A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1056: Giant Warrior

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Cook’s remarks are shocking. Many people don’t know the origin of the floating fortress. Of course, everyone knows that it was made. But where is the place of manufacture, it has always been the most wanted by the whole elders. knew.

"Well, how is this possible?" Delaixi said half-knob.

Cook shook his head and said, "You know what can be done. There is no permission from the construction wizard, no one can enter."

Delaisi still wanted to ask, but when he heard Cook say this, she was wise not to speak. Of course, Delaixi's heart still grew like grass, and her ambition continued to spread.

Cook glanced at Delaisi and said in a cold voice: "You shouldn't be thinking about it, it's better not to worry about it. The people in that place are not as good as I am."

"That place is so dangerous, then..." Delaisi said, actually trying to test Cook.

Cook waved his hand and said: "Just remember this matter and don't spread it to the outside. The place is very evil, and more than one group of people are fighting over there. Your strength is not as good as that."

Cook's words were mostly intimidating, but Delaixi really didn't dare not believe it. Delaixi nodded, "I understand."

Cook is now a Tier 3 construction wizard, and he has been able to control a part of the floating fortress to build bases. Uh, although he is not the master, if the base is to be fully controlled by Cook, Cook must at least reach a construction of Tier 7 or above. Teacher level can be reached, but this does not prevent Cook from having some authority.

For example, for defense, as long as Cook opens a part, it can be said to be solid. This base was originally built on an active volcano, and directly collected the magma energy in the veins as a power source. The energy is almost endless, but only in a long time. After years, the authority of this base has long been invalidated and needs to be reopened. Cook only opened part of the defense authority.

The base of the floating fortress, even in the wizarding age, was one of the top bases, and of course the defense measures were the strongest.

After Delaisi reported to Cook, he left. Along with the thirty floating fortresses of the Real Men Presbyterian Church, and a force of 50,000 real men, they are slowly rolling over towards the Tiantai City.

The reason why it is said to be slow is that this is the pressure that the live-action elders will put on the Demacia family, and it is also the handwriting of letting other people in the world see the live-action elders.

Tiantai City used to be very prosperous, but now it is almost desolate. Less than 10% of the residents in the entire city are left. Even ordinary people have fled the entire city.

"Damn it." Compared with ordinary people, the departure of real people made Delaisi very annoyed. Some real people who went to the Demacia family actually ran away more than two-thirds, and the remaining less than one-third. This one-third still signed a loyalty contract, otherwise they might run away.

"Master, at the current speed, it will take half a month for the army of the Mortal Presbyterian Church to arrive." The steward said.

"Or, the Mortal Presbyterian Church is doing this..." Delaixi said, but before he finished speaking, he saw a dazzling spell erupting not far away.




"Damn thief." A guard composed of hundreds of giants. These giants wore peculiar full-body armor and were not afraid of magical attacks. The armors of the five giants formed an energy shield, although this energy shield was spelled It was faltering, but it was not broken.

A group of five giants quickly rushed towards more than a dozen real-life assassins. Five giant teams rushed to the front, and there were three teams behind as reserve teams.

At a distance of less than one kilometer, the defensive shields of two of the teams seemed to be about to burst. The team that followed immediately made up.

"War!" The commanding giant roared.

With huge weapons in the hands of each giant warrior, they rushed towards the dozens of real-life assassins. Although real-life assassins are battle-tested, they do the most battles such as sneak attacks, and they are multiple times their number. The giant warrior is tough, obviously impatient to live.

"Go." A dozen real assassins glanced at Delaisi and quickly issued orders.

The speed of these assassins suddenly more than doubled. At this speed, the giant warriors could not catch up with these real assassins.

"Haha, boys." How do you know that the speed of these giants has increased suddenly, and faster than the real assassins.


Several backward human assassins were directly knocked to the ground by the giant's weapons, the lighter ones were spurting blood, the heavier ones, there was no movement at all, life and death were unknown.

In less than ten seconds, the Giant captured more than a dozen human assassins, who were thrown to Delaisi.

Delaixi and others were also shocked. In Delaixi's view, this giant's combat effectiveness is very strong, but that is limited to frontal combat, but today Delaixi has finally seen how powerful a real giant warrior is. If nothing else, just The team of five warriors, the defensive shield, is enough for the mage to go crazy, not to mention that the speed of these giants is not slower than the full-time assassination of real people.

"Armor, armor of giants, armor of giants is the most suitable equipment for giants." The butler said from the side.

"Is the legend true?" Delaixi said.

"Of course, the giant is called the strongest fighter. I didn’t understand it before, but now I understand. As long as there are five thousand giants like this, no real person is an opponent. Now it is a team of five giants. No, can there be more giants uniting together?" the butler said.

Delaisi was silent, and the butler continued: "It seems that this giant didn't charge a high price this time."

The housekeeper certainly knows that his young master is a little concerned about the reward of these giants as a floating fortress, but after seeing this scene for a few days, the housekeeper dare not let his young master continue this idea. A giant equipped with a giant armor is not a giant. , But the top fighter.

And at a distance of several kilometers. A real person witnessed the entire battle scene, took a deep breath, and then turned and left. Since there are so many people leaving now, this real person will soon leave the city.

Three days later, the mortal elders saw the result of this assassination.

"Giants, are these giants also involved?" Someone frowned and said dissatisfied when they saw the giant warriors appear.

In the eyes of these real people, giants are just taller, and there are not many things to fear, and giants are savages living in the wild.

However, after ten seconds, the whole mortal elder will be quiet.

"I saw it, why didn't I speak anymore, I'm dumb, didn't someone disdain it just now, ah!" The great elder's voice was exceptionally loud. After seeing the entire battle scene, the great elder was completely silent, and this was for the others. watch.

"Elder, is this the armor of giants?" An elder asked.

"How do I know, who is in charge of the giant's affairs?" the elder asked.

There are many things under the jurisdiction of the entire real-life elders, just like the slightly larger aspect, two or three elders are responsible, but as for barbarians like giants, at most only one elder is responsible.

"It's me." An elder quickly stood up.

"If I remember correctly, you are in charge of the giant's affairs, and your family also monopolizes the giant's trade. Then you can tell, what is going on?" the elder asked.

"Elder, this... I don't know." The elder hesitated for a while, whispered, slandering in his heart, although the trade is the responsibility of his own family, but the goods are not divided by other families. It just changed hands.

"I don't know, you stupid, you don't know, what do you eat, there are thousands of giant armors, you don't know?" The elder was completely angry, and the elder only now understands how it seemed before The inconspicuous things are now a huge problem.

"Elder, I don't dare to accept your words. The Council of Presbyterians passed a resolution last time to impose an embargo on giants. We have not sent a caravan into the territory of giants for more than a year." This elder is not another elder. There are also families behind. Immediately said coldly.

"You still have reason, can this giant armor be built in a year?" The elder said accusingly.

"Ahem. Everyone should stop arguing. The question now is, what is the relationship between this giant and the Demacia family, is it cooperation, employment, or other relationships?" When an elder saw the infighting, he immediately said.

"According to our intelligence department's information, these giants came very suddenly, less than ten days after they appeared, which tribe they belonged to~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We did not find out, because these giants were all wrapped in armor. , As for Baisha City, it is now allowed to enter but not to leave." The elder in charge of intelligence said quickly.

"Check, from the food and other aspects, please check which giant race it is." The elder drank loudly.

"Elder, within 500 kilometers around Baisha City, you are not allowed to walk around at will. Once you walk around at will, you will be arrested immediately." The elder in charge of intelligence said.

"Then increase the manpower. I don't care what method you use. Before the floating fortress reaches the location, you must thoroughly understand the Demacian family, and let the Demacian family be transparently presented in front of me." The elder is very arrogant. Said.

"Great Elder, you and I can't do it." The elder in charge of intelligence collection heard the great elder say this, and said immediately.

"It's impossible to get out of here." The Great Elder was also anxious and shouted.

"Then I will leave. Whoever loves to do it will do it." The elder who knew that was in charge of intelligence collection immediately picked up his son, stood up and left the meeting with a word, leaving the others staring at each other. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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