A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1026: Weapons of War (Part 1)

Cook’s order was the will of the Council of Gods. The Dark Elf Empire had already considered this when it came to the Council of Gods. However, the mind of the Dark Elf Empire was not to rely on the Council of Gods to mediate, but to fight Dark Moon. empire.

The Dark Elf Empire is now regarded as a traitor in the Eight Dark Moon Empire, although there are also the Great Elf Empire, the Dark Demon Empire, and the Ogre Kingdom, and the Troll Kingdom is watching.

However, the senior officials of the Dark Elf Empire decided to attack the Dark Moon Empire first. After receiving the answer from the Council of the Gods and the mud, the envoy of the Dark Elf Empire issued a note to the Council of the Gods.

"These dark elves are really outrageous. They actually sent us a note. According to me, the dark elves empire should be overthrown." Cook attended the meeting of the Council of the Gods and happened to have this proposal.

"Hehe, this dark elf empire was consuming the strength of the dark moon empire when it started. Now that I see my support for the dark moon empire, I don't want to consume it slowly, and want to destroy the dark moon empire directly in one go." Ke ha ha smiled, this dark elf empire's photo is very simple, that is, once the dark moon empire launches a war against the dark elf empire again, then the dark elf empire will launch a Jedi counterattack, even if the last warrior is killed, it must defend its territory. .

A discerning person would understand this at first glance. After Cook said this, the councillor immediately asked: "Then Speaker, can the Darkmoon Empire be able to support it?"

"It should not work. Although we gave the equipment, don’t forget that the current territory of the Dark Moon Empire is less than one-thirtieth of the entire Dark Moon Empire, and in terms of the number of soldiers, the Dark Moon Empire is the number of the Dark Moon Empire. A hundred times." Cook said, shaking his head.

"Then, do we want to use the Brave Knights?" Some congressmen suggested directly. These congressmen knew in their hearts that Cook's woman had dark elves. According to Cook's character as a calf protector, the Dark Moon Empire would not suffer.

Cook shook his head and said: "Our council of gods must handle the relationship between the two parties fairly, at least on the surface, to look fair. Our council of gods has decided not to participate in territorial disputes, but our council of gods must also guarantee free trade. And the fundamental interests of the major forces of our Council of Gods in the Dark Moon Empire. If the Dark Elf Empire violates our interests, then we reserve the right to fight back."

What Cook said in this mandarin was high-sounding. Of course, many congressmen just heard these words, which is fair on the surface.

"Then Speaker, do you want us to make some preparations?" Some congressmen asked for instructions.

"No, the Dark Elf Empire don’t want to make a profit this time. You must know that while the Dark Elf Empire is fighting against the Dark Moon Empire, in order to prevent the Dark Moon Empire from happening again, it is depriving those great nobles of the rights. I must know what it would be like to change the rule of the empire on a territory where a great nobleman has run for countless years. I knew that there were violent incidents in the territories of several dark elf noblemen. Then these Once the violent incident involves certain people in the Dark Elf Empire, then these great nobles can only follow the old road of the Dark Moon Empire. There are more than 30 dark elven empire great nobles and Mageweave Association signed orders for artifact equipment, a dark elven empire If it is not in the interests of our Council of Gods, then a Darkmoon Empire is also not in compliance." Cook shook his head and said.

"Smart." Hearing this, the sitting councillor immediately understood.

"Then why don't those great nobles do it now?" asked a congressman in doubt.

A member of the Council immediately said: "It is not for the Dark Moon Empire to attract attention. If I expected it, these great nobles must exchange news."

"Yes, in addition, there are some unstable factors in the ogre Bagru's country, which need to be resolved. Therefore, the Ogre Kingdom and the Troll Kingdom will also launch a war against the Dark Elf Empire. You think, the Dark Elf Empire at this time When encountering these things, how will the Dark Demon Empire react?" Cook asked.

"Do you want to do something against the Dark Elf Empire?" a member of the Diet asked immediately.

"Yes, but an ambitious Dark Demon Empire is not in the interests of our Council of Gods. So after the war between the Dark Demon Empire and the Dark Elf Empire, the Council of Gods intervened strongly, allowing the Dark Moon Empire and the Dark Elves The empire has ceased war, then the dark elf empire faces the defeat of the Dark Moon Empire and the great nobles rebels, the influence of the royal family is reduced to the lowest point, and the dark demon empire is the punching bag to the door." Cook continued.

For the various plans that Cook said, these councilors simply admired them. They just supported something, not only splitting a huge empire, but also expanding the influence of the Council of the Gods to every corner of the dark plane.

After speaking out the plan in person, the other members of the Council of Gods knew what to do. These members were immortal. As long as Cook said a general idea, these people would do things properly.

"Speaker, I don't want to let the Great Elf Empire participate." Some congressmen suggested.

"Talk about it." Cook was very interested in this proposal and said.

"Speaker, isn't the Great Elf Empire even the elite fighters? Let these elite fighters and the Dark Elf Empire meet?" the congressman said.

"Idiot, do you know how much it costs to send warriors in the Great Elf Empire? Who will pay for the cost?" A member of the Council immediately retorted, and the export was dirty. Obviously there was some contradiction between the two members.

"Who is an idiot? I am submitting a proposal, do you understand?" The MP who submitted the proposal immediately roared.

Cook quickly said: "Well, stop arguing, this suggestion is not very good, at least it will take hundreds of thousands of fighters, and the loss of the personnel of the Great Elf Empire will be a bad debt by then."

"Have you heard, did you hear, it's still the thoughtfulness of Speaker Cook." The congressman who just scolded the idiot said immediately.

"Then Speaker Cook, isn't this Darkmoon Empire going to suffer a huge loss?" Some congressman asked.

Are these members really worried about the Darkmoon Empire? Of course not, mainly for Cook, yes.

Someone said this because Cook had three dark elf women. Otherwise, the Dark Moon Empire would have been destroyed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and no congressman would say anything.

"Nothing. After all, the equipment of the Dark Moon Empire is much better than that of the Dark Elf Empire, and the Mageweave Association also has some new war weapons that will be given to the Dark Moon Empire to test." Some plans Cook just said roughly.

When these congressmen heard about the new weapons of war, they knew that they should not continue to ask questions. After all, the Mageweave Association is Cook's private. Although it sounds like it is not private, the so-and-so association is actually private.

Now many people in the God Realm don't know what kind of organization the Mageweave Association and the Pharmacy Association are, and most of them think it is the property of the Council of the Gods. ,

Of course, some people know that it is Cook's, and some people think that the Council of Gods is Cook's private.

Speaking of weapons of war, the Queen of Dark Moon personally received hundreds of Mageweave Masters from the Mageweave Association, as well as the Mageweave Apprentices who followed.

"Your Majesty, we need to place our weapons of war one hundred and fifty kilometers away from the front line." The leading Mageweave said very politely, no way, who made the dark elf woman in front of us be the president's mother-in-law in name It.

"One hundred and fifty kilometers?" The Queen of the Night looked at these Mage Weave Masters very suspiciously. Now these Mage Weave Apprentices are using space equipment, so it seems that there is nothing.

"Yes, at least one hundred and fifty kilometers, too close is not good." The leading magic pattern master nodded affirmatively.

"Well, please come with me. We have a detailed map here." The Queen of the Night received her personally, and even the other elders of the Dark Moon Empire followed behind.

"Okay." The leading magic pattern master replied.

"Then what is the name of this master?" Darkmoon Queen asked.

PS; in the last chapter, it is raining outside, I hope there will be no power outage tomorrow, oh rice tofu.

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