A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1114: Cooperation (4)

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"His Royal Highness, the control center of this spacecraft is an escape spacecraft. Because the spacecraft uses many automatic control systems, there are not many people in the entire spacecraft. Once it encounters a devastating blow, the escape spacecraft will leave directly. This escape spacecraft is the most The powerful point is the space jump, which is to use extremely high speed to break through the space to escape." As soon as this person said the words, Prince Desai's mouth grew wide.

After a while, the Prince Desai asked: "Isn't space jumping unique for first-class warships, and space jumping is extremely dangerous?"

"His Royal Highness, you are wrong." At this time, Cook appeared.


"Sir." Delaisi has not spoken, because Prince Desai asked his subordinates. If Delaisi answered, would he consider himself to be the prince's subordinate?

"Space jumping is actually not very difficult. When the speed exceeds the speed of light, it will break through the space, and the larger the space jump, the higher the difficulty. The space jump of this warship is not exactly the speed breaking through the space. Yes, but energy breaks through the space. In front of the escape spacecraft, there is a powerful energy generating device that can break through the space. The reason why the escape spacecraft is fast is because the energy fluctuations will interfere with the space jump to leave the battlefield. "Cook said.

Prince Desai asked: "Then why is our empire only first-class warships that can make space jumps?"

"I don't know about this, Your Royal Highness, you can use this warship to get used to it first. I will delay for a while. I will leave without any problem." If he didn't rest, Cook would have left.

Prince Desai asked: "Master, what if something goes wrong?"

"Unless you drive the spacecraft to hit the asteroid, of course this is impossible, because the spacecraft has an automatic avoidance system." Cook said jokingly.

Cook left, and disappeared under the eyelids of Prince Desai and others.

"Space Teleport!" Prince Desai exclaimed.

"His Royal Highness, the ninth-tier constructed wizard with space teleportation, the ninth-tier constructed wizard who can complete the spaceship alone, and the constructed wizard comparable to the first-class battleship." A subordinate of Prince Desai reminded in a low voice.

"Captain Delaisi, I don't know what hobbies this master has?" Prince Desai took a deep breath, then asked Delaixi with a smile.

I haven't returned to the God Realm for half a year, and nothing big has happened here. In fact, for a God-level powerhouse who uses ten thousand years as a unit to measure his life, half a year is just a blink of an eye.

In the Mageweave Association, Cook felt that he hadn’t taught these magicweave masters for a long time. Although Cook gave me memory crystals, he decided to check it out. This time he built the spacecraft. More ideas.

But Cook has not made up his mind to build the spaceship. How can I say that the long-distance movement method on the side of God Realm is space transmission, but on the side of the prehistoric world, the huge fleet of the Wizarding Empire and Wizarding Alliance knows that long-distance movement is used. What way of it.

As for the specific reasons, Cook still does not understand.

To be honest, although Cook has reached the ninth-level construction wizard, it is Cook's trick. This is the bug in the wizard book. Cook's height disadvantage has an unparalleled advantage in the construction of core components. In addition, It is to build spaceships. Many mechanical puppets were removed from the airport by Cook.

Then Cook came out of his own copycat, but Cook's current level is indeed a ninth-tier constructed wizard, because this ninth-tier constructed wizard is knowledge and practical ability, and Cook has all of them.

As for Cook's wizard level, it was only Tier 3.


"President." Cook came to the Mageweave Association, and the staff inside the Mageweave Association greeted Cook.

Cook nodded all the way, and Cook looked at this Mageweave Association, there were some old faces, and he felt that time had not passed for long.

Without blindly looking for someone to ask anything, Cook checked the recent plans and arrangements of the magicweave masters of the Mageweave Association, and found that they were all full. The magicweave association orders for artifacts and some magicweave appliances. There are also many orders.

So Cook combined the wizard model with the magic pattern and formed several new magic patterns. Cook directly memorized them with memory crystals and then threw them in the exchange warehouse.

The exchange warehouse of the Mageweave Association is the most valuable thing in the entire Mageweave Guild. The most valuable thing here is the knowledge of various magicweaves that Cook has produced.

The Mageweave Association used the same thing as the system, and left after dropping the memory crystal.

In fact, Cook didn’t even know that when he showed up, almost all the Mageweave Masters in the entire Mageweave Association put aside the things in their hands for the first time, even if they were refining artifacts for others. Cook’s departure made these Mageweave Masters. Very lost.

But when he learned that a new batch of memory crystals had been placed in the exchange shop by Cook, the exchange shop was suddenly crowded.

Subsequently, the Pharmacy Association, here Cook has not integrated alchemy and pharmacy, so there is nothing to teach, and the Pharmacy Association has also become formal, and various new medicaments are constantly being developed. Of course, the development of these medicaments A large number of animal-raising orcs were born, and countless different kinds of creatures were sent to the Pharmacy Association, all of which were used for drug testing.

The Medical Association, when a god-level powerhouse learns surgery, when treatment is combined with surgery, the whole process is simply too simple. The powerful mental power can distinguish extremely small diseased tissues, and precise surgery can cut off the diseased part. The treatment can control the amount of bleeding to a minimum. As for the hospitalization, please, as long as the operation is completed, a few treatments, or the injection of the water of life blending, the patient gets up and is discharged.

Of course, the medical association is aimed at a large number of ordinary people. Most of the medical treatments that these ordinary people enjoy are also free, but there are people who pay for it, dwarves, and dwarfs are all paid for by the entire race. Appropriations from the Council of God.

As for why so many god-level powerhouses are willing to study medicine and treat ordinary people, because the Medical Association, the Mageweave Association, and the Pharmacy Association are a big point system, which means that the points obtained by these god-level powerhouses from the Medical Association can be Used in the Pharmacy Association and Mageweave Association.

Otherwise, who wants to come to the medical association to treat ordinary people.

There is nothing to worry about here in the God Realm, and Cook has come to the big world again.

"The Bull Demon also has a meeting?" Cook was a little surprised when he heard the news from the Great Sage.

"Haha, yes, it is said that the Bull Demon King will unite with the Peacock King and the Phoenix to form an alliance." The Great Saint laughed.

Of course, Cook understands the meaning of Dashengxiao, King Peacock, Phoenix, these people will subdue to others? Give me a break. This is also the Great Sage convening the Flat Peach Conference, and Cook does not invite these powerful inherited monster races.

If these monster races came to the Pan Peach Conference, it would not be as simple as this time, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble.

"Is this bull devil stupid? These monster races are so easy to surrender." Cook thought of this and said.

"You are still shrewd, but this time the Bull Demon King holds a conference, and the chance of success is very high. After all, we have a flat peach conference here. We did not invite the Peacock Ming King, the Phoenix, the Xuanwu, and the Dragon King. These guys must be dissatisfied." Said.

Cook said with a smile, "Master, if they can be established, that's the best."

"Why?" The Great Sage didn't understand.

"There is no harm if there is no comparison. Let's not talk about the opportunity to eat flat peaches once in fifty years. They are the fairy wine, fairy dates, and ginseng fruit that can be exchanged at ordinary times. Even if the cow devil can take out these things, how many And who is more embarrassed by our treatment here compared to theirs?" Cook said with a smile.

"That's right, how many fairy bananas does the Bull Demon King have? Just say that those monster races have good things, will they take them out for nothing?" When the Great Sage heard Cook say this, he immediately reacted.

"Yes, and the position of the leader is not so good. No matter who becomes the leader, the dragon king, the bull demon king, and the demon races such as the Phoenix, the Peacock King, and the Xuanwu, the demon king will listen to the leader. There may still be trouble, but here, Master, you have brought out so many good things, everyone has no idea, and the alliance they formed, I can't think of how they can maintain the development of this alliance." Cook continued to analyze.

The Great Sage nodded: "These Demon Kings are all thorns, and they are not fuel-efficient lamps in the Heavenly Court period. I am afraid that no one will accept each other."

"Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~Master, this time the other party is holding a conference, let’s not make trouble, let them build up smoothly, and let’s watch a joke at that time." Cook was afraid that there would be any movement from the Great Sage at this time. An organization with obvious internal instability should not have external force applied at all. Once there is external force, internal contradictions will be reduced, thereby resisting external pressure, but once there is no external pressure, then this internal contradiction will swell up. The result is only to be seen.

"I won't go, but when will you come to the Great World?" The Great Sage has paid more and more attention to the lucky star of Cook, and the Great Sage has gained a lot after this thunderstorm.

"I can't come for the time being, there are still a lot of things in the wild world." Cook said, shaking his head.

It’s not that Cook doesn’t want to come to the big world, but now that Cook comes to the big world, he can only rely on the great sage, and what the great sage is is belongs to the monster race. A human being finds a monster race as a backer, how can he feel that he doesn’t rely on it. If the Great Sage leaves, then Cook's days can be imagined.

"Whatever you do, but I won't leave in a short time. Should you relax on the Bafang Mountain? Dozens of super sects of humans have formed a coalition army. They have already entered the territory of the Demon Sect and are fighting insects. The banner of the magic door." The Great Sage asked. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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