A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1043: idea

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Three adventurers dressed up and attacked Cook together. One of them threw a dagger with his left hand and slammed his right hand toward Cook's face with a fist. There were gloves with wire mesh on his fist. Obviously this man was ready to fight at any time.

The other two adventurers dressed up with daggers and slashed directly towards Cook’s chest, abdomen and leg areas. If Cook dodges the dagger, he would be close by three people. If Cook did not dodge, then Will be shot by a dagger.

"Good." Cook felt very good about the cooperation of the three and couldn't help but admire.


But the next moment, Cook directly stretched out his hand and clamped the dagger with two fingers. The dagger was like a dry grass stalk, which was directly cut into two by Cook.

In this short period of time, the three adventurers had bullied Cook, and two daggers pierced Cook's chest, abdomen and calves like two poisonous snakes.

The short sword is the best way to pierce talents, and it is not suitable for chopping. The three adventurers saw Cook's **** and cut the short sword. They were shocked, but there was no way out.


The sound.

With just a sound, the three of them were directly swept to the ground by Cook. The three of them did not see Cook's movements clearly, but felt a huge force appear, and then the three of them fell directly to the ground.



Cook kicked the two adventurers holding daggers directly with his feet into a coma.

"Ah!" Without preparing to stand up with the dagger, he knew that he couldn't stand. The lower legs of both feet showed a weird twisted posture, which was obviously broken, but the man just yelled and stopped. Up.

"Bring me a message to your boss. I asked him to cooperate. The goal of cooperation is that. See if it is the big guy over there. I have the key of that big guy. I can also shoot down this big guy. Something.” The adventurer was leaned against his neck with a short sword by Cook, and he was dragged to the second floor window by Cook. He pointed to a leaning tower-like building in the distance, and said, that the tower is a suspended suspension. A building of the fortress.

"Remember, there is only one chance. I will be in the attic here at noon tomorrow." Cook patted this, the adventurer's face with a dagger, then left the person behind and left.

"Ah!!!" The adventurer felt pain when he saw Cook leave, so he cried out.

Cook didn’t leave at all. This room was obviously inhabited, but I didn’t know where the people were now. There were a lot of things. Cook hid directly on a cabinet near the door. Cook got into the cabinet and found that it was several An umbrella.

"Damn it, Jack, Merrie." The adventurer with a broken leg upstairs shouted, apparently the names of the two unconscious guys.

For half an hour, the adventurer upstairs climbed to the first floor, picked up a leather boot, and smashed the heads of the two unconscious guys.

"Who?" The two were smashed like this, and they immediately woke up.

"Kutcher." Seeing the short-legged adventurer, Jack and Mai Rui were shocked.

"Quick, wait for me to see the boss." Kutcher shouted.

The three quickly left the house. The three of Kutchers turned left and right in the street and walked to the roof from time to time. Eventually the three of them stayed at the back door of an alley, which was not wide, at most Passed an animal car.

"Kutcher, what's the matter with you?" an old woman asked on the balcony of a room above the alley.

"I want to see the boss." Kutcher said.

"Oh." The old woman looked at the few people on the opposite roof, who raised her left hand to the old woman.

"Go in." The old woman said when she saw this posture, while pulling a rope, a door was opened to a stone wall beside the door.

After Kutcher entered, it was actually a downward passage, and the three of them were familiar with the road.

It descended to a depth of several hundred meters. It was a cave. The entrance was very narrow, and only one person could pass through. However, the three of Kuqi did not reach the entrance, but said: "I am Kuqi, I want to see you Boss."

"Immediately." A voice rang.

Then the stairs behind the three opened silently, and a passage appeared.

"Kutcher, what's the matter with you?" There were several guards inside, seeing Kutcher's appearance, and asked.

"I want to see the boss." Kutcher was helped by the two, his face pale.

After a few hundred meters of passage, then there is a downward elevator, then there is a passage, and then through a ropeway, under the ropeway is a hanging basket.

"Boss." Finally in a mine, Kutcher saw his boss.

"Something?" The boss looked at Kutcher and asked.

"Boss, the three of us......" Kutcher said the matter quickly.

Originally the boss looked plain, but after hearing Kutcher's words, his figure flashed and he appeared in front of Kutcher, breathing quickly and asked: "What you said is true?"

"It's true, Boss, I think this person is the group of people who ransacked Baisha City." Kutcher nodded quickly.

The boss is a thin middle-aged man. This middle-aged man has a pale face and looks like a dying person, and a cold breath lingers all over his body.

"Boss, what do you want to do?" Kutcher knew his boss's character, so he didn't even suggest that he dared to say anything, and asked.

"Go." The boss's eyes shone brightly.

Then the boss gave orders for a while, and countless people went out through countless exits.

Cook took a good night's sleep. When he woke up, he found that there were a few more people around the house. After thinking about it, Cook understood that these people might be the boss.

In the morning, there were more than a dozen people in the house, and Cook felt the breath of these a dozen people, with a strange face: "A dozen real people, it seems that the water in this city of Baisha is very deep."

In fact, in a city like Baisha City, the water is really deep. More than 90% of the Great Chamber of Commerce in the Sage Continent has branches here. If the underground forces here have no strength, they can survive.

"You are their head?" At noon, Cook's figure flashed and appeared at the gate next to the cabinet.

Cook's sudden appearance shocked a dozen people in the house. Seeing Cook who suddenly appeared, these people were shocked.

"This..." The pale boss looked at Cook with horror on his face.

"Hehe, it seems that something is wrong with you. Undead, without the guidance of the wizard book, you dare to practice indiscriminately?" Cook looked at the pale boss, walked to the table with a smile, pulled the chair and sat down. , Said with a smile.

"How did you know?" the pale middle-aged man asked in surprise.

Cook looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Because of this."

"The Wizard Book... Tier Nine!" The middle-aged man sitting across from Cook saw a book in Cook's hand and stood up immediately.

"Hehe, I have something to look for you this time. I have done a good job and can give you a wizard book. As for the grade of the wizard book, it depends on your attitude." Cook said with a smile.

"You order." The middle-aged man on the opposite side looked at the Tier 9 wizard book, and his heart was broken. No one knew how many spells were stored in this wizard book, but the person who could own the Tier 9 wizard book was not his own. People can deal with it.

"I like this attitude. My carelessness will only be discovered this time. It also made me lose the floating fortress, and the floating fortress. I lost it, but I can't afford to lose this person. I have weapons to deal with the floating fortress. I can give it to you. You must at least lay three floating fortresses for me. "Cook himself is the superior, so the temperament and attitude of speaking and doing things make this boss even more puzzled.

"Able to lay a floating fortress?" The middle-aged man on the opposite side took a deep breath, and then bit the bullet and asked.

"Is there enough naval guns for the armed transport spacecraft?" Cook glanced at the middle-aged man.

Cang Dang!

The middle-aged man slumped directly to the ground, and then quickly got up, leaning his whole body on the table, looking at Cook.

"Of course it is the secondary artillery. It is impossible to give you the main artillery. Ten secondary artillery. Plan yourself and prepare the star core. After the event is completed, the falling floating fortress is yours. As for which step can be achieved, It's up to you, it's still here tomorrow morning, you can go." Cook said with a wave.

"Yes, yes." The middle-aged people have no thoughts of resisting Cook. Armed transport spacecraft. This kind of thing has only been heard. But it is the big killer that the wizard can cross the starry sky. What kind of attack is the naval gun above? force.

"Hurry up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ help me up." The middle-aged man heard Cook say this, and quickly let the people around him help him up. He can be the top spot in the black market. It is not a smart person. , Can be said to be a hero. Although the body does not have much strength, there are already many plans in his heart. The biggest one is that occupying land is king.

What a hero is, that's unruly. As for fear, for real people, this middle-aged person is really not afraid.

"Butler, do you say that this person is true or false? It's not a spy sent by the **** from the Reality Association, right?" The middle-aged man was wrapped in a red robe next to him, with a silver face. mask.

The steward did not speak, but directly replied with mental power: "Young master, it is impossible for someone with a ninth-order wizard book to tell lies, and according to our intelligence, the fortress that fell in Baisha City does not belong to the Human Association."

"Tsk tusk, butler, how did you say these guys appeared? Our family has been handed down from the wizarding era. Why have we never heard of these people? Naval guns, naval guns of armed transport ships, is it ...?" the middle-aged man said.

"Master is talking about Flying City?" the butler's mental power asked. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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