A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1057: seek death

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"Bastard!" The Great Elder was furious.

The other elders looked quiet. In fact, everyone now knows that the position responsible for intelligence is now a crater. Let alone the elder who began to be responsible for this aspect has been removed.

Although these elders have been dismissed, not all those elders have been promoted below, and the newly appointed elders will be constrained in all aspects. If there is enough time, the rectification will be over.

But now that time is pressing, how to rectify it? No, the person in charge will just go down the donkey and quit. There are hills in the presbytery. Your big elder’s family is strong, but mine The family is not very weak.

In fact, the institutions affiliated to the Real Presbyterian Church are already very rigid. Those who can mix a bowl of rice and eat in these institutions have backgrounds. Even if a certain elder comes to power, it can only be a part of it. It is impossible to say that it offends everyone.

This is similar to the officialdom. You may never know who is standing behind someone, and what does the intelligence department say. During the many years when the Real Presbyterian Church was dominated by a family, the intelligence department should not be too leisurely. The same is the cost of the intelligence department. It is also difficult to supervise, so who knows what tricks are there?

After this happened, the intelligence department didn't get any news. Of course, this was mainly because of Cook's concealment, but in the eyes of the elders of the Presbyterian Church, it was time to clean up.

So someone spoke up: "This time there is such a big thing, the intelligence department bears an inescapable responsibility. I think it has been peaceful for a long time. I suggest that the intelligence system should be completely rectified. If it violates the rules, reach out and eat. Spit it out to me."

"I agree. Every year so many expenses, where are they used, even if they are thrown into the water, there is still a noise?" Someone echoed that the intelligence department is controlled by several families, and other families have long been uncomfortable. Now there is a chance, who does not step on it.

"You can't say the same thing, now the focus of the intelligence department is on the tribe's side." Of course, some people disagree.

"The center of gravity is over there, but what's the matter now, when did the giant collude with the Demacia family, and the unknown floating fortress that appeared, what's the matter? I think there is a big problem here. I suggest that no matter who is involved, be held accountable." Someone shouted dissatisfiedly.

You must know that this time in Baisha City, these families have lost a lot, and dozens of branches of the Chamber of Commerce have been looted.

"I also agree. I think it is because of the long-term peace of mind. Every grant must be carefully checked..." Some elders also agreed.

The great elder heard this. He opened his mouth and said: "I also agree that no matter how the intelligence department explains it, if there is such a big mistake, it is of great responsibility to clean up the personnel responsible for the western region and the giant's side. No matter who is involved, check it out."

Although the great elder does not want to touch his own people, but now that there is such a big mistake, it can't be concealed at all, so the great elder simply opened his mouth. Of course, this opening directly pointed to a small group of people, after all, the entire west and the giants. There are only how many intelligence personnel there are. At present, most intelligence personnel are paying attention to the situation on the tribe.

"Elder, then who is in charge of the intelligence department now?" The family being dealt with certainly doesn't like it anymore, so the elder asked.

"What's the use of the intelligence department? I don't know what to ask, and I just roll it up." The elder said angrily.

Got it!

The other elders in the room glanced at the elders and felt very sympathetic.

The crush that the great elder said, if it is really crushed, then nothing will happen, but if something goes wrong, the families in charge of the intelligence department will be a disaster.


The current outcome was caused by the incompetence of the intelligence department. This is what the great elder said at this time, that is, after the accident, someone was asked to take the blame.

The faces of several elders are ugly, but they dare not take the initiative to take over this matter. Now the intelligence department is a crater. Who knows who will be involved when it is cleaned up?

Those who can reach out to the intelligence department are no longer backstaged, so the representatives of these families are silent.

The Great Elder did not expect that no one would want to take this pit, and of course the Great Elder knew how many people would be offended to clean up the intelligence department.

"Kunsar, how about you being in charge?" The elder asked, looking at the elders outside the big family.

"Elder, I don't understand the intelligence department?" Kunsa heard this and felt even more dissatisfied with the Elder.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, just take responsibility temporarily." The Great Elder said in a commanding tone.

"But..." Kuntha moved in his heart, but still looked reluctant.

"Well, everyone shows their hands to vote." The Grand Elder refused to give Kunsa a chance to speak.

So more than half of the people decided that Kunsa would carry the thunder, and Kunsa sneered: "Let's see."

The Great Elder doesn't know yet. The intrigue of the elders actually gave the intelligence department to the hands of the elders who had already decided to leave. It is said that this is one of the things the elder regrets most.

The affairs of the intelligence department are settled, and then there is the logistics department, the logistics department of the war, that is a huge wealth, of course, there is nothing to do with other people besides these seventeen families.

Everyone is familiar with this scene. I didn't feel anything wrong, but it made the twenty-odd people more determined to leave.

After three days, the floating fortress of the Mortal Presbyterian Church rushed towards Tiantai City at an extremely fast speed.

Two-thirds of the elders of the Presbyterian Church sit on 30 floating fortresses, and Kunsa is reporting to the Grand Elder: "The Grand Elder, according to the intelligence we have collected these days, the population of the entire Demacian-controlled city It’s already less than 10%. Others either fled the city or left the rebel territory."

"Okay, what about the real person?" The Great Elder exclaimed.

"The real person left less than 5%." Kunsa replied.

"Find out what weapon the other party uses?" the elder asked again.

"No, but according to our intelligence analysis, these places are very suspicious." Kunsa said.

"Oh?" The great elder looked at Kuntha suspiciously.

"Elder, according to the information we have collected, not only suspicious real people have appeared in these places, but also a large amount of materials have been transported in, and others are not allowed to approach. As long as they are close to a certain distance, they will be arrested..." Kun Sa said.

"Well, Kunza, at your level, I'm so embarrassed to say, look at these places you mentioned, where are they, that is the border area, and the Demacian family will deploy their troops here?" An elder Interrupted unhappily.

The Grand Elder nodded slightly and said, "Kunsar, according to our analysis, Delaisi has placed the heavy soldiers in Tiantai City, and the giants are also there. And you see, this Tiantai City is right in the center of several floating forts. Has it arrived?"

"I saw it." Kunsa silently prayed for these people. In fact, there are naval guns. The plan is to use naval guns as bait. When the elders think that the naval guns have been destroyed, they must be careless, so they give it to the library. The most important thing is to overcome the opportunity to activate the suspension fortress lock. The lock is not counted, but the capture of people with enough value is the most important.

"So you understand, go ahead. When you first contact the intelligence department, you must learn more, read more, and know how to analyze true and false information." The elder waved and said.

"Yes." Kunsa replied, and then left.

The elder looked at the two people in front of him and asked, "What do you think of Kunza?"

"Not very good, you don't want to promote these people?" Another elder asked.

"Our dozen or so families have not changed for a long time. Some people have to be found out this time, otherwise who will be responsible for such a big loss?" the elder said.

"Aren't you afraid to force those families to the other side?" the elder who interrupted Kunza just now asked.

"On the Demacian family, I crushed to death with one finger. It's just who is behind the Demacian family. If it weren't for this Tufa incident, it is estimated that the Demacian family would not be exposed yet. Would you say This time, the Demacia family is doing trouble?" the elder asked.

"I don't know, the news we know is limited, but according to my estimation, it should be unlikely. The Demacia family is obviously not ready." An elder said.

"In fact, the elder, this incident is also an opportunity. Some families actually tried to challenge us, so we use this opportunity ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to suppress these ambitious guys. Without this incident, we still I really can't deal with these families in a fair manner." Another person said.

The elder nodded: "I know that our first family should show their paws for others to see. Not all cats and dogs want to suppress us and want to sit in the position of the boss."

"No way, this guy from the Presbyterian Church has a brain disease?" Seeing the intelligence given by Delaisi, Cook's first reaction was like this.

"Hey, that's right, these news still come from a few of those seventeen big families. It is said that they were originally responsible for the intelligence system, but were suppressed by the elder." Delaisi said with a smile.

"Is this elder a stupid? Not only did he change the head of the intelligence department, he also cleaned up the intelligence system, and put our people in the intelligence system. Is this not fast enough?" Cook as the leader , Of course, know that even if something is found to be wrong, there is a process, rather than beating to death with a stick. This is like being ill. It is impossible to just cut off the hands and feet directly, at least to see if there is any There is no room for salvation.

"Then we?" Delaisi looked at Cook, waiting for Cook's decision. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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