A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1058: The battle of reality

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Cook laughed: "Since this group of elders are coming to give gifts, then let's play the big ones, dare you?"

"Playing big?" Delaisi didn't understand Cook's thoughts.

"Split one-third of the sage continent." Cook swiped on the map, and the entire western area of ​​the sage continent was drawn down by Cook.

Although Delaisi is not an idiot, he also knows what the Western Region of the Sage Continent means to the Mortal Presbyterian Church. Half of the star cores and more than 80% of the mines are from the Western Region. Although the central region is very prosperous, There is nothing more than a processing center for raw materials.

"I'm afraid it's impossible," Delaixi said after hesitating.

Cook shook his head and said, "How can it be impossible?"

"Young master, what this adult meant is to put the elders here in the elders together." The butler said on the side.

Although Delaixi didn't say anything, looking at Cook's expression is like looking at a madman. You must know that these are dozens of Tier 9 powerhouses, and they are all veteran powerhouses.

"My lord, this may not be easy." Delaisi said.

Cook shook his head and said: "I didn't mean that. We only need a part of the presbytery of the Presbyterian Church, but don’t forget, what else do we have? When the naval gun and secondary artillery are being negotiated, the presbytery will definitely not give up. If the elders don't get some in their hands, I'm afraid I can't sleep every day."

"My lord, would you give it to them?" Delaisi asked in surprise.

Cook shook his head and said, "I don't want to give it, I'm afraid you don't agree."

"Master, as long as we have this naval gun and secondary artillery in our hands, then the elders of the Presbyterian Church are definitely not at ease, and we are facing the risk of being remembered by a group of elders at any time." The butler is a sensible person, and he pointed out Ku Gram means.

Delaixi thought of being worried about by a group of veteran ninth-tier elders, and it was not a feeling in his heart. Delaixi looked at Cooke: "What about this account?"

"Of course you, I don't need any site or anything." Cook looks stupid, I don't want anything.

"Okay." Delaisi found that he owed too much to Cook this time. If Cook wanted the site, it would be okay to say, it would be a big deal, but Cook didn’t want it, the wizard book, and the floating fortress. It was a naval gun, and Delaisi found that it was not enough to sell the Demacia family.

Cook muttered in his heart: "As long as you control one power's finances, it is enough, and everything else is floating clouds."

This idea is correct, but there must be a prerequisite, that is, you have enough strength, just like some loan sharks make money. This is because other people have strength, but some have let go. This is insufficient strength. (By the way, there are several loan sharks on our side, and they have lost everything.)

"What about the specific plan?" Delaisi found that his brain was not enough, so he had to ask Cook for instructions.

Cook put up a finger and said, "Delaisi, what I want to tell you is, don’t be obsessed with planning. Planning is only a supplementary function. What you really want to do is to adapt to changes. As a leader, you must have various preparations. Contingency plan, note that it is an emergency. The plan can only be a hasty emergency, but to achieve the final victory, we need to adapt to the situation. This time we have to make our reputation, so we must let the army of these presbyterians. Contact us and retreat crazily."

"You mean to activate the locking device?" Delaixi asked excitedly.

"It's easy to activate the locking device, but have you ever thought about it, even if there are five floating fortresses, how many elders are there, do you have the ability to take it down?" Cook asked.

Delaixi shook his head. There are at least several elders in each fortress, and there are as many as ten among the five. One third is his own, and there are two thirds.

"The floating fortress is too dynamic. The secondary gun is not easy to carry. What do you say?" Cook continued to ask.

Delaixi thought for a moment, and then said, "Shall we summon our people?"

"Bullshit, don't believe those who haven't fulfilled their promises, you can guarantee that the twenty-odd people are all committed to yourself, what if there is a conspiracy?" Cook said angrily.

"That..." Delaisi didn't expect Cook to say that.

But Delaixi had no way to object. Delaixi thought that if the elders he contacted would inform the elders, wouldn’t it be his own plan?

"Don't worry, the locking device is currently operating normally, and the locking device is not as simple as a simple lock." Cook said with a smile.

"My lord, did you already know something?" Delaisi asked.

Cook smiled: "Of course, didn't you find it?"

"Find what?" Delaisi asked.

"In fact, it is obvious that the real elders will have so many floating forts, how can there be no constructors?" Cook said.

When Delaisi heard Cook's words like this, he took a breath: "Aren't they us?"

"And if you are the elder group, you will not be vigilant against the other group?" Cook asked again.

Delaisi found that the matter was far more serious than expected. Delaisi found that if she changed herself, she would definitely put an eyeliner in the opponent's camp. Then, wouldn't everyone see what her family did? in.

"My lord, what should we do then?" Delaisi fell in a cold sweat.

"Fantasy, wit and courage, follow your original plan, but you will definitely lose some manpower." Cook said.

When Delaisi heard Cook’s words, as if he knew something, he looked at Cook in disbelief, and Cook nodded and said: "It seems that you are also a smart man, yes, the naval guns that your men transport, indeed It is true, but it takes a lot of effort to unlock it. If the opponent is strong enough, it may be used in three to five months. If the strength is not enough, then these naval guns will attack the surrounding indiscriminately. Hey."

"..." Delaixi didn't expect that Cook was so insidious that he would set a trap.

"My lord, what am I right now?" Delaisi found that he couldn't understand Cook more and more, and his IQ was too high, so he simply asked for instructions.

"According to your original, if you encounter danger, just return." Cook said.

When Delaisi heard Cook say this, she immediately understood, but Delaisi still felt uneasy and asked, "My lord, here?"

"I don’t have a floating fortress here, but I still have a defensive tower on the floating fortress. There are also five thousand giants equipped with giant armor and five secondary cannons. I want to see it. The elders will come. Here, what will be the idea." Cook said with a smile.

The defensive tower, Delaisi knows that, to be precise, the suspended fortress itself is a defensive fortress, and the standard weapon system on it is the defensive tower.

"Yes." Delaixi quickly left.

The reason why Cook calculated this way was mainly because his strength was too low. Not to mention the Presbyterian Church, it was the Demacia family who took the risk, and Cook only had to run away, so Cook has been running around here, not only defending. The assassination of the Presbyterian Church is even more of the defensive Demacia family.

Delaixi was not a fool either. After leaving White Sands City, Delaixi said in fear, "Steward, this lord city is too deep."

"It's normal. When we first dealt with each other, the adults have a lot of good things in their hands. It's strange that the adults don't guard us." As an old monster who has lived for many years, he sees this very clearly.

"Butler, you watched the adults treat our Demacia family..." Delaisi asked.

"I don't know, it is probably related to the identity of the adult, but I also know that many wizards, just like real people now, don't like to participate in secular management, which will consume a lot of energy." The housekeeper does not know Cook's thoughts. .

"Okay." After receiving this reply, Delaisi felt a lot more relaxed. The Demacia family can't do without secular rights.

Thirty floating fortresses proceeded side by side, crushing them from three sides to the Demacia family. After the initial posture was sufficient, the floating fortresses accelerated.

The speed of the floating fortress is actually not very fast, because it does not conform to aerodynamics, but the speed mentioned here is not fast, and it is also many times that of humans, but it is already very slow compared to other aircraft.

When there are hundreds of thousands of kilometers, the real people of the Demacia family can sense the unknown energy fluctuations in the air. This is the active detection system opened by 30 floating fortresses. In fact, a single fortress is opened, and most people simply cannot detect it. .

Some birds in this area were directly disturbed by powerful energy fluctuations, and many of them directly hit the trees and died, and they also fell directly into the river.

"Let's start." The Grand Elder was inside the fortress, looking at the map and said.

If Delaisi is here, I am afraid that the eyeballs will fall off, because this map clearly marked some points, these points are the defensive points arranged by the Demacia family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ which is the naval gun Secondary artillery.

"Yes." The person next to the elder replied.

"Control those traitors, the Constructor, I didn't expect that there will be a Constructor, but it is a pity that we already have a Constructor in the Mortal Elder Association." The elder continued.

"Grand Elder, it's already done. All the locking devices have been taken down. I didn't expect that the floating fortress would still have such a thing. We wouldn't know if it wasn't for this incident." A middle-aged man played with a locking device. , Squinting.

"Yes, I didn't expect the other party to be so insidious, but you said it's okay this time?" The elder always felt like there was some conspiracy.

"The active detection of thirty floating fortresses, even an ant will be detected." The middle-aged man, who is a constructor, pointed to the map and said.

"Elder, our people have already controlled the naval guns." After a while, someone will report.

"Let me take a look." Hearing this, the constructor jumped up. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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