A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1138: Join

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The six people heard Cook say this, unconsciously sat up straight, and then made a listening gesture. The six did not mean to despise Cook at all. As far as Dandao is concerned, the six are far behind Cook. People.

"I would like to ask you to help find some people to join us in Bafang Mountain. At least those who are strong in the golden core period. As long as you become the elder or guest of Bafang Mountain, then I can provide life extension pills for those who join each year." Cook said quickly and did. Not fast, but speak clearly.

When the six alchemists heard Cook's words, they all looked shocked. The six people knew what the main material of the Yanshou Pill was, and each person who joined it had one per year. What a handwriting.

"Sir, I think the golden core period is a waste of the best spirit core." Alchemy Master Wang hesitated and said.

When Cook heard this, he took a look at Master Wang Dan. He was able to say this, and he was indeed considering Bafang Mountain. Cook explained; "Masters, we Bafang Mountain does not lack resources, nor does it lack spirit stones. And presumably some of you already know that I have reached an agreement with Yaozu and the four major sects, and I can get the rest of the world."

"What!" When several San Xiu alchemists heard this, they were shocked. One world, this is another world. The San Xiu of the four major sects and five worlds wanted to find a smaller Lingshan, but they couldn't. Renting places outside the gates of the parties, although these places have some aura and strong, but the price paid is also very high.

"Yes, and according to the analysis of several masters, this Yanshou Pill has excellent effects for everyone. We Bafangshan urgently need to increase our strength." Cook's voice is not very loud, but his tone is very firm.

"Sir, do you have any requirements for personnel?" Alchemy Master Xie asked. As an alchemist, you know a lot of strong people, and those who are in casual cultivators are basically those who are in contact with them. For those who are strong in casual cultivators, some of them like to live freely and do casual meditation, while others have no choice but to find a backer.

"Yes, don’t have weird characters, don’t have bad tempers, don’t don’t obedient ones." Cook said three nos. In fact, there is nothing Cook can do. Cook and Silver Fox themselves are not strong enough. Finding some guys who don't obey the rules will not only cause internal disunity, it is also not conducive to control, and some of them are even more antagonistic.

"Sir, do you mean that you need some monks with a life-saving value?" Master Wang Dan asked confirmingly.

Cook nodded and said; "Yes, we can only recruit such people. If several masters are selected, you can decide for yourself. I can first offer a life extension pill, and some masters must also know it. Pill and elixir are only one step away. It is not surprising that we will have elixir in Bafang Mountain in the future, not to mention the numerous resources of Bafang Mountain. It is not impossible to go further."

"Sir, you don't need to give it first. Since we are in Bafang Mountain, we will consider it for Bafang Mountain." Liu Danshi said. Before entering the Bafang Mountain, these alchemists just had the idea of ​​working for Bafang Mountain. But seeing the hidden strength of Bafang Mountain, especially the hidden strengths of some alchemists, several alchemists have no intention of leaving for a long time. All the best spirit pills can be refined. If such forces do not take refuge, that is the brain. something wrong.

"How many masters are willing to be the elders of our Bafang Shandan Tribe?" Cook was not surprised when he heard this, but Cook still asked with surprise on his face.

"We are willing." Several alchemists did not hesitate at all, joking, the best spirit pills were still placed next to them.

As for becoming an elder, this is to join Bafang Mountain completely, and there is some freedom to talk about Keqing. Then the elders are completely gone. They are people of a certain sect or power. Unless the sect or power collapses, it is difficult for such people to get free. Moreover, once the power collapses and does not contribute a little, then they will Repelled by the major forces.

Loyalty to the four major sects in the big world is very popular. This is also the way that all the big sects have to do this, because once loyalty is not valued, I am afraid that all sects can dig up the wall to fight against the big sects. Picking peaches by others.

Infidelity will be spurned by the various martial sects. If anyone escapes in the sect war, then don't even think about establishing a foothold in the spiritual world.

"Good." Cook stood up and said a good word.

"Silver Fox, the establishment of the Dan Department is immediately on the agenda." Cook said to Silver Fox.

"Yes." Yinhu was also very happy to hear this. These six alchemists are all strong in the golden alchemy stage. For Bafang Mountain, they are already considered good. The key is the accomplishments of several alchemists. Still very high.

The six looked at each other, and Master Wang Dan said, "Thank you Shanzhu."

"Hehe." Cook smiled and felt very happy when he heard this name.

Afterwards, the six alchemists discussed the recruitment details with Cook Yinhu, and then the six alchemists left Bafang Mountain. Of course, the whereabouts of the six alchemists were noticed, but Bafang Mountain has issued an announcement. The teacher is the elder of Bafang Mountain. If anyone does not open their eyes and wants to move a few alchemists, unless it is not known to others, the blacklist of Bafang Mountain has already offered a reward but it is very shocking. I did not see the inheritance of the insects. For thousands of years, the lair that was offered a reward by a new force in Bafang Mountain was turned upside down, maybe the inheritance was cut off.

There was an uproar inside Dandingmen. Master Wang Dandingmen was still very famous inside Dandingmen. At the beginning, Dandingmen agreed to Master Wang as the guest of Bafang Mountain, so he had already agreed to the choice of Dandingmen. Now people go and they won’t come back. Up.

"Naughty animal." Wang Danshi's master, the peak master of Dandingmen Qingdingfeng, upon hearing this news, cursed.

"Master, do the three senior brothers have any unavoidable difficulties?" Master Wang Dan's master is one of the alchemy masters of the Danding Sect. He is already at the level of grand masters, and is very famous in the entire practice world. One step away.

The grand master in the alchemy path, the grand master, is actually a relatively vague concept. Commenting on the alchemy level of an alchemist is not only the grade that can refine the pill, but the most important thing is the success rate. If you talk about the refined pill The level is extremely high, but the success rate is very low, and it will not be welcomed.

Get together the elixir needed for a high-quality pill. There are five pill originally, but if you have two pill, who will look for you?

"Don't tell me, when the evil animal comes back, if I don't tell a truth, I will kill the evil animal." The master of Master Wang Dan is so angry that you will be the guest clerk and become the elder of Bafang Mountain. It’s a fact that Bafang Mountain is rich in wealth, but for this reason, betraying the master is to be killed. Betraying the master is a very serious crime in the entire spiritual world. Yes, it is a crime. Any righteous person sees it. Anyone who betrays the sect can reach out and slap twice, and kill others and applaud.

Master Wang Dan hurried all the way and returned to Dandingmen within ten days. Although there was a lot of discussion inside Dandingmen, he did not make any decision.

"Brother Wang, the head and all peak masters are waiting for you in the main hall." The Dandingmen monk who was in charge of guarding the gate saw Alchemy Wang and immediately conveyed the order.

Master Wang Dan arched his hands and said, "Please report to this senior. I have something to tell Master privately."

"No need, Senior Brother Wang, the Master Qingding Peak has long since preached and will not contact you privately." The monk who guards the gate said, and the surrounding monks are even more eye-catching. If one is not good, they will use force against Master Wang.

"Thank you, Junior Brother." Alchemy Wang shook his head. For Alchemy Wang, joining Bafang Mountain knew that there were such troubles. Alchemy Wang patted his close-fitting pocket and felt relieved.

"Naughty animal, don't come in and kneel down." Just walking outside the hall, there was a roar from inside.

"Master." Master Wang Dan hurriedly went in and knelt in. He was a teacher for a day and a teacher for life. Even if Master Wang Dan joins Bafang Mountain, the master is still the master. Of course, others don't need to care so much, but the master is still the master.

"Nephew, why do you want to join Bafang Mountain?" The head did not have a good face. Although Dandingmen is not a super school, its influence is no worse than any super school, and Dandingmen is also the safest. One of the sects, who wants to trouble the Danding Sect, must first let the other sects who place orders for pill medicine at the Danding Sect not to interfere, otherwise, they would wait to be beaten.

"Master Qi, Master Master, it is because of this." Master Wang Dan took out the jade bottle made of the best spirit jade.

As soon as the best spirit jade bottle was taken out, the surrounding elders had closed their eyes and opened it all at once. Of course, it was just a glance. For the elders of Dandingmen, the peak owner, Not surprising.

"The best spirit pill!" As soon as Alchemist Wang's master stretched out his hand, the jade bottle fell in his hand. After opening it, he stood up in shock.

"What!" The head of the Danding Sect flashed, before Wang Danshi's master, looking at the pill in the best jade bottle, he was shocked.

Many elders were also shocked. The master of Master Wang Dan looked at Master Wang and said, "Say."

Alchemy Wang didn’t reserve anything, so he told the story again. Finally, Alchemy Wang said: “The mountain master knows that I am going back to the school, and he especially took out three top-grade spirit pills and sent a letter.”

"Huh." Alchemy Wang's master grabbed the jade bottle and letter of the best spirit pill.

The rest of the elders are jealous, envy and hate, the best spirit pill, it is not that there is no one who can refine the best spirit pill, but there is only one for many years, and there is not one in a thousand years, no matter which alchemist refines it. With the best spirit pills, they are all going to shout the world, and being able to refine the best spirit pills, not to mention anything else, is no problem in establishing a martial art.

"Brother head." The master of Master Wang Dan was deeply regretful. Originally, the spirit pill that Master Wang took out should be his own ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I had nothing to do and wanted to come to the hall to show his selflessness.

"Nephew, after you go back to Bafang Mountain, you can work for Bafang Mountain with peace of mind. Anything after our Danding Sect has nothing to do with you." After the headmaster finished reading it, he spoke with Alchemy Wang.

"Thank you, head." Alchemy Wang knew that this would be the result, but Alchemy Wang was even more grateful to Cook, because all this was given to himself when Cook left.

"You go back first." The master of Alchemy Wang glanced at Alchemy Wang, and then said. As the head said, in the future, Alchemy Wang and the Danding Sect will only have a relationship with Qingding, and have nothing to do with Danding Sect.

"Yes." Alchemy Master Wang also knew this and bowed his head and went out.

"Brother Sect Master, this Longevity Pill...." As soon as Alchemy Wang left, the other elders and peak masters all had green eyes. The longevity pill is the best spirit pill. There is no problem with life extension for one hundred and eighty years. This is for any cultivator. All of them are very important.

ps: Starting from today, we will resume two shifts a day. I have time to add changes. I was embarrassed a few days ago and some things were delayed. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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