A Unique Hunter

Chapter 249: Guards established

"Now everyone collects things first, let's start!" Cook gave an order, and the Bunnyman tribe began to collect living supplies on a family basis.

It took an hour. All the Bunnymen received enough supplies for living. The nearly 800 Bunnymen who received weapons have complex expressions, exquisite one-handed swords, exquisite shields, and strong and flexible ones. Long spears, and powerful crossbows, these are things that Bunnymen never dared to imagine before. Even the long spears with iron spear heads used by the former lords werewolves, the bows and arrows are only crude wooden bows, but they are used. It is a sharpened wood arrow, where is a fine iron arrow.

Not to mention the iron armor inlaid on important parts of the leather armor. It is simply wishful thinking, not to mention the military crossbow. It is an item controlled by humans. As for the sweet flour, it is only eaten by some royals among the orcs. Arrived, and the salary of a gold coin in one month has never been heard. The gold coin can only be used in some prosperous areas of the orc empire. Most orcs use the most primitive bartering method. The most common are copper coins, and silver coins are rare.

From this point of view, the 800 Bunnies are happy, but what worries the 800 guards is that if they fail to train after three months, then I am afraid they will no longer have these weapons, and a huge salary of one gold coin a month. So, these bunny guys have their eyes widened. Obviously, they have worked hard to train. They must win no more than 500. Maybe they can also mix with a second-level guard. That's ten gold coins. .

"Okay, this will be the garrison's resident from now on, Nichisas, please find fifty people who can cook to the **** to cook. I will give one gold coin every month." Cook put eight hundred The guards brought them into the cave, which is a natural hall. It is enough to plug in a torch and then tie up a tent.

Cook took out a large pile of supplies, but boots and gloves accounted for a large part, because Cook knew that the next training will consume the most boots and gloves.

"Now I appoint Ado as the fourth-level guard for a period of three months. In addition, you, you, you, and you, seven of you are the third-level guards. They are 1 Squadron, 2 Squadron, 3 Squadron, 4 Squadron, etc. , And your ten teams are the first team of the first squadron, the second team, the third team, and so on. Next, you will each select ten second-level guards, that is, the team leader." Cook directly named the team. The squadron leader, but the squadron leader let the squadron leader choose himself.

"Okay, the selection is done, then you stand in accordance with one squadron, one squad, and then set up tents one by one," Cook ordered again.

After half an hour, the seventy tents were set up. There are eleven squadron company captains, one squadron company squadron captains 111 people, and seven squadrons 777 people, plus Captain Addo, the total is 778 people. The remaining cooks are temporarily organized as a team, responsible for monitoring the direction of Black Wolf City, which means that these lucky guys were directly promoted to the first-level guards, because the remaining dozen people are no one. Yes, the guy who didn't participate in the small group, of course Cook didn't say it.

"In the future, training will be ranked according to the ranking, and when eating, it will also be eaten according to the ranking. That is to say, if the last place in the future is eaten by the previous one, then I am sorry, you will have no food, and this ranking is based on the team. Yes, it’s like training for running. Your team of eleven people, even if ten people arrive first, but one of them does not arrive, the ranking is arranged according to the last one to arrive, not the first one to arrive, and each The ranking of each squadron will be summed up for seven days. The squadron with the last one will wash clothes and clean the latrines until the next seven days are ranked.” Looking at the overwhelming Bunnyman, Cook listed the rules without hesitation .

"Do you understand what I said?" Cook asked loudly.

"Understood!" the jagged voice replied.

"Be louder, don't you even have your voice?" Cook shouted loudly.

"Understood!" All the Bunnymen roared loudly this time.

"Okay, everyone eat a full meal today, take a good rest, and start formal training tomorrow." Cook saw that these bunny people understood what he said, so he commanded loudly.

Cook also returned to his own tent. Cook felt that managing these bunny people was a headache and he had to worry about everything himself. Cook became more determined to find Connie. Cook muttered to himself while installing the teleportation array: "It seems that the buddies are just charging goods. It is really not so easy to manage the army."

Cook placed the teleportation array on a cliff inside the cave. This cave was also excavated by Cook. It was tens of meters high from the ground. Even Cook had no way to go up and down without the help of Thorns. Not far from this cliff is the camp guarded by the Bunnyman.

Cook returned to Blackstone Town, and only listened to Sebastian’s report, as well as reports from Lonnie, Caluri, and intelligence chief Nicos. Cook arranged the next phase of the task, and again with the former The Yalong who came to trade for a while, and Cook felt a lot easier at this time. Through cooperation with Cook, the Thieves Union exported a large number of weapons and purchased a large amount of grain and livestock. Cook also used grain and livestock. Trading with Yalong has formed a virtuous circle, but winter is almost here, so magical plants show a lot of ice, and Yalong has started to grab monsters to trade with Cook. In contrast, a living At least hundreds of livestock can be exchanged for the monsters, which is good news for the Yalong group that lacks food sources in winter.

Cook is even more expensive for high-level living beasts. Perhaps for humans, high-level living beasts may not be able to do it at all, but for the sub-dragon group, this is just more troublesome, Cook By the way, the thieves’ union was entrusted to check some of Connie’s information. Of course, it was Connie’s previous identity.

"Manly, are you satisfied with your life now?" Cook hugged with Manly. Manly's cheeks still had the crimson after orgasm, and the whole person was nestled in Cook's arms. Inside, while Cook put his arm around Manli's smooth and elastic, and asked softly.

"Satisfaction!" Manli closed her eyes. The few exercises just now made Manli experience the wonderful life of her life, and of course her physical exertion was also great.

"Hehe, that's good, that's good!" Cook smiled, and Cook thought of Mickey again.

Cook then said: "Then the matter of the territory is all up to you. If you have anything to go to see Sharp Claw or Phyllis Deman, I usually come back once every three days, the construction of the Golden Pass, and the dragon The expansion of the valley and the expansion of the North Fort of Tierceau Castle require you to mediate. I have something to do during these three months. If you have any urgent matters, you will notify me through your ID card."

Cook has established several channels for the ID card. This is also a ready-made function of SkyEye. Among them, Manli is in the same channel with herself, and so is Mickey. As for the other Cooks, they have set up names. Once someone has something to find herself , Cook will know, but whether Cook listens or not is another matter, a bit like a mobile phone.

"No problem!" Manly also hugged Cook. As she learned more about Cook, Manly couldn't understand Cook, but Cook's sense of security for Manli increased day by day, not to mention the thieves’ union. The establishment of a branch in a territory means that the large magic teleportation array established by the wizards' union is not treated in the general empire, at most it is a small magic teleportation array.

"In addition, as winter approaches, the goods traded by Yalong will definitely decline, but this is at least two months away. During this period, you have to do a good job of safety and recruit some guards. No matter what race you are, you can be loyal. , The salary is the same. I plan to launch a tourism project to the entire continent in two months. It is to take photos with Yalong and get close to Yalong. Of course, how much does it cost for a group photo, how much does it cost for a stroke, and ride It’s okay to ride. Some Yalong doesn’t mind being ridden. Of course, the ride is calculated by the minute. In addition, a batch of Yalong eggs can be auctioned at that time." Cook told Manli of his plan. After all, Manly needs to know the development direction of the territory to make a good next decision.

"Cook, how did you come up with it? This is really a good idea to make money!" Manli stood up in surprise and looked at Cook in surprise.

"Hey, I'm Cook is a genius." Cook looked at Manli's turbulent figure, smiled and held Manli in his arms, looked at Manli's charming face, brags shamelessly, and then no When Manli had any answer, she pressed Manli under her body again.

"Cook, I suspect that you are a humanoid monster at all, ah..." Manly tried to push Cook away, but failed. Manly had to cooperate, but still complained.

"Hehe!" Cook laughed and continued to exercise.

Early the next morning, Cook appeared refreshed in the Bunnyman Territory, but the price was three fifth-level magic cores, otherwise Cook would have to wait three more days, and Cook brought a big one this time. The mouth is a little bad, and Ka Ka stayed with Manli. Although Manli was a star knight, but the saying goes that guns are easy to hide and arrows are difficult to defend, so Cook gave Ka Ka an extra layer of insurance.

"Protest, protest, I protest, I don't want to come to this **** place." Xiao Hao protested loudly as soon as he was picked up by Cook.

"Boom!" Cook directly gave the little thing a brain collapse. This little thing eats and drinks every day, and it has been strenuous to walk.

"Quack quack!" Big mouth quacked with a strange smile.

"Little arrow, this is a small bad thing, this is a big mouth!" Cook then took out a chubby guy. This is the very rare bone-based creature of the semi-element type. This little thing looks like a fat body~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ In fact, it can be changed, just like bone shrinking. This little thing has spine, but after being sealed by Cook, it was put into an iron box motionlessly, and then closed half as if it were closed. Yue, this is not just getting soft, in fact, Cook is too busy, almost forgot, this little thing only looks like a second-level, but the control of bones can be said to be proficient, can manipulate several tons of bones, because Small things manipulate bones just like fire magicians manipulate fire elements.

"Hmph, Xiaojian! I will call me the boss when you see you in the future, you know, brother, I followed this guy very early..." Xiaobai looked at a guy who was younger than himself, so he was chubby. The big belly comes up.

Big Mouth rolled his eyes on one side, and the next moment Xiao Wu made a ‘bang’, and was kicked out by Xiao Jian with his short calf.

"Haha, haha, deserve it, how can the small arrow be a third-level monster, didn't you ask for it." Cook picked up the small bad, and found that there was no abnormality, his small eyes were still spinning, and Cook was out of anger. Scolded.

"Master, the assembly is complete." At this time, Addo came in and reported to Cook.

"You three get along well!" Cook left a word and left without seeing the three little things staring at each other.

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