A Unique Hunter

Chapter 248: Undercurrent

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It took five days for Cook to return, because the Natal Mountains ushered in the first large-scale snowfall. After Cook returned to Blackstone Town, he did not stay much, but immediately returned to the Magic City, and Through the newly established teleportation array of the wizards’ guild, the speed of the wizards’ guild is extremely fast. The Blackstone Town branch was established within half a month. The first to be established is the teleportation array. After all, with this thing, the speed of transporting supplies It will be faster. Some of the branch buildings of the Wizards’ Guild Branch are still unfinished.

Cook bought a lot of supplies, and he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money on the black market to buy a lot of leather armor, spears, shields, weapons, and a lot of cotton, linen, and living supplies. Cook was so careful to keep people away. It's only awareness, but the equipment of nearly a thousand people and the daily consumption of more than two thousand people can't attract the slightest attention in the magic city.

After Cook returned to the territory, he moved his place of residence to Dragon Valley, which is a valley 30 kilometers away from Heishi Town. Because Yalong is constantly coming here to wait for Cook to trade, it is called Dragon Valley. Of course What also made Cook assured is that most of the guards here are trolls and ogres. This time Baglu has recruited hundreds of ogres and trolls very smoothly. They are all placed here and appear from time to time. Yalong makes it extremely safe here.

Cook put the single-player teleportation array made by Lina in the basement of the place where he lived, and made the mechanism, while the remaining teleportation array was put into the space ring by Cook, of course it was taken out The space magic crystal.

"Master, master, this is the amount of livestock and food the big guys eat." Cook explained before he left that as long as the Yalong who comes to trade, they can let them eat first, but the quantity should be kept in mind.

"Well, Ronnie, you did a good job!" Ronnie did this thing. There is no way. Ogres and trolls don't know words at all, let alone write them.

"Master, this is what I should do, and the amount of sheepskins and cowhides that Manager Sebastian received from here." Ronny took out another account book.

"Very well, Loni, now I have decided to let you take care of Dragon Valley, specifically responsible for the storage of livestock, food, animal skins, and forage. Of course, I will assign two teams of guards to you." Cook was surprised. Endlessly, this is the way to employ people, one after another, so that no one can corrupt anything.

"Thank you, master, thank you," Ronnie roared loudly.

"Haha, go out, remember, call me master from now on, I don't like to hear the word master." Cook said with a smile, no way, the word master was forced by Bagrul to call out Loni.

"Master, I understand!" Lonnie went out without a word.

After Cook finished dealing with Dragon Valley, he mainly traded with Yalong. There was no way, these Yalong would not trade with other people. Cook also heard that some merchants intercepted these Yalong on the way and wanted to trade with Yalong. , But the sad thing is that he doesn’t understand Yalong’s language, so he was misunderstood as a robbery by Yalong. Hundreds of guards were rushed by Yalong directly, and Cook made Phyllis Deman stubbornly. I took myself to the Bunnyman tribe, no way, two thousand Bunnymen are in need of a lot of supplies.

"How? Did you find anything?" In a bar in Blackstone Town, a man dressed as a businessman and a dancer hugged each other ambiguously, but what the two said were not sweet words.

"Nothing found, I haven't seen the lord come out for ten days." The dancing girl replied in a low voice.

The man dressed as a businessman frowned, looked at the tall lord's mansion in the distance, and said in a deep voice, "So is there any useful news?"

"Yes! It is said that the lord here is a member of the Roland Empire, and he is also a member of the Hesek family, but I don't know how to break away from the Hesek family and get this territory." The dancer reported in a low voice.

"The Hesek family! That is related, the source of these information is reliable or unreliable?" the man dressed as a businessman asked again.

"A guard from the Lord's Mansion told me that the news is absolutely reliable." The dancer explained.

The man dressed as a businessman groaned and said, "You continue to collect information. We will wait for news from the noble council before making a decision."

"Yes!" The dancer replied in a low voice, and then the businessman left with a smile and gave the dancer some tips. In such a bar, there are many scenes like this.

Inside the blackstone town guard regiment's resident, the three people also discussed in a low voice, but these three are dressed as guards, one is dressed as a captain, and the other two are ordinary guards. The captain picked up the wine glass and looked around in a low voice. Said: "The saint is missing here, not only the saint, but also the Templars, have you found anything?"

"No, Captain, I didn't find anything in the area I patrolled." Another guard lowered his head and picked up a piece of food, and replied in a low voice.

"Captain, I have discovered that on the night when the saint arrived, Blackstone Town was razed to the ground. At that time, many local residents were awakened, but a large number of dwarves and guards poured in, so those residents did not know what happened. What happened?" Another guard reported.

"Check carefully and don't let the clues go. Since the saint's soul lamp is still burning, then the saint must be alive." The captain showed a look of disappointment when he heard the words of the two.

"Captain, there is actually a good way to do it, that is, those short guys, but this requires a lot of money. After all, liquor is only a rationed supply. If you want to buy it...!" The guard who hadn't found it just said in a low voice.

"Okay, I will apply for funding!" The captain's eyes lit up, and then the three of them ate and drank loudly. After that, the most drunk of them left the place where they drank, and each returned to their residence. These three belonged to the Temple of the Goddess of Dark Night. Elite intelligence personnel.

When Cook came to the Bunnyman tribe standing on the back of Phyllis Deman, those Bunnyman admired his king, and Cook enjoyed this feeling very much.

"Phyllis Deman, you go back!" Cook said with a wave of his hand, because in this kind of weather, flying a dragon at high altitude is really bad, and Cook is not worried about the safety of this bunny tribe. Will not ride Phyllis Deman.

"Huh!" Phyllis Deman snorted and flew away decisively. In the eyes of Phyllis Deman, there is neither wine nor fragrant barbecue in this wilderness. There is a comfortable town in Heishi. .

Cook pretended to take a look and found that Nichesas and others were looking at him blankly. Cook asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"Lord Lord, Lord Lord, what did you just say?" Nichithus asked excitedly.

"I, I asked you what's wrong?" Cook was inexplicably tricked by Nichithus.

"No, no, the little one asked what was the name of the frost dragon just now?" Nichithus asked, shaking his head.

"Phyllis Deman!" Cook looked around to see where the space ring was vacated.

"That infamous robber of Phyllis Deman? It's actually him, Wang, you are so powerful, you deserve to be the king of our bunny people!" Nichesas shivered with excitement, crawling in the snow. Said loudly.

"Phyllis Deman, robber?" Cook woke up. Cook heard that his orcs said in private that Phyllis Deman often robbed the orc empire. Cook didn't think it was true. Everyone knows about such a remote place.

"Okay, okay, I'll bring some things this time, and move into the house as soon as possible!" Cook looked around and thought that the place in front of him was good, because it was also the place where Phyllis Deman landed. Relatively empty.

Then Cook's mental energy moved, bags of flour, a brand-new spear, a brand-new iron shield on one side, a crossbow, and bundles of arrows, and rolls of cotton and linen. , There are a lot of salt, a lot of meat, and supplies are piled up by Cook in different categories.

"Ado! Everyone who enters the guards has a set of leather armor, a one-handed sword, a spear, a crossbow, and fifty arrows. Nichesas decides how to distribute the food, and the cloth is also divided. According to two sets of clothes per person." After Cook took out the things, half of his mental power was consumed, and the use of the space ring was a disadvantage.

"Wise and great king!" The bunny people in the room heard the movement and saw such a large pile of supplies, they all crowed in unison.

"Okay, okay, whoever you call me king in the future, I will drive him out of the tribe. You can call me the lord or the master, you know!" Cook shouted loudly.

"Yes, sir!" Bunnymen replied in unison.

"There is also the weapons and equipment distributed now. It does not mean that you are the ones. I will train you for three months. In the end, only 500 of the 800 will stay and become real guards. Those who fail the training will receive their weapons. Of course, if you become a real escort, you will get a salary of one gold coin every month. If you don’t become a escort, you won’t. Also, during the training, all the food is included." Cook Seeing the expressions of these bunny men, he spoke out his decision aloud. Cook took a look at the dozens of werewolves who were imprisoned. These werewolves were chained by Cook with fine iron chains. In the future, it will be the standard for improving the combat effectiveness of the Bunnyman guards.

"A gold coin a month?"

"is this real?"

"Gold coins! How can we earn gold coins?"

"Master, what you always said is true, you can get gold coins when you enter the guard?" Addo asked incredulously.

"This is only the salary of the first-level guard. The first-level guard is the ordinary guard, the second-level guard is ten gold coins, which is the team leader, the third-level guard is the squadron leader, and the squadron has one hundred gold coins, and the large captain is the fourth-level guard. There are five hundred gold coins a month, the fifth-level guard is the deputy commander, one thousand gold coins a month~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the sixth-level guard is the commander, and the seventh-level guard is the deputy commander. Five thousand gold coins a month, the eighth-level guard is the commander of the legion, and 10,000 gold coins a month, I Cook my words!" Cook announced loudly.

"The second-level guards govern ten first-level guards, the third-level guards govern 100 first-level guards, the fourth-level guards govern 1,000 first-level guards, the fifth-level guards and the sixth-level guards both govern 10,000 first-level guards. Level 8 governs 100,000 first-level guards. The selection method is also very simple. It is strength. As long as you have the strength, you can challenge your boss. The first-level guards can challenge the second-level guards, and the second-level guards can challenge the third-level guards. Guards, you can’t leapfrog the challenge. A huge challenge in half a year determines the level of the guard. The first challenge will be three months later and five second-level guards will be selected.” Cook then roughly said the guards For the organization and general rules, Cook does not intend to use complicated terms such as platoon leader and company commander. It is simpler to direct first level and second level.

"I want to be a second-level guard!"

"me too!"

"Hmph, me too!" The bunny people quickly stared at each other, and the small groups immediately appeared.

"Damn, there will be a small group so soon?" Cook was speechless.

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