A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1040: Frustrated

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"Maruko, please report what's going on, Maruko..." The real person in charge of the contact was sweating. Maruko and Mighty landed on the ground together. It was clearly detected by other fortresses. Communication with Maruko and Mighty was also interrupted.

In fact, without the order of the Presbyterian Church, the four floating forts at the rear saw the two fortresses launching countless attacks one second, and the shield shattered in the next second, and then fell directly to the ground.

Regardless of the fortress that Cook controls, the commanders of these four floating forts shouted loudly: "Back, back, back."

Of course, at this time, the commander's order was also issued, and the entire mortal elders were in panic. In front of the floating fortress, Tier Nine was only attacked a few more times.

The two floating fortresses attacked one, and it was a frontal attack. Neither of them stopped the target. Instead, they fell.

"Quickly, quickly, send ground troops to take a look." The real commander was anxious and ordered loudly.

Fortunately, the place where the two floating fortresses fell is not far from Tiantai City, but this is not far from the map, which is actually hundreds of kilometers.

After an hour and a half, the news was finally confirmed. The two fortresses were intact, but those who controlled the fortresses did not dare to act because the fortresses suddenly fell. Who would dare to control them again after changing them? I am not afraid of death. of.

"What's the matter?" The people in the presbytery hurried over when they heard this.

However, when this group of elders just appeared in Tiantai City, they received bad news.

"Baisha City was ransacked?" The Great Elder of the Presbyterian Church heard this, even if it was a Tier 9 cultivation base, he was furious.

"Yes, but there were no casualties, and the fortress also crashed in Baisha City." The real person who reported the report whispered.

"Let’s go, let’s take a look at the Maruko number first, and block the surrounding area for me, even if it’s a bird, I can’t let it go." The elder was really angry, ransacking the city, what kind of city Baisha City is, no more Can't understand.

It's not that you want to pay attention to Baisha City, but the memory of these real people is very powerful, as long as you want to remember, you will basically not forget.

A group of ninth-tier elders from the Presbyterian Church came to the Maruko Suspended Fortress and carefully checked everything. Of course, not all the elders knew about the suspended fortress.

But after all, it is a ninth-level powerhouse, and it is still possible to see if there are any problems with the appearance. Of course, those who are knowledgeable are checking the data.

However, there are a lot of data in the Maruko, such as flight data, energy data, and attack data.

There were only three people in the entire Presbyterian Church who knew about the construction, but these people didn't construct the wizard book, only that they could explore and repair the floating fortress.

"The energy load is too large." The three elders are all wearing silver robes. There is a wrench-like pattern on the silver robes. This is the pattern used by the construction wizard. One of the three is a woman and the other two are men. Alas, the one speaking is a female constructor.

"Yes, the energy load reaches the upper limit, causing the resistance of the energy return loop to increase, and the energy can't escape, triggering the automatic detection system of the floating fortress, and automatically turning off the energy connection output." The tall constructor pointed to the data and said.

"Furthermore, after the connection system was almost completely shut down, it was attacked by the opponent, so the floating fortress automatically fell on the ground, but how did the opponent know so clearly?" the short Constructor asked suspiciously.

The other two shook their heads, obviously not ready to speak.

"So this is how our report is written?" the short constructor asked?

"Forget it, let's report it personally. If the other party is a constructer, then our trouble will be big." The tall constructer said.

After receiving the detailed report from the live-action elders, his head became big, and the elder asked: "According to your estimation, what is the level of the other's constructor?"

When the three of them heard this, they all shook their heads, and the tall builder said, "We dare not say that. But we can go to the floating fortress where we fell. Maybe we have any clues."

So a group of people went to Baisha City non-stop, and Cook was already in Tiantai City.

Chaos, incomparable chaos, there are people in a hurry everywhere, there are robbers, murderers, and the entire Tiantai City is in chaos.

Although the guards of the Sage Association suppressed it, Cook was shocked that someone actually killed the guards of the Sage Association and then robbed the equipment and property.

"It seems it's been too peaceful for a long time." Cook looked at the surroundings and somehow understood why.

The Sage Association, especially the central region, does not border the outside world. For a long time, there has been peace and chaos in emergencies.

Cook couldn't help but remember that when he drove the floating fortress into the largest trading market in White Sands City, the people inside were like frightened chickens, fleeing in all directions, while Cook used the little energy on the floating fortress , Scanned the city of Baisha.

In an hour, Cook swept the most valuable things in the entire White Sands City. Finally, Cook locked the control center of the floating fortress, which was equivalent to a password, and cleared all the used data.

"I don't know what will happen to the disciples of the Great World School, I hope those guys don't be impulsive." Cook muttered to himself, Cook can clearly feel the fluctuations in the surrounding space, this fluctuation is to interfere with the space transmission, once there is space Transmission, huge interference will cause the transmission to fail, or to be transmitted to an unknown space.

Cook changed back to the appearance of a human being in the gods, sitting directly behind the gate plaque of a security station in an area of ​​Tiantai City, watching a pair of heavily armed sage guards rush out.

Immediately afterwards, a huge voice rang: "Nothing is allowed to move. Anyone who kills or robs, kills."

It was the great elder of the Presbyterian Church. The great elder was even more annoyed when he saw the chaos of Tiantai City, and two cities in succession were looted.

In addition, huge chaos occurred in the city of Baisha. The grand elder of the Real Presbyterian Church ordered hundreds of real people to form a queue. Once they encountered any crimes, they were killed.

As for why these real people are in groups, Cook guessed that he was afraid of appearing.

The Great Elder dispatched three elders to sit in Baisha City, and the road from Baisha City to the outside world was also blocked by the real elders, and several floating forts were mobilized.

The Mortal Presbyterian Church was severely beaten by Cook this time, but the Mortal Presbyterian Church simply used more power to come here, because the tribe had been fighting for a long time with the Sage Association.

The level and quantity involved are unprecedented, so the floating fortress here is the vast majority of the mobile power that the entire real person has mastered.

Even so, they were actually slipped away, and two cities were ransacked. No one can bear it.

After a real person came out to maintain law and order, it was a murder to be precise, as long as he saw criminal acts. Even if you don't listen to the greetings, and violate the orders of real people, just one word, kill.

Most of these real people are real people in these suspended fortresses. The six suspended forts faced an enemy, and they even let go. Not to mention, they were still under the eyes of everyone and ransacked Baisha City.

Everyone feels aggrieved. As for what the Sage Association is talking about serving the people, it's just for the majority of the people who abide by the rules set by real people. Those who don't abide by these rules know what death is.

"Langrieglang." Cook stood on the roof of the animal car and was very happy. Cook is already out of the city, and the city is undergoing a major inventory.

Of course, kill those real people who don’t know that Cook is in the God Realm. They are even smaller and pitiful. According to real people, the enemy is at least 20 people, because only more than 20 people can control the floating fortress. That's smooth.

As for Baisha City, it has been completely blocked, and they can only enter and can not leave. The people of the Mortal Presbyterian Church are really speechless looking at the locked floating fortress.

Everyone is pinning their hopes on the three constructors, and the Sanming constructor is strictly checking to see which key is used.

"Gosh..." the short constructor exclaimed.

"What's the matter?" The other elders of the Presbyterian Church immediately asked vigilantly.

"Don't bother, we don't have a chance to open this thing." The short constructor said.

The female constructor and the tall constructor looked at the unlocked screen, also showing helpless expressions.

"Say it." The elder of the presbytery roared anxiously.

"This is a segmented lock of the structure wizard used. It appears to be divided into four segments." The short constructor said.

"Four paragraphs?" The elders still didn't understand.

"There are four different methods of locking, and when unlocking ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even if there is a mistake, there will be no response. Only after all the segments are unlocked, will it be able to It cannot be unlocked. Once there is even a slight error in these segments, the result is very unfavorable." The female constructor explained.

"Do you mean that a wizard controls this floating fortress?" the elders in the Presbyterian Church asked worriedly.

"There is a possibility. Anyway, what we are facing this time may be someone who has accepted the inheritance of wizards." The tall constructor replied.

The Grand Elder asked: "Then this is a waste?".

The female constructor shook her head and said, "How could it be waste? This is where the research is also good. And the other party is locked up. What if you encounter it later?"

When everyone heard this, they immediately understood that the female constructor said that the reason for owning this fortress is locked. Maybe the target person can come back and take away the floating fortress.

"My lord, the statistics have come out. The warehouses in Baisha City, the trading market, the city lord's mansion, and the warehouses of the Sage Association have all been looted." A real person in charge of other things hurried over to report. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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