A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1106: Shock

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Delaixi listened carefully to Cook's words. Cook taught Delaixi how to use related things while pointing. In the control center, in front of several huge projections, Cook introduced one by one.

"This is the fleet of Prince Desai of the Wizarding Empire, but this is a poor ghost. The mining transport spacecraft is sold to them. They collect energy stones to trade with us, but they are not allowed to enter the airport now. All you have to do is Manage the airport according to your authority. For example, if this place is hit by cosmic dust and needs repair, then you can issue a repair order. In addition, the repair requires materials. The materials are stored here. What type of materials are needed? There is a mark, remember not to make a mistake, and the other is to monitor the wizarding empire fleet. If there is any wrongdoing, just call me." Cook said.

"Yes, yes, master, is this the size of the fleet?" Delaisi pointed to a projection on which there were five battleships of the Desai Prince's fleet, as well as dense data.

"Don't look too big, it's all waste. The supplies are used up. This is being beaten and ran to our side. There is also a wizarding alliance. If the wizarding alliance fleet comes, it is not allowed to approach." Cook He opened his mouth and ordered.

"Yes, yes." Delaixi nodded quickly.

Delaixi watched Cook leave. Cook’s mystery and Cook’s power stimulated Delaixi’s nerves time and time again, defeating the live-action Presbyterian Church, establishing the Three Duchy, building a suspended fortress, building a spaceship, and now there is another one. The airport, and obviously, Delaisi can feel that these are not Cook’s main things, but only occasionally. So what is Cook’s main thing, and for the huge fleet of princes of a certain empire, it is actually the same. He looks disdainful, what's the problem, what's the huge problem?

Delaisi couldn't figure it out.

Delaisi can’t figure it out, but it does not prevent Delaisi from wandering around in the airport, but just like a dock or something, Delaixi has no permission to enter. Delaisi’s permissions are small and poor, but only such small and poor permissions. , Just shocked Delaisi.

Of course, depending on the situation on the ground, it is also what Delaixi and others are willing to do.

On the side of Prince Desai, after Prince Desai came back with the mining spacecraft, Peny and the others had known for a long time. Seeing the huge mining spacecraft, Peny and Campa were quite shocked. Even in the Wizarding Empire, they ordered It takes more than ten years for a smallest spacecraft. How long is that? Of course, these people don't even know that Cook was designed and it took so long to build together, otherwise they would be even more surprised.

"The performance of the battleship surpassed our battleship!" Penney had a professional operation team. After some control, Penney and others looked at the evaluation after the control.

"Yes, the super power can be up to three times, and we tested the accuracy of the energy transmission route, which is more than ten times our accuracy." The constructor in charge of the control said.

The three of them looked at each other, and Campa looked over from the probe: "The command response speed is 0.0003, the command execution speed is 0.00015, the orbit change time is 0.2, and the energy absorption and consumption ratio is 0.7. How is this possible? Doesn't it mean that as long as it is maintained in a cruise state, Doesn't consume energy at all, but can still store energy?"

"Yes, the defensive shell of this spacecraft uses a two-body three-body design, that is, each defensive armor is a triangle. When cruising, the defensive armor facing the front is the energy absorption. The overall energy-absorbing surface area of ​​the device has reached more than twice the overall area. In addition, general armor is used directly in the general state of war. There is also a triangle face that uses energy armor. This is the first time we have seen this dual armor mode, and Double-body triangle shooting. Once the two armors are destroyed, the armor can be directly discarded, and then a new armor will be filled, but as a mining spacecraft, this is a bit wasteful.” The test constructor also said excitedly. , Because on this battleship, there are many novel designs.

"Then the ten-point angle of the change?" Penney asked.

"No, an angle, that is, a ninety-degree change of track, it just takes one second." The constructer said.

The constructor said, "The design of this spacecraft is very good. It is almost unheard of. In the center of this warship, there is a huge shaft. When it needs to change its orbit, the two wings of the entire spacecraft use energy boosting directly. The shaft changes orbit. As for the specific details, unless we remove it, it is impossible to know."

"Tsk tsk, whoever said this is a remote place, there are ninth-tier construction wizards in the remote place, and there is also a ground base for building large mining transport ships!" After hearing this, Campa immediately roared.

In fact, the senior leaders of the Wizarding Empire Wizard League knew about this star field, but because it was very barren, that is to say, there was no benefit. One round trip was just a delay, and even the lowest spaceship wastage could not be returned. Who wants to come.

If you can build a mining transport spacecraft, then what does it mean is that you can build a battleship.

"Furthermore, according to our measurement, the construction time of this spaceship is within three years." The construct wizard responsible for the test continued.

"Retreat, the entire battleship retreats." The sweat in Penney's palm fell. He originally thought it was an abandoned airport. There were people in the airport. He thought it was some inferior guy. He didn't expect a powerful construction wizard to appear. No, a spaceship will be built within three years, let alone anything else, this manufacturing ability is basically not reachable in the Wizarding Empire. If this were the case, the Wizarding Alliance would have been destroyed many times.

The ability to build spaceships is a measure of strength. Even if there is only one planet here, and the wizarding empire has thousands of habitable planets under its jurisdiction, the wizarding empire only has one spaceship a year on average, which is still a total. The output is civilian and military together, and it is foreseeable. Once the Wizarding Empire conflicts with each other, will it send all the fleets over at once, then what does the Wizarding Alliance do?

Okay, let's say we send two fleets of 20 warships. What is the production capacity of the other side and how many warships does the other side have?

"General, general." The entire fleet retreated, and the three of them were returning to the flagship to digest this time, but the captain of another flagship ran over, looking mysterious.

"Say." Penney said immediately.

"General, it's better for you to see it by yourself." The captain wanted to report in private, knowing that Penney actually said that. If you didn't say it, Prince Desai, the Royal Wizard of Campa, that was offended by himself. Started.

"General, look here." After reaching the control center, the captain pointed to a projection.

"This?" General Penney took a look, isn't it the data of the six warships.

"No, why is the data of this transport ship different?" Penney asked immediately.

"This is also where I am puzzled. Under our detection, this battleship disappeared for a while and appeared for a while, and the detection area was also changed." The captain asked suspiciously.

"Pioneering, Pioneering, listen and turn on the energy absorption system." Penney said immediately after thinking about it.

"Yes." The Pioneer is the name of the transport spacecraft for Cook's components.

"Disappeared, disappeared, mentor, disappeared." Prince Desai was not a sack, he saw the spaceship on the probe projection disappeared, of course everyone knows that this is impossible, such a big guy.

"Turn on general defense." Penney flushed and continued to give orders.

"The detection area is shrinking. At this distance, the detection area is even smaller in millions of kilometers." The captain looked at the data and said.

"Enable the energy defense mode." As soon as the energy defense mode is turned on, the entire development number is displayed.

"Fuck!" Penney flew to the pioneer with excitement.

After being busy for several days, Penney and others discovered that the entire Pioneer has used a special coating. In the millions of kilometers, cruising state, that is, the spacecraft cannot be detected. And once the energy absorption system is turned on, there is no more. Of course, when the active detection device is turned on, then you can see a vacancy because the detected energy is absorbed.

"General, let's mine, otherwise we won't be able to go back." This pioneer is now controlled by Penney, and General Penney sprayed it on the spot. Such advanced things are you using for mining?

Facing Prince Desai’s statement, General Penney said: "His Royal Highness, I do not belong to you. I belong to the Imperial Army. This spaceship is extremely important to the Empire."

"You, well, what shall we do now, are we just waiting like this?" Prince Desai asked.

"Manual digging, our fleet, with tens of thousands of people, are all going to mine." General Penney answered naturally ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You, General Penney, don't make a fool of... "Campa also said.

"Kampa Wizard. Don’t mess with it. You quickly go back and study. You look at the spacecraft designed and constructed by others, and then you look at your gang of trash. Our empire must have talents like great masters. Squeeze it?" Penney was very angry and sprayed directly at Campa.

When Campa heard this, he flicked his sleeves and left. Prince Desai looked at Penney and had a headache: "General, or let's find the power stone and take it out to build a battleship for you. I think since the mining spacecraft constructed by the Grand Master is so powerful, what about the battleship?"

"Who is the battleship?" Penney asked directly.

"Military department, military department, I said General Penney, what do you want to think. Speak earlier, as for offending Teacher Campa?" Prince Desai took a look and found that this Nima is all routine.

"His Royal Highness, you speak, I speak differently, and it is the waste of Campa, I really look down on it, Your Royal Highness, don't you think that the wizards you raised are waste?" Penny shook his head and asked. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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