A Unique Hunter

Chapter 250: Connie's news

"Okay, next I announce the first training category, running!" Cook said something that surprised all bunny people, but running is the best way to exercise physical fitness and the most basic way to train a team.

"Okay, do as I ask. Everyone tie me a red cloth strip on this side, which is your right leg, Addo!" Cook took out hundreds of red cloth strips. .

"Old, sir, can I take this back to my sister, she wanted to have such a ribbon to tie her hair a long time ago." Addo stammered quietly.

Cook petrified in an instant, and he said after a while, "What is this? I will bring some of the best hair tie after I go back in a few days."

"Thank you, sir!" Addo said gratefully.

"Okay, follow my orders!" Cook ordered. Cook also knew that the orc empire was lacking in supplies, and how did he know that the lack of supplies was such a level.

"When I lead the team, I will call left, right, left,..." Cook explained in detail.

The last seven squadrons, with full equipment and three days of rations, began to jog on the plain, while the other Bunnymen in new clothes watched from a distance. Every day in the valley, there were roars from left to right and left. Of course, it was Cook on the first day, and on the second day it was a bunny man with a loud voice. Cook looked at the servant with a loud voice, so he was promoted directly to the messenger, and he entered the ranks of guards ahead of time.

For three days, for three whole days, these rabbits can roughly understand the left and right. It’s not like at the beginning that some guys had left their left foot, and then they changed when they thought that something was wrong, but their inertia tripped themselves and made Cooke. Funny and depressed, Cook went back to Blackstone Town again in three days, and had a passionate night with Manli. After listening to the report, he returned to the Bunnyman territory without leaving the door.

Cook opened up the supply of food and meat. Although he said that the last one did not eat, it was a lie, but the last one was left with the worst food, but even the worst was made of corn. This is what Cook deliberately ordered to give the last place, so the competition between the Bunnyman squadrons is very fierce.

A few days later, Cook discovered that the bodies of these bunny people were several times stronger than humans, so Cook decided to increase the amount of training, that is, cross-country training. Of course, this good thing like leggings, Cook will not give up plagiarism, so that Cook did not. What came to mind was that these Bunnymen also performed extremely well in the mountain training. Cook couldn't help muttering: "As expected of Bunnymen, this is fast. It seems that special training methods are needed. If there are 800 special forces, hehe! "

Cook was very comfortable, but the ill-intentioned guys in Blackstone Town were tragedy, because they couldn't see Cook's shadow at all, and if they wanted to leave, the teleportation array of the Wizards Guild would have eyeliners everywhere.

In an inn, a few men were frowning, and one of them said angrily: "There has been news from the Noble Union Council. The lord here is indeed a member of the Roland Empire, and he also participated in the Munich War. What's ridiculous is that the Roland Empire actually set this kid's authority to the next highest level. This is basically the biggest flaw. Otherwise, how could a teenage kid have such great authority."

"Yeah, Carney has done meritorious service this time, but why didn't this **** lord come out?" Another heavy crossbow was wiping the dark military crossbow in his hand. The range of this heavy crossbow reached 1,500 meters. The inn is only more than 800 meters away from the lord’s mansion, and the door of the lord’s mansion can be seen transparently on the roof of the hotel, which is why this group of people choose here.

"Damn it, it's not far from the deadline set by the empire, or we have a raid, how can we bring out this **** target person." Another person cursed secretly.

"Huh, why did you make a surprise attack? Didn't you see the three most elite legions of the dwarves, is the rock lizard legion here?" The other person said with a cold snort.

"The dwarves are easy to handle, and there are still seven days for the annual dwarves' ritual activities. It is estimated that only a small number of dwarves will be left. We will choose to carry out a raid on that day. You will send this news to the following action team and step up the collection. Information." The leader instructed in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Five people walked out of the hotel separately, and some of them had a drink in the bar below. They seemed to be very elite intelligence personnel.

In the guard camp, more than one hundred people gathered in the tent, and there were people on guard outside. Inside the tent were people sitting densely. At the top sat a gloomy man. The man’s guard costume showed that he was a squadron leader. , The squadron leader said with a sullen face: "We have found out through a dwarf, that the night when His Royal Highness arrived, she was indeed attacked. His Royal Highness was captured alive. As for the detention location, it is likely to be in the Lord’s Mansion. All the Templar knights and followers who were accompanying were killed."

"Yes, the commander is correct. That night, the lord here combined with the dwarves to attack the local forces entrenched here. Unfortunately, His Royal Highness and her party attended the banquet at the home of the leader of the largest power. His Royal Highness declared his identity. In the future, he will still be beheaded by the dwarves and the guards of the lord’s mansion. Seven days later, the dwarves will have a grand annual sacrifice, so we must be prepared.” Another deputy commander also said.

"The task will be arranged below. After understanding the task, I hope that everyone will contact the outside staff to learn as much as possible about the information you need for the task. Our first goal is to find the Holy Woman. In fact, it is to eliminate this blasphemous lord. Next, we will assign the task. The first team is in charge of the southern city gate and must be held for two hours. The second team and the third team are responsible for destroying the city and attracting the attention of other guards. The 74th team is responsible for raiding the Lord’s Mansion, the fifth and the tenth team. One, twelve are responsible for the rescuers around the lord’s mansion, the Shaolin.” The commander of the Holy Warriors of the Temple brought a total of five hundred people this time. This is just to enter the guards, and there are also those responsible for receiving them outside. , The tasks were assigned to more than forty teams one by one, and raids, rescues, sabotage, etc. were all arranged one by one.

"My lord glory!" In the end, more than a hundred people roared in unison, and then they scattered.

Kaluri is also very busy. There are too many races here, the territory is expanding too fast, the influx of people is too large, the conflict is constant, there are things that cannot be handled every day, and the guards are also expanding too fast. Many subordinates have been disrupted, and Nichols' intelligence agency has just been established and is still in its infancy.

As for Manli's need to mediate in the middle, and the transaction with the thieves' union also requires Manli to be the master, the transaction of the wizard's union, the distribution of the liquor sent by Luo Cuo, etc. are also busy.

Sebastian looked at the intelligence in his hand, and laughed hehe: "You fleas, just jump, jump, then you will know that in front of absolute force, all conspiracies and tricks are white towers."

Sebastian is the head of the territory. Although he does not know everything Cooke has thoroughly, Sebastian also knows a lot, such as the Philistine who grills meat in the Lord’s mansion all day long. The Frost Titan tribe of the Golden Pass, ogres, trolls, and thousands of orcs, these are all things Sebastian knows.

"I'm really looking forward to it!" Sebastian looked at Phyllis Deman's silver-white body in the back garden of the Lord's Mansion. This servant occupies the entire back garden of the Lord's Mansion, but the back garden has been transformed into a large kitchen. Now, several ogres are acting as attendants.

But if anyone sees Sebastian now, they will be shocked, because Sebastian doesn’t know when a red tail is revealed behind him, and he keeps wagging and shaking, Sebastian was caught for a while. I woke up with a knock on the door, only to realize my change, and he whispered inwardly: "The blood of the **** devil has appeared again." Sebastian quickly drank a large glass of ice water, his tail slowly Retracted back.

Half a month has passed, and Cook’s physical training for the Bunnymen has reached the expected goal. The next stage is to practice fighting skills, but Cook has something to do right away, that is, the dwarf decides to make an annual sacrifice. The start ceremony of the distillery was held that day. Cook, the technician, had to get the field. Of course, he had to brew the first barrel of white wine before he could leave. Otherwise, the dwarves would just smash Cook’s territory into ruins, and Connie. There is also news.

"Ado! Next you will do archery training. Don't be afraid of wasting arrows. I have stored 30,000 fine iron arrows for you here. What else can you contact me through the magic communication card as soon as possible." Cook did not disappoint. A memory of the edge of death caused Ado to train desperately, making Ado the number one in the training. Cook gave him an identity card. In Cook’s view, in the future If your Bunnyman army expands, you can equip your identity card with each squadron captain. One squadron has a hundred captains, ten squadron captains 1,000, one hundred squadron captains 10,000, and 1,000. One is one hundred thousand people, the big deal is that Cook will go out and take out ten thousand identity cards. One million troops, this has exceeded Cook’s expectations, and the inventory of this identity card is as much as 160,000. .

"Yes, Lord Lord!" All the current guards are called Lord Lord Cook, because this shows the superior and inferior. Not far away, Ado looked at the colorful new clothes on his sister and the red ribbon on his head. , These are all rewards from the lord, and the sheepskin boots on the feet of his old father, which are things that his father has not worn in his entire life, and the chain boots on his feet are even more unimaginable for Ado before. Ado always remembered that Lord Lord saved himself when he was about to be killed by a werewolf. Ado vowed that he would kill those **** werewolves in the future.

"Okay, go ahead, be on guard, and immediately notify me of any movement." Cook couldn't help but sigh that the time is too short. If there is another month, he will take out dozens of werewolves to let these bunny people. Training, I am afraid that the combat effectiveness will be doubled, but now it is just a rough training. Fighting has not been taught at all.

"From today, the rest time of the guards will be cancelled. Everyone will follow the instructions in the camp. Because the lord is coming back, please cheer up. If anyone loses the chain to Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will be the first to clean him up. The following tasks will be arranged. ......" When Kaluri got Cook to come back to participate in the annual dwarf ritual, and there will be the thieves’ guild, the high level of the wizard’s guild, and the dwarven elders. It is said that several elders will also come. , The dwarf king will also come in person, and the brewery will also start on that day, so Kaluri had to arrange escorts, of course these must be kept secret.

However, the news made the following squadron leaders very excited, quietly waiting for the assignment of the task. After the assignment was completed, Kaluri announced loudly: "After tonight, no personnel will be allowed to return tomorrow. At home, you have to stay in the camp for me, unless you have a task, you will be dispatched immediately when you receive the task, you can understand it!"


"Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ go back and talk to your family." Kaluri waved his hand, and everyone on the school grounds dispersed. Kaluri rubbed his head. There was no way. The **** is only responsible for the periphery, and someone inside is responsible, otherwise Kaluri will be even more busy.

"What, Connie is under house arrest?" Cook looked at the information about Connie in his hand.

"Yes, the five princes of the Ceylon Empire are going to have their wedding with Connie on the occasion of the New Year, and the engagement ceremony is just a week later." Lara looked at Cook's gaffe, slightly dissatisfied, but explained carefully. Tao.

"So Connie's family is in the Ceylon Empire?" Cook asked, frowning.

"Prince of Red Maple Leaf is Connie's grandfather!" Lala continued to answer.

"Prince of Red Maple Leaf? Is that the only hereditary prince of the Ceylon Empire?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"Yes!" Lala nodded and agreed, while Cook muttered to himself: "Is it a little troublesome now?"

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