A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1066: Code of Disturbance (4)

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"The people in the Presbyterian Church are all powerful and powerful, all for their own benefit. The laws of the Three Principalities have been promulgated. This is a good thing. From here, we see hope and the hope of the entire sage mainland. Nothing is wrong. I did a good job at the beginning, but at least the Three Principalities are willing to do it. I would like to ask the elders of the Presbyterian Church, your family has controlled the economic lifeline of the entire sage continent for so many years. Do you want to do it in the past?" The Sage Rika directly questioned the Presbyterian Church publicly.

The Great Sage of the Sage Association. That's someone who has really made a significant contribution to the entire sage continent, and this great sage is not said to have been appointed by the real elders, but chosen by the entire sage association.

The Real Presbyterian Church did not expect that the first objection was the Great Sage. Although theoretically speaking, the Sage Association was the cornerstone of the Real Presbyterian Church, there was no direct connection.

Why is this? Because there is no intermediary organization between the Sage Association and the Real Men’s Presbyterian Church, that is to say, the Real Men’s Presbyterian Church governs the entire Sage Continent’s real man’s organization, and the Sage’s Continent’s administrative organization is nominally The sage association is under the jurisdiction, but it is actually manipulated by the powerful. The sage association is equivalent to the current scholars. As for the administration, although it belongs to the rank of civil servants, it is not an institution at all.

Of course, in the eyes of the Real Men's Presbyterian Church, the Sage Association is just a bunch of scum, and they can't get through many waves.

This wave of counterattack caused the entire elders to receive 100,000 critical damages. This is not to mention. After the great sage Rika made public remarks, the Three Principalities actually released public remarks. The Three Duchys invited the great sages of the Sage Association. , Participated in the supervision of the establishment of the Parliament of the Three Duchy.

At this time, the Mortal Presbyterian Church received almost a million points of crit damage. There are not many great sages in the Sage Association, but each of these great sages is talented. This is not bragging. Every great sage has Made a great contribution.

Rika’s contribution is great. What Rika does is agricultural breeding to make food production higher. Although the unit yield increase is not a lot, the total land of the entire sage continent is a lot.

Rika quickly responded publicly: "Thank you for the invitation of the Three Principalities. I Rika loves my hometown and my land. I want to promote the sage continental legal system and make society more just."

When the elders of the Mortal Presbyterian Church heard this, his face became more and more ugly. Why, this Rika said as if the sage continent was so dark.

In fact, the sage mainland has put it plainly, it is a society controlled by the family through business. This society looks fair on the surface, but in fact, what is the society controlled by merchants? It is profit and **** blood, but it is a society controlled by merchants. Knowing a degree will not squeeze you so hard, but it will not make you feel better. This is like a factory owner wishing you to go from twenty to fifty, and then let you go away, and the businessman will keep it for himself. There is a certain amount of leeway. As for the society controlled by other people, it will not consider so much at all. Anyway, this place is messed up, so I will go to other places to continue.

Before the Code of the Three Principalities came out, the Association of the Sages and the people of the Sage Mainland believed that their society was very good. Although there were some injustices, they did not reach the point where everyone was talking about it. hurt.

Compare the code of the Living Presbyterian Church with the code of the Three Principalities. Hey, the code formulated by the Living Presbyterian Church, why doesn’t it collect taxes from the rich, why the lord pays less taxes, why the road in our village is so bad, why? Our town is so poor.

Oh, it turned out to be the taxes of our ordinary people. The other rich people who have the money don’t collect them. Isn’t this using our money to build roads? Then the merchants and the rich are the ones who travel the most on this road. ?

Ordinary people don't think much. It's definitely not a national event, but an immediate benefit. There are tens of thousands of ordinary people under a lord. Compared with the lord, these ordinary people are the same way. Which one is the most valuable? Of course it is the lord.

After Rika uttered his voice, other great sages also followed up, urging the Mortal Elders to revise the code.

The elders of the Real Presbyterian Church are furious, why, the Sage Association put it plainly, it is the result of the brainwashing of the Real Presbyterian Church, to be sages or something.

In the past, these real people found that the brainwashing subordinates were really useful, but one day, someone came up with something better than the real elders, or the set required by the sage association, the elders of the real elders were heartbroken. This is simply picking up a rock and hitting himself in the foot.

The Three Principalities are not idle either. The Three Principalities have spent a lot of money to establish a message transmission channel. What is the purpose is to pass the news of the Three Principalities to the area controlled by the Sage Association. In fact, it does not cost the Three Principalities at all. The tavern under the Sage Association relies on the news to attract people. Of course, there are some people who make this voice.

"Baisong City Council election news." Some pubs even blatantly posted some news.

The tavern was soon full, and the tavern owner also cracked his mouth with a smile, because although these people do not drink, juice and food are indispensable. (Anyway, when I enter these places, my mouth is not idle, and no other times. I don't drink beer, juice, and fruit plates.)

"Baisongcheng has a population of 110,000 people. It is a small city. There are fifteen seats for city councillors and seven villages and towns. Each village and town elects one. There are four areas in the city, including one for the rich and three for the civilian area. There are two candidates for business and two administrative regions. There are two candidates for each election. Nominations are made first... Each candidate will be publicized for ten days. During this period, those who have questions about the publicity of candidates can directly report to the election. Feedback from the committee and the supervisory agency..." One person began to read news about the Baisongcheng election.

"Well, it should have been done a long time ago. The publicity is correct. Others don't know. The sheriff of our town is the nephew of the city lord's housekeeper." Someone said loudly.

"How rare, the sheriff in our wealthy district is the younger brother of the city lord, and he still only takes money and doesn't work." Someone said angrily.

"Hehe, our side is much better. There is no cronies of the city lord, but the city lord is personally responsible for taxation." Someone said with a smile.

News of the Baisongcheng election situation spread quickly, and the trading side of the Sage Association has become the largest source of information. Although it is said that the Mortal Presbyterian Church strictly prohibits the transmission of news about the Three Principalities, there is a demand when there is a market, and there are people when there is demand. Dare to do it illegally.

And in every place, the tavern is basically open for food. Unless the above is a strong requirement, everyone will turn one eye and close one eye. Moreover, the sages of the sage association are very familiar with the laws formulated by the elders. It is dissatisfaction.

In the eyes of the sages, the code of the Three Principalities is simply perfect. The rich have more wealth and should have more responsibilities. Of course, ordinary people want to take on more responsibilities, and there is no way to bear them.

And how the rich come from is not formed by earning wealth in the hands of countless people. From this point of view, there is nothing wrong with it.

Therefore, the entire area under the jurisdiction of the Association of Sages is almost full of discussions, willingness, strikes, and the area controlled by the Association of Sages has actually begun to chaos.

A single code caused civil chaos in the area under the jurisdiction of the Presbyterian Church, which shocked the elders of the Real Presbyterian Church.

In this process, strikes are the most feared. In theory, the sage mainland is still an agricultural society. Everyone knows that industrial products may not be produced for three to five days, and the materials will basically not be bad, but agriculture is not. No, we should weed instead of weeding, so well, wait for the reduction in grain production.

If the fruit is ripe and not harvested, well, it will turn into fertilizer and rot in the ground after ten days.

First of all, local lords can't bear it, even though ordinary people can't bear it, but after all, not all land is owned by lords. There are always some grains and other living supplies.

This is in the villages and towns, but the cities are bad. In the eyes of ordinary people, sages are still very prestigious. In fact, sages are considered to be better technical talents, but they are more professional than technical talents, but they are up to Not to the point of professionalism.

This strike was initiated by the sages. Ordinary people don’t know anything about real people. Ordinary people know what sages say. Most people still listen to what sages say, because sages did it before. In fact, they are all good things for ordinary people, so as soon as the sage speaks, he strikes.

There is no one to send water, only to go to the well to get it. If there is no vegetables, then you can just eat some food, but this is an ordinary person, so the rich area will not work.

Broken water pipes, rockery, pond. The fountain, there is no water, or stagnant water, no water for bathing, no meat, no sleep~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The laundryman does not wash clothes anymore, there is no one washing the dishes, and the hired people are not doing it. The rich people can’t make it through.

Of course, the biggest loss is the major chambers of commerce. Many people know what families are behind these chambers of commerce, because in order to avoid trouble, these chambers of commerce will show off loudly. Which family are we from? Which family do we rank in the real presbytery? Almost, these chambers of commerce were also boycotted, and adventurers would not sell things to these chambers of commerce, and those who bought things would not go to these chambers of commerce.

"What to do?" When it comes to family interests, these elders react faster.

"Procrastination, I think we will first ask for opinions, let these people stop for a while, and then we will deal with it slowly." An elder said.

"I think this method works." No elder wants to implement the Code of the Three Principalities. The Code of the Three Principalities stipulates that there are several levels of personal income tax. The elders of the Presbyterian Church are the highest, reaching 20%. I think of my own annual income. Everyone is distressed if they want to contribute in vain. No one wants to, let alone inheritance tax. This stuff costs almost half of the family property.

But for the presbytery, the big thing that happened later was the biggest crit attack on the presbytery. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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