A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1039: Calculate

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In a day and a half, Cook was less than a thousand kilometers away from Tiantai City. The two defensive forts on the opposite side had opened their energy shields, and the floating fortress commanded by Cook had also opened their energy shields.

As for the four floating fortresses behind, two of them are more than 4,000 kilometers apart, and the other two are a little behind, reaching more than 5,000 kilometers from Cook.


The first to fire was the two floating fortresses stationed on Tiantai City, and the huge dazzling beam of light bombarded Cook's floating fortress.

The fortress that Cook controlled reacted strangely. Instead of fighting back, he accelerated toward the front and lowered its height.

"Intercept, intercept." Cook listened to the commander's huge furious voice in the presbytery.

The eyes of the elders in the presbytery were wide-open, because Cook lowered the height, giving these elders an illusion that they would directly hit Tiantai City. If such a huge thing broke into a city, the consequences would be disastrous.

What can be done with Maruko and Mighty, can only increase the attack power, Cook quickly adjusted the energy layout of the shields, these shields are not a single shield, but composed of countless nodes.

Waves of beams of light hit the energy shield controlled by Cook, bursting out a brilliant light. Cook looked at the consumed energy, a little painful, but there was no way.

As a construction wizard, Cook knows one of the weaknesses of the floating fortress, and that is the energy system.

Of course, in general, there is no problem with the energy system, but the energy system has an overload.

When all the systems of the floating fortress are opened, the energy consumption will increase, and the same energy system bears the largest load. Just like the floating fortress controlled by Cook, it can only be used for defense and acceleration. If you open the attack again, it will be achieved. The highest load designed for the suspension fortress.

Under the highest load, energy consumption will accelerate, and the loop of the energy transmission system will have a certain amount of energy loss due to long-term high-load operation, which is equivalent to heat. When the loss accumulated in the system reaches a certain amount In general, this lost energy will dissipate and be absorbed by the system again, but when the load is fully opened, even if the energy is lost, it will be very slow.

Of course Cook wanted to fight back, but Cook didn't dare. If the fortress fell at this time, Cook would be unlucky. These fortresses detected that Cook would have a much lower chance of running away.

"Attack, attack me." Maruko and Mighty commanders kept urging.

The speed of the two floating forts is fully opened, the defensive shield is fully opened, and the firepower is fully opened. Energy attacks are not comparable to physical attacks. Physical attacks have a shortcoming, even the effect.

Just to make it clear, the attack power that a physical attack bears is only within a small range, because a strong attack power will not allow the object to have enough reaction time, so a physical attack can directly punch a hole in the surface of the object, and other places are Intact.

This is the position effect. The position effect of the object cannot be reflected, but the energy shield is different. Everyone knows that the energy reaction speed is extremely fast. As long as it is not powerful to crush the energy shield, it will be like the same level. Spells and spell shields compete with time and persistence.

Of course, Cook's energy consumption is very fast, after all, it is a joint attack of two floating fortresses.


"Ah, robbery."

"Killing." The entire Tiantai City is in chaos, because the battle between the three sky cities can already be seen. The dense beams of light and the torn sky all herald huge disasters.

"There is still one-third of the energy." Cook's forehead is sweating, no way, the energy is only one-third, but only the other two floating fortresses at a distance of 500 kilometers attacked the slightest. There is no break. .

"Is there a problem with what is said in the construct wizard book?" Cook muttered.

Maruko and Mighty saw Cook continue to lower their altitude, and they were only three kilometers away, and they were going crazy. If Cook broke into Tiantai City, everyone would have a miserable ending.

The beams of light were released from the Maruko and Mighty, and most of them hit the fortress controlled by Cook.

The energy shield of the fortress that Cook controls constantly fluctuates, looking like water waves. This is the benefit of the energy shield.

As long as it is said that within a certain period of time, the ability to withstand the attack is not large and the protection strength of the energy shield, then the shield will not break.

"Almost done, almost done." Cook looked at the time, but this time only has a maximum threshold, that is to say, the maximum load of the entire system does not exceed how long. As for the specific time, in actual operation, it will The shortened ones will not exceed the maximum value.

Three hundred kilometers, two hundred kilometers, and one hundred kilometers, Cook directly shut down the collision avoidance system.

The anti-collision system is a seldom used system of the floating fortress. This system is mainly used to prevent collisions with other flying objects in the air. You must know that in the wizarding era, there are many things in the sky and flying, so this anti-collision system system.

In fact, the 200-kilometer collision avoidance system was activated, and the 100-kilometer collision avoidance system was implemented.

Inside the Maruko Suspension Fortress, a rapid voice sounded: "The energy load is too large, and the energy system will automatically stop, and the energy output will be reduced by 90%."

"The anti-collision system is activated and the height is lowered by 500 meters."

The commander on the Maruko hadn't reacted yet, the energy shield was shut down suddenly, the attack weapon system was shut down, and most of the lights inside were turned off, and then the entire floating fortress descended five hundred meters.

Mighty saw the situation of Maruko~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and did not react. Mighty’s energy system also began to shut down. The reason why the 10% energy output was left was to prevent the floating fortress from falling directly. It is an expensive thing.

"Attack." Cook looked at 10% of the energy, he was relieved, and then issued an attack order.

The two rays directly hit the Maruko and Mighty, and Cook then drove the floating fortress directly across Tiantai City.

"Under attack, the landing procedure is activated." Maruko and Mighty were panicked when they saw the hit building, and the suspension fortress immediately began to execute automatically.

This is a self-protection procedure, that is, once the energy system is overloaded and is attacked when it is shut down, the selected golden clothing fortress will walk around and drop to the ground.

"This..." After hearing the report, the elders in the elders in the elders of the real-life elders were directly confused. What is the reason why the two floating forts did not listen?

"Quick, quick, order the other floating fortresses to distance themselves." The subconsciously commanding elder immediately issued the order. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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