A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1137: Yanshou Dan

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Cook took out a huge poison, which was refined by the wizard of the Primordial World. It was more than one meter in diameter. It was already very large in the eyes of the small world, but on the side of the wizard, it was just very small particles. .

"Hehe." Cook dissolved the poison in the water, and then filled the poison with the five-element beads. He was equipped with tens of thousands of catties of water, and five pills were used.

"When it's dangerous, tens of thousands of catties of venom are spilled, even in the face of a group of people, there is room for self-protection." Cook carefully collected the five-element beads, which can also be said to be a treasure of heaven and earth.

However, in comparison, the effect of the water-based five-element bead is much smaller, and if it is in other types, it is very powerful.

When Cook was about to check other things, the silver fox came over. This is the purpose of the vellus hair given by the Great Sage. The Great Monkey, the Two Monkeys, the Great Sage can contact Cook at any time.

"So fast?" Cook came to the big world, only to know that these alchemists had already matched the alchemy.

"Pill for Life Extension!" When Cook saw the name, he felt that it was not an ordinary pill. Sure enough, the elixir used on it was extremely rare.

Wannian ginseng, Wannian gentian grass, Wannian chalcedony, Wannian joint grass... I understand that these are all elixir for nourishing meridians, that is to say, the effects of these auxiliary fairy dates and life spirit springs. "Cook has seen more than 30 elixir, all of which nourish the body.

Silver Fox nodded and said, "Yes, they said that the fairy power contained in this fairy date and life spirit spring is used as the main medicine, and the other auxiliary must strengthen the body, otherwise the body cannot withstand such a large medicine."

Cook said, "Well, I'll try it first."

Then Cook returned to the small world, and then to the big world Huaguoshan.

The reason why Cook came to Huaguoshan to refine it was to keep it secret. Once the spirit pill was refined, the movement was too great, and in the small world, the chance of failure was very high, mainly because of the different ways of heaven.

As for why Cook did not listen specifically to the alchemist's opinion, this is because this alchemy has not been verified, and the other alchemists are simply not sure of refining.

The Taiji Bagua furnace was released by Cook, but now Cook has no way to control it with his spiritual thoughts, inlay spiritual stones, and then turn on the pill furnace to refine alchemy.

This time Cook can clearly perceive the dense talisman and formations in the pill furnace. The function of these formations and talisman is very simple. By stimulating various formations to balance the five elements yin and yang in the pill furnace, these formations can release Different forces to balance these five elements.

"This is just a low-level method." The five-element force exerted by this external force, of course, can make the pill success, but the quality of the pill will decline.

Because the power of the five elements in the elixir grows in it, and the external force applied in the pill furnace, this external force will dilute the quality of the elixir, and the power of the five elements in the elixir is basically the same as the one in the elixir. Different.

"Dizziness." The densely flashing talisman and the formation made Cook look dizzy.

"Divine Sense is not strong enough." Cook hurriedly closed his eyes and condensed his mind. Cook's psychic mind could not keep up with the evolution of the formation in the pill furnace, so he felt this dizzy feeling.

At this time, if you forcibly check it, it will cause permanent damage to the divine mind. Cook also felt the power of the fairy again.

In three days, the pill was considered successful, but this time there was no vision in the sky, and Cook breathed a sigh of relief.

Cook went through the small world again to Bafang Mountain, and then gave the medicine to Yinhu, and Yinhu quickly gave it to six alchemists.

When a cyan and round sixth-grade pill was placed in front of a few alchemists, the alchemists who had a good level of cultivation on the alchemy were also shocked.

"Madam, this is it?" Alchemy Master Wang couldn't believe it. To know the alchemy recipes after several alchemy masters argued, according to the estimation of several people, at least half a year to see if there is a success, a new alchemy recipe, and all It's a panacea for many years. It's no wonder that the elixir of Xianguo Xianquan can succeed all at once. It's only a few days, three days, three days, three days is enough, and three days are not enough to prepare.

"Several people, what are the flaws in this pill?" Silver Fox doesn't care so much, Silver Fox is the most eager for Cook to recruit masters privately.

Silver Fox is a strong female character. Although Bafang Mountains are now in full swing and business is so good, Silver Fox is always worried. Whether it is the Demon Race Alliance, the promise of the human super sect, and the guards, these things are all clouds for Silver Fox.

Although Silver Fox knew that the people of the big world kept their promises, in the eyes of Silver Fox, who had been the patriarch for countless years in the small world, his strength was the most important.

In addition, Yinhu has long seen Bafangshan as his new career. For the strong woman, it is very happy to increase her strength.

"Yes." Several alchemists hurriedly checked carefully.

Pill examination is also an extremely meticulous technique, that is, a firm pill. Each alchemist has its own appraisal technique, and the six alchemists have no hidden personal secrets, and have their own methods.

Also tried, and finally after five days, six people gave an improved prescription.

Then for another three days, the improved pill was revealed again, and the six people were silent. It was clear that behind Bafang Mountain, there was an extremely powerful alchemist, and the mouths of these six alchemists were even tighter.

After four improvements, the six alchemists believed that there was no room for improvement, which means that the alchemy had been determined. After determining the alchemy, the rest was Cook's business.

The six alchemists have been gathered together all the time. Alchemy Wang looked at the starry sky: "Oh, how do I feel dreaming?"

"You are dreaming. I thought you were dreaming. You said, what level the alchemist behind Bafang Mountain has reached, is our ancestor of the Pill Ding Sect, and I dare not say that such a pill was refined in three days. what?"

"Tsk tusk, I also want to know, maybe there is more than one alchemist behind Bafang Mountain?"

"It's hard to say, I'm already numb anyway. Within a month, I personally saw the spirit pill four times, the spirit pill, this is a spirit pill, I thought I would never see a spirit pill in my life."

"Do you think it is possible that the pill will become an elixir this time?"

"The elixir, it's impossible!"

"I also think it's impossible."

"Don't forget, guys, after the three rounds of this pill, the chance of becoming an elixir is much greater."

"Speaking lightly, three turns is so easy. The higher the quality of the pill, the harder it is to turn."

"Oh, let's not talk about it. I feel that I have lived in vain for thousands of years, and people have just brought out the things we have always dreamed of."

"You said that the lady said that we would give us a spiritual pill, would it be a problem?"

"Pull it down, who do you think the lady is, the lady must be counted."

"Don't say anything, everyone is waiting here, not for this, but you said, this life extension pill is really refined, what will happen to Bafang Mountain?"

Hearing this sentence, these alchemists immediately thought that the only shortcoming of Bafang Mountain is that there is no strong person to sit in.

"It seems that when I joined Bafang Mountain this time, I made the most wise decision of my life." Alchemy Wang said excitedly afterwards.

For seven full days, the six alchemists were very anxious, because according to the previous time, three days should be completed.

"Dear alchemists." Cook personally came forward. When the six alchemists were invited to the secret room, Cook personally got up and greeted a few.

"You..." These alchemists didn't know Cook.

Silver Fox said, "Masters, this is Cook."

"Cook, that...oh..." All the alchemists understood at once, and then these few alchemists thought of more. This Cook can actually travel between the big and small worlds freely, who is behind it?

"Inviting several masters this time is to improve the prescriptions of several masters some time ago, and now each of these masters has a spiritual pill." Cook took out each of the jade bottles and gave them one by one. Several alchemists.

"The best spirit jade!" After several alchemists saw the jade bottle in their hands, the joints of the hands holding the jade bottle turned white. The jade bottle alone was worth tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones.

"How many people are you satisfied?" Cook said with a smile. The reason Cook showed up in person was because he wanted to take the next step.

"The elixir!" Master Wang first opened it and saw a white pill spinning slightly in the bottle. When the bottle opened, the pill actually wanted to fly away.

"It's really an elixir!" Several other alchemists also opened the jade bottle. Seeing the pill inside, they were shocked. How many years has no one in the big world refined an elixir?

"Several people, this is the best spirit pill." Cook quickly reminded that it is not that Cook does not want to refine the elixir, but that the cost of the elixir is too high and requires tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones to be consumed. It's a robbery, and Cook is not sure about it. You must know that every turn needs to be added to the Spirit of Life, and the addition after the third turn is already very scary.

Of course, what is given for nothing can satisfy the recipient. As for the best, it depends on the value of the other party.

"Mr. Cook..., this pill is three turns?" Alchemy Wang didn't know how long it took to move his eyes away from the pill, then put the jade bottle next to him, and then asked.

"Yes, turn three." Cook nodded and said.

"Sir, if you have anything to do in the future, don't hesitate to tell me, Wang Dasheng will go through fire and water, and will die."

"Sir, we..."

Several other alchemists have expressed their views~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are the forces capable of refining the best elixir, are there in the big world?

Yes, and quite a few.

But in just seven days, refining six three-revolution superb elixir, does the entire world have it?



This result requires at least a pill sect such as Dandingmen, or all high-level alchemists of the super sect, to concentrate, and it may be possible to refine six three-revolution best spirit pills in seven days. Yes, all the alchemists are concentrated. This is possible.

That's it!

As long as the six alchemists are not fools, they all know that there is a great **** behind Bafang Mountain. As long as such news is leaked, countless people will rush to join Bafang Mountain.

Cook smiled and said: "Then everyone, I really have something to trouble a few masters." For mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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