A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1115: Inheritance space

Cook refined some fairy wine for the Great Sage, then refined some of it himself and put it in the wine gourd, and then returned to the gods.

"Speaker Cook, it's so hard for us to find you." After seeing Cook, the disciples of the big world began to cry.

Cook looked at the people and said lightly: "I thought for a long time and decided to withdraw the Bafangshan auction house. It is too dangerous. Our own strength is very weak. If we are moral, I will not be afraid, but some people There are guards in the face, but robbers in the dark."

"Speaker Cook..." someone said while Cook paused.

"You are so chilling. I can't use the auctioned spirit stones. So for safety, I have to withdraw to the Bafangshan auction house. Everyone will go back and tell the head of the house." Cook looked determined. , Left after speaking.

After hearing Cook's statement, the disciples of the big world sects jumped up one by one, and then hurriedly reported back to the big world.

Then Cook asked the current guards of Bafang Mountain in the Great World to open the passage, and then brought Silver Fox and others back.

"You really don't want Bafangshan's auction house?" Silver Fox asked, lying in Cook's arms.


Cook slapped the silver fox's hips: "I still think so much now. Let me rest for a year before talking."

"But..." Silver Fox has ten strong women. Silver Fox also knows that Cook's other women have been apprehended by the Great Saint, but what status is he, and how can he gain a foothold in the big world without relying on himself to fight hard?

And those who have seen the big world, Silver Fox has no more nostalgia for the small world.

The magic weapons of the big world, the exercises, the flying sword, the longevity, and the appearance that never ages are all silver fox has never thought of.

"Don't worry, the auction house will continue, but it has to put a little pressure on those schools in the big world. Something happened at the auction house this time. Look at those super schools, self-examination, and there is no ghost, the magic door can come in? Moreover, we used to give those ten super schools a little bit closer, and other schools already have opinions. We just took this opportunity to distance ourselves from these dozen super schools. Don't let us do business; whoever favors it is just that there is no way at the beginning. "Cook said.

Silver Fox heard Cook's analysis and suddenly understood: "So this time is a good thing?"

"It can be said that these dozens of super schools have a very good relationship with us and are not conducive to the development of the auction house, and they happen to have a relationship with the Yaozu right now. This will be very helpful to the auction house in the future." Cook continued Said.

After listening to Cook's words, Silver Fox sighed, "I didn't expect such a good thing to happen."

"So we are not in a hurry, but the other schools in the big world must be anxious, they will force the dozen super schools, and wait until these dozen super schools have confessed to us, we will reopen the Bafangshan auction house." Cook kissed. Silver Fox said.

"Cook, what do you think in your mind, I have been worried for a while." Silver Fox looked at Cook and asked.

"Haha, in fact, one thing can be seen from all aspects, not necessarily a bad thing." Cook laughed.

Silver Fox leaned his head on Cook's chest and sighed and said, "Cook, what do you say to me in the future?"

"When this matter is over, I will take you to see Master." Cook patted the silver fox, of course he knew what silver fox thought.

When Silver Fox heard this, he immediately asked excitedly: "Really?"

"Of course it is true. Actually, the master is going to teach you the exercises, but you are in Bafang Mountain, it is not convenient to practice. The eyes of the old guys in the big world are very poisonous." Cook said.

"Cook..." The Silver Fox was moved when he heard that Cook had planned for himself.

When Cook and Silver Fox were in the middle of my life, the big world school was in chaos.

The closure of Bafangshan Auction House is not so urgent, but everyone in Bafangshan is gone, empty, who can bear it. Now Bafangshan has thousands of representatives of sects stationed here all year round, for what reason , Not just for the good things of Bafangshan Auction House.

"You all must give an explanation."

"That is, if you can't get your own benefits, you will not speak."

"Collaborating with the magic door is really a super school."

"Yes, there is also the Qingcheng Sword Sect. I wonder what good things these dozen super sects have robbed in Bafang Mountain this time?"

"How do you say it, why did we steal the good stuff?"

"Isn't it, you guys have plucked their hair with wild geese, won't they be given to you after this demon door robbery?"

"That is, maybe it is the spy that the Demon Sect has planted on our side."


Most sects are very dissatisfied, so they have what they say, the more the news spreads, the less the same thing.

Of course, more than a dozen super schools don't care about these rumors, but the pressure on other schools is increasing.

The Xianzao and Pantao of Bafangshan Auction House, no matter where they come from, are helpful to the ancestors of various schools.

These old guys have not made progress in their cultivation base for countless years. It can be said that they are waiting to die, but now that they have eaten flat peaches, their cultivation base is a little loose. This trace of fairy power is indeed very impressive, now it is gone?

Completely gone?

Are these old guys satisfied?

This is abruptly cutting off other people's lives. One must know that if there is no breakthrough in the cultivation base, the lifespan will not increase.

"Dear fellow Taoists, I can vouch for Quan Zhenzi..." Quan Zhenzi, the ancestor of Quanzhen Sect, faced dozens of old monsters of the same age, and his voice was inexplicably lower.

"Quan Zhenzi, anyway, this incident is something you do under a dozen guys. If I can't make a breakthrough, I won't make you feel better when I fall. If you want to break our life, we will destroy it first. You guys." An old monster said softly.

"Quack, that is, a dozen of you can't get rid of the relationship this time. My cultivation level just loosened, and something like this happened. If there is no tricky, who believes it?"

Quan Zhenzi and the others are feeling bad.

"Don't look at us, this time it was revealed by a disciple of the Quanzhen School." The ancestor of the Qingcheng Sword Sect said immediately, knowing that if these old guys go crazy, then the sect can keep the ghosts.

"I'll deal with it right away." Quan Mako originally wanted to save his face, but seeing this posture was only embarrassing.

Soon Quanzhen Sect announced the result of the Bafang Mountain incident, and a certain family involved was directly disappeared, and that's not the case, the Bafang Mountain incident still fell on the Quanzhen faction.

But Cook avoids seeing people in the small world, and can't see people at all. Other schools in the big world continue to put pressure on the Quanzhen School.

When there was noisy inside the big world, the Demon Sect suffered. The head of the Insect Demon Sect, the elders, and the Insect Demon ancestors were directly stopped by the Six Demon Kings of the Demon Race. Directly blasted by the Canopy King and Tiger King, the entire Insect Demon Sect disciples were killed by 90%.

One hundred thousand demon soldiers and demon generals raided the insect demon gate once more, and even some small demon gates were completely wiped out.

In the eyes of some monster races, the advantage of the insect demon gate is just a joke.

The Demon Gate lost such a big face, it is impossible to find the Demon Race's revenge. Then the sect coalition forces on the human side will be sent to the door. The Demon Gate has formed a coalition army, but the coalition forces have not acted yet, they have been killed. Ten human ancestors of various martial sects were massacred. Hundreds of Demon Sect elders were directly destroyed, and tens of thousands of Demon Sect disciples were killed.

The demon man was frightened and returned to the depths of the demon door.

After a fight, the Yaozu completed the reward of Bafang Mountain. At this time, the silver fox appeared, and Cook also appeared.

As for Silver Fox's communication with the Great World School, there is no need for Cook to worry about it. In this regard, Silver Fox's methods are stronger than Cook.

The demon coalition army won a huge victory, and the great sage sent out the promised things like flowing water. Of course, the silver fox also used an excuse to thank the demon coalition army and went to the demon race as a guest.

As for Cook, when he came to the wild world, he couldn't help it. Now Cook only feels comfortable in the wild world.

"It seems that the small world is more repulsive to me." Cook thought to himself.

What Cook is doing is, of course, constructing a spaceship. According to Prince Desai and Delaisi’s plan, the Primordial World needs at least two fleets to resist external attacks. This is because the Primordial World is relatively remote. The Wizard Empire and The impossibility of the Wizarding Alliance to be remote.

Two fleets require at least ten warships. As for the size of the warships, Prince Desai certainly hopes to have advanced warships.

However, the term high-level battleship is a classification of the Wizarding Empire and the Wizarding Alliance, and Cook's inheritance is different from these.

But Cook did not intend to build too advanced warships. The more advanced the warships, the more systems and the more trouble.

The establishment of the fleet by Cook does not mean that it is better to collect the natural treasures, this is what Cook needs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is ten warships, Cook needs to do coolies for a long time, and Penney It will take half a year for the mining spacecraft led by the general to reach the energy mine.

As Cook continues to build various components of the spacecraft, Cook's experience in the construction becomes more and more obvious. ,

"Inheritance space?" Cook was more confused when he received the prompt again.

Inheritance space is just a space coordinate. This space coordinate is not in the primordial world, but in the starry sky, but according to Cook's detection, this is a blank space.

Cook is even more puzzled.

"It seems to be going once." Cook made a decision in his heart, so Cook drove the expedition spacecraft in the airport to this point not far away.

"Small space node?" When Cook came to this place, he felt the familiar spatial fluctuations, and Cook was shocked, but this small node was somewhat different.

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