A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1042: 10 ambushes

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"It finally appeared. With this as the center, block the surrounding area for a thousand kilometers, even if it is a bug, don't let it go." After the great elder and others came out to check, they were not angry, but very happy. What does this mean? The enemy showed signs.

Thinking of the massive wealth of Baisha City, the elders of the Mortal Presbyterian Church feel distressed, mainly because most of these chambers of commerce belong to these elder families.

Of course, the bigger reason is because of the floating fortress. There has never been another floating fortress in the sage continent. What does an unknown floating fortress feel for the real-life elders?

Since there is the first one, will there be a second person? That's why the elders will be so nervous and will seek out people at all costs, because this has already shaken the foundation of real people's rule.


In the delineated blockade circle, all animals that exceed the blockade circle, even a bug, will be killed by the weapon above the suspended fortress, not to mention the birds and beasts.

And Cook is constantly flying among the wild jungle, but the sky is not a team of real people who have flown, which makes Cook very excited.

Yes, Cook found that his mentality was very strange. According to the truth, he should be afraid at this time, but Cook found that he was actually excited, and Cook found that he wanted to go back and make another vote.

This impulse was suppressed by Cook. The lightning bird flew extremely fast. Cook flew nearly a thousand kilometers in less than three hours, which can be said to be comparable to the speed of an airplane.

"Fuck me, isn't it?" Cook saw a beam of light falling from a distance, thick and thin, a big bird flying in the air was directly hit by the beam of light, and the whole thing turned into a huge fireball.

Lightning Bird's eyesight is very good, Cook can see an invisible boundary, when a creature crosses this boundary, then destruction is ushered in.

"Good method." Cook gritted his teeth, turned around and flew away. Along the way, Cook found that many slightly intelligent star beasts also fled in embarrassment. Obviously, the dead creatures feared these star beasts.

Cook stood on a tree on a hill and looked at the beams of light in the distance. To tell the truth, it was easy for Cook to cross the blockade, but once exposed, what came was the thunderous floating fortress. Blow.

"Damn it." Cook kept thinking in his mind to avoid the teams of real people patrolling. However, these real people patrolled relatively loosely. After all, if you want to appear here, you have to cross countless blockades. This is obviously extremely abnormal.

There are many ideas, but Cook always feels a little imperfect.

Cook can use the star cores stored in the Ring of Nature and the naval guns of the transport spacecraft to deal with these floating fortresses, but there is also a drawback, that is, the timing must be grasped, because a single naval gun may not be able to break open. For the defense of the suspension fortress, of course, the suspension fortress is consumed in this way. It is definitely necessary to add a star core. When a star core is added, an energy bin will be closed, then opened, and put into the star core. The energy bin opens, and both defense and attack power will be combined. Decline, because although the energy tanks are connected, the energy tanks are built on the energy transmission node, so the attack and defense will be weakened.

Another thing is that once the naval gun attacks, Cook has a low chance of recovering, and the detection range of a floating fortress is tens of thousands of kilometers. How can Cook avoid it?

Once he can't avoid it, he will fight a battle of positions. This is definitely not the result that Cook wants. The result of a battle of positions is self-evident. Cook will definitely lose. If a person fights against most of the world's ruling institutions alone, it is to find death.

"Failure, I knew which guys were afraid to chase at first, so I shouldn't have ransacked Baisha City... Baisha City, yes, Baisha City is surrounded by Baisha Mountains, where there are not only mines, but also countless adventurers. Who are these people? Most of them are cruel guys, so the real elders will do this. For the underground rulers of Baisha City, that is a crisis?" Cook muttered to himself, and then Cook thought of one method.

The Lightning Bird transformed by Cook flew towards Baisha City, but it was more than a thousand kilometers away from Baisha City.

In the middle of the night, Cook arrived in White Sands City. Cook found a tavern and flew in carefully. The atmosphere in the tavern was very depressing.

"Damn it, how long will it take to wait? I originally planned to go up the mountain yesterday, but now I am not allowed to go out. I don't have any money with me." An adventurer said loudly.

Most of the adventurers have money today to spend today, because everyone lives on the tip of a knife. Maybe this time you go up the mountain, there will be no chance to go down the mountain, so the money for adventurers is also very good.

"Don't worry, I don't think it will be long, it's a pity that the star beasts on the mountain were picked up by those patrolling guys." Other adventurers sighed when they saw the beams of light falling in the distance.

"The wine is gone, I said, boss, which tavern do you open?" an adventurer asked loudly.

"Don't mention it, the whole road is blocked, there are no caravans coming in, and no going out. The streets are not allowed to stay too long. If this continues, let alone alcohol, there is no food." Said angrily.

"Fuck, how long do these **** have to detain us?" someone scolded dissatisfiedly.

In Baisha City, there are adventurers, and the adventurers have no beliefs. If there must be a belief, it is wealth.

If it is ordinary people, it is extremely admired for real people or something, but in the eyes of this group of adventurers, it is just that.

The adventurers who often wander on the edge of life and death are also very courageous. Of course, the adventurers here are the same as those on the gods. When do they not do it when they are adventurous?

"Boss, bring me anything else to eat." At this moment, a group of people came in again.

"Only fruit wine, and some brown bread." The boss said.

"Fuck, boss, you should feed the animals." The group of people who came in shouted angrily.

"We have been here for several days. Since those **** guys ransacked Baisha City, we have been sealed off when we came back." The boss said.

After the looting of Baisha City, the first people who entered the city were adventurers. Of course, it was self-evident what the adventurers wanted to do in the city. Then everyone saw that the adventurers were fine, and they came back one after another. The whole city can only be entered but cannot leave.

"Fuck, we just came back from the wild." This group made you a frequent visitor here, and when you heard this, they also yelled.

Cook listened for a while and found nothing useful, but he intuitively told Cook that anyone who can open a tavern here is capable, that is to say, both black and white can be done, and the information is extremely well informed.

"You said, who is this wave of people who hijacked the floating fortress?" Cook was bored when he heard someone ask questions.

"Who knows, maybe some traitor?" someone replied uncertainly.

"No, I heard it was an enemy. You must have never seen the battle at Tiantai City. This floating fortress actually defeated the Maruko and Mighty fortresses. The two forts are still on the ground." Someone shook his head and said. .

When Cook heard this, he muttered to himself: "It's a well-informed place, you know all such news."

"Really?" Someone didn't believe it.

"Of course, and what the identity of these people are, I don't know yet, and the mortal elders have issued an order that within a thousand kilometers, no bed bug can run out." Someone said.

"Then what should we do, eat and drink?" Someone asked. Cook was a little speechless when he heard this. Who are these people?

"That is, don't we starve to death if we don't eat or drink?"

"It's such a jerk, these guys are incompetent?"

Several people spoke in succession and said that Cook was still disdainful, when is this, and he cares about eating and drinking, but then Cook is suddenly surprised.

"These people have ulterior motives." Cook understood all of a sudden, why he said he was eating and drinking.

No matter what world or society, people cannot do without a few things, whether they are rich, righteous, common people, women, men, the only thing they cannot do without is eating and drinking.

For adventurers, the same is true, eating and drinking is the top priority, how can you do without eating and drinking?

"Maybe the Sage Association will find a way?" someone said.

When Cook heard this, he was amazed in his heart. The person who spoke just now is very likely to be with the group just now. This will not cause trouble for the Sage Association.

However, someone immediately retorted; "The Sage Association, will it be sent to you, what price is that?"

"What should I do?" The rest of the people became anxious when they heard that they hadn't eaten or drink.

An atmosphere of tension and dissatisfaction was awakened by others, who accused the Association of Sages of all real people.

"Hey." Cook stared at the few people who started talking, and these people all slipped away quietly.

Cook followed. These people came to the back door of the tavern~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The back door of the tavern was a small alley. These people came directly to a door, opened the door directly, and went in.

Then these people came to another tavern. At first they wanted good wine and good things, but they didn't have any. One of the two said the same thing just now. When the adventurers in these taverns complained and were dissatisfied, these people again Quietly leave without a trace.

"Everyone!" Cook stood in the house and saw three people who opened the door and came in. These three people were one of the few who spread the rumors.

"Who are you?" The three of them saw Cook, quickly drew out three daggers, and whispered to Cook.

"I don't mean anything, I just want to see your boss." Cook stretched out his hand with a smile.

"Boss, who is the boss, who are you?" The three moved forward without a trace, and then asked. At the same time, the short sword in their hands was lowered a little, and they seemed to relax their vigilance.

"Kill." But the next moment, one of the three threw a short sword and thrust it directly into Cook's body, and then there was a low roar, and the three rushed over. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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