A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1181: transaction

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"I don't know, we can't get close to the Great Elder," Delaixi quickly explained.

Cook nodded, then thought about it, and finally Cook said, "See you."

"Yes." Of course, Delaixi would not question Cook's decision, and Delaixi also had doubts, but Delaixi did not ask.

Cook watched Delaisi leave, and then looked at the gift list. It was all rare raw materials. It could be said that Cook needed the most, and the amount was still very large.

A few days later, under the constant communication between Delaisi and the other party, Cook met with the elder.

"Your Excellency is very young." The Grand Elder looked at Cook and asked with a smile.

Cook nodded and asked, "I don't know if the great elder has spent such a high price. Why did you see me?"

The two figures are not real people, but the same thing as the two energy projections. This is the result of Delaisi’s communication with each other. It is impossible for Cook to go to a certain place to meet the elder alone, because Cook is too low in strength. The elder violently wounded people, and Cook had nowhere to cry.

It is impossible for the great elder to go to the place that Cook said, and the great elder is also afraid that Cook will not do anything.

"Our Presbyterian Church is now falling apart, but as the elder, I still have to come to ask for advice. What should I do now to save the sage continent?" the elder asked.

When Cook heard this, he smiled and asked, "We are not friends."

"Yes, but this is a deal. You make a price, and I don't think you want to see the sage association collapse, and then tribes occupy the mainland, and this is not good for your Three Principalities, right?" the elder said Said.

Cook nodded: "Then what price are you going to offer?"

"You have to talk about what I should do now? As long as your methods are good, I still have some worth personally." The elder promised.

Cook shook his head and said, "There are ways, there are many ways, I don't know which one you want to hear?"

"Is there a way to prevent the strength of the sage mainland from being damaged?" the great elder asked.

Cook nodded: "Yes, more than one."

When the elder heard this, he asked incredulously: "It's impossible, why didn't I think about it."

"That's because you are incapable." Cook said with a smile.

"That's the simplest one," the great elder said.

"Then make two more copies according to the gift list." Cook said.

The elder was very depressed and said: "You don't care about me, I am not the kind of person who doesn't speak credibility."

"Well, kill the disobedient, don't you solve everything?" Cook said with a smile.

"You...The strength of the elders is seriously damaged, the tribe has not directly invaded?" The elder was so angry that he asked angrily.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished. There are dozens of large and medium-sized cities in the Sage Continent and the Astral Grand Canyon. Each city is equipped with a floating fortress, and then thousands of defensive towers, those of disobedient families Although the financial resources are not enough to buy these, it is not much worse." Cook said with a smile.

"You...you have so many floating fortresses and defense towers?" the elder asked in shock.

"No, no, but we have the ability to make it, do you know why our mine is going to be developed?" Cook said, but it misled us.

When the elder heard this, he was speechless for a while, shook his head and said: "I am not sure to kill those families, and there are too many people who die like this."

"Hehe, you don't use this, you can't blame me." Cook said with a smile.

The elder could only pinch his nose to admit it, and asked, "Did you let those guys admit defeat?"

"Yes, more than one." Cook said.

"The simplest." The elder was depressed and wanted to vomit blood. Everyone could think of a way. Why couldn't they think of a way. The division of the elders made the elder a headache for the first time.

"It's actually very simple. I say two words and you will understand." Cook said.

"How much?" the elder asked through gritted teeth.

"I want a few rare and exotic plants, don't fool me with others, otherwise you don't want to buy the floating fortress in the future." Cook said.

"Good." The great elder breathed a sigh of relief. The great elder has collected a lot of good things. After so many years, he has been respected and respected a lot.

"Code." Cook said two words.

"Code?" The Grand Elder chewed the two words carefully.

Cook said: "What is the cause of the matter? It is the code, the code of our three principalities."

"But, those elder families will agree?" The elder asked suspiciously.

"Haha, great elder, you have been a great elder for so many years, it seems that you haven't really understood what is called rule." Cook laughed.

The great elder darkened a lot when he heard this, and said, "Please speak."

"What is the society, is it made up of people, what is the family, or is it made up of people, and who is the most people in the entire society, ordinary people, let me ask, in addition to hired workers, how many direct descendants are there?" Cook Asked.

"One hundred thousand." The great elder said a number casually.

"What about ordinary people?" Cook asked again.

"Millions of people have it." The Grand Elder replied.

"So if most of these millions of people don't work for your family, is your family still the first family?" Cook asked.

The great elder is not a fool, he understood it all at once, and said loudly: "You mean..."

"Yes, and the great elder, if you support the revision of the code and say something that sounds bad, no matter what the family, as long as you shout loudly, then these families will immediately fall apart. There is no family supported by ordinary people, then Not a family, as for the elders, hehe, do these elders still dare to kill ordinary people, so that you have a better excuse to let these families sink down again." Cook nodded and said.

When the elder heard Cook say this, he was frightened in his heart. The elder didn't know anyone else, but knew that if his family left ordinary people, it would take less than a month for the whole family to go bankrupt.

At the same time, the great elder was very moved by Cook's proposal. The great elder naturally knew that as long as he did what Cook said, his reputation and what he did would always be recorded in history.

"Thank you." After a long silence, the great elder said two words.

"Haha, Great Elder, you have to remember that nothing is eternal in this world. Even we, like ordinary people, will become dusty. When we are alive, we will do whatever we want. "Cook chuckled, said inexplicably, and then disconnected the energy projection.

Delaixi and others didn't know what Cook was talking about with the elder, but when the elder sent countless things, Delaixi was still shocked.

After a few days of calm, the sage continent finally set off a storm.

Several elders of the Presbyterian Church are under the leadership of the Great Elder. Publicly announced support for the revision of the code, and revised it based on the Code of the Three Principalities, and established a tax department to exempt farmers, workers, and small businessmen from tax.

As soon as this news became public, it immediately won the support of countless great sages of the Sage Association, and countless great sages' suggestions.

But in the midst of this storm, a group of elders immediately came out to oppose. These people opposed the establishment of the tax department and opposed the code based on the Three Duchy, which was used by traitors.

He also attracted a group of sages out to slander the Three Principalities with the attitude of experts and scholars.

However, the elder swiftly rebutted publicly and took out a ledger. The so-and-so Chamber of Commerce purchased the price of grain and then resold it, and finally resolutely fought back to lower the grain price and set a basic price for the grain purchase price.

The Great Elder group just publicly refuted, and the other party also came out to refute the mines of the Great Elder and others, how profitable metal smelting is.

"Everyone, as the great elder, I hereby admit that some elders have raised things about mines. What they say is true. I promise here that as long as the taxation department is established, my elder will be the first Support the supervision of the mining industry, and collect taxes, and the accounts of the mine will be made public. Anyone who has questions can be checked in person. Also, including myself, 50% of the income will be paid every year and will be made public. I pay all my property and property taxes on houses on time. I hereby appeal to you all, in order not to infringe on your rights, everyone should not go to work, strike, and let those black-hearted people work. Guys go shopping by themselves, cook by themselves, and wash the toilet by themselves. This is a national struggle. I hope everyone can take action and strive for their rights. I hereby assure you that if someone violates the code, then I Arosi was the first to let him go ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will arrest them and let the judges judge them." The elder's public speech shocked the entire sage continent.

Countless people began to strike, countless city guards also began to strike, and a large part of it was instigated by the Association of Sages. The cities became paralyzed, the farms became deserted, and the livestock of the pastures became unmanaged.

"Great Elder, you are trying to force us to death!" Many elders gathered together, the Great Elder and several other elders were glared at by other elders, and they wanted to tear them apart.

"Everyone, agree or disagree, and forget it if you disagree." The elder curled his lips and asked.

"I don't agree. I want to see how long those untouchables, who are unpaid, will hold on."


Of course the other elders will not give up. In the eyes of these elders, this strike will not last long.

"Then wait and see." The great elder left with a smile, and the other elders were shocked by the way the great elder was holding the winning ticket. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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