gods and heard a news.

"Protest, then wait, let the Dark Moon Empire act quickly, and also reply to the Dark Elf Empire, saying that we have no intention of intervening in the two sides, we will negotiate with the Dark Moon Empire." Cook thought for a moment, and directly ordered. .

PS: I prepared a 12V battery. Taobao bought a 12V to 19V transformer. After the delivery, there will be no worries. At least there will be no less updates. It is just that there is no network. Updates only if there is a network. First chapter, follow-up and also.

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