A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1072: Auction (2)

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"How is the attack power of this naval gun?" someone raised his hand and asked.

"In view of the confidentiality of the buyer, the attack power of this naval gun will not be disclosed to the outside world, just shoot what you want." Delaisi said.

"In addition, please go out. You have violated the rules of the auction house. Since it is the first time, you are forbidden to enter the auction three times, which means you will not be allowed to enter the next three auctions until the fourth. For the first time, three games were banned, five games were banned for the second time, and entry for the third time was banned for life." As soon as Delaisi waved, a guard walked towards the person who asked the question.

The people below immediately raised their hands, but no one spoke. Delaisi pointed at one: "You said."

"How about the consumption of this naval gun?" The man stood up and asked, his cloak looked shameless.

"Confidentiality, as I just said, the naval gun data is confidential." Delaixi replied very confidently.

Some buyers at the scene flinched when they heard this, but there were others who felt like Der Spiegel. The elders of the naval gun would definitely want it, because if the naval gun was not bought, it would stay there. Stay in the Three Principalities, and if the Three Principalities conflict with the Association of Sages, wouldn't it be the Presbyterian Church who suffers.

"Okay, someone bid once, one hundred and five thousand and six standard star cores." Delaisi immediately shouted when he saw someone bid.

"One hundred and six thousand and six standard star cores." However, after someone shouted the price, someone immediately raised a placard. There was no way. Even if the Three Principalities wanted to buy these naval guns, they had to come up with something, not that they could be free. Used by the Three Principalities.

"One hundred twenty thousand, our real elders will ask for it." Someone raised a placard and shouted the price.

"One hundred and thirty thousand." The elder had just finished speaking, and someone immediately increased the price.

The elder's face flushed instantly, and the energy fluctuations all over his body suddenly swelled.

"Puff!" A white light hit the elder suddenly, and the upper half of the elder's body disappeared suddenly, leaving the lower body behind.

"Wow!" The whole auction hall was in an uproar. Everyone saw this attack, the defensive tower.

"Who still wants to be attacked by the defensive tower?" Delaixi shouted loudly, and Delaixi did not expect that a Tier 9 elder was hit by the defensive tower just after the auction started.

"Delaisi, what do you mean by the Demacia family?" The members of the Mortal Presbyterian Church all stood up.

"Why, if you want to use force, whoever has the ability to accumulate energy and try to see if my defensive tower is powerful enough? The full name of the defensive tower is called the automatic defense guard tower. Anything that exceeds the upper limit of energy fluctuation will be defensive. The tower will attack automatically. By the way, there are more than 3,000 attack points on the defensive tower. The standard interval between each attack is three seconds, which means that there are 1,000 attacks per second. Calculated by you people, everyone per second Will be attacked twice." Delaixi said with a sneer.

"Delaisi, you are a provocation to the Real Men Presbyterian Church." These real men really did not dare to use force, and a real man threatened loudly.

"Haha, provocation, all of your presbyterians are here, I'm not afraid, let alone you guys, sit down if you want to participate in the auction, and if you don't want to auction, just get out. I don't welcome those guys who bully others." Lacey haha, shouted angrily.

The elders of the Mortal Presbyterian Church wanted to leave, but if they didn’t bring the naval guns back, they would not be able to deal with each other. These elders secretly regretted that the killed elder was discussed by these elders just now, that is to touch this time. The bottom line of the rules of the auction was that if Delaisi didn't do anything, then these elders would do more things, but he didn't expect to be blown up by the defensive tower before he did it.

"Don’t worry, everyone. Here, everyone is absolutely safe. I use the Demacia family to guarantee that it is a fair deal here. Anyone who threatens others is my Delaisi’s enemy. Please everyone Don't rely on your identity, because the defensive tower behind me doesn't recognize everyone's identity." Delaisi said.

"One hundred and thirty thousand Tier 6 standard star cores, this is the first time." Delaixi continued to shout, but Delaixi was relieved. In fact, Delaixi was already very annoyed just now, but Delaixi is human after all. It is emotional. Delaisi is really not prepared to attack a real elder, but the defensive tower will not. This thing will only be judged by energy fluctuations.

Of course, Delaixi also knew that it might have been the temptation of the Real Presbyterian Church just now. In the face of this temptation, Delaixi felt that the attack on the defensive tower was in line with his own ideas. But the defensive tower handles it more cleanly.

Offending now is offending, and if Delaixi had scruples at the beginning, it is now gone. Delaixi knows that he and the Real Presbyterian are enemies, and don't care about offending and not guilty.

"One hundred and thirty thousand for the second time." Delaixi looked at the somewhat unconvinced elders of the Mortal Presbyterian Church and continued to shout.

"One hundred and thirty thousand for the third time, the deal, congratulations to this friend." Delaisi then called out the deal.

The faces of the elders of the Real Presbyterian Church were ugly. The person who photographed the naval gun was not from the Presbyterian Church. The person who photographed the naval gun was also shocked. He was just trying to make the real presbyterian more star core.

After all, for any power in the prehistoric world, the star core is a strategic item, but after hearing that he had successfully photographed it, this person was ecstatic: "Haha, our Lion King tribe actually took it, and it was taken, elder. It's going to be messy... well, I didn't say anything."

"Lion King Tribe!" The real elder would hear this man's cheers, his expression even more gloomy.

"Everyone, in my eyes, everyone is a guest, so no matter who you are, I will be a guest. I hope that all guests can abide by the order of the auction. If you don't, then don't blame me for being polite." Seeing the atmosphere at the scene, Xi said immediately.

"Very good, very good." The faces of the elders of the Real Presbyterian Church were flushed, they were beaten on their faces, and they couldn't leave. This embarrassment was unbearable for these elders.

"The following is a third-order fire specialization wizard book. The starting price is one hundred thousand third-order standard star cores." Delaisi had to admire Cook's pricing. Take naval guns for example, one hundred thousand sixth-order standard stars. Nuclear, that is sky-high price, of course, the rare thing is expensive. An ancient treasure knife can be equivalent to the same volume of gold, but in today's society, the price of a treasure knife made of stainless steel is very cheap.

Of course, even in the Wizarding Age, this naval gun is not available to everyone, and the price is very expensive, but it is only one hundred thousand fourth-order standard star cores, and the star cores are one-order different in value. It's almost ten times different. Not to mention that the gap between Tier 5 and Tier 6 is greater.

"Two hundred thousand." Someone shouted.

"Damn it." Hearing this shout, the elders of the Mortal Presbyterian Church hated their teeth, which was clearly aimed at themselves.

"Two hundred thousand once." Delaixi glanced at the bidder. Delaixi knew that this was a member of a certain family, and that this family was also the family of a certain elder in the Presbyterian Church. It seemed that there were also many contradictions in this Presbyterian Church. what.

"Twenty-five thousand." There was another bid, and the people in the presbytery did not have time to speak.

"Three hundred thousand." The bidder immediately shouted again.

Unsurprisingly, this third-order wizard book was taken by this wealthy guy. Delaisi shook his head. The more you get to the back, the fewer these things, so those who are still hesitating will definitely be forced to expand. For the price, there are still dozens of wizard books after all, and everyone still has a wait and see mind.

But Delaisi knew that not only the twelve tribes participated in the auction this time, but also the Flying City, the Hidden Family, and the Living Presbyterian Church. These were the masters of the Star Core.

"The next auction is a fifth-tier metal specialization wizard book. The condition of the auction is to exchange for exotic treasures. I think when everyone accepts the invitation, they already know that we are commissioned by someone to auction, so we traded. The method is up to the shipper to decide, but we will charge a handling fee of 10,000 Tier 4 standard star cores for each order." Delaisi said.

Seeing someone raising their hand, Delaisi motioned to the person and said, this person stood up and asked, "Then how are we going to trade?"

"You each take out what you think can be exchanged for this wizarding book. Our Demacia family will appraise it in front of you. We will select suitable items from the appraisal results and conclude the transaction." Delaisi explained. .

"Then how do we know what conditions you need?" the man asked again.

"It’s none of your business. If you want to get the wizard book, you have to bring out the rare treasures~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you don’t like it, then just don’t give it out. Voluntary things, even if you don't buy any of your things, I, Delaisi, will welcome everyone in the future." Delaixi said beautifully.

But the people below are all secretly cursing, the wizard book, this is a powerful help for the inheritance of a family, and the various knowledge in the wizard book is needed by each family. It does not matter if there is no naval gun, but there is no wizard book. No way, the fifth-order wizard book can allow the family with specialization and talent to grow as quickly as possible, even reaching the ninth-order is not a dream.

"Okay, please send everything to the front, one by one, we are not in a hurry." Delaixi said with a smile.


With a bang, hundreds of people stood up at the same time, all of whom brought things with them.

"Please come here, everyone go in one by one. There are ten rooms here, and each room has our Demacia family appraiser. If you have any questions in the appraisal, you can raise it on the spot." Seeing so many people, I felt a lot of relaxation. Delaisi knew what Cook needed, these precious treasures. As for the star core, Delaisi felt that Cook didn't take it seriously. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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