A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1065: Code Storm (3)

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Delaisi and the thirty-four elders are preparing to discuss the election of the assembly. The reason why these elders are added is because these elders are also not very happy in the presbytery.

Suppressed by other elders, there was no hope of coming out. As soon as the Three Duchy was established, these families saw hope, let alone the Three Duchy Code.

Unlike ordinary people, these families have had enough grievances in the sage continent, but instead feel that the various provisions of the code are of great help to the development of the entire society.

Wealth hits in a certain circle, it will only cause the rigidity and corruption of the whole society, and eventually lead to the collapse of a power. On the other hand, although the rich pay more taxes, ordinary people have more money. There is more desire for consumption. Only when wealth is circulated can it promote the progress of the entire society. The circulation of this wealth can be voluntary or forced. (Take real estate as an example. At the very beginning, it was just to make personal savings flow, because the country did not have much money at that time, but there were a lot of personal deposits in the bank, so some people thought of real estate, which eventually led the way for many years. Growth, but what is behind this growth is a large part of the power and money transactions, a large part of the rich are richer, and ordinary people need to spend decades to pay for the wealth of these people, when you use your You have to spend decades of hard work to build a house with a deposit and sell it to you. For most people, the pressure is great. Once this mode is started, then no one can stop it. Because the interest class involved is too large, from local to the rich, and then to the rich. Looking at the rankings of companies, you can find that we have more monopoly resource-based companies, while a certain country’s high-tech companies are more Many, of course, financial companies in a certain country are hidden under the iceberg. No one can stop the real estate model, because this kind of wealth comes too easily. It does not require any technical content, it just needs relationships, banks, politicians, and businessmen. That's it, so a cycle begins, constantly printing and issuing banknotes, and constantly doing infrastructure construction, but the money goes into the pockets of real estate businessmen, and the money in ordinary people's hands is constantly diluted, becoming less and less valuable Of course, our country’s money is banked. This is undeniable. This is also a great advantage.)

These elders and families need a fair environment, so they will venture here. Of course, although these elders look down on Delaisi in their hearts, this time, everyone can see clearly the power behind the Demacia family.

"Your Excellency Delaisi, we have all seen the suggestions for the formation of this council, and we all agree with the system of this council." Kanter said, Kanter is a Tier 9 powerhouse, but the influence of family power is not very large.

"Mr. Kanter agrees." Delaisi said with a smile.

"Then Mr. Delaisi, what are the criteria for the election of each city's assembly?" An elder asked.

Delaisi pointed to the suggestion in his hand and said: "This has been said very clearly. First of all, a provisional government should be formed. I suggest that this can be selected from the sages of the Sage Association. After all, this requires experience."

Hearing what Delaisi said, the other elders were very puzzled. The provisional government directly affected the subsequent parliamentary elections, and Delaisi was not prepared to grasp it.

Unable to figure out Delaisi's true intentions, Kanter said, "I agree with this suggestion."

"I agree too." The other elders did not disagree. Although these elders have little influence in the presbytery, they still have a certain influence below.

"Then the ballots will be issued. As long as they are adults of the Three Principalities, whether they are men or women, they have the right to vote. Every region and every village will vote. Those with criminal convictions are not allowed to participate in the election." Continue to say.

"We agree with this." The other elders looked around and said.

"Your Excellency Delaisi, then this floating fortress?" Finally asked the core question.

"The floating fortress belongs to the entire council. Without the order of the council, the floating fortress will not be dispatched, but one of them was given to us by the Demacian family by the adult, so the council has only eleven under its jurisdiction." Knowing that these people have long wanted to come to ask, they are coming now, it must have been negotiated.

"This...then Your Excellency Delaixi, how about you being the first speaker?" The other elders did not expect Delaixi to be so refreshing, and another elder suggested.

Delaisi hurriedly waved his hand and said: "I am a person, one is lack of ability, although we won this time, but after all, we rely on someone else, and everyone knows what our Demacia family does, and the reputation is a bit unsatisfactory. Okay, it’s okay to be a councillor, but that’s fine for the speaker, but I hope to establish a supervision department. Everyone knows that our Demacian family is quite good at inquiring about news."

The elders looked at each other and realized that this was Delaisi's purpose. The Supervision Department was very important, and these elders did not want to let it go.

So Kanter continued to ask: "What about the military?"

"The military department is in accordance with the parliamentary system. There is no parliamentary approval. Any military will not be able to move. Of course, the Ministry of Defense under the parliament will form it." Delaisi knew that Kanter and others were asking himself. Lacey asked for the answer.

Hearing Delaisi's refreshment, Elder Kanter asked again: "Then Lord Delaixi, do you have any more requests?"

"No, as for business matters, everyone has read the code. In short, everything is subject to the code. Not only me, but everyone sitting there must also abide by the code. Of course, our Ministry of Supervision also needs to be under the supervision of the Parliament. It does." Delaisi said.

The elders breathed a sigh of relief. Delaisi's words showed that this code is the rule, and everyone is playing happily in this rule. Of course, anyone who doesn't follow the rule will definitely be kicked out of this circle.

"So let's count as a preliminary agreement?" Kanter looked at Delaisi and asked.

"Of course, we still have a lot to do, and the manpower to control the floating fortress is not enough. I must find a reliable person to control the floating fortress as soon as possible. My person can form a supervision department." This is the rhythm of the delivery of the floating fortress. .

In fact, so many elders came together to find Delaisi, which in itself was a weak performance, because the big killer of the floating fortress was in Delaisi's hands.

"No problem." Upon hearing this, the elders replied happily, and at the same time looked at Delaisi with admiration.

If a person understands where he should be, then that person is a smart person. Although the elders think that the Ministry of Supervision is an important department, it is still under the jurisdiction of the parliament, and the military is still in the hands of the parliament, not to mention the administrative power. Properly in the hands of the parliament, as for who has the final say in the parliament?

It doesn't matter who has too many people, of course the elders have too many people.

However, some elders have already thought about it, and then I am afraid that there will be another competition among the elders. After all, the veto power in the hands of the speaker is quite important.

"By the way, the formation of the court should also be on the agenda. In this regard, I think the parliament will conduct a test procedure. It must have a thorough knowledge of the law. After the formation of the court, the court will be independent of any department. This is the suggestion for the formation of the court. ." Delaisi came up with a proposal for the formation of the court.

After the elders finished reading, they dismissed in their hearts. The court's appropriation is not the final decision of the parliament. What is independence? There is only trial power, no enforcement power, and there is nothing big.

Of course, these elders have no way to object. After all, this suggestion can be said to be very good. It operates independently, which means that the intensity of interference is small.

Of course, it looks like this proposal. In fact, judges in some Western countries seem to be very independent, but the interests behind them are more involved, or that sentence, as long as they are alive, they will involve some interests. After all, people are a social group of creatures. People have needs. Of course, the dead in some countries also involve interests. How many years are the cemetery leased for? When the number of years is reached, there is no renewal, just replace it directly. It's just a dead person for a change. This is also an interest. It can be said that the calculation has reached the extreme, and it has become a joke for peace.

Of course, Delaisi is not very concerned about the formation of the court, and everyone present does not know that once the judge is the incarnation of justice in people's minds, then the judge has supreme power.

When these judges say that the speaker is guilty, countless people will believe that the speaker is guilty, but this requires a process, a constant accumulation, and a constant accumulation of cases to achieve this effect.

At that time, if anyone uses his power to deal with a certain judge, then in all minds, that person is a criminal.

But the prerequisite is that judges must be fair, which is still very difficult for judges, but there are always some people in the world who are not afraid of any forces and can do this. The final version of this proposal is from a Nine of the 10,000 judges will be selected as chief judges, and the rest will be eliminated if they are too eliminated.

As soon as the parliamentary election charter came out ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it caused another 10,000 points of harm to the real elders. There is no way, there is no harm without comparison. The election, the manager elected by ordinary people, is in the prehistoric world. , It was the first time, never before.

The recruitment of 10,000 judges who are proficient in the Code of the Three Principalities has made countless people eager to move, and this recruitment is not restricted. As long as you are suitable, you can become a judge of the Three Principalities.

So the proposal for the formation of the court was announced, and this was the first time an independent judgment was made.

Moreover, the code is the basis for the judge’s judgment. The code has once again become the best-selling tome in the entire sage continent. There is no one. You must know that this code of hundreds of thousands of words is not a simple book. In one month, as many as 300,000 copies were sold, and it is still growing.

The Real Presbyterian Church finally spoke out, and the Real Presbyterian Church publicly stated that the so-called parliament is still a thing for the rich to play, and it is a deceitful thing.

No one from the Three Principalities came out to oppose these words, but what the Real Elders could not think was that the first to come out to make a face was the Sage Association. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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