A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1071: Auction (1)

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After a day of negotiation between Delaisi and Cook, Delaisi left Cook’s residence excitedly, and then the next day the Demacia family announced that an auction will be held three days later, and the list of items auctioned at the auction will also be released. Came out.

Everyone was jealous when they saw the list of auctioned items. Those old guys who were noisy and fierce had some regrets in their hearts. They offended Delaisi, so it's good not to make things difficult.

"Thirty books of wizards of unknown level and unknown department, and they are only exchanged for exotic treasures." The elders of the Presbyterian Church were a little stared when they saw this. How to estimate the value of the exotic treasures is simply unfair. .

The rest are naval guns, as well as some things used by wizards, such as wizard robes, wizard staff, wizard rings, each of which is a boutique used by wizards in ancient times.

These items are all auctioned with star nuclei, and they are Tier 5 standard star nuclei. The other is naval guns. Ten naval guns have also been put out for auction. Although the people of the Presbyterian Church have great complaints, the naval guns are so Who is eligible to auction something powerful.

Of course, as for the auction specification, there is no restriction on the qualifications of the auctioneer, and this clause has been somewhat ignored.

But in every world there is no shortage of people who are interested. The tribes are the people who are interested. Feixiang City’s intelligence personnel. Feixiang City has already paid attention to the Three Principalities. The artillery didn't know how to use it, and the inexplicable sage continent was split up. Anyone who doesn't pay attention to such a big news is a fool.

Delaisi hurriedly came to Cook's side. Seeing that Cook was eating, Delaixi said quickly: "My lord, the people from Flying City and the Horde also want to participate in the auction, you see?"

"Of course it is allowed. My auction description is prepared for these people. If it's all the **** of the Presbyterian Church, what price do you expect?" Cook said while eating.

"I think so, so what if you reveal your identity?" Delaisi asked.

Cook said angrily: "Know what, does the elders dare to invade us again?"

"..." Delaisi was speechless.

"Well, everyone will keep their identities secret during the auction. If you take the photo on the spot, you can leave immediately. Don’t forget, our side is close to the giant’s territory. Then these people can go to the giant’s territory. Know who these people are." Cook said lightly, waving his hand.

"Our Demacia family also has our own secret passage." Delaisi said.

"Then it would be better. Let's hold an auction to ensure the personal safety of the buyer. But Delaisi, I will tell you that it is not allowed to engage in illicit things. Once I know that you have broken the auction Fame, you think about the consequences." Cook warned.

"Yes, yes." Delaixi looked at Cook, and subconsciously looked around. Delaixi understood Cook's meticulous thoughts very well, thinking that who knew it was upstairs where everyone was chatting happily. There is actually a defensive tower. If you wait for someone to think about it, I'm afraid that you will die long ago and can't die again.

"Well, go, I will check it later when the time comes. The wizard book will take the low-level ones first, and your person will be responsible for the appraisal, and I will choose based on the appraisal results." Cook said. Said.

"Yes." Delaisi did not dare to say anything.

"In addition, the buyer pays the handling fee for each auction, and the wizard book is based on the level. You set an appropriate price yourself." Cook said.

"Okay." When Delaisi heard that he also had an interest, he quickly agreed.

"Go." Cook waved.

"Yes." Delaixi quickly left, and Delaixi also took the goods this time.

"Big pen, big pen, space ring, it's actually a space ring." Looking at the space ring in front of a box, there is a label on the support under each ring, and what is written inside.

"Master, don't you know what the price is for this space ring?" the butler asked.

"The adults didn't say, I think it will be priced according to the market price. If someone doesn't need it, we just take it back." Delaisi has a small abacus in his heart. If this thing is taken back, I don't know if the adults will return it. Need, if not needed....

"Master, you see, this spatial ring seems to be brand new." The manager asked with a strong spirit.

Delaisi picked up a magnifying glass, took a closer look, and was shocked: "Butler, this space ring has just been created, and it will not take more than ten days at most. Moreover, looking at the metal color of the ring, it may be the same batch. ."

"Tsk tusk." What does Delaisi's family do? It can be said to be very proficient in identifying items.

"Forget it, adults can even take out naval guns, there is nothing else they can't do." Cook is even more mysterious and powerful in the minds of Delaisi and others.

Of course, Delaisi also expressed his kindness to the tribe and the people of Flying City from a secret channel. In a word, we recognize the star core and don't recognize people, and just bring out good things.

Delaisi’s statement quickly received a response from the two parties. Of course, these news were also secretly spread by Delaixi. Delaixi knew how deep the water in the sage continent was, and the giants had room for inheritance. Now, how many hidden families are there in the sage continent?

No one knows, but Delaisi knows that there is something more hidden than his own family, that is the real wizard family.

The auction was held in an underground trading market in Demacia, which was originally a stronghold of the Demacia family. This stronghold was several thousand meters deep underground and had various protective measures, but today it is open to the public.

"What the **** is this Delaixi, he doesn't check his identity?" A group of elders from the Presbyterian Church said grimly after coming in.

The great elders and others did not come, but the representatives of the great elders must have come. There are hundreds of elders and followers in this group. There is no way, there are many factions in the same family.

"This is actually a wizard's cloak." In an area, there were some gray cloaks, and people who knew the goods exclaimed.

That’s not even counted. Put on the cloak if you need it, and don’t wear it if you don’t need it. At the entrance of the auction, there is a hand to maintain a loud shout: "Guests entering inside please abide by the rules of the auction."

Some elders didn't care, but they knew when they paid the entrance fee. The entrance fee is a Tier 5 star core.

"Why don't you grab it?" someone said loudly.

"We do this to distinguish the poor and avoid trouble." The money collector said coldly.

Although some people were dissatisfied, no one spoke, and even more people spoke; "That is, in such a high-end place, the poor will not come."

"No need to pay a deposit?" Someone asked in confusion.

"No, if you take pictures of repentance, you won't be allowed to enter next time." The guard said.

Some who wanted to fish in troubled waters, and those who wanted to increase their knowledge, were blocked at the door. Of course, there were also those who specialized in selling news, but they gritted their teeth and took out a fifth-order star core.

"Fuck me." When the first group of people entered, the first thing they saw was a 15-meter high tower with white light shining.

"Defensive tower, tusk, I have to say that this Demacia family is a big deal, so we can rest assured." Of course some people are completely relieved, afraid that in case someone makes trouble, there is this thing here now, less than two hundred The distance of meters, that is, the power of the ninth rank, that is, a few tenths of a second, will give you gray.

"There is also an interference system. After the mental power is released, no one can stand it." Some people even find that the mental power cannot be released here.

"Welcome everyone to the Demacia auction house. You can take your seats according to the number. If you want to go to the box, you can find a guard or waiter." Delaisi said loudly.

The entire stronghold has been remodeled, and it can accommodate more than two thousand people. The first thing that every entry into the auction site sees is the defensive tower full of energy. For these defensive towers, some people are worried, some are relieved, and some are curious.

It took more than an hour to enter the venue, and when the entire auction venue was full, the entire auction venue was closed.

Delaisi said: "The auction ~www.wuxiaspot.com~The rules of the auction are very simple, that is, no credit is allowed. For those who are not trading, they are not welcome here, and all auctioneers are confidential. There are dozens of secret passages in the entire underground stronghold. Everyone can freely choose the place where they appear. I can assure you that as long as you are in the Three Principalities, you will not be in any danger. If there is an accident in the Three Principalities, then we will Pay at twice the auction price."

Delaisi's remarks gave many people a sigh of relief, knowing that the reputation of the Demacia family is not good.

"The other thing is that our auctions will remain neutral. Any power, anyone, as long as they give a price, we will sell things. In addition, some special products will be bartered. We will appraise the things you bring out in person. I believe Demacia The family appraiser is still competent. You can raise your placard or verbally when you are auctioning. You can do it at will. Besides, please don’t disturb the auction if you’re watching the show.” Delaisi smiled. Said a lot.

"Let’s take a look at the first auction item below, the top work of the Wizarding Age. The full name is the automatic sentry secondary gun of the armed transport spacecraft. The auction reserve price is one hundred thousand six-tier standard star cores. It includes a full set of technologies and free training and operation Personnel, each price increase must not be lower than the tier sixteen standard stellar core." Delaisi said loudly, and at the same time an item was pushed up old. When everyone saw the true face of this item, they were shocked. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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