A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1064: Code of Disturbance (2)

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Contradictions have arisen, and there is also a lot of discussion among the real people. There are some real people in the big families, but not all real people are from big families.

The ninth-tier elders were all excluded in the elders, let alone ordinary real people. As soon as these three public codes came out, they immediately won the attention of this part of the real people of civilian origin.

As the interpretation of the code was issued one after another, these real people of civilian origin saw hope, what hope did they see, and the hope that civilian life was getting better and better.

So this part of the real people also started to talk, but not as bad as the low-level sages.

The elders of the Presbyterian Church have no good way to deal with this matter. If you talk about copying the laws of the Three Principalities, not to mention the resistance of each family, it is that the elders themselves are not willing. If according to the laws of the Three Principalities, then The elders of the Presbyterian Church have to pay a heart-wrenching figure for personal income tax every year.

"Issued a ban, and it is not allowed to discuss the laws of the Three Principalities in public." The elder thought for a while, and then issued the order.

After the order of the Presbyterian Church was issued, the people who executed it were stunned, and the ban was issued, but how to deal with it? There is no basis for arrest. You must know that the Association of Sages has always claimed that it serves the people. Something without basis, isn't this a self-smashing sign?

The elders of the Presbyterian Church did not know this, but the Presbyterian Church did not dare to take drastic action because the transaction between the Presbyterian Church and the Three Principalities had not yet been completed, and the naval gun was a pain for all the elders.

Not to mention that in this war, the Presbyterian Church lost half of its constructors. Without these constructors, there is no floating fortress for tens of thousands of kilometers near the border of the Three Principalities.

The elders really don’t know what kind of stuff the other party has at the bottom of the box. Before thoroughly clarifying the various organs in the floating fortress, the elders will not foolishly place the floating fort near the Three Principalities. , Who knows what bad things will happen.

Of course, the Three Principalities do not need it. The twelve floating fortresses of the Three Principalities, five this time, one by Cook, and six for the first time, are divided evenly on a long and narrow territory.

The Three Principalities did not have the confidence to fight the Presbyterian Church, and Delaixi looked at the cost of this war with a bitter heart.

"Butler, isn't this wrong?" Delaisi still didn't believe her eyes.

"That's right, the six floating fortresses consume 5.3 million Tier 3 standard star cores, and the 60,000 Tier 5 standard star cores consumed by naval guns." The steward said.

"That..." Delaisi was shocked when she heard this number.

"Fortunately, we ransacked the sage association, and this time we quickly accepted the assets of the sage associations in the territory, but this war can not be fought without fighting, but the floating fortress controlled by the adult is the same as the other eleven This floating fortress is very different," the butler said.

When Delaisi heard this, he was relieved: "That's good."

"What's the difference?" Delaixi reacted and continued to ask.

"The floating fortress controlled by the adult has much lower energy consumption. Generally speaking, as long as the floating fortress does not make an attack and moves, it does not require extra energy, and it also reserves energy. The energy reserve of the floating fortress controlled by the adults is faster, reaching 0.03% per day, and the rest is only about 0.003, which is ten times different." The general manager asked.

Upon hearing this, Delaisi quickly asked, "Did you find that adult to see it?"

"The adult said that it is time to maintain it, and the maintenance of the floating fortress requires a tier 5th standard star core." The general manager said.

When Delaisi heard this, she opened her mouth to say something, but suddenly realized that these things were not Cooke's, but belonged to the Three Principalities, so why should they take care of them for free?

"Forget it, then." When Delaisi heard this, he immediately put out his mind.

"Master, I do the calculations, it is still cost-effective to maintain. Although it is said that one maintenance will consume 10,000 Tier 5 standard star cores, after maintenance, if there is a war, our floating fortress will last longer than the opposite, and The energy response speed is also much faster, that is, the attack frequency after maintenance will be higher for the same time." The butler explained.

"Then take care of it." What Delaixi could say, she had to sigh.

"That adult said, you can use rare herbs and precious treasures as collateral." The butler said.

Delaixi nodded, looking at the total number on the book, Delaixi felt painful.

Fortunately, the Three Principalities also accepted the assets of the Sage Association. Of course, this acceptance was very violent. Otherwise, it would have been bankrupt with the wealth of the Demacia family.

"So are we bankrupt now?" Delaisi asked, thinking of the large amount he owed Cook.

Cook owes a lot of expenses. Among them, the repair of the fort is large, and the cost of naval gun attacks. In addition, the suspended fortress controlled by Cook is expensive and scary.

"Yes, if you count that adult's expenses, you would be bankrupt." The butler nodded and said.

Delaisi waved his hand and said, "Steward, we must elect the speaker as soon as possible. I don't have to do this speaker."

"Okay." When the manager heard Delaisi say this, he was very happy. The undead who have lived for many years, of course, know that sometimes being popular is not a good thing.

"Master, in fact, you don’t need to be depressed. Our code is promulgated, but the implementation of the code will offend many people. This speaker is not easy to do, and everything is difficult at the beginning. There will be a lot of resistance to the development of every new thing. , Let's let others do it. If others do bad things, we will come out and become the speaker again, which is the best choice." The steward persuaded.

"Butler, I understand, but I feel a little uncomfortable." Delaisi explained, looking at the butler.

"Master, what we have to do now is to win over those constructors. Although there are only three constructors captured this time, and they are still low-level, we only need to control the floating fortress in the future, then there is nothing good. Worried." The butler suggested.

Delaisi shook her head and said: "The lord has already talked to me. Don't interfere with the floating fortresses, the Demacia family. Now everyone is jealous of those fortresses. Maybe there will be a fight, and the presbytery is also very Not reconciled, if anyone is in control of the fortress, there is probably no good life."

"Then let's..." The butler did not understand, this is not allowed, that is also not allowed, what should the Nademacian family do.

"The Ministry of Supervision, the adult said that we must control this department and develop all the members of our family into members of the Supervision Department. I thought about it and found that the adult’s proposal was great. Our people were originally It’s better not to follow the rules very much. It’s better to collect information. The adult said that the Ministry of Supervision and the court must be controlled, and everything else can be thrown away. That adult said, the council will later It must be very chaotic and not easy to intervene. There is also the military department. Whether it is the elders of the Three Principalities or the elders of the Presbyterian Church, they must be very vigilant to our Demacian family. The courts and the supervision department are actually also Not small, plus other elders cannot be single-minded, we will be as stable as Mount Tai." Delaixi continued.

"But the cost of this batch of fortresses?" the manager asked.

"Hehe, it's all right if there is no conflict. If there is a conflict, the adult said, the cost of these fortresses is ours, and the three principalities are the three principalities, so I plan to carry it down." Delaisi said Here, a sinister laugh.

When the butler heard this, he shook his head and said, "Doesn't it mean that we are going bankrupt?"

"Who said that although the Three Principalities are established, the parliament has not yet been formed. These things belong to our Demacia family. If anyone refuses to accept it, stand up and try?" Delaisi said.

The steward asked, "Those elders will agree?"

"So we are going to collect taxes. Our current territory is not where the elder families are located. There is no property, but who is the property. I pondered the mind of that adult for a long time, only to find out the intention of that adult. , Is to let the two sides compete and split completely." Delaisi said.

"Master, you are right." When the butler heard this, he became more and more frightened of Cook. Such a person has brains and strength. Looking at these three principalities, it is already foreseeable that there will be no civil strife. Up.

The first is that the administrative system formed by the Demacia family and other elders will be incompatible. Although it is said that everyone is hello and my good, in fact the steward knows that those elders and families look down on the Demacia family.

As for who the administrative system ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is used, most of them must use the original people of the Sage Association. After all, administrative things still require certain experience. For example, sheriffs are generally stronger in certain places. To be a strong and fair person in the world, and to have experience in dealing with various contradictions and relationships. If force is involved, force will be involved. If you need to talk well, you can talk well. This does not mean that you need to be strong. Still need a fairer person, or that sentence. Only fairness can convince the public.

The people of these sage associations will certainly not have much resistance to the leadership of the original elders. This is the administrative system, and what is the supervision system is the people of the Demacia family. Both of them are from their position or status. They are all confrontational. Supervision and being supervised are not one in their own right. If supervision and being supervised are one, it is nonsense, and it becomes one's own supervising oneself, and all weird things can happen.

It seems that the elders are very powerful, but don’t forget that there is also the military headquarters. The formation of the military headquarters involves floating fortresses. Then these elders are afraid that human brains will play out dog brains. After all, there are more than 20 families. , There are only eleven floating fortresses, because the one left by Cook was sold by Cook to the Demacian family, which is also the power of the Demacian family to protect itself.

"This adult's arrangement is simply too..." The butler could not find any words to describe it. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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