A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1107: Inquire (Part 1)

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General Penney of the Desai Prince Fleet took the mining spacecraft and two warships that were not badly damaged, and began to go to the detected energy stone mining star.

Energy stone mineral stars, even in the wizarding empire, are also very important mineral stars, but there are a lot of such mineral stars in the star field, after all, there are countless planets in the star field.

When Campa saw that General Penney was gone, he said to the prince: "His Royal Highness, let's go and see the great master now."

"Teacher, this is not so good, the other party will not see us at all." Prince Desai is a little afraid of Cook, after all, Cook's strength is very terrifying.

"Then we will go to the planet from the other side of the plane and log on to this planet." Campa said.

Prince Desai was taken aback, wouldn't this offend the powerful master?

Although the airport can only take care of the mission of guarding the satellite ball, the planet is too huge, and the airport is only a quarter of it. Campa has calculated it long ago. It must be bypassed from the other side of the planet. Log on to the planet.

"Teacher, I'm afraid I will offend that great master like this?" Prince Desai is already very dissatisfied with Campa. The wizard mentor is just a mentor, but Campa seems to have no self-knowledge. Par speaks.

Campa sneered and said, "His Royal Highness, what exactly is that wizard now? Who knows that having a Tier 9 Constructed Wizard Book is a Tier 9 Constructed Wizard. Maybe it's just someone's disciple."

"Tutor, I'm afraid a disciple can't bring out a spaceship to us, so I still owe it." Prince Desai was speechless about this Campa, this is a high-level wizard, what kind of brains, such a spaceship Value can be traded by a single disciple?

Campa was more seriously irritated by Penny’s wasteful sentence. He looked at Prince Desai and asked: "His Royal Highness, the opportunity is right in front of you. This is also your opportunity to approach that great master."

"I'll think about it." Prince Desai saw Campa a little nervously, so he hesitated and said.

"Then think about it as soon as possible." Campa drank without angrily.

Prince Desai got out of Campa’s room, feeling that his vest was wet, and Prince Desai immediately contacted General Penney.

After the Prince Desai of Penic had contacted, he took a breath of air and cursed at Campa’s words: "This rubbish, you actually want to land for battle. Just how many Tier 9 wizards in our fleet, how many Tier 9 wizards, and how many on the entire planet. Your Royal Highness. Don't be impulsive. If this arouses hostility from the other side, it will be a disaster for the empire."

"General, I understand. I just thought, is there any way to imprison this Campa." Prince Desai said after listening.

"Huh? Is it so serious?" General Penney was shocked. He was only trying to talk bad about Campa. In fact, in the Wizarding Empire, wizards, ordinary people, and the royal family, they are all relatively large forces, and ordinary people The representative is the military department. After all, soldiers use wizards and no one can afford them. Commanders, then, basically start from the grassroots and have command talent.

And why there is a contradiction between the wizarding organization and the military headquarters, it is not for profit, because these two forces enjoy the imperial financial appropriation, and the imperial financial control is in the hands of the imperial family.

The two powers wanted to take money out of the royal family's pockets, and they didn't like each other, but the money in the hands of the royal family couldn't just supply these two powers, so over time, there was a big contradiction.

"That's simple. It directly blocked the area where Campa lived and opened the internal defense system." General Peni said.

"Then General, carry out the order." Prince Desai also knew that this order could not be said to be issued by Peny, so he said formally.

"Yes." Penney obeyed Prince Desai’s orders this time. Campa was imprisoned before he knew it. The spacecraft’s internal defense is to prevent certain unknown creatures and unknown enemies from entering the spacecraft. There are too many weird creatures in the star field.

In fact, Prince Desai still has a city mansion. He did not directly reject Campa at that time. At that time, there was a huge disparity in strength. Who knows if Campa, a neurotic guy, would act excessively?

However, Campa’s proposal also gave Prince Desai an idea, so he asked the captain of the flagship, "Captain, can we investigate the defenses on the surface of this planet?"

"Small detectors can be launched, but this is a one-time use and cannot be recovered due to gravity." The captain replied.

"Then how many do we have?" Prince Desai asked.

"Not much, we left a lot when we left, and we are too far away from the planet, so it is estimated that not a lot of information is returned, and it may offend the other party." The captain said.

"So can the other party not find it?" Prince Desai asked.

The captain looked at Prince Desai like a fool, and then said: "You can build such a powerful mining spacecraft, what do you think the prince?"

Prince Desai was told by this captain and had to give up, but Prince Desai thought of another one, so he found his own subordinate.

"From today, you will contact the airport, as long as someone answers, you just keep talking, you know?" Prince Desai decided to try this method.

So Prince Desai’s subordinates discussed it, and the prince’s staff were of course smarter.

So Delaisi was harassed in turn. Prince Desai's subordinates first introduced the situation of the entire wizarding empire, nothing more than saying that the wizarding empire is extremely powerful.

Delaisi didn't care at first, but the more these guys said it seemed that the Wizarding Empire was invincible.

"You idiots, brag about how powerful the Wizarding Empire is all day long. Why didn't you destroy the Wizarding Alliance? If you quarrel again, we will use force." Delaisi's impression of the Wizarding Empire is also very powerful, but Didn’t Cook say that, this is a bunch of waste, the battleship has no supplies, it’s damaged, and it’s a fart.

"Sir, we finally waited for you to speak, sir, we need supplies..." These staff members exclaimed in excitement, listening to the voice, this is not the great master.

"Shut up, the Grand Master said, you are not allowed to approach the airport." Delaixi shouted angrily.

"Yes, yes, sir, where did Grand Master go?" The staff were not angry, and continued to ask.

"How do I know." Delaisi is not a fool, and immediately asked.

These staff members rolled their eyes and asked, "Then have you seen a floating security fortress?"

"You idiots came from asking about the information. The floating warning fortress. I don’t know if you are talking about large, medium, or small ones. I don’t have a supply of large ones, but the medium-sized ones are in our auction house. Three of them arrived just now and are being auctioned." Delaisi understood at once that these guys didn't know whether they were alive or dead, so they asked for news.

Prince Desai also came. He was shocked when he heard this. The floating warning fortress was not allowed to be bought and sold in the Empire. Even if the Empire wanted to buy it, he had to buy it from the wizards. The price is too expensive. Ask people.

"Tsk tusk, you want to log on to the planet directly, go, go, we not only have a suspended security fortress, but also the main gun of the battleship, yes, it is the main gun of your battleship, see how many landing ships you have brought us Fight." What Delaisi said is true, but the specific Delaixi will not say it. Of course, Delaixi is vigilant, and when Cook comes, he must tell Cook.

"The battleship's main gun!" Everyone was stunned. The power of the battleship's main gun was so great that Prince Desai was sweating. No wonder this airport is lonely. You must know that when you log in to fight, you enter the planet. In the atmosphere, it is impossible to control at all. Any aircraft that enters is a living target.

"Of course, there are also secondary artillery, all of which are automatic identification, automatic defense, automatic attack, no human manipulation at all." Delaixi said with a smile.

"Then how about the manufacturing capacity of your floating warning fortress, and we also want to buy some?" Prince Desai asked himself.

"Manufacturing ability, you mean construction ability. I know that Grand Master can build three medium-sized suspension guard fortresses in about a month. As for other Grand Masters, I don't know. I just serve this Grand Master. "Delaisi said.

"There are other Tier 9 powerhouses?" Prince Desai continued to ask.

"A ninth-level strong is also considered a great master, what is a ninth-level strong? When a ninth-level strong sees our great master, he still has to flatter him." What Delaixi said is true, of course in the prehistoric world. The rank powerhouse does not have a rank nine wizard book.

"You have a lot of Tier Nine powerhouses?" Prince Desai was depressed.

"All I know is more than a hundred ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Delaisi's words are also true.

Prince Desai was shocked. In the entire wizarding empire, there are as many stars as Tier Nine powerhouses, but only a few hundred. For Tier Nine powerhouses, it is not uncommon to cross the stars and kill a fleet single-handedly, let alone. How much destructive power these ninth-tier powerhouses will cause on the ground.

"You are finished asking, should I ask you?" Delaixi asked with a sneer.

Prince Desai dared not to ask, so he replied: "You ask?"

"What is the highest rank of wizard in your fleet?" Delaisi asked.

"Tier seven," Prince Desai replied.

"Tier 7? So weak?" Delaisi originally thought it was at least Tier 9, but he didn't know that he was the same as himself. To be honest, Delaixi has been with Cook for a long time and feels that he is too weak. In front of Cook, wisdom is not comparable. , The strength is incomparable, what is it not weak.

Prince Desai and the others looked at each other and were silent. Delaisi continued to ask: "Which position is your prince?" For mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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