A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1080: Great Elder's Idea

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"Great Elder...?" When the other elders heard this, they wanted to say something.

"Needless to say, although we have lost a lot now, I will make those guys look good in the future." The elder gritted his teeth and said.

When the other elders heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief and said, "We listen to the great elder."

So afterwards, the welfare and wages of various mines, and even the various regulations, were exactly the same as those of the Three Principalities, and the prices of ore and metal returned to their original prices.

However, the great elder's kindness did not allow the family that monopolized the food to also reduce the price, and sold it to the elder and others at the original price.

If it is just people from various families, then these family members will not worry about food at all, but these families control a lot of industries, and these industries need to hire more workers. These workers may not have land and need to buy food, so The welfare benefits given by the great elders and other families did not fall into the hands of these workers, but they changed hands and were earned by those big families.

The chief elder and several family elders hate their teeth, because although the miners have high wages, their consumption is high and the cost of living is high, resulting in the loss of miners. The wages in both places are the same. If you change you, how would you choose, so the loss of miners is still very serious.

"Elder, let's..." The elders did not open either. The elders proposed several meetings, and no one wanted to come. The elders almost existed in name only.

"One month, give me one month." The elder must be irritated and irritated, but the elder dared not break out a civil war.

The Great Elder has not been out of ideas lately, but now the Sage Continent has been monopolized by various families, and everyone is not afraid of anyone, let alone there is a Three Duchy.

"The Three Principalities..." The Great Elder thought of the Three Principalities, and then he had a solution.

In the Supervision Department of the Three Principalities, Delaisi looked at the person in front of him with a weird look and asked, "You mean the elder wants to see me?"

"Yes, our family patriarch wants to see you." Opposite is an ordinary real person.

"See me for what?" Delaixi is still a little guilty, because Delaixi is not the opponent of the elder at all.

"Our elder wants to make a deal with the people behind you. This is a meeting gift our elders give to those behind you." This person took out a gift list.

After Delaisi took it, he looked at the gift list, frowned and said, "I can't reply to this for now."

"Yes." The person on the other side was relieved when he heard this.

Delaixi went to see Cook afterwards, but Cook was not so good to see, mainly because Delaixi didn't know that Cook was not here, and Cook returned to the God Realm.

no way. For the time being, there are not many things for Cook in the prehistoric world, and there are very few things that Cook manages on the Council of the Gods, but no one will ignore Cook, let alone other things, the Magic Weave Association, the Pawn Shop, the Pharmacy Association, There is also the Medical Association. Among the several major organizations of the Council of the Gods, only the Tax Supervision Department. The Council of the Gods is not Cook’s property. Even the Brave Knights and the Council of the Gods must be transferred in accordance with the regulations. Just one command is enough.

Dealing with the affairs of the Council of the Gods, as for the attention of those sects in the big world recently, they are on the Yaozu side, so certain requirements of Cook are temporarily put on hold.

The big world is still the same, but the great sects of the Immortal Buddha and Shinto have temporarily ceased their conflicts, and the Monster Race Huaguoshan Great Sage holds an alliance, which makes the human world very nervous.

Humans don’t know what the specific content of the league is and which demons are participating in. After all, demons and humans are completely different races, let alone inquiring about information. Humans are not affected by demons in the demonic territory. Killing is considered a good thing.

Even if some demon races are connected with humans, it depends on what demon is involved. The Great Sage of Huaguo Mountain holds an alliance meeting, who dares to talk nonsense?

As the days for the convening of the League are getting closer, Cook's visits to the Great World are also increasing. Of course, Cook has gained a lot of benefits. There are many elixir on the side of the monster race, and Cook's refining pill is lavish. Up, most of the elixir of the elixir can be found in the Yaozu, and they are very old.

"What's the matter, the quality of Jidan is still not improving?" Cook sat in the cave of the Great World, while Wu Mei was watching quietly at Cook's alchemy.

Wumei is also starting to learn alchemy. Cook is not clear about the situation of Wumei. The monsters cannot make alchemy, mainly because the spirit of the monsters is not strong, but Wumei is not a monster, and Wumei is an orc, and Wumei is still a priest. The demon clan's exercises, but he could actually make alchemy, which surprised the great sage, and then asked the little demon of Huaguoshan to collect elixir and practice for Wumei for free.

Cook saw that he was going to change something for the elixir, but Wu Mei didn’t need to change anything. Cook felt a little funny in his heart. Yes, that’s funny. Cook also knew the idea of ​​the Great Sage. The foreign exchange was the demon clan and the alchemist came out. .

"Cook, I failed again." Wu Mei said frustratedly while looking at the pill furnace with black smoke.

"It's only a few times. When I refining, I refined it more than 600 times and only succeeded once." Cook quickly comforted.

"Really?" Wu Mei looked at Cook with big eyes.

Cook nodded and said; "Of course, you know what. On the human school side, an alchemist must first learn ten years of knowledge of pill medicine, and then mix for ten years, then he will have the opportunity to refine the pill, and the number of refining is very small. It takes at least forty to fifty years to become an alchemist, and even for those with extraordinary talents, it takes more than twenty years."

"That's good." Wu Mei was relieved when he heard Cook say that.

"Come on, I'll help you watch." Cook saw Umei breathe a sigh of relief, but he was still a little frustrated, Cook said.

"Won't delay you?" Wu Mei asked when he heard Cook say that.

"Fool, let's start." Cook touched Wu Mei's hand. Although Wu Mei recovered his memory, it was only part of it. Many things were intermittent, and he didn't say anything to Cook, but the relationship between the two remained the same as before. it is good.

After some refining, two days passed. What Wumei refined was Lingyuan Pill, a pill that replenished Lingyuan.

This kind of pill can instantly restore the spirit essence, of course, the demon race can also use it. When practicing, replenish the spirit essence slowly, so if the spirit essence is to be restored at once, it is necessary to neutralize the properties of the spirit medicine, and Also let the aura soft, so as not to cause harm to the body.

After all, so many spirit essences pouring out of the body at once is very dangerous, so the price of the spirit essence pills is not cheap.

This kind of Lingyuan Pill belongs to the battle pill, and the battle pill has a fast effect, otherwise it is better to directly absorb the aura in the spirit stone.

The spiritual energy of the Lingyuan Pill is non-attribute aura, but the elixir has attributes. The biggest difficulty in refining the Lingyuan Pill is the neutralization attribute, which is neutralized according to the attributes of the five elements, which is the control of the spiritual mind. high expectation.

"Failed again." Wu Mei looked at Cook, very frustrated.

Cook said, "Wu Mei, your divine mind is not weak. It is more than enough to refine the spiritual essence pill, but your control of the divine mind is not very good. The other is the elixir, which is picked by the little demon. Therefore, the method of picking is very bad, which causes some of the elixir’s properties to be lost. The elixir in the elixir and the elixir’s properties are integrated, so the aura is also lost, which leads you to make alchemy according to the amount of elixir in the prescription, but some The medicinal properties in the elixir are not very sufficient, so when the pill is combined, some of the medicinal properties are not neutralized. This time I will choose the elixir for you."

"Okay." Wu Mei agreed with one bite.

A silver light flashed through Cook's eyes. In Cook's eyes, the light of various elixirs was different. Cook's spiritual eyes were gifted and supernatural powers that could be used in the big world.

"Okay, you refining it again." Cook configured a pot of pill according to the weight of the pill and then according to the elixir's loss.

"It's done, it's done, it's done." This time Wu Mei succeeded, and Cook was also relieved. Cook gave a lot of pointers. In fact, the amount of this elixir is different and it is still a little troublesome to refine. , Because the properties of the elixir are not lost, and the quantity is small, the time for the elixir to melt is short, while for some elixir, the time for liquefaction is long, but after a long time, the previously liquefied elixir will be lost again The medicinal properties led to the failure of the later Hedan.

"Okay, okay, I know Wu Mei is the best." Cook quickly praised.

After gaining confidence, Cook gave some pointers again to identify the status of the elixir. Finally, one month later, Wu Mei could refine the Lingyuan Pill. Although the rate of pill formation was terrible, one pot of fifty pill could be only A few ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But the Great Sage is already very satisfied, and he has given a fierce order that the little demon picks the elixir without being sad, so he will punish that one. For a time, the little demon in Huaguoshan was beaten and wailed. The sound keeps on, and the monkey and the monkey are constantly collecting elixir for Wumei, and the Great Sage also helped Wumei refine two ginseng fruits, and the ginseng fruit was taken out by Cook. Yanran Wumei is the hope of the Yaozu for alchemy. .

"Oh." Cook returned to the Council of the Gods, spent a month with Wu Mei, and kissed him. Don't even think about it. Because of the time barrier released by the Great Sage, the Great Sage can feel the situation inside at any time. Having said that, after Wumei can refine the demon element pill, you love it. The demon element pill has the same effect as the human being’s foundation pill. For the little demon, it is equivalent to the foundation, but the demon element pill There is more blood from the demon clan in his pill. Of course, the demon pill has better effects, but Wumei hasn't had the ability to refine it.

"I can refine the Zhuji Dan, and if the Wumei level is still high, I can refine the Demon Yuan Dan. What kind of logic." Cook muttered.

After Delaisi saw Cook, he didn’t dare to ask Cook why he didn’t see him. After Delaisi gave the gift list of the elder to Cook and conveyed the message that the elder wanted to see Cook, Cook was puzzled. Asked: "The Great Elder wants to see me, do you know why?" For mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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