A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1182: turmoil

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The elders of the presbytery are divided into two groups to compete. The sage associations and the lords and the chambers of commerce are also competing. Each big family is actually each big lord, and some big families even span tens of thousands of kilometers from the land.

On such a wide land, ordinary workers were hired. As soon as these ordinary workers went on strike, they were immediately driven out by these lords.

For a time, there were countless people dragging their families away from the place controlled by the entire Presbyterian Church and being driven out to wander.

On the third day, the great elder appeared again and began to speak.

"All sage associations are stepping up the establishment of trade unions, providing ordinary workers with a minimum living standard, and doing everything possible to place these ordinary workers, and in the future, trade unions must ensure the interests of workers, guarantee the minimum wage, and protect the rights and interests of workers."

The speech of the great elder made the eyes of the sages of the sage association below brighten. You must know that for a long time, the sage association has faced those big families and high lords like grandsons.

And this time the strike, to put it plainly, is also a game between the sage associations of various places and the local lords and chambers of commerce. Although the sage associations also have people from various families, who can hold the power in the family, who will appreciate the sages? With this title, wise men on the road must respect the old and love the young, be very polite, and whoever is in power will do it.

The sage associations in various regions immediately realized that the trade union is a tool for contending with the big lords and chambers of commerce, so the sage associations immediately established trade unions.

It just so happened that the wandering employees were arranged by the sage associations in various places. Of course, the prerequisite for being arranged was to join the trade union.

With the launch of the sage associations everywhere, the big lords, the big chambers of commerce were dumbfounded.

You said that it’s okay to not sell food for three days and five days, but for ten and a half months, let alone fruit, and the farm, the big family may be able to bear part of the loss, but what about the small lord, the small farm?

Not to mention that there is no one to clean in the city, there is no water in the pipes, and no one to recycle the garbage. The whole city is caught in a stench.

There are some small lords who hire a small number of merchants, but within half a month, they can no longer stand it. On a farm with 20 people originally working, can your farmer do it alone? There is also no way for your family to go up there. The crops are about the same season. If you do not weed the weeds, half a month is probably all grass. Don’t expect crops to grow faster than weeds.

The great elders subsequently expanded their recruitment, and various city sage associations, as well as city halls, were preparing to form councils.

This is a blockbuster, it is simply that each city has delegated powers. As long as it does not violate the law and involves each city, it is determined by each city council independently, and there is no need for the above decision.

It used to be these sage associations. The city hall listened to the above orders, but now it’s all right, decentralized and decentralized.

The celebrities in the city halls of the sage associations all over the world heard this and started to speak in crowded places. If no one listened to them, they would give out some food, fruit, jerky, and even a sage. The home is in the kitchenware business, and he pulls out tens of thousands of kitchenware to distribute the lectures he heard.

This change in the Sage Continent made the people on the tribe very excited, preparing to invade the territory controlled by the Sage Association.

But no one thought that the various small tribes below the tribe also proposed to change the code, so the code poison flow began to raging in the tribe. You must know that there is a chief system in the tribe. The big chief manages the little chief, and the warriors are also from each Small tribes are drawn out, that is, large tribes are squeezing small tribes. Of course, small tribes are also protected by large tribes.

But again, there are the most ordinary people in the tribe, and no ordinary person can stand it after reading the Code of the Three Principalities.

Moreover, the status of the warriors in the tribe is not high, not as high as the nobles, and the nobles have great rights. You are the brave warrior, and you have to prostrate on the ground when you encounter a weak aristocrat like garbage.

You pay more and pay less. The noble master wants your daughter, and you have to offer it with both hands, otherwise the noble will kill you for nothing.

When the chief of the big tribe saw this sign, he immediately sent troops to suppress the proposed small tribes.

Don’t forget, the tribe is at war with the Sage’s Association. Some fighters heard that they were still at war, and then they copied all of their tribes, so some of these warriors who were accustomed to life and death ran away immediately and took refuge in the sages. The association, and part of it, rebelled, pulled up a gang of brothers, and began to kill the nobles who had mixed military exploits in the army.

The tribe originally wanted to take advantage of the chaos on the side of the sage association and occupy more territory, knowing that this front line is actually chaotic.

In previous wars, the warriors of the tribe were not afraid of death, but most of the military merits of these warriors were obtained by the nobles. For example, a noble led a 10,000 tribal army. Even if half of these 10,000 people died, this noble At most, pat butt, leave the army, as long as noble status is not treason, nothing will happen.

But people who are dead are dead for nothing. What kind of compensation, no.

And once these ten thousand people win, the soldiers below will eat a few meals at most. Then go back to each house, find each mother, or the noble leader Gao Sheng

, And then change to another nobleman to continue his military exploits. This is all due to human lives.

The war between the tribe and the sage association lasted only ten or twenty years, and in time the tribe has won a big victory, and who has taken away its military merits. Nobles, the soldiers below die for a wave and then call for a wave.

These warriors were originally dissatisfied, but now the big tribes are killing the small tribes, and it has aroused the dissatisfaction of many warriors. These warriors also know the Code of the Three Principalities. In the eyes of these warriors, the nobles of their tribes really deserve to be collected. Tax.

Of course, the most important thing is a group of mysterious people. This group of mysterious people in various places where the tribal warriors stayed privately promoted the benefits of the code and listed the benefits of the parliamentary system. Who are these fighters? Bloody people, and these mysterious people, have organized a grievance meeting, how they are oppressed by the nobles, as for why the nobles don't know.

Nobles and fighters are also soldiers, but the treatment is different. Nobles have their own residential areas. If you civilian soldiers enter, you will be directly beaten out, and you will kill you for nothing.

"What are you doing, what are you doing, this is the place where the nobles live, you bastards, hurry up!" The guards responsible for guarding the noble settlements are also servants of the nobles, but facing these lowly warriors, these guards are nowhere to be seen.

"We are here to ask for orders. We demanded that we be paid. I am the only one of our family members. After I left, the whole family couldn't have enough snacks." A team leader stood up and said.

"Remuneration, you still want to be paid. It’s good to give you these pigs to eat. Get out. Don’t disturb the leader to rest." Hearing this, the guard could hardly believe his ears. Yes, the tribe’s warriors and weapons If you prepare it yourself, the army will take care of the food. If you die, you will die in vain. If you have relatives, you can take the ashes back. If you don't have relatives and throw them in the pit, no one knows who buried them together.

"Say so much, this is just a dog, go." Some people behind shouted.

These fighters rushed over immediately. In fact, in terms of status, slaves are lower than freedmen, but there is a saying, that is the truth.

Slaves are slaves. Faced with hundreds of fighters, they dare not fight at all. So hundreds of fighters rushed into the noble areas. The nobles lived in the areas where the noble officers lived. The houses built were much better than those of civilian soldiers. .

As soon as they rushed into here, the soldiers smelled the scent of wine and meat. Everyone didn’t look good on their faces. What the soldiers ate below was a kind of cake, which was very dry and hard but stored for a long time. It must be soaked in water to eat, and then there is a little salt in the soup, there is no oil and water, and in many cases it is not boiled at all, it is just cold water mixed with a little salt.

"What are you doing, what are you doing. You gangsters, believe it or not I killed you all?" The leader came out drunk, and two beautiful maids were still supporting the leader.

"My lord, we..." a small captain said.

"Come here, come here, kill these guys for me, and then send me all of these guys' families to the mine." Following the group leader is the squadron leader, who is also a nobleman, one of them The squadron leader looked drunkly at his own subordinate, and immediately drank it out loud. In the eyes of these nobles, these ordinary fighters would die too. Of course, some nobles knew to win people’s hearts, but not every noble would do this. Yes, there are many nobles in the pig brain.

There are also a lot of people who have mixed military exploits. In fact, everyone knows that if these nobles have enough military exploits, they can get fiefs, and then they will be at ease for a lifetime. This is also true for descendants.

"Shoo!" With a sound, an arrow shot at the head of the group tens of meters away, and the head of the head was penetrated on the spot.

"Kill, brothers, these **** are here to play with our sisters and drink good wine. We eat meat, but we are desperately outside, and everyone will catch these guys. Otherwise, our family will suffer." Then someone else Shouted.

"Kill." Hundreds of people rushed over immediately. The soldiers were all impulsive, all **** men, and the nobles were killed. Even sitting would kill everyone.

After a fight, seven or eight nobles died, and the rest were drunks.

"Captain, we simply reversed. Now the rest of our regiment has to reverse it, but we have six regiments here. Let's take advantage of the chaos to arrest the nobles of the other six regiments, and then we will unite the fighters of the other six regiments. , Counterattack and go back. If our family suffers, let's take these nobles." After the fight, hundreds of people looked pale. This killing of the nobles is a crime of extermination.

"Kill." When the team leaders put it together, do it.

So a drunkard's words, coupled with a cold arrow, led to the biggest rebellion of the tribal army. In the evening, more than 50,000 soldiers in the six regiments knew that their superiors had been killed, although they wanted to kill the officers, But it has to be reversed, because the tribe’s military regulations are that if the chief officer dies, the soldiers below must at least become slaves. If rebellion is involved, then the entire regiment will die. This is actually a rule for the tribe’s nobles to ensure their safety, but Now, it has become the biggest reason for having to oppose.

And some people were dissatisfied, Lao Tzu did not kill anyone, why should I kill me, so this group of people did not dare to go back, some of the more famous warriors in the battle, after a discussion, more than 50,000 people went to the front. The officer’s living area rushed over and killed anyone at sight. .

When the subordinates of these killed noble chief officials came, all they saw were the corpses. There was no need to coerce and lure them. Seeing the chief officials were killed, more soldiers had collapsed, not counting their own deaths, as well as their own family members. To accompany the funeral, and now the only way out is to reverse it, kill him and save his family.

As a result, a huge riot spread to the entire front. In just three days, hundreds of regiments and millions of people were involved, and tens of thousands of noble officers were killed.

After the nobles were killed, the rebels captured several logistics bases one after another. When all the soldiers saw the wine, dried meat, and salt in the logistics base, they were angry. The dried meat was rotten and they were not given to themselves. After some interrogation, it was discovered that the dried meat was originally sent by various tribes to various tribal fighters from the rear, but they were intercepted by these noble officers.

More fighters are jealous. You must know that fighters are the main labor force of various tribal families. After they left, the family was already very difficult. They also frugally brought themselves dried meat, but they were all intercepted by the nobles.

So the grievance conference and the trial conference continued to fight in various places. Under the leadership of a few of the most prestigious fighters, millions of rebels swept through most of the front lines, eventually reaching more than six million fighters. These six million fighters were divided into More than a dozen teams returned to the tribe one after another.

"Kill the nobles, divide the territory." I don't know when it started, a slogan spread among the rebels.

"Kill the nobles and divide the food." Then this slogan was called out again.

And the controller behind all of this, after seeing the information passed back, Delaisi shed cold sweat.

"My lord..." Delaisi faced Cook, not daring to look at Cook at all.

"How about ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Are you okay with the tribe?" Cook asked with a smile.

"No, my lord, how did you know that the tribe would be in chaos?" Delaixi didn't understand. Just after the establishment of the Three Principality, the Demacia family sent hundreds of elites to the tribe, according to Cook In Delaisi's opinion, the instructions of the elders are not just walking some news.

"Hehe, the system of the tribe should have been messed up long ago. This is a follow-up plan. The Demacia family wants to hide behind the scenes. You know, I read the news. These people must die." Cook pointed out. Refers to a few names.

"But these people are leaders?" Delaisi asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, because he is the leader, he is going to die. The descendants of these people have no prestige. If you find someone to support the descendants of these people, I don't need to say what to do later, but the nobleman must die. , When necessary. The Three Principalities can come forward to support." Cook said with a smile.

Hearing this, Delaisi shuddered involuntarily, but Cook was also quite irritable. Because there are several materials required by the airport, only the Star Boundary Grand Canyon has it, so Cook had to intervene in the tribal affairs. It seems that he is quite satisfied. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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