A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1079: Compete

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"If you don't buy it, don't buy it. What are you guys, a bunch of poor people."

"We are poor ghosts, you are the rich who monopolize the mines, shameless, no wonder our elders are called shameless by ordinary people, it is your families."

"That's, the elder, your families are too greedy. The profit of the mine is so high that you can't bear to give it to the miners. It's all right now. I want to say it deserves it."

"I think it's good to disperse, everyone in each family will divide a territory, and then manage by themselves."

"That's right, look at the Three Principalities...

Noisy, no way. There used to be a group of newly promoted elders who looked at them, and these elders only have a group. Now that group of elders are gone, then these people's minds have changed. The food I monopolizes is not as profitable as the minerals you monopolize. My ranch has worked so hard. , You might as well run transportation.

All kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred, coupled with the interests of the family behind each elder, is the reason for this scene.

Of course, the most important thing is that the elder personally led the team and they were defeated. Although for various reasons, the elder no longer had the prestige before, and the division of the presbytery is also counted on the head of the elder. The elders are destined to be the people who are highlighted in history, so other people have no awe.

If you don’t stay here, you have a place to stay. If you don’t mix well here, I also do it alone. Everyone is a bunch of people. Who is afraid of whom?

"Enough, don't go too far." When the elder saw these people say this, he became angry and shouted loudly.

"If any of you have the ability to dare to divide a territory, I will fight against the family, and I will also destroy you. If you don't believe it, you can try it." The elder is fierce, and the elder has to be fierce. It's too messy.

The other elders were very dissatisfied when they heard the great elder say this, but no one said anything, because the great elder was aimed at splitting. As for whether these elders were afraid of being afraid, it was another matter.

"Don't compare the Three Principalities. We are one. If this continues, we can only harm our interests. I can let out the mines controlled by our family, but you have to let out some other things to me." The elder took a deep breath.

But someone immediately retorted: "Elder, there are no miners now, you give us mines, what are we going to do, spend money to buy barren mountains?"

"That is, I didn't say to take it out when I was making money, but now it stinks, so I don't want it. I don't want it anyway. My food is still selling well." The other elders also said.

"You..." The elder was really speechless. Whether the mine has a value or not, it must be. Although the miner is also a technical type of work, the technology is not very high.

As long as people can do it, it is mainly the treatment of miners from the Three Principalities. The family of the Presbyterian Church cultivated a group of miners. These miners left immediately, making these mines dare not train new miners.

"Okay, we cut the price of ore, and you cut the price of your food." The great elder endured, shrinking, and his heart was dripping blood. The cost of 100% production and 20% production is completely indistinguishable. According to the previous price, it is simply It's a big loss.

"Ahem, elder, in fact, it doesn't matter if you cut the price or not, because our grain doesn't need to be sold to you at all." The other elders are dissatisfied, and our grain is not sold to you, so why lower the price.

"Idiots, a bunch of idiots, without food, what do ordinary people eat? Without ordinary people, what is the point of our sage association?" the elder cursed.

"Grand Elder, I won't trouble you anymore. All of our farms have left rations, and we are preparing to sign a ten-year food supply contract with the Three Principalities." A big landlord family elder pouted.

"You, you..." The Great Elder was furious.

"Okay, okay, what do you want?" The elder really feels helpless, there is no way at all. Don't these food monopoly families know the consequences of selling the food?

I know for sure, but why do you want to sell, profit, or the same sentence, profit.

On the side of the Sage Association, all the big chambers of commerce families care about their own interests. As for everyone's interests, please, if you want to make money, I don't want to make money.

This is one of the shortcomings of the monopolization of various industries by each family. You monopolize one item, and I monopolize one item. I don't kill you, and you don't kill me. No matter how bad your losses are, it's my business.

"Star core, we want the star core transaction." These families always cling to this point, and then said.

The elder really wanted to kill, but it was a member of the Demacia family. The elder took a deep breath and said: "If this is the case, then everyone will be separated and there will be no meetings in the future, but what I said is Earlier, our family forces do not allow any of your caravans or anyone to pass through our territory. Once found, I saw one kill one. You have the ability to transport directly to the Three Principalities through space, and if you sell food Give it to the Three Principalities, then you don’t want to get any weapons, equipment, and control of the floating fortress in the future, and you don’t even want to get one, go."

The great elder left with his group of people, and the other elders looked at each other and were silent.

"We might really not sell food." Someone whispered.

"You don’t have to sell it. Star cores are hard currency. As long as there is land, there will be people. In this case, we don’t sell them. Those families, I want to see what these families have eaten in the past half a year." This group of elders was not scared by the words of the great elder, and someone spoke.

"It's ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How long the elders and the gang have controlled the mine, because they themselves are not good to the miners, so how can it be possible for us to follow the loss together."

"That is, if your mine loses money, you will increase the price. If they can increase the price, we can't increase the price?"

In fact, these elders are imbalanced in their hearts. If you monopolize the mines and cannot keep miners by yourself, you will increase the price and allow you to increase the price, but are we not allowed to increase the price?

If we raise prices, we will lower them, and no one will be convinced if we change.

A group of people on the Grand Elder's side also gathered together, and the Grand Elder said, "Improve the salaries of miners according to the standards of the Three Principalities."

"Great Elder..." An elder said immediately.

"Whoever doesn't implement it, I will bring the wizard book to talk to him in person. How many years have passed, everyone, don’t forget how I sat in the position of the elder, and for those greedy guys in my family, I just sent it to the mine. There is no need to go out of the mine." The great elder took out the wizard book and said coldly. When the surrounding elders heard this, their whole bodies trembled. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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